Bug#1070129: ITP: python3-web-cache -- Simple Python key-value storage backed up by sqlite3 database

2024-04-30 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-pyt...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: python3-web-cache
  Version : 1.1.0
  Upstream Contact: https://github.com/desbma
* URL : https://github.com/desbma/web_cache/
* License : LGPL-2.1
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : Simple Python key-value storage backed up by sqlite3 

Python module for simple key-value storage backed up by sqlite3 database. The 
typical use case is a URL to HTTP data cache, but it can also be used for non 
web ressources.

Simple dict interface allows natural usage (if key in cache, value = 
cache[key], etc.)
Optional Zlib (deflate), BZIP2, LZMA or ZSTD (Zstandard) compression, with 
configurable compression level
FIFO or LRU cache eviction strategies
Optional thread safe interface to work around Python Sqlite3 'same thread' 
Provides cache hit rate statistics

dependency of sacad (#1057152)

Bug#1065578: ITP: python-sqlite-migrate -- A simple database migration system for SQLite, based on sqlite-utils

2024-03-06 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-pyt...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: python-sqlite-migrate
  Version : 0.1b0
  Upstream Contact: Simon Willison 
* URL : https://github.com/simonw/sqlite-migrate
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : A simple database migration system for SQLite, based on 

Python library to operate changes on SQLite database, based on
migration files.

This is a dependency of the LLM package (#1065572).

Bug#1065576: ITP: python-ulid -- Universally unique lexicographically sortable identifier (Python library)

2024-03-06 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-pyt...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: python-ulid
  Version : 2.2.0
  Upstream Contact: Martin Domke 
* URL : https://python-ulid.rtfd.io/
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : Universally unique lexicographically sortable identifier 
(Python library)

A ULID is a universally unique lexicographically sortable
identifier. It is:

- 128-bit compatible with UUID
- 1.21e+24 unique ULIDs per millisecond
- Lexicographically sortable!
- Canonically encoded as a 26 character string, as opposed to the 36 character 
- Uses Crockford's base32 for better efficiency and readability (5 bits per 
- Case insensitive
- No special characters (URL safe)

This is a dependency for the llm package (#1065572). We have another
ULID implementation in Debian (golang-github-oklog-ulid-dev) but it's
not sufficient for the LLM package, which expects the Python library.

This is going to be packaged in the Python team.

Bug#1065572: ITP: llm -- Access large language models from the command-line

2024-03-06 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-pyt...@lists.debian.org, 

* Package name: llm
  Version : 0.13.1
  Upstream Contact: Simon Willison 
* URL : https://llm.datasette.io/
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : CLI utility and Python library for interacting
  with Large Language Models

A CLI utility and Python library for interacting with Large Language
Models, both via remote APIs and models that can be installed and run
on your own machine.

Run prompts from the command-line, store the results in SQLite,
generate embeddings and more.

So there has been some discussions about packaging LLM things in
Debian, and this is my stab at opening a discussion about *what*
exactly, we *can* package, right now.

LLM is a (possibly poorly named) package that allows users to interact
with various language models. Its primary target is obviously the
OpenAI API (it's the example in the "Quick Start"), but it also
supports local models like Llama 2, Ollama, and MLC, and other online
models like Claude, GEmini and Mistral.

I *think* this belongs in contrib, because it *mostly* relies on
non-free software (and services) to do its thing, but I'd be happy to
move that around.

I need this because I was using GPT plus for a while and now I'm
switching to the API to cut down on costs.

Bug#1063912: ITP: pass-extension-update -- pass extension that provides an easy flow for updating passwords

2024-02-14 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: pass-extension-update
  Version : 2.1
  Upstream Contact: Alex roddhjav
* URL : https://github.com/roddhjav/pass-update
* License : GPL-3
  Programming Lang: Shell
  Description : pass extension that provides an easy flow for updating 

pass update extends the pass utility with an update command providing
an easy flow for updating passwords. It supports path, directory and
wildcard update. Moreover, you can select how to update your passwords
by automatically generating new passwords or manually setting your

pass update assumes that the first line of the password file is the
password and so only ever updates the first line unless the
--multiline option is specified.

By default, pass update prints the old password and waits for the user
before generating a new one. This behaviour can be changed using the
provided options.

I need something like this for work so I'll take a look at how
reasonable this is. There's already a Debian package in the upstream
source too.$

Bug#1053805: ITP: tremotesf2 -- Remote GUI for transmission-daemon

2023-10-11 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: tremotesf2
  Version : 2.4.0
  Upstream Contact: Alexey Rochev <https://github.com/equeim>
* URL : https://github.com/equeim/tremotesf2/
* License : GPL-3.0-or-later
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : Remote GUI for transmission-daemon

Tremotesf is yet another, but modern (first-released in 2016)
cross-platfom GUI for Transmission daemon written in C++ and Qt.

Features include, but not necessarily limited to:
 * View torrent list
 * Sort torrents
 * Filter torrents by name, status and trackers
 * Start/stop/verify/remove torrents with multi-selection
 * Add torrents from torrent files and magnet links
 * Select which files to download when adding torrent
 * Manage torrent files
 * Add and remove torrent trackers
 * View torrent peers
 * Set torrent limits
 * Change remote server settings
 * View server statistics
 * Multiple servers
 * Supports HTTPS connection
 * Can connect to servers with self-signed certificates (you need to add
   certificate to server settings)
 * Client certificate authentication

The above description is taken from the FreeBSD port:


There are other Transmission clients in Debian of course, but the best
one (the official "transmission-qt") has several release-critical
bugs, including crashes when adding new torrent files. It also doesn't
have as many features as the above, the one I am most interested in is

Bug#1021396: ITP: batterylog -- laptop battery logging tool

2022-10-07 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: batterylog
  Version : none
  Upstream Author : Leonard Lin
* URL : https://github.com/lhl/batterylog
* License : GPLv3
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : laptop battery logging tool

A simple Python app with few dependencies that reads your
sysfs-class-power numbers and records them to a local sqlite3 db with
an "event" tag.

It was built to track suspend power usage for Framework laptops, but
is flexible/easily extensible to do all kinds of other stuff.

This is similar to the already packaged battery-stats, but is a little
more explicit in its output. While battery-stats keeps a text and CSV
log, batterylog stores its entries in a SQLite database.

battery-stats stores new entries every minute, in cron, while
batterylog does it on systemd triggers (like sleep/resume). It could,
in theory, do exactly the same as battery-stats and run in a cron job,
but those are triggers installed by default upstream.

They both keep different records in each entry. battery-stats keep the
charge status (charging/discharging), manufacturer, battery type and
identifier, while batterylog keeps voltages.

both ship similarly-named binaries, battery-stats ships battery-log,
and batterylog ships... batterylog.

batterylog is a single script, ~130 lines of python, quite readable,
while battery-stats is a mix of shell and python, spread over multiple

batterlog was started a few months ago, and is the work of a single
maintainer. batterystats has been around since 2013 and has seen half
a dozen contributors (including myself).

batterystats can generate graphs, and, really, all batterylog
currently does is this:

$ /opt/batterylog/batterylog
Slept for 8.72 hours
Used 6.10 Wh, an average rate of 0.70 W
For your 53.67 Wh battery this is 1.30%/hr or 31.29%/day

But it's surprisingly useful in trying to tune battery life,
especially during suspend.

Bug#1018890: ITP: pubpaste -- publish files and clipboard online easily

2022-09-01 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: pubpaste
  Version : 0.6
  Upstream Author : Antoine Beaupré 
* URL : https://gitlab.com/anarcat/pubpaste/
* License : AGPL
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : publish files and clipboard online easily

This tool makes it easy to publish files, clipboards, screenshots, and
photo galleries online with a single command. It's somewhat messy but
it does its job well.

pubpaste is not for novice users: it assumes you have access to an SSH
server and know how to configure a YAML file. It has been written by
and for its author in a fit of egoistical mania (unfortunately typical
for hackers), apologies normal humans out there reading this.

Bug#1017804: ITP: pw -- interactively filtered pipe watcher

2022-08-20 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: pw
  Version : 2
  Upstream Author : Kaz Kylheku
* URL : https://www.kylheku.com/cgit/pw/
* License : BSD-2
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : interactively filtered pipe watcher

pw can monitor anything that produces textual output. tail -f
/var/logfile, tcpdump, strace, ...

pw does not show you everything. Of course, it reads all the data, but
it does that in the background. It continuously pumps lines of input
through a small FIFO buffer. This buffer is sampled, and the sample is
displayed. When that sampling occurs is controlled in various
interactive ways. What goes into the FIFO can be filtered and the
filters can be edited interactively.

With pw you can:

 * Interactively apply and remove filters on-the-fly, without
   interrupting the source.

 * Make recurring patterns in the stream appear to "freeze" on the
   screen, using triggers.

 * Prevent the overwhelming amount of output from a program from
   flooding the terminal, while consuming all of that output so that
   the program isn't blocked. pw can pause its display updates

 * Juggle multiple shell background jobs that produce output, yet
   execute indefinitely without blocking. When pw runs as part of a
   shell background job, it continues to consume input, process
   filters and take snapshots, without displaying anything. When put
   into the foreground again, display resumes.

For instance the command "tcpdump -i  -l | pw" turns
tcpdump into an interactive network monitoring tool in which you can
use the dynamic filtering in pw to select different kinds of packets,
and use the trigger feature to capture certain patterns of

pw is like an oscilloscope for text streams. Digital oscilloscopes
sample the signal and pass it through a fifo, which is sampled to the
oscilloscope screen, and can trigger the sampling on certain
conditions in the signal to make waveforms appear to stand still. pw
does something like that for text streams.

I am rather intrigued by this program. It's the sort of "swiss army
knife" kind of tool that kind of makes no sense until you find a
purpose for it. I've been trying to figure out where this tool fits in
my toolbox and, just today, I was trying to find out what this silly
Purism Librem firmware upgrade tool was doing in the background, with
`ps axfu`. But I was having all this garbage out there, and it was
hard to filter things out properly. I might have been able to pull
something out with `watch`, but I think pw might have been better for
this particular case. I'm also quite interested in using it to analyse
logs or packet dumps during attacks or outages.

Another similarly named package, already in Debian (and maintained by
yours truly) is `pv`, the "pipe viewer". But it has a completely
different function; whereas pw shows you the content of the pipe in a
specific way, pv just counts lines or bytes going through it,
specifically without showing you its content.

There is another tool similar to "watch" that overlaps with this a
little bit:


... it's basically the "watch" command with history. It supports
searching (which pw does, and probably better) and going back in
history (which pw does not). I had a hard time finding that package
name again, for what that's worth...

I suspect I could also forget the name `pw` quite quickly, but by
packaging it, I guess I'm more confident I will forget it less. :p
Probably the worst reason to package something ever, but there you go,
that's how I ended up maintaining pv in the first place, so probably
that means.. uh... something good something.

Bug#1008768: ITP: pytest-relaxed -- provide relaxed test discovery for pytest

2022-03-31 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-pyt...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: pytest-relaxed
  Version : 1.1.5
  Upstream Author : bitprophet
* URL : https://github.com/bitprophet/pytest-relaxed/
* License : BSD-2
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : provide relaxed test discovery for pytest

This is the spiritual successor to https://pypi.python.org/pypi/spec,
but is built for pytest instead of nosetests, and rethinks some
aspects of the design (such as increased ability to opt-in to various

Has it ever felt strange to you that we put our tests in tests/, then
name the files test_foo.py, name the test classes TestFoo, and finally
name the test methods test_foo_bar? Especially when almost all of the
code inside of tests/ is, well, tests?

This pytest plugin takes a page from the rest of Python, where you
don't have to explicitly note public module/class members, but only
need to hint as to which ones are private. By default, all files and
objects pytest is told to scan will be considered tests; to mark
something as not-a-test, simply prefix it with an underscore.

This is a dependency of the python-invoke test suite. Binary package
would, of course, probably be python3-pytest-relaxed.

Bug#927898: ITP: rsendmail -- safer sendmail command to send email without passwords, over SSH

2019-04-24 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 

* Package name: rsendmail
  Version : 1.0.1
  Upstream Author : Antoine Beaupré 
* URL : https://gitlab.com/anarcat/rsendmail/
* License : AGPLv3
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : safer sendmail command to send email without passwords, 
over SSH

This command aims at replacing the builtin sendmail command which
gives too much privileges to the caller. For example, Postfix's
sendmail(1) command can list the mail queue (-bp), rehash the alias
database (-bi), start a daemon (-bl, -bd), or flush the queue (-q);
all remnants of the old Sendmail binary, which probably is
turing-complete on its own.

It's a mess. All I want to do is to easily queue up mails on a remote
system without giving any extra privileges to the remote system. In
turns, this makes configuring a satellite system like a laptop or a
workstaiton as simple as adding an SSH key to be added to an
authorized_keys file. That key can then send email, but only send
email: no shell access or server management.

This can of course be accomplished by a regular SMTP client, but that
requires passwords, and passwords are weak.

So I built the above already. I didn't think of packaging it for
Debian until someone said "oh i'm not going to use this because it's
not in Debian", so here we are.

This is what I like to describe as "modern UUCP", more or
less. Instead of relying on SMTP for transport, I rely on SSH, which
brings a bunch of interesting properties. I am not aware of anything
like that currently in the archive.

I would be happy to co-maintain it with the relevant Python team but
maybe it's better if I just maintain my own stuff too. :)

Bug#924040: ITP: archivebox -- open source self-hosted web archive

2019-03-08 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 

* Package name: archivebox
  Version : 0.2.4
  Upstream Author : Nick Sweeting
* URL : https://archivebox.io/
* License : MIT/Expat?
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : open source self-hosted web archive

ArchiveBox takes a list of website URLs you want to archive, and
creates a local, static, browsable HTML clone of the content from
those websites (it saves HTML, JS, media files, PDFs, images and

You can use it to preserve access to websites you care about by
storing them locally offline. ArchiveBox works by rendering the pages
in a headless browser, then saving all the requests and fully loaded
pages in multiple redundant common formats (HTML, PDF, PNG, WARC) that
will last long after the original content dissapears off the
internet. It also automatically extracts assets like git repositories,
audio, video, subtitles, images, and PDFs into separate files using
youtube-dl, pywb, and wget.

ArchiveBox doesn’t require a constantly running server or backend,
instead you just run the ./archive command each time you want to
import new links and update the static output. It can import and
export JSON (among other formats), so it’s easy to script or hook up
to other APIs. If you run it on a schedule and import from browser
history or bookmarks regularly, you can sleep soundly knowing that the
slice of the internet you care about will be automatically preserved
in multiple, durable long-term formats that will be accessible for
decades (or longer).

I'm not using this just yet because the upstream packaging is somewhat
weird right now.


It's eventually going to end up on pypi, at which point i'll look at
packaging this myself.

There are, as far as I know, no similar tool in Debian right
now. There are web crawlers and grabbers, but nothing as comprehensive
as this.

I'd be happy to co-maintain this or delegate to whoever is interested.

Bug#922335: ITP: convertdate -- Converts between Gregorian dates and other calendar

2019-02-14 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 

* Package name: convertdate
  Version : 2.1.3
  Upstream Author : Neil Freeman
* URL : https://github.com/fitnr/convertdate/
* License : MIT/Expat?
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : Converts between Gregorian dates and other calendar

Convertdate allows you to generate calendars according to different
historical or modern systems:

Available calendars:

Coptic (Alexandrian)
French Republican
Indian Civil
Ordinal (day of year)
Dublin day count
Julian day count

The holidays module also provides some useful holiday-calculation,
with a focus on North American and Jewish holidays.

This is a dependency of dateparser, which was overlooked when
packaging. I can co-maintain with the DPMT.

Bug#920385: ITP: dmarc-cat -- decode the report sent by various email providers following the DMARC spec

2019-01-24 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 

* Package name: dmarc-cat
  Version : 0.9.1
  Upstream Author : Ollivier Robert 
* URL : https://github.com/keltia/dmarc-cat/
* License : BSD-2-clause
  Programming Lang: Golang
  Description : decode the report sent by various email providers following 
the DMARC spec

This utility decodes the standard XML reports sent by providers to the
`rua` record configured in DMARC. It is useful to make sense of
reports that are otherwise very difficult to read.


I've tried it out and it was a life saver. I was about to just remove
that record because I couldn't make sense of those reports.

There's a comparable service online, which has a little more
information, but does not do reverse DNS:


That online service is, of course, not free software as far as I

I haven't found similar software in Debian, but I could have missed

I will probably co-maintain this with the golang team.

Bug#915358: ITP: magic-wormhole-mailbox-server -- Magic Wormhole Mailbox Server

2018-12-02 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre 

* Package name: magic-wormhole-mailbox-server
  Version : 0.3.1
  Upstream Author : Brian Warner
* URL : https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole-mailbox-server
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : Magic Wormhole Mailbox Server

This is the main server that Magic-Wormhole clients connect to. The
server performs store-and-forward delivery for small key-exchange and
control messages. Bulk data is sent over a direct TCP connection, or
through a transit-relay.

Clients connect with WebSockets, for low-latency delivery in the happy
case where both clients are attached at the same time. Message are
stored to enable non-simultaneous clients to make forward
progress. The server uses a small SQLite database for persistence (and
clients will reconnect automatically, allowing the server to be
rebooted without losing state). An optional "usage DB" tracks
historical activity for status monitoring and operational maintenance.


This is necessary for magic-wormhole 0.11.2 tests to pass as they
include code from this package, which is now split out in a
different upstream repository.

It can also be useful for people who want to run their own custom
wormhole-based system without using any of the global wormhole

Bug#898582: ITP: libdata-hexdump-perl -- hexadecimal dumper

2018-05-13 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre <anar...@debian.org>

* Package name: libdata-hexdump-perl
  Version : 0.02
  Upstream Author : Fabien Tassin <f...@oleane.net>
* URL : https://metacpan.org/release/Data-HexDump
* License : Artistic / GPL-1+
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description : hexadecimal dumper

 Dump in hexadecimal the content of a scalar. The result is returned in a
 string. Each line of the result consists of the offset in the source in the
 leftmost column of each line, followed by one or more columns of data from
 the source in hexadecimal. The rightmost column of each line shows the
 printable characters (all others are shown as single dots).

This is a new dependency of Smokeping introduced in the 2.7.2
release. I would love for the perl team to just carry this one, as I
will probably have no other use for it.

dh-make-perl seems to do a decent job with it, and i intend to upload
this to unstable or experimental when i figure out how to un-mess the
smokeping package.

Bug#893648: ITP: wallabako -- wallabag commandline client

2018-03-20 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre <anar...@debian.org>

* Package name: wallabako
  Version : 1.2.0+git20180320.1.5c15e02-1
  Upstream Author : Antoine Beaupre
* URL : https://gitlab.com/anarcat/wallabako
* License : AGPLv3
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description : wallabag commandline client

Wallabako is a Wallabag (read-it later service) client for Kobo
readers. It downloads unread articles as individual EPUB files.


 * fast: downloads only files that have changed, in parallel
 * unattended: runs in the background, when the wifi is turned on,
   only requires you to tap the fake USB connection screen for the
   Kobo to rescan its database
 * status synchronization: read books are marked as read in the
   Wallabag instance


This can serve as a backup/synchronization tool for your Wallabag
instance, although it is currently restricted only to ePUB versions.

Bug#892205: ITP: magic-wormhole-transit-server -- Transit Relay server for Magic-Wormhole

2018-03-06 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre <anar...@debian.org>

* Package name: magic-wormhole-transit-server
  Version : 0.1.1
  Upstream Author : Brian Werner
* URL : https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole-transit-relay
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : Transit Relay server for Magic-Wormhole

This repository implements the Magic-Wormhole "Transit Relay", a
server that helps clients establish bulk-data transit connections even
when both are behind NAT boxes. Each side makes a TCP connection to
this server and presents a handshake. Two connections with identical
handshakes are glued together, allowing them to pretend they have a
direct connection.

This server used to be included in the magic-wormhole repository, but
was split out into a separate repo to aid deployment and development.


will be in collab-maint, new dependency for wormhole.

Bug#879125: ITP: python-requests-file -- File transport adapter for Requests

2017-10-19 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre <anar...@debian.org>

* Package name: python-requests-file
  Version : 2017-04-28
  Upstream Author : David Shea
* URL : https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests-file
* License : Apache 2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : File transport adapter for Requests

Requests-File is a transport adapter for use with the Requests Python
library to allow local filesystem access via file:// URLs.


 * Will open and read local files
 * Might set a Content-Length header
 * That’s about it

No encoding information is set in the response object, so be careful
using Response.text: the chardet library will be used to convert the
file to a unicode type and it may not detect what you actually want.

EACCES is converted to a 403 status code, and ENOENT is converted to a
404. All other IOError types are converted to a 400.


I plan on shoving this into py2dsp and co-maintaining it with whoever
wants to. I need this to simplify feed2exec local file:// access
routines and I think it's a generally good package to have available
(and why isn't this in requests in the first place??)

I'd be happy to delegate this to the Python team as well of course.

Bug#877030: ITP: pat -- Winlink client with basic messaging capabilities

2017-09-27 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre <anar...@debian.org>

* Package name: pat
  Version : 0.3.0
  Upstream Author : Martin Hebnes Pedersen <martin.h.peder...@gmail.com>
* URL : http://getpat.io/
* License : MIT (Expat)
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description : Winlink client with basic messaging capabilities

Pat is a cross platform Winlink client with basic messaging

It is the primary sandbox/prototype application for the wl2k-go
project, and provides both a command line interface and a responsive
(mobile-friendly) web interface.

It is mainly developed for Linux, but are also known to run on OS X,
Windows and Android.


 * Message composer/reader (basic mailbox functionality).
 * Auto-shrink image attachments.
 * Post position reports with location from local GPS, browser
   location or manual entry.
 * Rig control (using hamlib) for winmor PTT and QSY.
 * CRON-like syntax for execution of scheduled commands (e.g. QSY or
 * Built in http-server with web interface (mobile friendly).
 * Git style command line interface.
 * Listen for P2P connections using multiple modes concurrently.
 * AX.25, telnet, WINMOR and ARDOP support.
 * Experimental gzip message compression

I have used pat and it works pretty well. It's the first time I'm
able to use WinLink in a meaningful way in Linux. I remember trying
the Windows binary in Wine a while back and it was really painful. Now
there's a nice interface, both web GUI and commandline. I have yet to
test AX-25, but i'm hopeful to get good results.

There are a lot of vendored dependencies present in the source,


I'm unsure which one are already in debian and which ones are not.

Of the above, only the following are missing from Debian, which is
pretty awesome:


and the latter is basically the library backend for pat.

I would be happy to comaintain this or delegate maintainership: just
scratching an itch here. I would also love to get help from the golang
packages as I have never packaged golang stuff before.

An equivalent free software of this is "paclink-unix", but it's
apparently less user-friendly. A comparative of different winlink
clients is available here:


Bug#876383: ITP: safeeyes -- Protect your eyes from eye strain using this simple and beautiful, yet extensible break reminder

2017-09-21 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre <anar...@debian.org>

* Package name: safeeyes
  Version : 1.2.2
  Upstream Author : slgobin...@gmail.com
* URL : http://slgobinath.github.io/SafeEyes/
* License : GPL-3
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : Protect your eyes from asthenopia

Protect your eyes from eye strain using this simple and beautiful, yet
extensible break reminder.


This program is similar to Workrave, but written in Python and without
the questionable 3D art. It is also simpler: it doesn't track
keystrokes and is more easily extensible.

I've been a happy user for a few weeks now - it's really nice that the
popup is a fullscreen black thing instead of a small popup: it means
you are not distracted by whatever you're doing.

I'm open to co-maintainership on this or would gladly let someone else
take it if people are interested.

Bug#860579: ITP: grammalecte -- grammatical corrector for libreoffice and firefox

2017-04-18 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Antoine Beaupre <anar...@debian.org>

* Package name: grammalecte
  Version : 0.5.15
  Upstream Author : Olivier R. (olivier /at/ grammalecte /dot/ net)
* URL : https://www.dicollecte.org/grammalecte/
* License : GPL-3
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : grammatical corrector for libreoffice and firefox

Grammalecte is an open source grammar checker made for the french
language, with extensions for Write (LibreOffice, OpenOffice) and
Firefox. It is derived from Lightproof, which was written for

Grammalecte helps writing in french without bothering users with false
alarms. This checker therefore follows the principle of least "false
positives"; if it's impossible to determine with a strong probability
that a string is erroneous, the checker won't signal anything.

Grammalecte is the first checker I have found that does extensive
grammar checks for french while at the same time being a) actively
developped and b) free software.

I am not using it yet, being mostly restricted to english in most of
my public writing, but I hope to go back to french more, in which case
I will test it extensively and may end up packaging it myself.

It's an unofficial fork of "Lightproof", which seems mostly inactive,
but was written by FSF.hu for Hungarian and has LibreOffice extensions
as well:


It's unclear if they plan to merge back together.

Someone discussed maintaining this in Debian 3 years ago on their


I'll post this WNPP there as soon as I have a bug #.

I usually maintain my packages in collab-maint and this one is no
exception. I'd also be happy to delegate this to someone else and just
sponsor the package or do whatever is needed to get this in...

Bug#574789: ITP: freebsd-ppp -- FreeBSD Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) userland daemon

2010-03-20 Thread antoine beaupre
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: antoine beaupre anar...@koumbit.org
Owner: antoine beaupre anar...@koumbit.org

* Package name: freebsd-ppp
  Version : 8.0
  Upstream Author : Brian Somers br...@awfulhak.org
* URL : http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/userppp.html
* License : BSD
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : FreeBSD Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) userland daemon

The Point-to-Point Protocol provides a standard way to transmit
datagrams over a serial link, as well as a standard way for the machines
at either end of the link to negotiate various optional characteristics
of the link.

This package provides both a server and a client PPP daemon that runs in
userland. It has been ported from FreeBSD to function specifically with
the Debian GNU/kFreeBSD distribution.

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