Re: Time to rewrite dpkg IN IDL! :)

1999-05-21 Thread Daniel James Patterson
On Fri, May 21, 1999 at 08:26:00AM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 Besides, any advantage in a nice OO design is lost by implementing it in C++!

There is no need to do it in C++.  My whole point is that I think an OO
methodology would work well in this case simply due to the maintainability

gasp We could do it in .ADA!/gasp


Re: Time to rewrite dpkg IN IDL! :)

1999-05-21 Thread Daniel James Patterson
On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 01:20:20AM -0700, Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote:
 Argo-UML. It's a UML design tool, designed to export Java; however, its
 nature makes it useful for any (distributed or otherwise) OO design project.
 I don't have a URL with me.

found that on freshmeat.


Re: Time to rewrite dpkg IN IDL! :)

1999-05-20 Thread Daniel James Patterson
On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 02:50:38AM -0700, Chris Waters wrote:
 I think an interesting approach would be to use CORBA.  Make dpkg into
 a networkable server for polymorphic package objects!  G'wan, I dare
 ya!  :-)

I don't see why not.

Software is becomming more and more complex, people are expecting more and
more out of it.  The more modern and advanced things Debian can tout,
the cooler we'll look.  I don't have any experience in industry working
with OO, but I have a little knowledge from what I work on at uni.  A
proper OO approach could produce a highly maintainable and extensible
(and non-language specific) design that could be implemented easily enough
in _many_ languages.  There are a few OO tools (I'm thinking Rational Rose
in particular) that can do code generation from UML work, which could mean
that we could decide on a design before decending to our baser instincts
to argue about what language it should be implemented in :)


Re: Time to rewrite dpkg IN IDL! :)

1999-05-20 Thread Daniel James Patterson
On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 08:44:39PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 Speaking of baser instincts, Rationale Rose isn't free software, is it?
 Are there any nice (or even not-nice) OO design tools that are?

No unfortunatley it isnt.  There is a solaris version, which is a bad port
of the win32 version, and the win32 version doesn't run under wine.

I have found dia useful, but only from a diagram drawing point of
view, unlike Rose which does all the extra bits as well.


Re: Time to rewrite dpkg IN IDL! :)

1999-05-20 Thread Daniel James Patterson
On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 09:14:26PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 How about it's complete overkill?

I don't think so.  Yes you can write maintainable code with plain C,
but with the number of developers moving in and out of Debian, I think
that a decent OO approach for core software could make it more maintainable
for _everyone_.  I often feel that I'd like to help contribute code to
some things, but, not being an overly confident programmer, I am daunted
by code that takes a long time to understand.  I personally find OO design
much easier to follow.  This is personal preference however.

 I don't see anything in the Debian packaging system which fits
 OO very well at all. We have just one type of package; there are no
 special sub-types, for example.

Perhaps there should be then?  After the little work I've done (yes, and _you_
know just how much Hamish :P), I do see advantages behind the OO approach.

Besides, as I said, at this stage, do the analysis, not the coding.  It can
always be scrapped if it looks like it would be pointless, but I'd like to
see some non-emotive reasons not to even _consider_ it.


ITP: squirm

1999-05-13 Thread Daniel James Patterson
Squirm is a URL redirector for squid.

It provides a fast means for squid to modify URLs according to a set
rule that the administrator applies.

It is useful for things like
  a) redirecting requests for common files to internal cached copies
  b) restricting access to URLS and redirecting them to some other
 place (a warning message for instance)
  c) (and this is what I mostly use it for) redirecting things like
 banners and ads to some other place.


Re: ITP: squirm

1999-05-13 Thread Daniel James Patterson
On Thu, May 13, 1999 at 09:10:54AM +1000, Daniel James Patterson wrote:
 Squirm is a URL redirector for squid.
 It provides a fast means for squid to modify URLs according to a set
 rule that the administrator applies.

Oh, I forgot to mention that it's under the GPL and you can look at it at:


Re: KDE gone, Linux next ?

1998-10-13 Thread Daniel James Patterson
On Tue, Oct 13, 1998 at 01:00:52PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
 This won't be the case for regular machines.  It might be the
 case for boxes that use crappy hardware where the manufacturer
 holds back the specs and doesn't allow development of free

I can picture manufacturers who _would_ have released specs no longer doing
so because they can write their own.  Knowing some of those cruddy
el-cheapo places write pretty bad windows drivers, what can we expect
from them with linux?


Keep the kernel free!