Bug#1017689: ITP: libobject-result-perl -- Allow subs to build and return objects on-the-fly

2022-08-18 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libobject-result-perl
  Version : 0.03
  Upstream Author : Damian Conway 
* URL : https://metacpan.org/release/Object-Result
* License : artistic2
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description : Allow subs to build and return objects on-the-fly

Object::Result adds a new keyword to Perl: result

That keyword acts like a return, but instead of a list of values to return,
it takes a single block which specifies the behaviour (i.e. the methods and
operator overloading) of an object to be returned.

The intention is to make it much less onerous to return clean, properly
encapsulated objects...instead of returning lists of values or references to
arrays or hashes.

This library is a requirement for libinfluxdb-http-perl, which is itself a
requirement to the newer upstream release of smokeping.

I plan to maintain this package from within the Perl team, and I will ask for
sponsorship within the team.

Bug#1013240: ITP: libinfluxdb-http-perl -- Perl way to interact with InfluxDB.

2022-06-19 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libinfluxdb-http-perl
  Version : 0.04
  Upstream Author : Raphael Seebacher 
* URL : 
* License : Expat
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description : Perl way to interact with InfluxDB.

InfluxDB::HTTP allows you to interact with the InfluxDB HTTP API. The module
essentially provides one method per InfluxDB HTTP API endpoint, that is ping,
write and query.

This package is a new dependency for the latest upstream release of Smokeping.

I plan to manage this package through the perl team and I will ask for
sponsoring from within the team.

Bug#952823: ITP: jgrep -- Compare a list of json documents to a simple logical language and returns matches as output

2020-02-29 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: jgrep
  Version : 1.5.2
  Upstream Author : Pieter Loubser , Dominic Cleal 
, R.I. Pienaar 
* URL : https://github.com/ploubser/JSON-Grep
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Compare a list of json documents to a simple logical 
language and returns matches as output

JGrep is a command line tool and API for parsing JSON documents based on
logical expressions. It returns a JSON datastructure that contains all of the
matches from the original JSON document. Used as a library, you can filter
results in a similar fashion from within your Ruby code.

This tool is very similar in functionality to jq, but uses a matching syntax
that is a lot simpler.

This tool/library can be very useful on its own either directly on the
command line or as a tool for building complex programs that need to filter
JSON. It's also used as a dependency by facterdb, which itself is required for

I plan to maintain this package from within the ruby team. I will ask for
sponsorship from the team.

Bug#952819: ITP: facterdb -- Database of facts from many Facter versions on many Operating Systems

2020-02-29 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: facterdb
  Version : 1.2.0
  Upstream Author : Mickaël Canévet 
* URL : https://github.com/camptocamp/facterdb
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Database of facts from many Facter versions on many 
Operating Systems

The facterdb command can lookup its database with a set of versions of Facter
and a set of Operating System distributions and versions and output the list
of facts corresponding to those to the terminal. The output is formatted in
JSON so it can be parsed by other scripts and programs.

When used as a library, the same lookups can be done in a programmatic way.
This means that you can use the facts in any Ruby program.

Having access to lists of facts that mimic different setups is useful for
running tests and making sure that features for those different setups are
doing what's expected.

This command and library is generally useful for Puppet module development and
creating CI environments for running module unit tests. It's also used by the
puppet-development-kit, so it is a dependency for this tool.

I plan on maintaining this package from within the ruby team. I will ask for
sponsorship from the team.

Bug#952816: ITP: metadata-json-lint -- Utility to verify Puppet metadata.json files

2020-02-29 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: metadata-json-lint
  Version : 2.2.0
  Upstream Author : Vox Pupuli 
* URL : https://github.com/voxpupuli/metadata-json-lint
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Utility to verify Puppet metadata.json files

The metadata-json-lint tool validates and lints metadata.json files in Puppet
modules against style guidelines from the Puppet Forge module metadata

metadata.json files are, as implied by the extension in the name, using a JSON
syntax but a specific schema is expected to be used to format information in
the data structure. They are helpful for specifying dependencies to Puppet
modules and for making license and other such metadata parseable by a machine.
This file is expected to be present when a module is published to the Puppet

This package is generally useful for Puppet module developers. It is also a
dependency of puppet-development-kit, since it uses it directly to run
verifications on modules.

I plan to maintain this package within the ruby team and will ask for
sponsorship from the team.

Bug#951098: ITP: ruby-rspec-puppet-facts -- Library containing facts from many Facter versions on many Operating Systems

2020-02-10 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-rspec-puppet-facts
  Version : 1.10.0
  Upstream Author : Mickaël Canévet 
* URL : https://github.com/mcanevet/rspec-puppet-facts
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Library containing facts from many Facter versions on many 
Operating Systems

With this library, simplify your unit tests by looping on every supported
Operating System and populating facts (provided by facterdb). This simplifies
unit testing because you don't need to specify the facts yourself.

This library is very useful for writing tests when working on a puppet module.
It also makes it very fast to setup a CI environment for your modules.

This library is used by puppet-development-kit as a requirement in order to
provide an easier framework and workflow for puppet module development.

I intend to maintain this module within the ruby team and I will ask for
sponsorship within the team.

Bug#951097: ITP: ruby-spdx-licenses -- Library for looking up and identifying SPDX licences

2020-02-10 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-spdx-licenses
  Version : 1.2.0
  Upstream Author : Dominic Cleal 
* URL : https://github.com/domcleal/spdx-licenses
* License : Expat
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Library for looking up and identifying SPDX licences

This library can lookup a list of SPDX licences on spdx.org, and provide them
as a list of information that can be handled by your code. You can also use
this to lookup whether a certain licence is an SPDX license or not, and thus
programatically identify certain licences in code or other structured

This library is a dependency to metadata-json-lint, which in turn is needed
for packaging puppet-development-kit (pdk) which I'm working towards packaging.

I intend to maintain this within the ruby team, and will ask for a sponsor
within the team.

Bug#951018: ITP: ruby-tty-spinner -- Library for showing a spinner icon for terminal tasks that have non-deterministic time frame

2020-02-09 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-tty-spinner
  Version : 0.9.3
  Upstream Author : Piotr Murach 
* URL : https://ttytoolkit.org/
* License : expat
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Library for showing a spinner icon for terminal tasks that 
have non-deterministic time frame

tty-spinner provides a selection of different text-based animations that can
be shown when the user is waiting on a task run in terminal that will end some
time that is not known in the future, or for which the completion timestamp
can only be estimated.

Those tasks will usually be waiting for some I/O, for example a download or a
task that was requested from a service that will give an answer whenever the
response is ready.

This package is currently required for packaging puppet-developement-kit
(pdk), but might be needed for other ruby-based scripts expected to run in a

I plan on maintaining this library within the ruby team. I will ask for
sponsorship from within the team to ensure that I follow the team's policies

Bug#941405: ITP: ruby-tty-screen -- Ruby library that detects terminal screen size for many platforms

2019-09-29 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-tty-screen
  Version : 0.7.0
  Upstream Author : Piotr Murach 
* URL : https://ttytoolkit.org/
* License : expat
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Ruby library that detects terminal screen size for many 

tty-screen implements terminal screen size detection which works on Linux, OS
X and Windows/Cygwin platforms and supports MRI, JRuby and Rubinius

It is a component of the TTY Toolkit.

This library is required by ruby-tty-reader, which in the end is needed for
packaging puppet-development-kit.

I plan on maintaining this package with the ruby team. I will ask for
sponsorship from within the team to ensure that I follow the team's policies.

Bug#941404: ITP: ruby-tty-cursor -- Ruby library to help move the terminal cursor around and manipulate text by using intuitive method calls

2019-09-29 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-tty-cursor
  Version : 0.7.0
  Upstream Author : Piotr Murach 
* URL : https://ttytoolkit.org/
* License : expat
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Ruby library to help move the terminal cursor around and 
manipulate text by using intuitive method calls

tty-cursor makes it easy to programatically move the cursor in a terminal
without needing to know terminal control codes. It is a component of the TTY

This library is required by ruby-tty-reader, which in the end is needed for
packaging puppet-development-kit.

I plan on maintaining this package with the ruby team. I will ask for
sponsorship from within the team to ensure that I follow the team's policies

Bug#941403: ITP: ruby-tty-reader -- A set of methods for processing keyboard input in character, line and multiline modes

2019-09-29 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-tty-reader
  Version : 0.6.0
  Upstream Author : Piotr Murach 
* URL : https://ttytoolkit.org/
* License : expat
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : A set of methods for processing keyboard input in 
character, line and multiline modes

tty-reader is a pure Ruby library that is part of the TTY Toolkit that
provides a set of methods for processing keyboard input in character, line and
multiline modes. It maintains history of entered input with an ability to
recall and re-edit those inputs. It lets you register to listen for keystroke
events and trigger custom key events yourself.

This library is required by ruby-tty-prompt, which in turn is necessary for
packaging puppet-development-kit.

I plan on maintining this package with the ruby team. I will ask for
sponsorship within the team so that I can ensure that I'll respect the team's

Bug#941401: ITP: ruby-tty-color -- Ruby library that provides terminal color capabilities detection

2019-09-29 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-tty-color
  Version : 0.5.0
  Upstream Author : Piotr Murach 
* URL : http://piotrmurach.github.io/tty
* License : expat
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Ruby library that provides terminal color capabilities 

tty-color is a simple library that provides independent color support
detection. It is a component for TTY toolkit.

This is a requirement to ruby-pastel, which is needed to create the package

I plan on maintaining this package with the ruby team. I will ask for
sponsorship within that team so that I can ensure that I respect the team's

Bug#941398: ITP: ruby-equatable -- Ruby module that adds explicit indications of whether objects can be compared in equality checks

2019-09-29 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-equatable
  Version : 0.6.1
  Upstream Author : Piotr Murach 
* URL : https://github.com/piotrmurach/equatable
* License : expat
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Ruby module that adds explicit indications of whether 
objects can be compared in equality checks

Equatable extends Ruby objects with equality comparison and inspection
methods. By including this module, a class indicates that its instances have
explicit general contracts for `hash`, `==` and `eql?` methods.

Specifically eql? contract requires that it implements an equivalence
relation. By default each instance of the class is equal only to itself. This
is a right behaviour when you have distinct objects. However, it is the
responsibility of any class to clearly define their equality. Failure to do so
may prevent instances to behave as expected when for instance Array#uniq is
invoked or when they are used as Hash keys.

This package is a requirement of ruby-pastel, which if we move further up the
requirements tree, is needed in order to be able to package

I plan to maintain this package with the ruby team. I will ask for sponsorship
from within this team so that I'm sure that my package will respect the team's

Bug#941396: ITP: ruby-pastel -- Terminal strings styling with intuitive and clean API

2019-09-29 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-pastel
  Version : 0.7.3
  Upstream Author : Piotr Murach 
* URL : https://piotrmurach.github.io/tty/
* License : expat
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Terminal strings styling with intuitive and clean API

Pastel is a ruby library that helps to colorize output on the terminal. It is
minimal and focused to work in all terminal emulators. It provides provides
independent coloring component for TTY toolkit.

This package is required as a dependency to puppet-development-kit.

I plan to maintain this package as part of the ruby team, and will request
sponsoring from within the team to ensure that I respect their policies.

Bug#939307: ITP: ruby-necromancer -- Conversion from one object type to another with a bit of black magic

2019-09-03 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-necromancer
  Version : 0.5.0
  Upstream Author : Piotr Murach 
* URL : https://github.com/piotrmurach/necromancer
* License : Expat
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Conversion from one object type to another with a bit of 
black magic

Necromancer provides independent type conversion component for TTY toolkit.

Conversion between Ruby core types frequently comes up in projects but is
solved by half-baked solutions. This library aims to provide an independent
and extensible API to support a robust and generic way to convert between core
Ruby types.

This is a requirement for ruby-tty-prompt, which in turn is a requirement for
puppet-development-kit, which I'm working to package.

I intend to maintain this package within the ruby team, and will ask for a
sponsor within the team.

Bug#939306: ITP: ruby-tty-prompt -- Beautiful and powerful interactive command line prompt

2019-09-02 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-tty-prompt
  Version : 0.19.0
  Upstream Author : Piotr Murach 
* URL : https://ttytoolkit.org/
* License : Expat
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Beautiful and powerful interactive command line prompt

TTY::Prompt provides tools to shaping a terminal prompt for your application.
It has a robust API for getting and validating complex inputs, has a number of
prompt types to gather user input, provides user-friendly error messages, has
an intuitive DSL for creating complex menus, can manage paging of long menus
and supports Linux, OS X, FreeBSD and Windows systems.

This package is needed as a dependency to puppet-development-kit, which I'm
currently working to package.

I plan on maintaining this package within the ruby team, and will ask the team
for sponsorship since I don't have DM or DD status yet.

Bug#939302: ITP: ruby-pathspec -- Ruby library to match path patterns such as gitignore

2019-09-02 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-pathspec
  Version : 0.2.1
  Upstream Author : Brandon High 
* URL : https://github.com/highb/pathspec-ruby
* License : Apache License 2.0
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Ruby library to match path patterns such as gitignore

This library implements matching of path patterns as they exist in gitignore
files. With this library you can load a gitignore file, and then verify that a
path matches one of the patterns listed in the file. You can also find out all
of the files maching different patterns in a whole hierarchy of a filesystem.

This library is a ruby port of the python library with the same name.

This package is required by puppet-development-kit (pdk) that I'm currently
working to package.

I plan on maintaining this package within the ruby team. Since I do not have
DM or DD status, I will need a sponsor for the package which I will ask in the
ruby team once it's ready.

Bug#939292: ITP: ruby-pdk -- A CLI to facilitate easy, unified development workflows for Puppet modules

2019-09-02 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: ruby-pdk
  Version : 1.13.0
  Upstream Author : Puppet, Inc.
* URL : https://github.com/puppetlabs/pdk
* License : Apache License 2.0
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : A CLI to facilitate easy, unified development workflows for 
Puppet modules

The Puppet Development Kit (PDK) includes key Puppet code development and
testing tools for Linux, Windows, and OS X workstations, so you can install
one package with the tools you need to create and validate new modules.

PDK includes testing tools, a complete module skeleton, and command line tools
to help you create, validate, and run tests on Puppet modules. PDK also
includes all dependencies needed for its use.

This package is the very useful helper that's been adopted by the puppet
community to help out building new modules and maintaining them. It also helps
with publishing modules to forge.puppet.com, which is the community module

Puppet, up to the 5.x branch, has had a builtin command "puppet module build"
that can create a tar archive with the relevant files placed in a layout
that's acceptable for publication on forge.puppet.com. This builtin command
is marked as deprecated in puppet 5.x and was removed in the 6.x branch. This
means that puppet users now need to use pdk for publishing their modules.

pdk also interacts with other tools, some of which are already packaged in
debian, to help users validate the syntax and code style of theire modules but
also to write unit tests.

the upstream project vendors all of those additional tools and the ones that
are not yet packaged yet would need to be packaged separately for debian. This
currently includes the metadata-json-lint and rspec-puppet-facts ruby gems

I plan to maintain this package and the dependencies that I will need to
package additionally within the ruby team.

Bug#924285: ITP: vagrant-librarian-puppet -- A Vagrant plugin to install Puppet modules using Librarian-Puppet

2019-03-10 Thread Gabriel Filion
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gabriel Filion 

* Package name: vagrant-librarian-puppet
  Version : 0.9.2
  Upstream Author : Vox Pupuli
* URL : https://github.com/voxpupuli/vagrant-librarian-puppet
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : A Vagrant plugin to install Puppet modules using 

vagrant-librarian-puppet is a plugin for Vagrant that will automatically
run librarian-puppet before any provisioning step. It looks for a
Puppetfile in the configured directory and uses that file with

More details:
 - This plugin automates management of module dependencies when testing
   puppet modules, or simply when maintaining your local test VM for
   day-to-day puppet development. I removes the need to remember to
   install new modules with librarian-puppet after having pulled in
   other people's changes on the Puppetfile.
 - It is not a dependency for another package
 - I so far use it for testing individual puppet modules that I
   maintain, and to make it easier to test changes before committing.  I
   also intend to use it at work to reduce friction around keeping
   modules up to date in the local dev VMs.
 - I don't know of another package that provides such functionality.
   It's also the only vagrant plugin that I know can help automate this.
 - Since I'm not a DD or a DM, I am planning on asking a friend who is
   a Debian Developer to help me out with shaping the package so that
   it's acceptable for debian. I would then intend to ask the ruby
   packaging team if they are willing to make this one of the team
   packages and I would continue maintaining it through the team.