Netscape packages and lesstif

1998-10-18 Thread Gregory S. Stark

The dmotif netscape packages seem to depend on lesstif, does this mean you can
run them with just lesstif? Or is that in addition to requiring real Motif
libraries? I'm surprised (but happily so) since i thought lesstif aimed only
at source-level compatibility not binary level.


Re: Possible serious problem with the newest sysklogd?

1998-10-18 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> You'll also find the new version which has the offending code removed:

Does -29 have it reinserted? I'm seeing the same problem.


Re: (WARNING) xfree86 (source all i386) uploaded to master

1998-10-18 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 10:25:57AM -0700, Ben Gertzfield wrote:
> >
> > Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >
> > > W: xext: shlib-without-dependency-information
> > > usr/X11R6/lib/modules/
> > >
> > > I have always gotten this error.  I don't know how to fix it, but it
> > > doesn't seem to hurt anyone.
> >
> > Well, this isn't a shared library that's going to be linked to, so
> > there should be a way to override lintian's behavior.
> Oh, I get it.  The complaint's not about the file itself, but the absence
> of mention in a shlibs file.  Okay.  Well, yeah, that should be overridden.
> The only thing that uses those modules is the X server.

Maybe lintian should be modified to only run the shared library checks on
files in the standard directories listed in /etc/ ?


Re: I2O specs mailed to webmaster

1998-10-12 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> it was mailed from a dummy hotmail account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), and the
> originating IP was from an ISP in Norway.

On the off chance that the original sender is reading this, or looking at the
e-mail archive: Hotmail is not an anonymous mailing system, and makes no
pretense of such. They will happily hand over records if needed.

If you want to send something anonymously I suggest using the cypherpunk PGP
remailers. Of course there's no reason not to combine that with sending from
hotmail or something like that, but don't count on a system like hotmail for
your anonymity.


Re: GPL'd libforms dependent package

1998-10-05 Thread Gregory S. Stark

John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   This a kind of interesting looking package.  It is GPL'd but
> depends on a no-source-available library.  I just reread the relevant
> portions of the GPL, but I'm no Talmudic scholar.  
>   Can the GPL be properly applied to this ?

All the author has to do is add something to the effect that 

``As a special exception the software may be distributed linked against the
libforms library without including the source of the libforms library even
though the GPL would normally bar this, as long as the requirements of the
license are followed in every other respect.''

or something like that. i'm not a lawyer, check dejanews for how RMS phrased
it when he was suggesting something like that for the gimp w.r.t. plugins. In
which case the package can go in contrib.

However, a better solution would be to try compiling it against fltk. We have
a fltk package based on the last stable release (i think) of it before it went
non-free. It's a nice lightweight LGPL'd toolkit which is nearly drop-in
compatible with libforms. 

If he isn't using anything tricky it is likely to work with fltk without any
source modifications, in which case it can go in main.


Re: PGP in the US (Re: formal documents)

1998-10-05 Thread Gregory S. Stark


> Kikutani Makoto writes:
> > I'm a Japanese living in the United States, but not a permanent
> > resident. I've heared that the usage of PGP in the States by a person
> > like me is controversial.
> You heard wrong.  Your nationality and residency status is irrelevant.

Well, not entirely irrelevant, though not really important for this case.

It might not be legal for someone to give him PGP or explain how crypto works
even while he's in the US. However, Japan is not exactly a big terrorist
nation and this is weakest part of the whole thing as far as first amendment
violations goes. The government has not to my knowedge even threatened to
apply this part anywhere, and many universities with foreign grad students
would line up to help defend someone prosecuted on such a basis.

In any case it wouldn't be you breaking the law, but the person helping you
use PGP. But really, i wouldn't worry about this, the only things the
government or the patent holders are likely to worry about are export of
crypto and significant commercial use of RSA, respectively.

So the safe thing to do is use pgp-us while in the US, and delete it from your
computer before leaving the US.

(that said, i'm not a lawyer and don't blame me if i'm wrong)


Re: Canada to remain mostly free

1998-10-03 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Avery Pennarun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Oct 02, 1998 at 10:35:54AM -0400, Greg Stark wrote:
> > Manley announced new crypto policies, and though the speech is low on
> > detail, despite being particularly long-winded, it seems Canada may
> > remain in the free world.
> Very cool.  It looks like they've really listened to the industry's
> concerns!

The only thing i'm still worried about is whether they'll change the current
system which makes it very easy to distribute free software. It seems likely
they'll write whatever regulations they write with the needs of commercial
software in mind, and whereas a company would not really mind paying a few
dollars for an rubber-stamp permit, any such scheme would kill free crypto


Re: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/ may not be conffile ?

1998-10-03 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Peter S Galbraith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Policy states:
>  *Application defaults* files have to be installed in the directory
>  `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/'. They are considered as part of the
>  program code. Thus, they should not be modified and should not be
>  tagged as *conffile*. If the local system administrator wants to
>  customise X applications globally, the file `/etc/X11/Xresources'
>  should be used.
> What's the logic here?

app-defaults files are very version specific. If you have the app-defaults
file from one version of a program that depends heavily on it installed and
update to a newer version the program then that program would probably not
display correctly at all. 


Re: 2.0.34 and x-bit on libraries

1998-06-24 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Heiko Schlittermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> as somebody (Harald Schueler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pointed out
> and as we (Paul Seelig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and me) could
> reproduce after some grief about a non-functional ftp server (using
> wu-ftpd-academ) we got the impression, that 
> . 2.0.34 needs the x-bit on shared libraries!

The kernel doesn't know about shared libraries at all. The place this policy
could change would be in / 

There has in fact been a related change in policy:

  * Changed and to match glibc by not
allowing user preloads of system libraries into setu/gid
binaries unless the library itself is setuid.

But I don't think it requires the execute bit as well.


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Re: bad kernel 2.0.34 bug ?

1998-06-24 Thread Gregory S. Stark

> > > On Wed, Jun 24, 1998 at 12:24:52AM -0700, G John Lapeyre wrote:
> > > > A typical error message is  (this occurs on 2 of three drives):
> > > > 
> > > > Jun 23 20:35:40 homey kernel: hdb: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady
> > > > SeekComplete DataRequest Error } 
> > > > Jun 23 20:35:40 homey kernel: hdb: read_intr: error=0x40 {
> > > > UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=6766956, sector=211869 
> > > > Jun 23 20:35:40 homey kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:46, sector
> > > > 211869 

Are you running with unmasked interrupts?
 hdparm -v /dev/hdb
and look at the unmaskirq flag.

If so try turning it off?


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Re: Including non-PIC code in a shared library?

1998-06-24 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Charles Briscoe-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I asked about this on ggi-devel, and the responses I got indicated that
> it probably wasn't a problem, because there would only ever be one
> libGGI program running the xf86dga target at once on a given machine
> (not true for multi-headed machines) and that if multiple copies were
> run, the kernel would simply load multiple copies of the code.  I'm a
> little worried that mixing PIC and non-PIC code might do some other harm.
> Does it?  Or will it just make this "shared" object unsharable?

It will "work" it's just very inefficient.

The loader needs to fix every memory reference in the code to point to the
location it loaded the library code. It also can't load the library using
shared memory, it has to make private mappings for each process using the

It's not the end of the world, it just defeats the purpose of using shared
libraries. In fact it's worse than statically linking which can at least
share memory across invocations of the same executable.


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Re: libc6_2.0.7 release notes...

1998-06-23 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Jun 22, 1998 at 11:54:05AM -0400, Dale Scheetz wrote:
> > In both these examples the "cludge" only hangs around for a while, while
> > the epoch gets stuck on the version forever.
> Is it really that bad? You said you don't want the clutter of it but
> I can't really see how there is much clutter. I find Santiago's
> suggestion of a manual upgrade absurd.

Here's another reason using the epoch for this situation is bad, if you
continue the process you get something like:


Essentially you are completely overriding the version number with a hidden
version number that the user isn't presented with. If we want to go this route
we could just abandon sorting on upstream package version and number our
releases sequentially. That may not be an unreasonable way to go, but it
certainly isn't the system we're using now.


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packaging PAM modules? anyone?

1998-06-21 Thread Gregory S. Stark

I asked once earlier, but no one responded: 
Does anyone know how PAM modules should be packaged?

Where should they be installed? Is there some way to register them, or some
script to run to offer the sysadmin the option of making the new module the
global default? Personally I think PAM modules are one of the big missing
links for Unix system and no distribution would be complete without a solid
architecture for dealing with them. We have ppp-pam and pam packages, but how
does packaging further modules work?

Kerberos won't be properly supported until there's a PAM module for it
packaged. There are a couple around, but I have no idea how to package them.
I don't even know how PAM is configured and I don't use it here at all.


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Re: fltk anyone? + packaging questions

1998-06-20 Thread Gregory S. Stark

I already uploaded a fltk package. 

BTW, this is why you're supposed to announce intention to package something
before working on it. 

Incidentally, I just skipped form.h and glut.h, on the assumption that someone
could just could just create a dummy file like it in their build directory. 
Another place they could go is inside /usr/include/FL, people would add -I FL
to get them.

Another issue is that I built it with a prefix of /usr, not /usr/X11. The
FSSTND is ambiguous on this, but seems to imply /usr/X11 is for the "X Window
System" itself, not just any program that happens to use X. And Personally I
don't see any reason to put X programs in a separate directory.


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Proposal, new system for dealing with non-us stuff

1998-06-20 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Here's an idea for another way to deal with non-us stuff that should be less
error-prone and make it easier to implement some new features.

I would like to see each package include an "Excluded" header listing country
codes the package should be excluded from. The header could be used in several
steps to get packages to the rights places.

some ideas of how to make use of this information:

1) A single control file could contain all the packages and debhelper/dupload
could automatically exclude non-us packages when building on a US build engine
or build them all but segregate the restricted packages and upload them where
they belong.

2) A complete archive could contain all the files, but generate file,, etc. which mirrors could use to exclude the
appropriate files.

3) The US archive could still contain the complete Packages file, but APT
could be made aware of which exclusions each archive follows and choose one
that should have a given package. In fact the US archive could be a complete
mirror except for the files listed in the file.

A further refinement might be "virtual domains" like crypto, weak-crypto,
crypto-authentication. Which would avoid problems if new countries ban crypto
or existing ones change their laws. 

Maybe this isn't important enough compared to having apt/dselect deal with
source packages, but the current situation just seems awkward and i think we
could do a lot better.

[ I've sent this to debian-policy but Bcc'd debian-devel. 
  Further discussion should continue on debian-polcy. ]


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Re: INTENT: to pkg netscape 4.5 full debs(not 4.05)

1998-06-18 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As some of you might know, I have been working on full debs of netscape
> 4.05.  I have everything almost perfect, except for the reporting clause.

Is there any possibility we could get permission from Netscape to skip the
reporting clause? Frankly I'm concerned any such reporting directly from the
client machine would be a nasty privacy violation. Since it's going in
non-free anyways it doesn't particularly matter if it has debian-specific

It would also be interesting to generate a pre-fortified version for nonus.


PS: this may all be a distraction from working on real free software, but it's
a darned attractive distraction... It would be real nice to a have a proper
netscape package.

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Re: Bug#22942: Advice for release critical bug (WAS: Bug#22942: libpaper depends on libpaperg)

1998-06-11 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Marco Pistore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Now, in hamm the binaries are only in libpaperg, since they are linked
> against libc6 libraries; package libpaper in hamm contains only the
> libraries. 

So, the original cause of the problem is that the binaries were in the library
package. The policy specifically prohibits that precisely because of these
problems. And you're proposing the libc6 versions keep doing the same thing
that caused the problem in the first place.

What I would suggest would be:

libpaper:   libc5 libraries only 
libpaperg:  libc6 libraries only 
libpaper-utils: both binaries, depends on libpaper|libpaperg
with wrapper scripts to choose the right ones somehow

This will at least avoid the problem in the future, as another version of the
library can be installed simultaneously without conflicting with the existing


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Re: RFC: packaging kernel modules

1998-06-11 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Wed, Jun 10, 1998 at 10:41:41AM +0200, Yann Dirson wrote:
> > I think the various modules should be primarily packaged in source
> > form, just as the kernel is, and installed under /usr/src/modules/.
> This sounds excellent. On one machine I am running 2.0.33
> and have the appropriate ntfs package installed, but it will not insert
> (many missing symbols), presumably because it is my own compilation
> of 2.0.33. Similarly I just upgraded another box to 2.0.34 and have
> installed ftape-3.04d from sources. It is presently much easier to work
> with sources to such kernel addons, imho.

I disagree. You're about to follow the same path that was followed for
kernel-source which has various awkward problems. Forcing .deb files into
handling source packages is a bad idea. Instead we should add an option to
dselect/apt to download and unpack the real source package in /usr/src.

If we compiled the standard kernel with CONFIG_MODVERSIONS then we can safely
install modules in /lib/modules or /lib/modules/2.0 instead of for a specific
version. This doesn't really handle conflicts between different incompatible
versions of a 2.0 kernel, but for modules like alsa would probably work fine.
Otherwise the user can download the source package and recompile.


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Re: Uploaded mpsql 2.0-1 (source i386) to erlangen

1998-06-09 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Michael Meskes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Yann Dirson writes:
> > Hm, assuming the "b1" means it's beta stuff, I think it would be
> > better to keep it in the Debian version.  Changing the version number
> Yes, but then slink is also beta.
> > * heavily using epochs
> I HATE epochs!
> > * add a string like "final" to the version when out of beta (I'll use
> > this for fweb)
> I did that for my NMU of lyx, but it's not exactly nice either.

this problem keeps coming up. i was thinking it would be handy to have a
character that is defined to sort before 0 and before the empty string. 
tilde seems like the best choice to me, so something like:


which i think is probably clearer than what i actually did:


or the other suggestions.

just an idea.


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Re: Bug#22928: New upstream security fix release

1998-06-08 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 2) There needs to be a new terminal type, xterm-debian, which tracks the
> latest XFree86 xterm entry but incorporates our keyboard policy (and
> anything else we want to customize).  I need to coordinate with the
> ncurses-base maintainer and some other folks about this.  Ideally I should
> provide an xterm-debian termcap entry to the maintainer of termcap-compat
> as well.  There are some issues with terminfo/termcap I don't grok yet, so
> yesterday I bought the O'Reilly book on them and will be dredging it for
> clues.  An "xterm-debian" terminal type may sound strange at first, but
> please don't jump on me saying it's a bad idea.  Ian Jackson, Mark Baker
> and I took at this issue and it looks like the best solution.  I don't have
> the bug number for that discussion handy.

Would this be the default TERM value for xterm? I assume you realize that this
means any user telnetting from a debian machine to any other distribution or
OS will not get a useful terminal.

I think this is an truly awful idea, instead we should simply not make local
customizations beyond the necessary BackSpace/DEL handling. Few programs
depend on the setting of the kdch and many other machines also use DEL for
BackSpace, so really that isn't a problem. Just resist the temptation to
customize various other keys and you'll avoid problems.

Really, it would suck a lot to not be able to telnet to other hosts without
manually setting TERM to a useful value. Many people won't even realize what's
wrong. Providing an additional entry for use by people who want it might be a
nice feature, but only if it's not the default, and not necessary for Hamm.

What should really happen is that X11R6.n should provide a new terminfo entry
for the new xterm behaviour which should include using DEL for kdch and we can
assume that entry is widely available. Trying to fix it with a local hack like
"xterm-debian" will only cause more problems than it will solve.


PS: I'm sorry for ignoring your expressed wish not to be told it was a bad
idea, but, well, it's  just that it's a really really really bad idea.

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What version of glibc in Hamm?

1998-06-06 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Currently the version of glibc in frozen is older than the version in Slink.
Does this mean we plan to release Hamm with that prerelease of glibc?
Or are we planning on including 2.0.8 when it's released?

If we plan to include 2.0.8 we really ought to push the latest prerelease into
frozen to test packages against it.


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Re: Debian Bazaar Politics (was: Debian Re-organization proposal)

1998-06-05 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Fabien Ninoles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just split the subject of the previous to take more about politics in
> Debian and let people discuss about the proposal.
> I think we too much mess up with wordin like democracy and government.
> Debian are neither. It's a bunch of volunteers trying to work together.


> Debian already works correctly for most of the Decision making process.
> Ideas are submit, discussed and most of the time, something came out


> We are an example. We do the Bazaar all the way. We should be proud about
> it. Not even red hat or slackware want to deal with so a big goal as
> we do in Debian [eh, we triple the number of package and support not
> two or three but four architectures!] Debian is still an example, and for
> now, we just try to solve the normal organisational problem it's happen,
> I mean ensuring that an idea wasn't lost in the under the normal mess of
> any bazaar. 

What he said!

Seriously people, don't get too psyched out by missing a release deadline.
Every project struggles to meet release deadlines, every project occasionally
fails. Especially when a major system-wide change is made, like libc6. And the
nature of release engineering is such that the further you fall behind the
harder it is to get the release out.

Really, don't jump to conclusions like "Debian obviously can't continue the
way it's been going". We screwed up once. We should keep that in mind next
time a deadline looms or release requirements start getting overambitious.


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Re: Intent to package inorwegian, norwegian words for ispell. (and a bit about wnorwegian)

1998-06-04 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> all that's left is the copyright document

> As for the norwegian wordlist "wnorwegian", I've been unable to produce 
> a copyright, seems that this just evolved on the net.  

In at least some countries simple lists of words are not copyrightable.
I'm not sure what the status is on that as far as international law and
the Berne convention.


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Re: Differences of Debian vs. the Other Guys

1998-06-03 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Manoj hit all the major points, and about every other point under the sun :)
But I would like to expand on what I think are the key differences.

1) It's a distributed volunteer based system with lots of contributors. This
   sometimes leads to long arguments, but it means that policies must be
   thrashed out and specified precisely. It means that systems must have well
   designed modular interfaces to make it possible for packages to be
   maintained effectively by different maintainers. It also means we have a
   huge number of packages, all of which are held to the same standards and
   using the same bugtracking system. No directories of "use at your own risk"

2) Debian has a very strong commitment to Free Software. Everything in the
   distribution proper is supposed to be Free Software. Non-free software is
   in a separate section which isn't included on most CDs. Users of Debian can
   be sure they have the freedom to use and modify any component of the
   distribution without breaking restrictive licenses. I've included our
   Social Contract and the Debian Free Software Guidelines below to help make
   this clearer.

Debian GNU/Linux Social Contract

We are Software In The Public Interest, producers of the Debian GNU/Linux
system. This is the "social contract" we offer to the free software


"Social Contract" with the Free Software Community

  1. Debian Will Remain 100% Free Software

 We promise to keep the Debian GNU/Linux Distribution entirely free
 software. As there are many definitions of free software, we include
 the guidelines we use to determine if software is "free" below. We will
 support our users who develop and run non-free software on Debian, but
 we will never make the system depend on an item of non-free software.

  2. We Will Give Back to the Free Software Community

 When we write new components of the Debian system, we will license them
 as free software. We will make the best system we can, so that free
 software will be widely distributed and used. We will feed back
 bug-fixes, improvements, user requests, etc. to the "upstream" authors
 of software included in our system.

  3. We Won't Hide Problems

 We will keep our entire bug-report database open for public view at all
 times. Reports that users file on-line will immediately become visible
 to others.

  4. Our Priorities are Our Users and Free Software

 We will be guided by the needs of our users and the free-software
 community. We will place their interests first in our priorities. We
 will support the needs of our users for operation in many different
 kinds of computing environment. We won't object to commercial software
 that is intended to run on Debian systems, and we'll allow others to
 create value-added distributions containing both Debian and commercial
 software, without any fee from us. To support these goals, we will
 provide an integrated system of high-quality, 100% free software, with
 no legal restrictions that would prevent these kinds of use.

  5. Programs That Don't Meet Our Free-Software Standards

 We acknowledge that some of our users require the use of programs that
 don't conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines. We have created
 "contrib" and "non-free" areas in our FTP archive for this software.
 The software in these directories is not part of the Debian system,
 although it has been configured for use with Debian. We encourage CD
 manufacturers to read the licenses of software packages in these
 directories and determine if they can distribute that software on their
 CDs. Thus, although non-free software isn't a part of Debian, we
 support its use, and we provide infrastructure (such as our
 bug-tracking system and mailing lists) for non-free software packages.


The Debian Free Software Guidelines

  1. Free Redistribution

 The license of a Debian component may not restrict any party from
 selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate
 software distribution containing programs from several different
 sources. The license may not require a royalty or other fee for such

  2. Source Code

 The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in
 source code as well as compiled form.

  3. Derived Works

 The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow
 them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the
 original software.

  4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code

 The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in modified
 form _only if the license allows the distribution of "patch files" with
 the source code for the purpose of

Re: Image names "rescue" and "default" was: Re: April 11th bootdisks - major failure

1998-04-19 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Oh, also another problem. Various commands from the ramdisk hung, i had to
reboot a couple times when all the virtual terminals were hung. And many
commands on the installed partition didn't work.

I imagine this might be some kind of shared library snafu, though who knows?
Maybe it would make sense to ship the ramdisk with a listing
/target/lib and /target/usr/lib after the normal directories.


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Re: Install process

1998-04-19 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Sigh, after writing that whole thing i looked at the new install.html and saw
that more or less precisely what i described is in there. As someone recently
said on linux-kernel, what tasty shoe leather i'm wearing today.


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Install process

1998-04-19 Thread Gregory S. Stark

I just went through the process yesterday, and I found it quite tedious.
Downloading and creating all those floppies, plus debugging problems with
rawrite and the bios floppy drivers.

And it should all be completely unecessary. It would be really nice if we
supported the loadlin method of mkrboot. It would result in a zip2exe
executable that could be downloaded and run straight out of dos. 

It might even be possible to pass a parameter from loadlin with the dos path
the kernel was loaded from; the user could mount the msdos filesystem and the
install program could read the base disks (or a single image) straight from
the original dos partition.


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Re: April 11th bootdisks - major failure

1998-04-19 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Chris Fearnley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hoo boy, I've been having bad luck with the bootdisks.
> This time, After I hit [ENTER] to load the ramdisks, the system hangs with
> the floppy drive light lit after displaying "Loading root.bin..."
> Note the three dots.  I take the same boot disk and it works like a charm
> on another system.

I don't recall having to press enter to continue, i guess you're using the
1.2m disks. Regardless, try another floppy. The instructions talk this, the
BIOS disk reading code is a lot less robust than the normal drivers and often
has problems reading marginal disks.

I had a different problem, after finishing the entire sequence I rebooted and
saw the very frightening:

 Invalid partition table

I rebooted with the rescue disk and tried to use the rescue image but got
something to the effect that there was no such image. When I used the regular
image and ran fdisk and saved the partition table from there it was ok. My
confidence in cfdisk is correspondingly lowered.


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Re: dpkg memory usage

1998-04-16 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Ian Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On `small memory' systems dpkg switches to a different data structure
> which is about twice as slow for general access on a big machine, but
> has a much smaller working set so is much faster for setup and access
> on small machines.  dpkg uses sysinfo(2) to guess which algorithm to
> use, and you can force one or the other using command line options.  I
> have checked this on a 3Mb system and it worked as expected.

You might want to tune the threshold upwards. At least on this 16M machine
--smallmem is noticeably faster and causes less disk thrashing.

> (The resulting structures will still be editable with emacs.)

Yay, of course everything is editable with emacs...

> It does ask the kernel to confirm that changes have been committed to disk
> before it continues.

Using fsync, you realize Linux's fsync implementation is to do a full sync.
It's probably the cause of much of the disk activity, but quite important.

Steve Dunham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I think a single text file would be noticably faster than a bunch of *.list
> files, but I don't know how much time is spent on I/O and how much is spent
> on building data structures in memory. (It would save the time of scanning
> the directory, opening and closing all the files.)

Opening files in a large directory can be extremely inefficient in many Unix
varieties. The kernel has to do a linear search for each the file. Linux 2.1
should be faster because of the dentry stuff, but even so it would be more
efficient to use a directory for each package with the various control files


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Re: Free-World maintainer for xpdf ?

1998-04-15 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Dirk Eddelbuettel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> As a Canadian resident, I don't think I can deal with the encryption
> code (as I understand it, the US laws for encryption technology make
> no difference between US and Canadian residents).  

The status of Canadian crypto laws is currently in flux.
A summary of the current situation is at: 

And also, the government is requesting public comments, the dealine for
submissions is April 21, help keep your country in the free world:

Basically the upshot is that if the code wasn't developped in the US and it's
widely available ("Public Domain", only not the same definition as copyright
law, it seems to include basically any Free Software) then you don't have to

If it's commercial software with restricted distribution then you need a
permit (which is true of many commercial exports anyways).

If it was developped in the US the case becomes murkier and worse the US
officials can consider you involved in exporting it from the US. This might
not matter to you if you don't ever plan on visitting the US and you don't
think they're likely to send the marines after you.

Don't trust me though, you'll have to read the information available yourself
and make judgements for your own legal safety.


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Re: Test Report (was: Re: boot-floppies_2.0.4 (source i386) uploaded)

1998-04-15 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Enrique Zanardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >After running kbdconfig manually, basis layouot was okay, but I
> > >couldn't enter german keys. I think this is because /etc/inputrc 
> > > has
> > >"set convert-meta off" commented out. I think it should be the
> > >default.
> In fact that was the default for a few libreadline*.deb versions, because 
> we wanted Debian to be latin1-compatible "out of the box", but Guy Maor 
> (readline maintainer) changed it back because leaving it "on" broke "META-x" 
> handling, and there were a few bug reports about that. (Guy also removed some 
> definitions that made the Home, End and Delete keys work). I guess it's time 
> (again) to discuss which should be the defaults. Perhaps asking the user at
> installation/upgrade time. 

ick, this should be switched back, I immediately noticed this myself.

I don't understand the M-x detail, it doesn't do anything now either.
Perhaps alt_is_meta shouldn't be on in the kernel map; if we use ESC
prefixes for meta it should work without disturbing 8-bit-cleanliness.


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Re: Is this a bug in libc6?

1998-04-12 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Avery Pennarun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Sun, 12 Apr 1998, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> > Is it really so difficult to handle this situation though? Using
> > Steve's test program on Solaris does as expected:
> Yes, it would be quite difficult to do efficently.  There's no good way to
> tell that the pointer you're passing is _really_ a FILE* pointer.  Once it's
> closed, the pointer's value is meaningless.

One cheap solution which will usually work is to put a magic number at the
head of the FILE* structure and clear it when the close is done (before the
free). This doesn't work 100% of the time but in practice would it would work.

> If you try to fclose(NULL) (like when the file can't open and you close it
> anyway) it's easy to ignore -- just return immediately if the file pointer
> is NULL.  But should we do that?

> Personally, as a programmer myself, I much prefer to work on a system that
> gives up consistently when I do something wrong.  That's what segmentation
> faults are all about. 

Well, the problem with the current setup is really that it may or may not
crash depending on what data is in the previously allocated structure. It's a
source of randomness which is always bad for debugging. 

And not all programs running with this library were developped with this
library. For people compiling software that was developped under solaris
or libc5, this will be a real pain.

I don't know if there are any run-time debugging flags for glibc, if there are
making this print a warning if they're set and always return EBADF would be
ideal, imho.


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Re: Is this a bug in libc6?

1998-04-11 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   Permissible undefined behaviour ranges from ignoring the
>   situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving
>   during translation or program execution in a documented manner
>   charecteristic of the environment (with or without the
>   issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a
>   translation or execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic
>   message).
>   Seems like a requirement to me, or else it is not permitted
>  undefined behaviour. Tell me how fclose in Debian does not volate
>  this from 1.6 of the standard (IEEE versioning).

No it's not a requirement. Requirements are stated in the for "the
implementation shall" or "the implementation must", not "permissable behaviour
ranges from ... to ...". First of all the latter phrasing doesn't say anything
about whether other behaviour is premissable, and second who's to say what
falls between the three stated points in the "range" or what constitutes
"unpredictable results".

What has happened here is that gnu libc has chosen the first choice. Failing
to check the input and print a diagnostic message or exit, it completely
ignored the situation. The "unpredictable results" (or not so unpredictable
really) was that the program received a SEGV.

Experience shows checking arguments is not usually hard or expensive and I
would support suggesting the glibc people change this behaviour. But it's
certainly permissable under ISO to not do so. Thanks for quoting the spec so
we can all verify that it explicitly allows the implementation to not check.

>  (You must admit the comments about monkeys, first made by Chris Torek, was
>  made under frustation and extreme provocation; and was meant more to drive
>  the lesson home that to be an interpretation of the standard).

If this conversation goes on much longer i'll be in a similar state soon.


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Re: intent to package Netscape Communicator

1998-04-11 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The nice side effect of my packaging, is that in the original tarball, you
> have to download both the static and dynamic versions.  My packaging has them
> split up.  Also, -java is the same between Navigator and Communicator.

Any chance of getting a standalone navigator as well?
It starts up much faster than the monolithic Communicator.


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Re: Is this a bug in libc6?

1998-04-11 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> --
> 1.6 Definitions of terms
>   ... Permissible undefined behaviour ranges from ignoring
>   the situation completely with unpredictable results, to ...
> __
>   Please show why my statement is incorrect wrt to the above
>  statement from the C standard. I said: "Corupting memory is not
>  acceptable behaviour! (Unless you document this)". The standard says
>  "permissible undefined behaviour ..."
>   I understand that it is fashionable in comp.lang.c to say that
>  undefined behaviour means "It can corrupt memory, re-format your hard
>  disk, or make monkeys fly out of your nose; all of these are ISO C
>  compliant.", but the standard does make a statement about permissible
>  undefined behaviour, and unless such action is documented, it is not
>  permitted by the standard.

Making monkeys fly out of my nose certainly sounds unpredictable to me.


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Re: APT broken ?

1998-04-10 Thread Gregory S. Stark

So as I see it there are at least three cases here:

The install is accidentally broken.
  Because we've all been living without apt for so long, various
  inconsistencies can arise. It would indeed be a great feature if apt offered
  to fix the problems. Since there may be many ways of fixing things it might
  be best if this were handled in the front-end though. This would give the
  sysadmin a chance to adjust the solution.

The install is broken because of unnecessary dependencies.
  This is the case the other person (sorry I don't keep old mail from lists)
  was talking about. Either the sysadmin has installed software in /usr/local
  or the package maintainer was overeager with dependencies. Currently the
  best solution is equivs. It might be nice one day to have a front-end for
  equivs though.

The install is broken and the sysadmin doesn't want to fix it.
  Possibly the sysadmin actually wants a package unpacked but not configured
  (for example, if the configuring the package changes the systems behaviour
  and he just wanted the files to be available.) Or possibly the sysadmin
  simply doesn't want to or can't fix the problem right now (Such as when
  waiting for an imminent new package that will fix the problem). 

This last case is the case i'm concerned with. I strongly suggest APT simply
refuse to handle any package that directly or indirectly depends on the
unconfigured packages, but continue to work on any other packages.

A related case is what happens when an error occurs downloading files.
Currently it panics and doesn't upgrade anything. Ideally it should check what
files have been downloaded, exclude any that can't be satisfied without the
erroneous package, and handle the valid ones.

For example, just today I tried to upgrade 16 packages. One wasn't in the
archive, which caused the entire upgrade to fail. None of the other packages
were dependant on that one package.


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Re: How to install editor lisp files?

1998-04-10 Thread Gregory S. Stark

You should just include the .el file, without bytecompiling, in

If there's code you want every user to run on startup.
you can create a file in 
ideally it should only contain autoloads.

The imporant section from /usr/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz:

5) Packages with only marginal emacs relevance

   Generally, if a normal package just contains some emacs helper
   files, and does not need to perform any byte-compilation or other
   emacs dependent activities upon installation (for performance or
   other reasons), then it is not necessary to specify a dependency on
   emacsen or any flavor of emacs, and the package may just include
   files located in the standard emacs add-on directories.

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packaging Pam modules?

1998-04-10 Thread Gregory S. Stark

This package includes a pam module. How should it be packaged?
Currently lintian seems to treat it as a normal shared library
and complains about the symlinks being wrong.


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Re: intent to package: coda (+ copyright question)

1998-04-09 Thread Gregory S. Stark

Anders Hammarquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This  file  contains  some  code identical to or derived from the 1986
> version of the Andrew File System ("AFS"), which is owned by  the  IBM
> Corporation.This  code is provded "AS IS" and IBM does not warrant
> that it is free of infringement of  any  intellectual  rights  of  any
> third  party.IBM  disclaims  liability of any kind for any damages
> whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from use of this  software
> or  of  any  derivative work.  Carnegie Mellon University has obtained
> permission to distribute this code, which is based on Version 2 of AFS
> and  does  not  contain the features and enhancements that are part of
> Version 3 of AFS.  Version 3 of  AFS  is  commercially  available  and
> supported by Transarc Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA.

I think it's clear the intent is to say that CMU is legally distributing AFS.
the terms under which CMU is distributing it are as stated above and are DFSG
compliant. I think that's all we're concerned with: the terms under which our
users can use, modify, and distribute the software.

So IBM owns the copyright, they gave CMU the right to distribute their code
under the above terms, and we received the software under those terms from

Actually the situation is a little more convoluted than that. AFS was
originally developped at CMU. Some students started a comany to develop and
market it, to which CMU gave the rights to AFS with the proviso that CMU have
the rights mentioned above. Later IBM bought this company, so we end up with
the above strange situation.


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