Building kernel modules for stock kernels is a hell of a job!

2003-08-24 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek
After having worked with Debian testing for about 2 years, I'm getting 
fed up with the seemingly unnecessarily complicated way of building 
kernel modules for the stock kernels.

I'm talking about packages like lm-sensors-source, the nvidia kernel 
modules (haven't done that in a year though, I switched video cards), 
and the experimental Debian packages that provide CVS versions of the 
DRM module by Michel Daenzer (for my ATI card).

Currently, I'm having the following stock kernel installed:
kernel-image-2.4.21-4-k7, meaning my kernel modules are in 

The procedure I'm going through is as follows (being root all the time)
1) install the kernel source for the kernel, e.g. kernel-source-2.4.21
2) go to /usr/src and tar xjvf kernel-source-2.4.21.tar.bz2
3) do the usual ln -s kernel-source-2.4.21 linux
4) to avoid having to configure the kernel again, copy the 
configuration: cp /boot/config-2.4.21-4-k7 /usr/src/linux/.config

5) apt-get install [modulename-source] (sometimes -src), e.g. 

6) this should give [modulename].tar.gz in /usr/src; extract it: tar 
xzvf [modulename].tar.gz
now, the source is in /usr/src/modules/[modulename]

7) and now, I always do the following (in bash): export 
   if this is omitted, the kernel modules will be installed in the 
wrong directory, in this case in /lib/modules/2.4.21/, which doesn't 
even exist (it is created though).

8) go to /usr/src/linux and type: make-kpkg modules_image
   this will build the sources and should result in a Debian package in 
/usr/src, named something like this:
   If you didn't use the export in step 7, you'll see that the name is 
like this:
Probably you can also get this version number correctly by using a 
--append-to-version command line option in the make-kpkg command line

9) install the just built package(s) with dpkg -i [package_name]
now the kernel modules should be in the right dir in /lib/modules and 
modprobe (or modconf) can find them.

That's it.
- If you have just installed a new kernel-image package (i.e. a new 
stock kernel), you need to do everything from the start *after* booting 
this new kernel
- In my experience, if you forget the export of step 7, you have to wipe 
your whole kernel source tree and start at step 2. I know I'm supposed 
to do a make-kpgk modules clean, but that didn't do the trick; I still 
got errors like "The changelog says we are creating 2.4.21-4-k7, but I 
thought the version is 2.4.21" or something similar (I didn't actually 
copy paste this from a real situation, it might have been the other way 
- If you have more modules to build, repeat steps 5, 6, 8 and 9 for all 
the source packages.
- all of the above really works, so I must be doing something right.

A) Why isn't this procedure documented properly somewhere? Especially 
the APPEND_TO_VERSION was something that took me very long to figure 
out. It also wasn't mentioned in the installation instructions in the 
NVIDIA packages at the time I installed them. This caused a lot of 
mental suffering for me. (Which brings us to another thing: WHY oh WHY, 
isn't the procedure to get and install the NVIDIA drivers more automated!?)

B) Is there a faster or easier way to this?
If not, why not? There's a lot of trivial stuff there that could easily 
be automated, I think.
If so, (again:) why isn't it properly documented somewhere!??
See also this: 

People, stock kernels are very comfortable, but building modules for 
them is not! Please tell me what I did wrong, or make the procedure a 
lot easier! (The latter especially applies to the maintainers of that 
NVIDIA package...)

Luckily, David Z. Maze has the lm-sensors as binary package in unstable 
nowadays... :) (Although not yet for 2.4.21...)

THANKS in advance.
Best regards,
A quite frustrated Manuel Bilderbeek :-)

Re: Re: Building kernel modules for stock kernels is a hell of a job!

2003-08-24 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek
2) go to /usr/src and tar xjvf kernel-source-2.4.21.tar.bz2
Why don't you use the kernel-headers packages and use them as partial
kernel source? They provide header files (including the complete kernel
version) and the .config that belongs to them.
Because for some of them it wasn't enough. So, to be on the safe side, I 
used the sources.

A) Why isn't this procedure documented properly somewhere? Especially 
This is not the default procedure. Working with kernel-headers is
documented in some FAQs and many README.Debian files of the ...-src
I haven't seen any README.Debian package that had a description of the 
procedure that worked out-of-the-box. Most of the time, using stock 
kernels is not taken into account, so the APPEND_TO_VERSION stuff is 

NVIDIA packages at the time I installed them. This caused a lot of 
mental suffering for me. (Which brings us to another thing: WHY oh WHY, 
isn't the procedure to get and install the NVIDIA drivers more automated!?)
I fail to see your problem. Read
/usr/share/doc/nvidia-kernel-src/README.Debian.gz and follow the steps
in the section:
METHOD #1 Using a kernel-headers package
At the time I still used it (again, one year ago or so), this didn't 
work out-of-the-box, because of the APPEND_TO_VERSION stuff. I see this 
has been fixed in the meantime, in step 4 of the installation 
instructions in the file you mentioned.

Still, couldn't this be a lot more automated?
Grtjs, Manuel
PS: MSX FOR EVER! (Questions? )
PPS: Visit my homepage at

Re: Re: Building kernel modules for stock kernels is a hell of a job!

2003-09-25 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek
Kernel 2.4.22 got into testing, so I have to go to the procedure again.
* Manuel Bilderbeek [Sun, Aug 24 2003, 04:32:45PM]:
The procedure I'm going through is as follows (being root all the time)
1) install the kernel source for the kernel, e.g. kernel-source-2.4.21
2) go to /usr/src and tar xjvf kernel-source-2.4.21.tar.bz2
Why don't you use the kernel-headers packages and use them as partial
kernel source? They provide header files (including the complete kernel
version) and the .config that belongs to them.
OK, but that doesn't work! See this:
goemon:/usr/src/linux# make-kpkg modules_image
We do not seem to be in a top level linux kernel source directory
tree. Since we are trying to make a kernel package, that does not make
sense.  Please change directory to a top level linux kernel source
directory, and try again. (If I am wrong, and this is indeed a top
level linux kernel source directory, then I have gotten sadly out of
date with current kernels, and you should upgrade kernel-package)
So, only with a full kernel source tree and the copied .config you seem 
to be able to use make-kpkg. I can't help it. Please tell me I'm wrong. :)

Grtjs, Manuel
PS: MSX FOR EVER! (Questions? )
PPS: Visit my homepage at

Random (?) terminals get killed after booting and logging in with GNOME2

2003-10-03 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek
Since the GNOME 2 stuff got into testing, it seems that I have the 
following problem: when I boot my Debian testing system and log in (xdm, 
gnome-session), after a few minutes one of the terminals I launch per 
default are getting killed. I'm launching 4 terminals (saved with "Save 
Session") by default. Most of the time the top left one gets killed...
Today I ran a program in one of the terminals, just after having started 
the system and having logged in. After a minute, the terminal I started 
the program from and the program itself just got silently killed...
I can't find anyting weird in my system logs.

Anyone having the same problem? Or know the cause and solution?
It's really very annoying and I'm not tending to upgrade my Debian 
testing system at work to GNOME 2 until I know what this is...

Please help!
Best regards,
Manuel Bilderbeek

Re: Random (?) terminals get killed after booting and logging in with GNOME2

2003-10-03 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek
Manuel Bilderbeek wrote:
Since the GNOME 2 stuff got into testing, it seems that I have the 
following problem: when I boot my Debian testing system and log in (xdm, 
gnome-session), after a few minutes one of the terminals I launch per 
default are getting killed. I'm launching 4 terminals (saved with "Save 
Session") by default. Most of the time the top left one gets killed...
Today I ran a program in one of the terminals, just after having started 
the system and having logged in. After a minute, the terminal I started 
the program from and the program itself just got silently killed...
I can't find anyting weird in my system logs.
Ah, I forgot: it only happens when I log in just after booting. So, when 
I log out and log in again, no terminals get killed.

Grtjs, Manuel
PS: MSX FOR EVER! (Questions? )
PPS: Visit my homepage at

Debian wxWindows - XML Resources?

2003-12-16 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek
Hello all,
I originally sent the message below to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but it seems he's
not responding to my mails. Ron is the maintainter of the wxWindows
packages for Debian. I was hoping that sending it to this mailinglist
would be more fruitful. Please let me know if there's something better I
could do. :)
OK, here's what I sent:
Me and a friend just started to work on a project that uses wxWindows (in
C++) and we'd like to use the wxWindows XML Resources, to easily
separate the UI from the actual implementation. But, it seems that the
wxWindows XML Resources are not included in Debian. Is that correct?
(I get link errors when compiling...)
If you need more information, please let me know.
Thanks in advance for your reply!
Best regards,
Manuel Bilderbeek