Re: help

2007-02-15 Thread Matthew K Poer
On Wed, 2007-02-14 at 21:14 -0700, RJ Gillis wrote:
> Hey guys...
> Thanks for all the responses and I got it figured out; my buddy went
> there and thought it was a Quick-time like player needed to view the
> page. Nothing happened and so he never told me about it.
Well it is good to know that Debian wasn't installed on your computer
with malicious intent.

>  But I would think a program install would show you something...?
(The developer is in the CC list. They'll be able to respond to this
better than I can, as I have never even used that installer.)

>  Anyway, from reading your emails, I got kinda interested, my main
> question is; will all my programs run on Debian? If so, I might try it
> out. Thanks again for the replies- RJ

Windows programs, (.exe files), do not run naively in a Linux/Unix
environment. There are work-arounds to make them run, using a program
called WINE. 

But instead of using WINE, I typically recommend people find open-source
software to replace the proprietary software they were using. For
example, instead of Microsoft Office, use Open Office. Here's a
quick-list of popular desktop software and their Debian superiors:

MS Office = 2.0
Outlook / Outlook Express = Evolution / IceDove
Windows Media Player = Rythmbox and Totem/mplayer
Photoshop = GIMP
Internet Explorer = IceWeasle

Many users feel that the Open-Source replacements are superior to their
proprietary counterparts, but it may require a bit of getting-used-to.

Debian is a great system. It is functional, stable, secure, and free.
There are disadvantages, though. I wrote a lot about these in a blog
post, The Disadvantages of Linux and Open Source Software(1), where I
describe substantial negative issues that many users face when switching
from Microsoft Windows to a Linux-Based Operating System, and how to
deal with them. 

Please give it a quick reading, and if you think you can face these
issues, run that installer next time you boot, and let us know how you


Matthew K Poer

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: help

2007-02-10 Thread Matthew K Poer
On Sat, 2007-02-10 at 16:33 -0700, RJ Gillis wrote:
> Hopefully you can forward this to the correct party; everyone I've tried gets 
> my message returned stating: "you are not subscribed to this list". Yet, I 
> cannot find a way to subscribe, nor do I wish to. Thanks- RJ
> Hi, I am hoping you can help me. I recently had to use 'safe mode' and 
> when rebooting, was offer the choice of 'windows' or 'debian installer'. 
> I have never seen or heard of debian before and no one else uses my pc, 
> so the question is; how did this get on my pc? I cruised your site and I 
> know it's an OS, but not how it got here. The only hardware changes I've 
> made recently are a new monitor and graphics card; neither disc includes 
> debian on it. Any clues? It sure is a mystery to me.
> Thanks- RJ

Are you sure you don't have geeky friend's messing with you, trying to
have you use Debian (Linux)?

I can't say for sure how the Debian Installer got onto your computer,
but it may have to do with the Debian Windows Installer project, check, which basically loads the Debian OS installer
from within MS Windows. It's neat... if you want it. As far as I know,
no one has forced this on anyone unwilling. (Though there would be irony
in forcing people to use a secure OS via a security hole in an insecure

To me this sounds like your opportunity to try out Debian GNU/Linux. If
you're not interested, just select to load Windows. Check out here for
how to fix your boot.ini file and go to Windows automatically when your
PC boots up:

If you've accidentally stumbled upon Linux, why not give it a shot? I'll
tell you one thing: you won't not know when you've installed a second
operating system!

(I've CC-ed to what I think might be the correct mailing lists for such
a topic. If you reply, keep please keep these addresses in the CC field)

Matthew K Poer

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]