Bug#1069970: ITP: libeddsa-java -- implementation of EdDSA in Java

2024-04-27 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-Java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-j...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libeddsa-java
  Version : 0.3.0
  Upstream Contact: str4d
* URL : https://github.com/str4d/ed25519-java
* License : CC0-1.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : implementation of EdDSA in Java

This package is needed as a dependency of libmina-sshd-java and of new upstream
versions of jgit. I plan to maintain it in the Debian-Java team and to be its
first uploader.

This implementation of EdDSA is based on the ref10 implementation in SUPERCOP.

There are two internal implementations:
- A port of the radix-2^51 operations in ref10 - fast and constant-time, but
  only useful for Ed25519;
- A generic version using BigIntegers for calculation - a bit slower and not
  constant-time, but compatible with any EdDSA parameter specification.

Bug#1050556: ITP: libfailsafe-java -- fault tolerance and resilience patterns Java library

2023-08-26 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian Java Maintainers 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libfailsafe-java
  Version : 3.3.2
  Upstream Contact: Jonathan Halterman 
* URL : Jonathan Halterman 
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : fault tolerance and resilience patterns Java library

Failsafe is a lightweight, zero-dependency library for handling failures in
Java 8+, with a concise API for handling everyday use cases and the
flexibility to handle everything else. It works by wrapping executable logic
with one or more resilience policies, which can be combined and composed as
Policies include Retry, CircuitBreaker, RateLimiter, Timeout, Bulkhead, and
Fallback. Additional modules include OkHttp.

This package is needed as a dependency of nextflow. It will be team-maintained
by the Debian-Java team.

Bug#1050170: ITP: libconcurrentunit-java -- simple toolkit for testing multi-threaded Java code

2023-08-21 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian Java Maintainers 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libconcurrentunit-java
  Version : 0.4.6
  Upstream Contact: Jonathan Halterman 
* URL : https://github.com/jhalterman/concurrentunit
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : simple toolkit for testing multi-threaded Java code

ConcurrentUnit was created to help developers test multi-threaded or
asynchronous code. It allows one to perform assertions and wait for operations
in any thread, with failures being properly reported back to the main test
thread. If an assertion fails, the test fails, regardless of which thread the
assertion came from.

This package is needed as a (transitive) dependency of nextflow. It will be
team-maintained by the Debian-Java team.

Bug#1027277: ITP: glgrib -- geophysical GRIB2-encoded fields displayer using OpenGL

2022-12-29 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Pierre Gruet 
User: debian-scie...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: field..geography
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-scie...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: glgrib
  Version : 1.0.0
  Upstream Contact: Philippe Marguinaud
* URL : https://github.com/pmarguinaud/glgrib
* License : GPL-3
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : geophysical GRIB2-encoded fields displayer using OpenGL

This is an interactive executable, based on GLFW, displaying GRIB2 fields with
OpenGL. It offers a GLFW backend for interactive display or an EGL backend for
batch processing without X11 display. The interface is written in Perl/Tk.

This software is packaged as an useful geographical data visualization tool,
comfortable and eye-appealing. We plan to maintain it under the Debian-science
team umbrella.

Bug#1022258: ITP: libmjson-java -- lean JSON Library for Java with a compact API

2022-10-22 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libmjson-java
  Version : 1.4.0
  Upstream Author : Miami-Dade County
* URL : https://bolerio.github.io/mjson/
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : lean JSON Library for Java with a compact API

mJson is an extremely lightweight Java JSON library with a very concise API.
Unlike other JSON libraries, it focuses on manipulating JSON structures in
Java without necessarily mapping them to/from strongly typed Java objects.
Because of its tiny size, it is well-suited for any application aiming at a
small footprint such as mobile applications.

mjson is needed as a dependency of htsjdk, which is an important software in
the Debian-med ecosystem.

Bug#1021934: ITP: biojava6-live -- Java API to biological data and applications (version 6)

2022-10-17 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: biojava6-live
  Version : 6.0.5
  Upstream Author : BioJava Developers 
* URL : https://biojava.org
* License : LGPL-2.1
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java API to biological data and applications (version 6)

This package presents the Open Source Java API to biological databases
and a series of mostly sequence-based algorithms.

BioJava is an open-source project dedicated to providing a Java framework
for processing biological data. It includes objects for manipulating
sequences, file parsers, server support, access to BioSQL
and Ensembl databases, and powerful analysis and statistical routines
including a dynamic programming toolkit.

Important changes in the API at each major version have made it necesssary to
have a new source package for every major version of the library. In the
Debian-med team, we have already started seeing packages depending on biojava 6
and it would be a very valuable addition to have it into Debian.

The package will be team-maintained by the Debian-med team.

Bug#1016046: ITP: genomicsdb -- sparse array storage library for genomics

2022-07-25 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: genomicsdb
  Version : 1.4.3
  Upstream Author : Intel Health and Lifesciences
* URL : https://www.genomicsdb.org/
* License : Expat
  Programming Lang: C++, Java
  Description : sparse array storage library for genomics

GenomicsDB is built on top of a htslib fork and an internal array storage
system for importing, querying and transforming variant data. Variant data is
sparse by nature (sparse relative to the whole genome) and using sparse array
data stores is a perfect fit for storing such data.

The GenomicsDB stores variant data in a 2D array where:
 - Each column corresponds to a genomic position (chromosome + position);
 - Each row corresponds to a sample in a VCF (or CallSet in the GA4GH
 - Each cell contains data for a given sample/CallSet at a given position;
   data is stored in the form of cell attributes;
 - Cells are stored in column major order - this makes accessing cells with
   the same column index (i.e. data for a given genomic position over all
   samples) fast.
 - Variant interval/gVCF interval data is stored in a cell at the start of the
   interval. The END is stored as a cell attribute. For variant intervals
   (such as deletions and gVCF REF blocks), an additional cell is stored at
   the END value of the variant interval. When queried for a given genomic
   position, the query library performs an efficient sweep to determine all
   intervals that intersect with the queried position.

There is a C++ library and a Java library, we plan to ship both of them.

This library is needed as a dependency of gatk, which is a packaging target of
the Debian-med team.

Bug#1015926: ITP: persalys -- GUI for uncertainty treatment and variabilities management

2022-07-24 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Pierre Gruet 
User: debian-scie...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: field..science
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-scie...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: persalys
  Version : 12.0.1
  Upstream Author : Airbus-EDF-Phimeca
* URL : https://persalys.fr/
* License : LGPL-3+
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : GUI for uncertainty treatment and variabilities management

Persalys is a graphical user interface for OpenTURNS, dedicated to the
treatment of uncertainty and the management of variabilities. The software is
a tool between the computer simulation, probabilistic analyses and the data
sciences. The interface is available in French or in English.

Persalys allows one to:
- create mathematical models: analytical, coupling with an external model
(finite elements, ...), FMU;
- analyse the variability of one's parameters thanks to many methods and
visualisation tools;
- statistically analyse one's measuring data, infer probability distributions
or create metamodels.

I am an user of Persalys. I plan to maintain in in the Debian-science team.

Bug#1014504: ITP: ojalgo -- Java library to do mathematics, linear algebra and optimisation

2022-07-07 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-math team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: ojalgo
  Version : 51.3.0
  Upstream Author : Optimatika
* URL : https://www.ojalgo.org/
* License : Expat
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java library to do mathematics, linear algebra and 

ojAlgo is a fast pure Java linear algebra library. It features:
- Optimisation (mathematical programming) tools including LP, QP and MIP
solvers – again this is pure Java with zero dependencies;
- A collection of "array" classes that can be sparse or dense and arbitrarily
large. They can be used as 1-, 2- or N/Any-dimensional arrays, and may
contain/handle a multitude of different number types including complex
numbers, rational numbers and quaternions. The memory for the arrays can
alternatively be allocated off heap or in a file. The linear algebra part of
ojAlgo builds on these arrays – they’re fast and efficient;
- Artificial Neural Networks;
- Various other things like time series, random numbers, stochastic
processes, descriptive statistics...

ojAlgo is needed as a dependency of gatk.
It will be team-maintained inside the Debian-math team.

Bug#1014344: ITP: gatk-bwamem -- interface to call Heng Li's bwa mem aligner from Java code

2022-07-04 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: gatk-bwamem
  Version : 1.0.4
  Upstream Author : Broad Institute
* URL : https://github.com/broadinstitute/gatk-bwamem-jni/
* License : BSD-3-Clause
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : interface to call Heng Li's bwa mem aligner from Java code

BWA (Burrows-Wheeler Aligner) is a software package for mapping low-divergent
sequences against a large reference genome, such as the human genome. It is
written in C.

gatk-bwamem provides a Java library and a shared library to allow one to use
BWA from Java code.

Bug#1011557: ITP: pagmo -- library for massively parallel optimisation

2022-05-24 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Pierre Gruet 
User: debian-scie...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: field..science
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-scie...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: pagmo
  Version : 2.18.0
  Upstream Author : Francesco Biscani 
* URL : https://github.com/esa2/pagmo
* License : GPL-3+ or LGPL-3+
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : library for massively parallel optimisation

pagmo is a C++ scientific library built around the idea of providing an
unified interface to optimization algorithms and to optimization
problems and to make their deployment in massively parallel environments easy.

This package is needed as a dependency of openturns, which is maintained in the
Debian science team -- which I also plan to do with pagmo.

Bug#1011068: ITP: spectra -- library for large scale eigenvalue problems

2022-05-16 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Pierre Gruet 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, team+m...@tracker.debian.org

* Package name: spectra
  Version : 1.0.1
  Upstream Author : Yixuan Qiu 
* URL : https://spectralib.org/
* License : MPL-2.0
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : library for large scale eigenvalue problems

Spectra stands for Sparse Eigenvalue Computation Toolkit as a Redesigned
ARPACK. It is a C++ library for large scale eigenvalue problems, built on top
of Eigen, an open source linear algebra library.

Spectra is implemented as a header-only C++ library, whose only dependency,
Eigen, is also header-only. Hence Spectra can be easily embedded in C++
projects that require calculating eigenvalues of large matrices.

Spectra is designed to calculate a specified number of eigenvalues of a large
square matrix. Usually this number of eigenvalues is much smaller than the
size of the matrix, so that only a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors are
computed, which in general is more efficient than calculating the whole
spectral decomposition. Users can choose eigenvalue selection rules to pick
the eigenvalues of interest, such as the largest k eigenvalues, or eigenvalues
with largest real parts, etc.

The library is needed as a dependency of openturns. It will be maintained 
inside the Debian-math team.

Bug#1008572: ITP: xgboost-predictor-java -- Java implementation of XGBoost predictor for online prediction tasks

2022-03-28 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Pierre Gruet 
User: debian-scie...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: field..science
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-scie...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: xgboost-predictor-java
  Version : 0.3.1
  Upstream Author : KOMIYA Atsushi
* URL : https://github.com/komiya-atsushi/xgboost-predictor-java
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java implementation of XGBoost predictor for online 
prediction tasks

XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be
highly efficient, flexible and portable. It implements machine learning
algorithms under the Gradient Boosting framework. XGBoost provides a parallel
tree boosting (also known as GBDT, GBM) that solve many data science problems
in a fast and accurate way. The same code runs on major distributed
environment (Kubernetes, Hadoop, SGE, MPI, Dask) and can solve problems beyond
billions of examples.

This is the Java implementation of XGBoost. Right now it is needed as a
dependency of gatk, but it should be useful more broadly for scientists or
people from machine learning.
It will be team-maintained in Debian Science team.

Re: Bug#1008304: ITP: http-nio -- http/s file system provider for Java NIO.2

2022-03-28 Thread Pierre Gruet

Hi Guillem,

Le 28/03/2022 à 13:43, Guillem Jover a écrit :


On Sat, 2022-03-26 at 14:59:17 +0100, Pierre Gruet wrote:

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: http-nio
   Version : 0.1.0
   Upstream Author : Daniel Gomez-Sanchez
* URL : https://github.com/lbergelson/http-nio
* License : BSD-3-Clause
   Programming Lang: Java
   Description : http/s file system provider for Java NIO.2

This package provides a http or https file system that can be used in
conjunction with Java NIO.2. This lightweight library provides a few classes
related to file systems and paths.

It is provided by the developers of gatk, which is a long-term packaging target
of Debian-med team. I am packaging it as a reverse dependency of gatk.
For this reason, it will be team-maintained inside Debian-med team.

The http-nio name seems rather generic to be used as either source or
binary package name. Could you namespace it? I don't see a very clear
naming convention in the archive for Java packages, but then I have not
checked the java-policy, TBH. What I see is either -jave or
lib-java, either would work here.

Thanks for your advice on this; the lib-java pattern seems wholly 
appropriate here, as it matches the name of the binary package that will 
be built by this source package. I will make the change as you suggest.


Best regards,


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#1008304: ITP: http-nio -- http/s file system provider for Java NIO.2

2022-03-26 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: http-nio
  Version : 0.1.0
  Upstream Author : Daniel Gomez-Sanchez
* URL : https://github.com/lbergelson/http-nio
* License : BSD-3-Clause
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : http/s file system provider for Java NIO.2

This package provides a http or https file system that can be used in
conjunction with Java NIO.2. This lightweight library provides a few classes
related to file systems and paths.

It is provided by the developers of gatk, which is a long-term packaging target
of Debian-med team. I am packaging it as a reverse dependency of gatk.
For this reason, it will be team-maintained inside Debian-med team.

Bug#1008128: ITP: gatk-fermilite -- interface to call Heng Li's fermi-lite assembler from Java code

2022-03-22 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: gatk-fermilite
  Version : 1.2.1
  Upstream Author : Broad Institute
* URL : https://github.com/broadinstitute/gatk-fermilite-jni
* License : BSD-3-clause
  Programming Lang: Java, C
  Description : interface to call Heng Li's fermi-lite assembler from Java 

Fml-asm (fermi-lite assembler) is a command-line tool for assembling Illumina
short reads in regions from 100bp to 10 million bp in size, based on the
fermi-lite library.

gatk-fermilite provides a Java library and a shared library to allow one to use
fermilite from Java code.
The package will be team-maintained inside Debian-med team. It is needed as a
dependency of the packaging target gatk.

Bug#1006834: ITP: aeonbits-owner -- API to handle application configuration through Java properties file

2022-03-06 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: aeonbits-owner
  Version : 1.0.12
  Upstream Author : Luigi R. Viggiano
* URL : http://owner.aeonbits.org/
* License : BSD-3-clause
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : API to handle application configuration through Java 
properties file

OWNER was written because the code dealing with the configuration is
frequently repetitive, redundant, it’s made of static classes, singletons,
long list of methods just doing conversion from a string property to a named
method returning a Java primitive or a basic Java object.

OWNER solves the problem providing an interface object that
 - is easy to mock, easy to pass to other objects (via dependency injection);
 - declaratively maps the configuration without any redundancy;
 - can easily expand the loading logic in order to have multiple configuration
 files, multiple level of overriding (global configuration, user-level,
 defaults, etc);
 - doesn’t need to have an actual properties file backing the configuration,
 if one uses @DefaultValue.
 - provides a lot of features, like hot reloading, variables expansion, etc;
 - leaves one free to do everything one is already doing with
 - does support a super powerful type conversion, which includes arrays,
 collections, many standard Java objects, and even the possibility to plug
 one's own conversion logic.

The package is needed as a dependency of gatk, which is a packaging target of
Debian-med team. It will be maintained in this team.

Bug#1006501: ITP: snpsift -- tool to annotate and manipulate genome variants

2022-02-26 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: snpsift
  Version : 5.1
  Upstream Author : Pablo Cingolani 
* URL : https://pcingola.github.io/SnpEff/ss_introduction/
* License : Expat
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : tool to annotate and manipulate genome variants

SnpSift is a toolbox that allows one to filter and manipulate annotated files.
Once the genomic variants have been annotated, one needs to filter them out in
order to find the "interesting / relevant variants". Given the large data
files, this is not a trivial task (e.g. one cannot load all the variants into
XLS spreadsheet). SnpSift helps to perform this VCF file manipulation and
filtering required at this stage in data processing pipelines.

The package will be team-maintained by Debian-med team.

Bug#1005356: ITP: rockhopper -- system for analyzing bacterial RNA-seq data

2022-02-11 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: rockhopper
  Version : 2.0.3
  Upstream Author : Brian Tjaden
* URL : https://cs.wellesley.edu/~btjaden/Rockhopper
* License : GPL-3+
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : system for analyzing bacterial RNA-seq data

Rockhopper is a comprehensive and user-friendly system for
computational analysis of bacterial RNA-seq data. As input, Rockhopper
takes RNA sequencing reads output by high-throughput sequencing
technology (FASTQ, QSEQ, FASTA, SAM, or BAM files). Rockhopper supports
the following tasks:
* Reference based transcript assembly (when one or more reference
  genomes are available)
  - Aligning reads to genomes
  - Assembling transcripts
  - Identifying transcript boundaries and novel transcripts such as
small RNAs
* De novo transcript assembly (when reference genomes are unavailable)
* Normalizing data from different experiments
* Quantifying transcript abundance
* Testing for differential gene expression
* Characterizing operon structures
* Visualizing results in a genome browser

The package will be team-maintained by Debian-med team.

Bug#1004554: ITP: libpdfbox-graphics2d-java -- Java library to embed graphics as vector drawing in a PDF

2022-01-30 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian Java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, 

* Package name: libpdfbox-graphics2d-java
  Version : 0.34
  Upstream Author : Emmeran Seehuber
* URL : https://github.com/rototor/pdfbox-graphics2d/
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java library to embed graphics as vector drawing in a PDF

Using this library one can use any Graphics2D API based SVG / graph /
chart library to embed those graphics as vector drawing in a PDF. In
combination with PDFBox PDFRenderer/PageDrawer one can also "rerender"
PDF pages and change certain aspects (e.g. change the color mapping and
perform an overfill) .

The following features are supported:

* Drawing any shape using draw...() and fill...() methods from
* Drawing images. The default is to always lossless compress them. One
  could plugin one's own Image -> PDImageXObject conversion if one wants
  to encode the images as jpeg.
* All BasicStroke attributes.
* Paint:
   - Color. One can specify one's own color mapping implementation to
 special map the (RGB) colors to PDColor. Beside using CMYK colors
 one can also use spot colors.
   - GradientPaint, LinearGradientPaint and RadialGradientPaint. There
 are some restrictions.
   - TexturePaint.
* Drawing text. By default all text is drawn as vector shapes, so no
  fonts are embedded. RTL languages are supported. It's possible to use
  fonts, but this loses some features (especially RTL support) and one
  must provide the TTF files of the fonts if the default PDF fonts are
  not enough.

The package will be team-maintained in the Debian Java team.

Bug#1004152: ITP: malt -- sequence alignment and analysis tool to process sequencing data

2022-01-21 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: malt
  Version : 0.5.2
  Upstream Author : Daniel Huson 
* URL : https://github.com/danielhuson/malt
* License : GPL-3+
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : sequence alignment and analysis tool to process sequencing 

MALT, an acronym for MEGAN alignment tool, is a sequence alignment and
analysis tool designed for processing high-throughput sequencing data,
especially in the context of metagenomics. It is an extension of MEGAN6,
the MEGenome Analyzer and is designed to provide the input for MEGAN6,
but can also be used independently of MEGAN6.

The core of the program is a sequence alignment engine that aligns DNA
or protein sequences to a DNA or protein reference database in either
BLASTN (DNA queries and DNA references), BLASTX (DNA queries and protein
references) or BLASTP (protein queries and protein references) mode. The
engine uses a banded-alignment algorithm with ane gap scores and BLOSUM
substitution matrices (in the case of protein alignments). The program
can compute both local alignments (Smith-Waterman) or semi-global
alignments (in which reads are aligned end-to-end into reference
sequences), the latter being more appropriate for aligning metagenomic
reads to references.

The package will be team-maintained in Debian-med team.

Bug#1003782: ITP: megan-ce -- interactive tool to explore and analyse microbiome sequencing data

2022-01-15 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: megan-ce
  Version : 6.21.1
  Upstream Author : Daniel Huson 
* URL : https://github.com/danielhuson/megan-ce
* License : GPL-3+
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : interactive tool to explore and analyse microbiome 
sequencing data

MEGAN Community Edition is a shotgun sequencer to analyze microbiome samples.
It is a rewrite and extension of the widely-used microbiome analysis tool
MEGAN so as to facilitate the interactive analysis of the taxonomic and
functional content of very large microbiome datasets. Other new features
include a functional classifier called InterPro2GO, gene-centric read
assembly, principal coordinate analysis of taxonomy and function, and support
for metadata.  By integrating MEGAN CE with the high-throughput DNA-to-protein
alignment tool DIAMOND a powerful and complete pipeline for the analysis of
metagenome shotgun sequences can be provided.

megan-ce will be team-maintained by Debian-med team.

Bug#1001099: ITP: stopt -- library for stochastic optimization problems

2021-12-04 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Pierre Gruet 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: stopt
  Version : 4.2
  Upstream Author : Xavier Warin 
* URL : https://gitlab.com/stochastic-control/StOpt/
* License : LGPL-3
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : library for stochastic optimization problems

The STochastic OPTimization library (StOpt) aims at providing tools in C++ for
solving some stochastic optimization problems encountered in finance or in the
industry. Different methods are available:
 - dynamic programming methods based on Monte Carlo with regressions (global,
 local, kernel and sparse regressors), for underlying states following some
 uncontrolled Stochastic Differential Equations;
 - dynamic programming with a representation of uncertainties with a tree:
 transition problems are here solved by some discretizations of the commands,
 resolution of LP with cut representation of the Bellman values;
 - Semi-Lagrangian methods for Hamilton Jacobi Bellman general equations for
 underlying states following some controlled Stochastic Differential
 - Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming methods to deal with stochastic stock
 management problems in high dimension. Uncertainties can be given by Monte
 Carlo and can be represented by a state with a finite number of values
 - Some branching nesting methods to solve very high dimensional non linear
 PDEs and some appearing in HJB problems. Besides some methods are provided
 to solve by Monte Carlo some problems where the underlying stochastic state
 is controlled.
 For each method, a framework is provided to optimize the problem and then
 simulate it out of the sample using the optimal commands previously computed.
 Parallelization methods based on OpenMP and MPI are provided in this
 framework permitting to solve high dimensional problems on clusters.
The library should be flexible enough to be used at different levels depending
on the user's willingness.

The package will be team-maintained in the Debian-math team. The upstream
developer is part of the packaging effort.

Bug#999424: ITP: geners -- generic serialization library for C++

2021-11-10 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Pierre Gruet 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

* Package name: geners
  Version : 1.12.0
  Upstream Author : Igor Volobouev
* URL : https://geners.hepforge.org/
* License : Expat
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : generic serialization library for C++

The Generic Serialization library is designed to address the problem of C++
object persistence in situations where the most typical data access pattern is
"write once read many" (WORM). "Geners" is a set of tools and conventions
which allows its users to develop C++ classes that can be converted to and
from a storable stream of bytes in a well-organized and type-safe manner.
Serialization of STL containers is supported, including the ones added in the
C++11 standard. Independent versioning of each class definition is allowed.

Among others, compared to the boost serialization package, Geners archives
provide random access to stored objects and can be used to create and
serialize very large archive-based objects. Yet, only binary archives are
implemented, and implementing non-intrusive serialization is less transparent.

I am packaging this software as a dependency of stopt, which is a packaging
target of mine. I plan to maintain it myself.

Bug#996993: ITP: biojava5-live -- Java API to biological data and applications (version 5)

2021-10-21 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: biojava5-live
  Version : 5.4.0
  Upstream Author : BioJava Developers 
* URL : https://www.biojava.org/
* License : LGPL-2.1
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java API to biological data and applications (version 5)

This package presents the Open Source Java API to biological databases
and a series of mostly sequence-based algorithms.

BioJava is an open-source project dedicated to providing a Java framework
for processing biological data. It includes objects for manipulating
sequences, file parsers, server support, access to BioSQL
and Ensembl databases, and powerful analysis and statistical routines
including a dynamic programming toolkit.

This is the version 5 of biojava, which brings several changes compared to
version 4, packaged in biojava4-live.
It will be maintained by the Debian-med team.

Bug#996991: ITP: jgrapht -- Java library of graph theory data structures and algorithms

2021-10-21 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Pierre Gruet 
User: debian-scie...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: field..science
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-scie...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: jgrapht
  Version : 1.5.1
  Upstream Author : Abdallah Atouani and collaborators
* URL : https://jgrapht.org/
* License : LGPL-2.1 or EPL-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java library of graph theory data structures and algorithms

JGraphT is a free Java class library that provides mathematical graph-theory
objects and algorithms. In JGraphT, a graph is defined as a set of vertices
connected by a set of edges.

It is possible to define graphs, to modify, compare or generate them, to run
many algorithms through them. One may also import or export graphs.

The library is needed for the packaging of biojava5, which is an aim of the
Debian med team. It is also a nice adddition to Debian to have this Java
library to tackle graph theory problems.
Many years ago, libgrapht0.6-java and libjgrapht0.8-java have been packaged
because new upstream versions of jgrapht generally incorporated ABI changes.
Now this seems not to be the case, hence this unversioned package name.
The packaging will be done in the Debian-science team.

Bug#996865: ITP: jheaps -- Java library with various heap implementations

2021-10-19 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-j...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: jheaps
  Version : 0.14
  Upstream Author : Dimitrios Michail
* URL : https://github.com/d-michail/jheaps
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java library with various heap implementations

This library contains various heap implementations written in Java.
A heap is a priority queue data type which contains elements with keys
(duplicate keys are permitted) from a totally-ordered universe.
The library is easy to use, its data structures have a well defined interface,
it is fast and well documented, and the heaps are written in a similar way as
in the JDK.

jheaps is needed as a dependency of JGraphT, which will also soon be packaged
as a dependency of biojava5-live, needed in Debian-med activities. JGraphtT
will also be a nice addition to scientific software in Debian-science.

The package will be team-maintained in the Debian-java team.

Bug#996727: ITP: ciftools-java -- Java library to read and write CIF files

2021-10-17 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-j...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: ciftools-java
  Version : 3.0.0
  Upstream Author : Sebastian Bittrich
* URL : https://github.com/rcsb/ciftools-java
* License : Expat
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java library to read and write CIF files

CIFTools implements reading and writing of CIF files as well as their
efficiently encoded counterpart, called BinaryCIF.
The idea is to have a robust, type-safe implementation for the handling of
CIF files which does not care about the origin of the data: both conventional
text-based and binary files should be handled the same way.

This library is needed as a dependency for biojava5-live, which is a packaging
aim of Debian med team.
It will be team-maintained inside the Debian java team.

Bug#995294: ITP: tipp -- taxonomic identification and abundance profiling tool

2021-09-29 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: tipp
  Version : 1.0
  Upstream Author : Siavash Mirarab
* URL : https://github.com/TeraTrees/TIPP
* License : GPL-3
  Programming Lang: Python, Java
  Description : taxonomic identification and abundance profiling tool

TIPP is a modification of SEPP for classifying query sequences (i.e. reads)
using phylogenetic placement.

TIPP inserts each read into a taxonomic tree and uses the insertion location
to identify the taxonomic lineage of the read. The novel idea behind TIPP is
that rather than using the single best alignment and placement for taxonomic
identification, it uses a collection of alignments and placements and
considers statistical support for each alignment and placement.

TIPP can also be used for abundance estimation by computing an abundance
profile on the reads binned to marker genes in a reference dataset.

sepp is already packaged in Debian, and up to now, the binaries of tipp were
provided by sepp. Now the sources of sepp and tipp have been separated, which
is the reason for making this package.

tipp will be team-maintained by Debian-med team.

Bug#992044: ITP: libgoby-java -- next-generation sequencing data and results analysis tool

2021-08-09 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libgoby-java
  Version : 3.3.1
  Upstream Author : Institute for Computational Biomedicine
* URL : https://github.com/CampagneLaboratory/goby3
* License : GPL-3
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : next-generation sequencing data and results analysis tool

Goby is a next-gen data management framework designed to facilitate the
implementation of efficient data analysis pipelines.
Goby provides very efficient file formats to store next-generation sequencing
data and intermediary analysis results.
It also provides utilities that implement common next-gen data computations.
These utilities are designed to be relatively easy to use, yet very efficient.

One binary package will contain the Goby IO API, useful to read and write Goby
file formats. The related source code is licensed under LGPL-3.
The other binary package will contain the whole goby software, released under

The package is long-needed by the Debian-med team as a dependency of igv, which
is currently in non-free.
It will be maintained inside the Debian-med team.

Bug#988879: ITP: grengine -- engine for running and embedding Groovy in a Java virtual machine

2021-05-20 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-j...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: grengine
  Version : 3.0.0
  Upstream Author : Alain Stalder
* URL : https://www.artecat.ch/grengine
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : engine for running and embedding Groovy in a Java virtual 

Grengine allows one to run Groovy code in a Java VM, in a way that is quick,
highly configurable and thread-safe. When the default behavior does not suit
the users' needs, classes can be overridden to change the way the framework
behaves. Even without writing new classes, there are ways to configure the
engine quite a lot.

This package will be team-maintained inside the Debian-java team.
Right now it is needed as a dependency of nextflow.

Bug#988531: ITP: libpf4j-update-java -- update mechanism for Java modular applications

2021-05-14 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-j...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libpf4j-update-java
  Version : 2.3.0
  Upstream Author : Decebal Suiu
* URL : https://pf4j.org
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : update mechanism for Java modular applications

This package allows one to inspect repositories to check the availability of
updates for Java plugins. The available updates can then be installed, updated
or uninstalled using the classes in this package.
Plugins are containers for extension points (defining  where, in the
application, custom code may be called), for extensions (which implement
extension points) and for optional life-cycle methods to start, load and stop

This package will be team-maintained inside the Debian-java team.
Right now it is needed as a dependency of nextflow.

Bug#988279: ITP: libpf4j-java -- framework to turn monolithic Java applications into modular ones

2021-05-09 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-j...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libpf4j-java
  Version : 3.6.0
  Upstream Author : Decebal Suiu
* URL : https://pf4j.org/
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : framework to turn monolithic Java applications into modular 

PF4J is a lightweight framework which helps one to build a modular application
by defining plugins, which are containers for extension points (defining
where, in the application, custom code may be called), for extensions (which
implement extension points) and for optional lifecycle methods to start, load
and stop extensions.
A plugin is similar to modules in other programming languages.

This package will be team-maintained inside the Debian-java team.
Right now it is needed as a dependency of nextflow.

Bug#987946: ITP: capsule-maven-nextflow -- packaging tool for Java applications with Maven coordinates

2021-05-02 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: capsule-maven-nextflow
  Version :
  Upstream Author : Paolo di Tommaso 
* URL : https://github.com/nextflow-io/capsule-maven
* License : EPL-1.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : packaging tool for Java applications with Maven coordinates

A capsule is a single executable JAR that contains everything an application
needs to run either in the form of embedded files or as declarative metadata.
Maven Capsule is a capsule that allows the creations of capsules that, instead
of embedding their dependencies, download all or some of them from a Maven
repository. The dependencies are downloaded, cached locally, and shared among
other capsules that also depend on them. In addition, this capsule allows
specifying capsule metadata in a POM file in addition to the manifest.

A capsule with the Maven caplet that has all (or almost all) of its
dependencies downloaded rather than embedded is known as a "thin" capsule (as
opposed to a "fat" capsule, which embeds all of its dependencies). In fact, a
capsule may not contain any of the application's classes/JARs at all. Instead,
the capsule's manifest may contain these attributes alone (and no files in the
capsule JAR besides the manifest). When the capsule is launched, the newest
available version of the application will be downloaded, cached and launched.

This package contains a fork of the original capsule-maven project. This fork
is suited as a dependency of nextflow.

Bug#987771: ITP: capsule-nextflow -- packaging and deployment tool for Java applications

2021-04-29 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: capsule-nextflow
  Version : 1.1.0
  Upstream Author : Paolo di Tommaso 
* URL : https://github.com/nextflow-io/capsule
* License : EPL-1.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : packaging and deployment tool for Java applications

A capsule is a single executable JAR that contains everything an application
needs to run either in the form of embedded files or as declarative metadata.
It can contain JAR artifacts, dependencies and resources, native libraries,
the required Java Runtime Environment version, the Java Virtual Machine flags
required to run the application well, Java or native agents and more. In
short, a capsule is a self-contained JAR that knows everything there is to
know about how to run the application the way it is meant to run.

One way of thinking about a capsule is as a fat JAR on steroids (that also
allows native libraries and never interferes with your dependencies) and a
declarative startup script rolled into one; another, is to see it is as the
deploy-time counterpart to your build tool. Just as a build tool manages your
build, Capsule manages the launching of your application.

This package contains a fork of the original capsule project. This fork is
suited as a dependency of nextflow, which is a workflow engine needed in the
Debian-med team.
It will thus be maintained inside this team.

Bug#986141: ITP: snpeff -- genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox

2021-03-30 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: snpeff
  Version : 4.3t
  Upstream Author : Pablo Cingolani 
* URL : https://pcingola.github.io/SnpEff/
* License : LGPL-3
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox

SnpEff is a variant annotation and effect prediction tool. It annotates
and predicts the effects of variants on genes (such as amino acid

The inputs are predicted variants (SNPs, insertions, deletions and
MNPs). The input file is usually obtained as a result of a sequencing
experiment, and it is usually in variant call format (VCF).

SnpEff analyzes the input variants. It annotates the variants and
calculates the effects they produce on known genes (e.g. amino acid

This software is needed in many workflows in the Debian-med team. It will be
maintained inside the team.

Bug#974879: ITP: intervalstorej -- Java implementation of the Nested Containment List data structure

2020-11-15 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian Java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-j...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: intervalstorej
  Version : 1.2
  Upstream Author : Mungo Carstairs, Barton Group
* URL : https://github.com/bartongroup/IntervalStoreJ/
* License : BSD-3-clause
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java implementation of the Nested Containment List data 

NCList provides efficient lookup of intervals overlapping a given range in
time O(M log N) where N is the number of intervals stored, and M the number
of overlaps found.

- is parameterised by ;
- so can store any Java type that implements IntervalI, that is, has methods
 getBegin() and getEnd() (where begin <= end);
- extends java.util.AbstractCollection;
- may be referred to as Collection in code;
- exposes methods for add, contains, remove, iterator, size etc;
- has a 'bulk load' constructor, and methods to add or remove entries, while
 retaining lookup efficiency;
- optimises storage and search of sparsely nested intervals by storing
 non-nested intervals separately;
- incorporates NCList to store any properly nested intervals.

This package is needed as a dependency of jalview, which is currently updated
as we have a quite old version of it in Debian. jalview now relies on it.

It will be maintained inside the Debian Java team.

Bug#973568: ITP: libpj-java -- API and middleware for parallel programming in Java

2020-11-01 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med project 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libpj-java
  Version : 20150107
  Upstream Author : Alan Kaminsky
* URL : https://www.cs.rit.edu/~ark/pj.shtml
* License : GPL-3+
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : API and middleware for parallel programming in Java

Parallel Java (PJ) is for parallel programming in 100% Java on shared memory
multiprocessor (SMP) parallel computers, cluster parallel computers, and hybrid
SMP cluster parallel computers. PJ was developed in the Department of Computer
Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

libpj-java is needed as a dependency of goby, which is itself needed in the
ongoing efforts in Debian-med to package igv in the main section.
It will be maintained inside the Debian-med team.

Bug#972554: ITP: icb-utils -- Java library of utilities to manage files and compute statistics

2020-10-20 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med project 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: icb-utils
  Version : 2.0.1+git20161002.afee1d9
  Upstream Author : Fabien Campagne
* URL : https://github.com/CampagneLaboratory/icb-utils
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java library of utilities to manage files and compute 

icb-utils is a group of tools originally designed by the Campagne laboratory
for computational biomedicine software.
They include extensions of standard Java to manage io, extended iterator
classes, hashtables, network-related classes, as well as a set of classes
allowing for the computation of statistics.

This software is needed as a predependency for igv, currently in non-free. It
is also a dependency of several software Debian-med is willing to package.
The package will be taken care of in Debian-med team.

Bug#971870: ITP: sepp -- methods using ensembles of Hidden Markov Models (HMM)

2020-10-08 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med project 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: sepp
  Version : 4.3.10
  Upstream Author : Siavash Mirarab 
* URL : https://github.com/smirarab/sepp/
* License : GPL-3
  Programming Lang: Python, Java
  Description : methods using ensembles of Hidden Markov Models (HMM)

The tools SEPP and TIPP implementing these methods use ensembles of Hidden
Markov Models (HMMs) in different ways, each focusing on a different problem.

SEPP stands for "SATe-enabled Phylogenetic Placement", and addresses the
problem of phylogenetic placement of short reads into reference
alignments and trees.

TIPP stands for "Taxonomic Identification and Phylogenetic Profiling",
and addresses the problem of taxonomic identification and abundance
profiling of metagenomic data.

This package is useful to treat genomic data and will be maintained by

Bug#969186: ITP: libreflections-java -- Java runtime metadata analysis library

2020-08-28 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian Java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-j...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libreflections-java
  Version : 0.9.12
  Upstream Author : ronmamo
* URL : https://github.com/ronmamo/reflections
* License : WTFPL
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java runtime metadata analysis library

Reflections scans a classpath, indexes the metadata, allows one to query it on
runtime and may save and collect that information for many modules within a

Using Reflections one can query metadata such as:
 - get all subtypes of some type;
 - get all types/members annotated with some annotation;
 - get all resources matching a regular expression;
 - get all methods with specific signature including parameters, parameter
 annotations and return type.

This package is needed as a predependency of igv, which the Debian med team
would like to package out of non-free. I am personnally aiming at this.
The package will be maintained in the Debian Java team.

Bug#969176: ITP: libdsiutils-java -- Java library of statistical and text data handling tools

2020-08-28 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian Java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-j...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libdsiutils-java
  Version : 2.6.6
  Upstream Author : Sebastiano Vigna
* URL : http://dsiutils.di.unimi.it
* License : LGPL-3
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java library of statistical and text data handling tools

The library contains:
  - Implementations of pseudorandom number generators;
  - BitVector and its implementations -- a high-performance but flexible set of
  bit vector classes;
  - A it.unimi.dsi.compression package containing codecs for several types of
  - ProgressLogger, a flexible logger with statistics marking the progress of
  the classes that are used and that require hours of computation;
  - ObjectParser, a class making it easy to specify complex objects on the
  command line;
  - MutableString, an alternative to the immutable Java String class;
  - The I/O package, containing fast version of several classes existing in
  java.io, many useful classes to read easily text data
  (e.g., FileLinesCollection), bit streams, classes providing large-size memory
  mapping such as ByteBufferInputStream, and OfflineIterable -- the easy & fast
  way to store large sequences of objects on disk and iterate on them;
  - The it.unimi.dsi.util package, containing pseudorandom number generators,
  tries, immutable prefix maps, Bloom filters, a very comfortable Properties
  class and more;
  - The it.unimi.dsi.stat package, containing a lightweight class for computing
  basic statistics and an arbitrary-precision implementation of the Jackknife
  - Lots of utility methods in Util;
  - Big versions of I/O and utility classes in it.unimi.dsi.big.io and
  - The BulletParser, used to parse HTML and XML.

This package is needed as a predependency of igv, which the Debian med team
would like to package out of non-free. I am personnally aiming at this.
The package will be maintained in the Debian Java team.

Bug#966299: ITP: libapfloat-java -- high performance arbitrary precision arithmetic library for Java

2020-07-26 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian Java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-j...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libapfloat-java
  Version : 1.9.1
  Upstream Author : Mikko Tommila 
* URL : http://www.apfloat.org/apfloat_java
* License : LGPL-2.1
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : high performance arbitrary precision arithmetic library for 

Apfloat is a high performance arbitrary precision arithmetic library.
You can perform calculations with a precision of millions of digits with
it. It's as simple to use as Java's BigDecimal or BigInteger classes,
but performs a lot better with extreme precision numbers (more than a
few hundred digits). Also, a full suite of mathematical functions for
arbitrary precision numbers are available: all those existing in
java.lang.Math and more.

This package is needed as a dependency of snpeff, which the Debian Med team 
would like to package. I am personnally aiming at this.
It will be maintained in the Debian Java team.

Bug#966192: ITP: libcharts4j-java -- free, lightweight charts and graphs Java API

2020-07-24 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian Java team 
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-j...@lists.debian.org

* Package name: libcharts4j-java
  Version : 1.3
  Upstream Author : Julien Chastang
* URL : https://github.com/julienchastang/charts4j
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : free, lightweight charts and graphs Java API

charts4j enables developers to programmatically create the charts available in
the Google Chart API through a straightforward and intuitive Java API.

This package is needed as a dependency of snpeff, which the Debian med team
would like to package. I am personnally aiming at this.
The package will be maintained in the Debian Java team.

Bug#963630: ITP: libaparapi-java -- framework for executing native Java code on the GPU

2020-06-24 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med project 

* Package name: libaparapi-java
  Version : 2.0.0
  Upstream Author : Gary Frost, Syncleus, Inc.
* URL : http://aparapi.com/
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : framework for executing native Java code on the GPU

This framework converts Java bytecode to an OpenCL kernel dynamically at
runtime, to allow Java code to be executed on a graphics card GPU.
This allows developers to take profit from GPU architecture while writing Java

This package will be taken care of in Debian-med team, where it is needed as a
dependency of apfloat, which is itself a dependency of SnpEff.

Re: Bug#961158: ITP: distlib -- Java library of statistical distribution functions

2020-05-20 Thread Pierre Gruet
Control: retitle -1 ITP: libdistlib-java -- Java library of statistical 
distribution functions

Hi Scott and Andreas,

Le 21/05/2020 à 06:44, Scott Kitterman a écrit :
> On Thursday, May 21, 2020 12:08:44 AM EDT Andreas Tille wrote:

>> At least the name of the binary package should be
>> libdistlib-java
>> Choosing the same name for the source package as the binary package is
>> frequently done.
> That would certainly resolve my concern.
> Thanks,
> Scott K

Thanks for your reactions and suggestions, this looks fine. I am therefore 
renaming the ITP bug
and changing the identification block for this new package to the following.

* Package name: libdistlib-java
  Version : 0.9.1
  Upstream Author : Peter N. Steinmetz
* URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/statdistlib
* License : GPL-2
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java library of statistical distribution functions

Best regards,

Bug#961158: ITP: distlib -- Java library of statistical distribution functions

2020-05-20 Thread Pierre Gruet
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian-med project 

* Package name: distlib
  Version : 0.9.1
  Upstream Author : Peter N. Steinmetz
* URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/statdistlib
* License : GPL-2
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java library of statistical distribution functions

This is a library written in Java, providing probability density function,
cumulative distribution function, quantiles and random variate generation
for several common statistical distributions.

This package will be taken care of in Debian-med team, where it is needed as a
dependency of SnpEff.