Vosotros también con esa moda? Es totalmente innecesario en un SO.
En fin ... Lo que nos queda por ver.

El mié., 17 abr. 2019 14:39, Rhonda D'Vine <rho...@debian.org> escribió:

> You might have heard about this effort already, as it's been in
> discussions for a while.
> At the end of DebConf16, I was approached by some people asking whether
> I would like to start a team for LGBTIQA+ people within Debian, along
> similar lines and with similar goals as the Debian Women project.  The
> idea was to create a welcoming space for, and increase visibility of,
> underrepresented gender and sexual minorities within the Debian project.
> It was also to make it clear that the Diversity Statement[1] isn't just
> words, and that the Code of Conduct[2] is a genuinely important part of
> our community.
> [1] https://www.debian.org/intro/diversity
> [2] https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct
> Since then, the IRC channel #debian-diversity has been formed and we
> have had a discussion session there.  We have also had productive
> sessions at both DebConf17 and DebConf18, where we tried to find out
> what people expect from this group, and how to move forward.  The Debian
> project always has and always will welcome contributions from people who
> are willing to work on a constructive level with each other, without
> discrimination.
> Through discussions with different people it became clear that calling
> it the Diversity Team, or rather, Diversity Effort, would be the best
> fitting name.  Our aims aren't limited to specific gender or sexual
> minority groups and our efforts are specifically meant to be
> intersectional, and meant to be a combined force, regardless of one's
> social status, racial background, sexual orientation, gender identity or
> adherence to body or mental state or norms.
> We stand for a respectful and welcoming environment.
> We can be proud of what we managed to produce over the last 25 years.
> Let's continue to build on these foundations, and make it clear that the
> Debian community is open and welcoming.
> An email address has been created to be able to reach the Diversity team
> in private.  If you seek support, feel free to reach out to us at
> <divers...@debian.org>.  We have also started to draft a Team page[3] on
> the wiki.
> Currently, we are in close contact with the DebConf19 Local Team from
> Curitiba, so that we can try to ensure that those who would like to
> attend the next DebConf can feel as safe as possible.  We see you, we
> are worried too, but we think that hiding is not the right reaction to
> what's going on right now.
> [3] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Diversity
> For the team, offering hugs,
> Rhonda
> --
> Fühlst du dich mutlos, fass endlich Mut, los      |
> Fühlst du dich hilflos, geh raus und hilf, los    | Wir sind Helden
> Fühlst du dich machtlos, geh raus und mach, los   | 23.55: Alles auf Anfang
> Fühlst du dich haltlos, such Halt und lass los    |

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