bill gates linux

2002-12-03 Thread spiratec

I am not at totally stupid
person.I have written a 60k
byte qbasic application program.
I have watched with interest over
the past few years the development
of Linux.I believe it will really
never go very far until someone
removes the hopelessly complex web
of knowledge required to use the
What is required is in effect a
Windows,xx or DOS based SETUP.EXE
program that would permanently
install Linux on ones hard drive
including a Partition to allow
dual Windows,XX and Linux to
coexist together.

bill gates Linux

2002-12-06 Thread spiratec

 The response I got to a simple
 request for an DOS or Windows
 based "SETUP.EXE" program which
 loads Linux onto my hard drive,
 would lead me to thick I was asking
 for the combination to Fort Knox.
 Consider two computers one with
 Windows and the other with Linux.
 They only differ in that the machine
 code written on the respective hard
 drives is diferent.I am certain that
 a simple file copying "setup.exe" 
 program can move all code from a 
 CD-rom  onto ones hard drive.
 And the next time the machine is 
 started an option page can allow
 the user to select either Windows
 or Linux.
 The Linux "kernal" can't be so 
 foreign a language that it can be
 copied ??? All code that the computer
 uses must come from a bios chip
 or the hard drive not from outer space.
 I am trying to avoid the problem which
 I have of needing a degree in Rocket
 Science to even see anything on my
 computer which originates from the
 blessed Linus "kernal". Who in this
 world can actually read hexadecimal
 code anyway.

bill gates Linux

2002-12-07 Thread spiratec

 Thank you all for your interesting
 analysis to "setup.exe"
 I am sorry to disappoint Craig Im
 not a Troll.
 I especially like your answer 
 Santiago. thanks .It sheds
 quite a bit of light on the 
 and your addition Ben thanks !
 I really do wish for Linux
 to be on the same world scale
 as Windows.!!... No greater!!!
 At the risk of getting you guys
 on my case what if I have a computer
 with two hard drives  c: and d:
 or apples: and oranges:,one with Windows
 on it, and one with Linux on it.
 Or is this such a complex problem
 you have to have two computers sitting side by
 side one with Windows and one with Linux
 running on it and join them together with
 an USB cable and two can do battle with 
 each other.
 Gentlemen if you don't e-mail me I
 promise I will go away.
 If you do e-mail me I will feel free
 to talk O.K.
 Do you have to rewire your house when
 you want to change a light bulb from
 60w to 100w .
 The only requirment would be that
 the new bulb has a standard Edison
 base so it fits and 110 v.
 Do I need a degree in "c++" to
 change that lightbulb?
 Or do they have a "C+++" these
 By now your thinking I probably
 have a "c-" or a "d".
 No doubt somewhat justified.
 thanks again *


bill gates linux

2002-12-08 Thread spiratec

 I am going to try one last time on this and then I 
 promise you won't here from me again.

 1/ there are millions of Windows and Dos
 users out there.
 2/ Ideally there should be equally millions of
 Linux users out there.
 3/ many of us millions don't want to give up
or find it usefull to keep our Dos and
 4/ many of us millions would very much like to have
the option of using both systems on our computer.

 1/ we don't want to have to know the technical
 details of how to get to the step4/ above (in the
 given table above).
 2/we want one of the following:-
 A/ to be able to insert a floppy disk into
 our "a" drive , turn on the computer,
the computer then loads DOS or whatever
 and eventually after enough time and floppys
 have been fead into the drive we see an
  up and running version of Linux.
 or:.. B/ turn on the computer with a floppy
  disk "a" which then prompts for a cd-rom
   which then loads a version of Linux.
 or:..c/ option 3 would be to allow Windows to
  to boot up and click on a cd-rom drive.
   and then the program on the cd would modify
my computer so that Windows and Linux
 can run on the same machine.
 either :-
 1/ separately
 2/ selectably
 3/ Windows under Linux or Visa versa
 4/ some way the two can interact on
the same machine
  5/ or some combination of 1/2/3/4
   IF you think that this can't be done then
   fine; but I bet Linus Torvalds could do it.
   I know bill can't do it he  
   is too busy adding more bells and 
whistles to Windows4000 .
  Please don't take my pleadings to be for 
   myself personally. There will come a time
   when the world wide demand for operating systems
   will be huge.This will come from third world
   countrys where literacy is low and computer
   literacy is even lower. I respectfully place
   myself in that catagory.
   TO your greater success!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR