Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-22 Thread Joey Hess
Joseph Carter wrote:
 IMO, dist and a half is mostly fluff as far as press releases go.  potato
 and a half would be a potato dist with a 2.4 kernel, possibly some new X
 stuff if it can be done and a new apache.  It's still out of date potato
 otherwise.  I want a REAL upgrade!

In the case of slink and a half, it's fluff that lets you install on
laptops a normal user could never get working with plain slink.

see shy jo

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-16 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 09:35:16PM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 15:06:57 -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
  It wouldn't help with out and out buggy programs but at least it
  would catch dependency problems.

 It would catch problems with the dependencies a package declares. But
 it's no substitite for integration testing, part of which checks that
 the declared dependencies of a package accurately reflect the real

true. that's why there will still a need for the freeze/test/release
part of the cycle even after automated snapshot releases are possible.

snapshots will get the latest stuff out to the nearly-bleeding-edge
users fast (hopefully once/month)...those users will then use  test the

final testing as an integrated system will be done as normal, with our
usual freeze/test/release procedure...but should go faster because many
of the serious package bugs will have already been found by snapshot

as i recall it, the basic package pools idea was something like:

development cycle:

 incoming - packages arrive here and stay until all dependancies are met
(i.e. satisfied by the packages in unstable or incoming)
 unstable - packages auto moved to here by dinstall if no dep. problems
 ???  - packages auto moved to here after basic criteria met (e.g.
in unstable for 2 weeks with no bug reports).  can't remember
what this stage was to be called.

 snapshot - built automatically from the latest stuff in '???'.

release cycle:

 frozen   - forked from the latest snapshot when the release team feels it
is nearly ready.
 stable   - final release, after testing, debugging, and integration work

(both cycles can, and probably will, occur simultaneously. the release
cycle can happen as often as the release team have the energy for it,
perhaps with as little as a few weeks or a month between a stable
release and the next freeze)

target users:

'unstable' will probably be used mostly by developers and bleeding-edge
type users.

'snapshot' will be used by those with fewer guinea-pig genes, who want
something up-to-date but with major obvious problems resolved.

'frozen' is for those who just can't wait for stable or who want to help
with final testing.

'stable' is for everyone.


craig sanders

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-16 Thread Craig Sanders
On Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 11:02:31AM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
  ???  - packages auto moved to here after basic criteria met (e.g.
 in unstable for 2 weeks with no bug reports).  can't remember
 what this stage was to be called.

i feel a need to write some more about this stage.

this is the workhorse of the package pools/rolling release idea, this is
where there will be the most work to be done, fine-tuning the criteria
(and probably the source of the loudest and longest debates).

there have already been several discussions on appropriate
criteria...some as simple as the automatic after two weeks example
above. others as complex as manual, requiring endorsement by X number
of people.

by trying different criteria here, we'll eventually come to the ideal
compromise between stability and speed of release. we probably wont get
it right the first time around.

the tests here will mostly be regarding usability/stability of the
package, and how it integrates into the system - i.e. it will be driven
by user bug reports as most packaging bugs will have already been caught
by the dinstall process which moves packages from incoming to unstable
(which would check for dependancies and run a lintian test, holding or
rejecting packages which have errors)


craig sanders

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-16 Thread Bdale Garbee
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

You know, the whole concept of 'a release' is orthogonal to the way I think
about Debian.  We've been through that before, too, and I understand the
various reasons that it's important for us to make a release from time to
time... but I doubt any of my machines will ever run a release.  The beauty
of the Debian development model in the presence of sufficient network 
bandwidth is that you don't have to wait until some release happens to get
new functionality or bug fixes...  The package pool concept on some level 
is just an efficiency hack for managing the master archive site better, but
it is also fundamental enabling technology for supporting the idea of having
multiple simultaneous flavors of Debian.

 this is the workhorse of the package pools/rolling release idea, this is
 where there will be the most work to be done, fine-tuning the criteria
 (and probably the source of the loudest and longest debates).

Absolutely.  What I realized after talking to Manoj at some length face-to-face
at the Usenix Tech conference in New Orleans a couple of years ago is that we
will need to have different snapshots (I actually don't like that name) 
with different criteria.  He and I had a fundamental difference of opinion
about how automated the package promotion to stability should be.  I think we
both had reasonable approaches, and there's no reason not to implement both
if people want them.

The beauty of the package pool concept is that the cost of each flavor is 
pretty low, so there's no reason we can't have a number of them.  Some might
be different levels of stability towards a release, some might be proper
subsets like Debian Jr.  There are a number of secondary issues, like how 
many versions of each package you can afford to have in the pool before you 
run out of disk space, but those are all manageable... and we'll learn by 

I gathered from Guy's email a while back that a prototype might be underway
on a Debian machine somewhere.  I have spent a bunch of time talking with the
other developers at work, one of whom gets paid to do revison control and
release management for a living, about this.  I believe there are enough
interested people willing to work that we *will* have something in place 
before woody, but I've promised myself that I won't personally do any more 
work on package pools until potato releases.


Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-16 Thread Eray Ozkural

Michael Stone wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 03:27:18PM -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
 > On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Ed Szynaka wrote:
 > > > How does this account for drastic changes to something
like libc that
 > > > might take weeks or months to shake out?
 > Build daemons could take care of the 90% or so of packages
that would just
 > need a recompile.
 That ignores the arguments over what needs to be recompiled,
the time
 needed to discover problems, the time needed to make the compilations
 work, etc. Build daemons are not omnipotent. (Otherwise they'd
be build
 deities...I digress.)

All right. Why doesn't anyone take the tools developed in
I think their build tracking tools are quite excellent. I'm sure that
it would be a breeze to
hinge a debian source build back-end to that and get it up and running
together with
the fancy web interface.

 Mike Stone
 Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature
-+++-+++-++-++-++--+---++- --- -- - -
+ Eray "eXa" Ozkural . . . . . .
+ CS, Bilkent University, Ankara ^ . o . .
| mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] . ^ . .

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-16 Thread Bernhard R. Link
On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Bdale Garbee wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
  After reading this nice diskussion with all it's aspects, I want to
  complete the mess and suggest a distribution called
  e.g. progressive beetween stable(frozen) and unstable.
 I gather you haven't read the discussion of package pools in the archive?

Not all of it, and after reading some people not having the same option of
that I wanted to suggest an additional idea, that is more simple (both in 
the sence of less advantages and less work).

 First things first.  Let's get potato released, 

As I wrote, nothing can be changed before.

  Bernhard R. Link

Beyond Package Pools (Was: Re: A progressive distribution)

2000-03-16 Thread Eray Ozkural
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 14:12:49 -0500, Jacob Kuntz wrote:
  try this hypothetical release method out:
  there are two trees. let's call them devel and production. debian saavy
  folks (maintainers) run devel. new packages are uploaded to devel where
  they are tested extensivly. when a package has been in devel for more than
  (for instance) two weeks, and it has no release critical and few important
  bugs, it graduates into production.
  the production branch should always work.
 But it won't. This approach ignores the fact that stability is a property
 of a release as a whole (the set of packages and their interdependencies,
 ISOs, boot floppies and the upgrade path from the previous release) rather
 than the sum of the stability of individual packages.

So, that's why the current scheme is correct? It obviously suffers from latency,
though it doesn't suffer from quality. It doesn't suffer from quality, because
releases are being managed, in order for a package to get into stable it has
to go through extensive testing. That's in fact the main advantage of Debian.
Now, how do we combine this with responsiveness, and an organic distribution
like the FreeBSD? (in which there is rock-stable distro, a working distro,
and an unstable distro, three of which are constantly developing)

Here is the outline of a proposal which might do that:

1. Define subsystems within the debian system. One example is the X subsystem.
However, that's too big. The point here is that the current classification of
packages would be too coarse grained. I would suggest that, for instance, 
X applications that support gnome and are IRC clients are one class while
console IRC applications are another class. A classification scheme as this
a) make browsing and finding of packages easier since it makes better
   use of real world semantics
b) can be used to formalize things, it's just a DAG

2. Divide and conquer the release process. Define the dependencies and
interfaces of each subsystem with others.  Then, reorganize the release
process as follows:
a) A Release Team is responsible for each subsystem. The Release Team does
   not have to be comprised of developers of packages of that subsystem.
   Release Team decides which packages graduate to working and then
   to stable. Except that Release Teams may define other flavors of
   distributions for their subsystem. [Here I assume that package pools
   is working, and has three virtual distros called: stable, working,
b) According to the number of packages (or the sum of weights of
   packages) in that subsystem and the number of dependencies with other
   subsystems (that's important), we give a weight to that subsystem.
   According to some thresholds, small subystems are release-managed by
   the smallest-weighted Team, closest up in the hierarchy. Some other
   thresholds may be used to indicate the importance of the release in
   that part of Debian.
c) Debian has some serious glueware, config tools, and a complicated
   package management. The policy for dealing with package management and
   etc. seem to be quite effective at the moment. No need to fiddle with
   that. However, the Debian specific software is represented also in the
   regular release process, and since their weights would be great their
   importance would have been shown faithfully. The use of these tools,
   and policy is made even more comprehensive and documented extensively
   for other developers.
d) There is a System Release Team which overlooks the activities of
   subsystem Release Teams and coordinates them and guides them towards
   some goals such as the release goals that Debian had in potato. The
   Release Teams can have their own release policies and quality
   considerations, however they would have to state their reasoning. The
   System Release Team *doesn't* have absolute control over the Release
   Teams, they just represent the overall concern for Debian.

3. Implement this new scheme. In the low level, tools such as debdiff and build
   daemons will have significance. In the high level, package pools, release
   management tools, and a web based status / modular organization tool
   must be handled, probably the bug tracking system should interface with this
   tool. Perhaps, the bigger release teams must have their own mailing
   lists and other communication media, too. A developer should be able to find
   other developers' contact information easily, and participate in subsystem
   discussions... This is quite open-ended.

A point which might strike is the existence of task packages. Don't they
constitute, somewhat the required organization? The answer is both yes, and no.
The task packages in their natural extension could represent a part-of
hierarchy in Debian. However, they have overlapping 

A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Bernhard R. Link

After reading this nice diskussion with all it's aspects, I want to
complete the mess and suggest a distribution called
e.g. progressive beetween stable(frozen) and unstable.

As I understood the problem, at the moment, only the stable 
distribution is able to be distributed, while the unstable branch is to
unstable and there's no distrubution in between. (To simplify I count the
frozen as stable short before release here.)

When potate becomes stable, a branch called e.g. progressive could be
created between the branches stable and unstable. This branch (sorry
for using this term, but I don't like distribution so much) would start
with the modules from stable and subsets of unstable would be added, if
they are usable. The term subset I use for  packages that contain together
like one ore more basis packages (libc,xfree,perl,... or just something
like emacs) and those packages depending on this basis package. (Note that
I mean basis as basis of dependencies not basis of the whole or larger
parts of distribution)  And usable shell mean, that this package can be
used for average use without the need of Debian-like-tability.

With the next freeze, this progressive branch could be copied to
froozen and new useable packaged from unstable would go to 
progressive, while those in frozen are kept and only made more

Doing this there would be a distribution in between, where new versions of
products can reside and easily be used. Someone should be easily use a
snapshot of progressive at an good moment to form a not-so-stable but
up-to-date unofficial release, which could also be called less inoffical,
if there is a common will for this.

Though some advantages this would cause at least two problems:

On the one hand this proposal would prohibit the current way of
naming, because with any release a new distribution is created beetween
stable and unstable, so some branch would change name and the old name
would be used for a possibly totally other branch. So unstable( and
perhaps progressive) had to be without name and just be unstable.
This coresponds to the loss of a cycle for the whole
distribution. Changes would start in unstable and go through the phases of
unstable, progessive and froozen before they become stable.

On the other hand would this proposal multiply the number of branches to
up to four when there will be the next freeze and
stable,frozen,progressive and unstable beeing all together. This made me
the most headacke, but I think it's not so much of a problem, as many work
to make the frozen version of his package will seriously prevent him from
working so much on the unstable version, that this could become
usable. So most packages would be either the same in frozen and
progressive or they would be same in progressive and unstable. 

  Bernhard R. Link

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread bug1
Bernhard R. Link wrote:
 After reading this nice diskussion with all it's aspects, I want to
 complete the mess and suggest a distribution called
 e.g. progressive beetween stable(frozen) and unstable.
 As I understood the problem, at the moment, only the stable
 distribution is able to be distributed, while the unstable branch is to
 unstable and there's no distrubution in between. (To simplify I count the
 frozen as stable short before release here.)
 When potate becomes stable, a branch called e.g. progressive could be
 created between the branches stable and unstable. This branch (sorry
 for using this term, but I don't like distribution so much) would start
 with the modules from stable and subsets of unstable would be added, if
 they are usable. The term subset I use for  packages that contain together
 like one ore more basis packages (libc,xfree,perl,... or just something
 like emacs) and those packages depending on this basis package. (Note that
 I mean basis as basis of dependencies not basis of the whole or larger
 parts of distribution)  And usable shell mean, that this package can be
 used for average use without the need of Debian-like-tability.
Do you mean like, Slink 2.1 r1, 3.1r2, 2.1r3, 2.1r4 ?

Id like to see a rolling stable release, where unstable package have to
meet a certain pre-defined criteria before they can be considered
Like to be stable, a package must not have any rc bugs, or have any rc
bugs in its dependencies.
It would also have to be exposed to the masses for a certain period of
time in unstable before being considered for stable.
This type of arangment could be automated prety well, it would depend on
people reporting bugs and would place extra strain on bug tracking, but
i think it would be easier than trying to get all the latest versions of
each package bug free at one point in time. 

A rolling stable release such as this may well scale better than the
traditional release model.

Just a thought

Glenn McGrath

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Bdale Garbee
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

 After reading this nice diskussion with all it's aspects, I want to
 complete the mess and suggest a distribution called
 e.g. progressive beetween stable(frozen) and unstable.

I gather you haven't read the discussion of package pools in the archive?

First things first.  Let's get potato released, and then get pools and 
flavors implemented before we try to release woody.


Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Mark Mealman
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
  After reading this nice diskussion with all it's aspects, I want to
  complete the mess and suggest a distribution called
  e.g. progressive beetween stable(frozen) and unstable.
 I gather you haven't read the discussion of package pools in the archive?
 First things first.  Let's get potato released, and then get pools and 
 flavors implemented before we try to release woody.

I'm all for that if you think the pools idea has any chance of being implented 
in our lifetime.

A really simple way of handling a progressive distribution would be to mutate 

After potato ships have frozen become thaw. Thaw would be unstable except there 
is a lag time between .debs hitting unstable and migrating to thaw. This lag 
time should be long enough to catch any critical bugs where we could tag the 
package from moving into thaw until those bugs are fixed.

When a new stable is ready to be shipped out we'd simply freeze the thaw and 
prod the developers to fix thier critical bugs.

What problems would the above cause?

Could we code around issues like say php xx.3 requiring apache xx.3 and apache 
not hitting thaw due to a crit bug? The system would need to know to keep php 
xx.3 out until apache become thawable.


Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Jacob Kuntz
i have seen a lot of discussion about a distribution half way between stable
and unstable. on the surface that sounds like exactly what we need, but at
least one person pointed out that this is not the way to manage a project
with hundreds of developers working against hundreds of seperate releases
cycles. i wish i could remember who said that first, you really hit the nail
on the head.

the deadline-based release cycle may work great for commercial projects, but
quite possibly not for projects like Debian. i think we need something a
little more organic. try this hypothetical release method out:

there are two trees. let's call them devel and production. debian saavy
folks (maintainers) run devel. new packages are uploaded to devel where they
are tested extensivly. when a package has been in devel for more than (for
instance) two weeks, and it has no release critical and few important bugs,
it graduates into production.

the production branch should always work. a system could be put in place
where you could always get an iso image of the production branch that is
recent to within a few days. i imagine that we would need to get pools in
place before we could even attempt this. this type of system could probably
work along side of whatever else we decide to to about release cycles.

(jacob kuntz)[EMAIL PROTECTED],underworld}.net [EMAIL 
(megabite systems) think free speech, not free beer. (gnu foundataion)

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread sterwill
Jacob Kuntz wrote:
 the production branch should always work. a system could be put in place
 where you could always get an iso image of the production branch that is
 recent to within a few days. i imagine that we would need to get pools in
 place before we could even attempt this. this type of system could probably
 work along side of whatever else we decide to to about release cycles.

This production branch presents a few problems to package maintainers
unless some extra procedure is detailed.  If the packages are being
constantly updated, and a library (a dependency of package foo, which
I package) is changed so that it is no longer link-compatable with foo,
I have to rebuild and upload foo.  While this would not normally be
a problem, say I'm working on foo2 in the devel branch.  With
Debian's current stable / unstable, I only have to worry about building
packages against unstable (while I'm adding more features, fixing
bugs, etc.).  With production / devel, I would need to track two
branches.  As it is now, I can pretty much leave foo in stable and
not touch it (unless someone discovers security problems, etc.).

This message wasn't really intended as a critique of your idea,
Jacob.  Rather, I wanted to take a little time to ask the Debian community
to pay attention to what the FreeBSD guys do with their distributions.
Please don't immitate FreeBSD's release practices.

The FreeBSD guys tag a release RELEASE when they feel it's ready for
lots of people to download, compile, and use.  The RELEASE branch 
is usually of very high quality, but like all software, it has problems.
Instead of continually releasing new RELEASE branches, they have a 
CURRENT branch of their distribution.  This branch is the RELEASE
branch plus fixes to things that had problems in the original release.
So far, this plan works very well. 

Now comes the tricky part.  FreeBSD offers a STABLE branch which is 
usually anything BUT stable.  I followed this branch on two machines
(just a few months ago), and I was subscribed to the STABLE mailing
lists.  STABLE is similar to what Jacob calls production.  The
FreeBSD handbook (at

   If you are a commercial user or someone who puts maximum stability 
   of their FreeBSD system before all other concerns, you should consider 
   tracking stable. This is especially true if you have installed the 
   most recent release (3.4-RELEASE at the time of this writing) since 
   the stable branch is effectively a bug-fix stream relative to the  
   previous release. 

STABLE breaks just about every day (a cvsup to their source trees and
a make world will fail).  Sometimes you can build a kernel that
does very odd things (a friend of mine built a STABLE kernel off the
recent RELENG3 tree, and the first time his machines would run out of
RAM, they would handle the situation (killing the offending process),
but the second time, it refused to allow any more malloc() until the
kernel gave out).  Of course one could choose to not continually 
update and build from the STABLE tree, but then what's the use of
having updated code?

Picking on FreeBSD's kernel probably isn't the best way to make
a point about Debian's packaging policies, so here's my simple

Keep the stable and unstable (with the frozen step towards
releases), but release more often.  A year between releases is
very painful, when I need to install somewhat recent software on 
a new host.  Maybe double the release rate (aim for once every 6 months)?

Shaw Terwilliger

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Ed Szynaka
I really don't think that a progressive branch is necessary.  The
problems involved in keeping track of three branches at one time and
trying to keep version dependencies in order between branches would far
out weigh any benefit that would be created by such a branch.  IMHO the
structure (stable, frozen, unstable) is more than adequate.

The problem that I see is that there is too much time between stable
releases.  I think that shorter and much more regular time periods
between freezes is necessary.  By fixing the number and date of freezes,
with say three or four a year, and letting everyone know long in advance
of the freeze it would allow developers to schedule when all bugs must
be removed by.  Also the fact that the time period would be much shorter
would make changes between stable versions less drastic and therefore
easier to handle.


Bernhard R. Link wrote:
 After reading this nice diskussion with all it's aspects, I want to
 complete the mess and suggest a distribution called
 e.g. progressive beetween stable(frozen) and unstable.
 As I understood the problem, at the moment, only the stable
 distribution is able to be distributed, while the unstable branch is to
 unstable and there's no distrubution in between. (To simplify I count the
 frozen as stable short before release here.)
 When potate becomes stable, a branch called e.g. progressive could be
 created between the branches stable and unstable. This branch (sorry
 for using this term, but I don't like distribution so much) would start
 with the modules from stable and subsets of unstable would be added, if
 they are usable. The term subset I use for  packages that contain together
 like one ore more basis packages (libc,xfree,perl,... or just something
 like emacs) and those packages depending on this basis package. (Note that
 I mean basis as basis of dependencies not basis of the whole or larger
 parts of distribution)  And usable shell mean, that this package can be
 used for average use without the need of Debian-like-tability.
 With the next freeze, this progressive branch could be copied to
 froozen and new useable packaged from unstable would go to
 progressive, while those in frozen are kept and only made more
 Doing this there would be a distribution in between, where new versions of
 products can reside and easily be used. Someone should be easily use a
 snapshot of progressive at an good moment to form a not-so-stable but
 up-to-date unofficial release, which could also be called less inoffical,
 if there is a common will for this.
 Though some advantages this would cause at least two problems:
 On the one hand this proposal would prohibit the current way of
 naming, because with any release a new distribution is created beetween
 stable and unstable, so some branch would change name and the old name
 would be used for a possibly totally other branch. So unstable( and
 perhaps progressive) had to be without name and just be unstable.
 This coresponds to the loss of a cycle for the whole
 distribution. Changes would start in unstable and go through the phases of
 unstable, progessive and froozen before they become stable.
 On the other hand would this proposal multiply the number of branches to
 up to four when there will be the next freeze and
 stable,frozen,progressive and unstable beeing all together. This made me
 the most headacke, but I think it's not so much of a problem, as many work
 to make the frozen version of his package will seriously prevent him from
 working so much on the unstable version, that this could become
 usable. So most packages would be either the same in frozen and
 progressive or they would be same in progressive and unstable.
   Bernhard R. Link
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 02:36:47PM -0500, Ed Szynaka wrote:
 The problem that I see is that there is too much time between stable
 releases.  I think that shorter and much more regular time periods
 between freezes is necessary.  By fixing the number and date of freezes,
 with say three or four a year, and letting everyone know long in advance
 of the freeze it would allow developers to schedule when all bugs must
 be removed by.  Also the fact that the time period would be much shorter
 would make changes between stable versions less drastic and therefore
 easier to handle.

How does this account for drastic changes to something like libc that
might take weeks or months to shake out?

Mike Stone

Description: PGP signature

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 14:12:49 -0500, Jacob Kuntz wrote:
 try this hypothetical release method out:
 there are two trees. let's call them devel and production. debian saavy
 folks (maintainers) run devel. new packages are uploaded to devel where
 they are tested extensivly. when a package has been in devel for more than
 (for instance) two weeks, and it has no release critical and few important
 bugs, it graduates into production.
 the production branch should always work.

But it won't. This approach ignores the fact that stability is a property
of a release as a whole (the set of packages and their interdependencies,
ISOs, boot floppies and the upgrade path from the previous release) rather
than the sum of the stability of individual packages.

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

 But it won't. This approach ignores the fact that stability is a property
 of a release as a whole (the set of packages and their interdependencies,
 ISOs, boot floppies and the upgrade path from the previous release) rather
 than the sum of the stability of individual packages.

A possibly naive question:  apt-get will refuse to install packages if
their dependencies aren't met.  Why can't dinstall do the same?  It would
put any newly uploaded package in a waiting queue until all its
dependencies were met.  It wouldn't help with out and out buggy programs
but at least it would catch dependency problems.


Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Ed Szynaka
 On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 02:36:47PM -0500, Ed Szynaka wrote:
  The problem that I see is that there is too much time between stable
  releases.  I think that shorter and much more regular time periods
  between freezes is necessary.  By fixing the number and date of freezes,
  with say three or four a year, and letting everyone know long in advance
  of the freeze it would allow developers to schedule when all bugs must
  be removed by.  Also the fact that the time period would be much shorter
  would make changes between stable versions less drastic and therefore
  easier to handle.
 How does this account for drastic changes to something like libc that
 might take weeks or months to shake out?

Well say that there are 3 releases a year.  That gives say 3 months for
devel.  With a freeze scheduled to start at the beginning of the 4th
month and a stable release at the end of a month of freeze.  I think
that even the most drastic changes can be worked out in the course of 4
months.  Now if something _can't_ be completed in that time frame just
postpone it until the next freeze.  Since the next stable would only be
4 months off the penalty for not making it into the stable isn't that

With only the 3 months of changes I don't think that a freeze will take
as long as it has with a 6 or even 12 month devel cycle.


Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Lalo Martins
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 03:06:57PM -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
 On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
  But it won't. This approach ignores the fact that stability is a property
  of a release as a whole (the set of packages and their interdependencies,
  ISOs, boot floppies and the upgrade path from the previous release) rather
  than the sum of the stability of individual packages.
 A possibly naive question:  apt-get will refuse to install packages if
 their dependencies aren't met.  Why can't dinstall do the same?  It would
 put any newly uploaded package in a waiting queue until all its
 dependencies were met.  It wouldn't help with out and out buggy programs
 but at least it would catch dependency problems.

Yes, such a queue was part of the incremental release process
proposal (which people then told me shouldn't have been
proposed, and is now being more-or-less implemented by someone
with no developer feedback at all). It's not hard to implement.
Search the archives for the proposal if you want details.

  Hack and Roll  ( )
News for, uh, whatever it is that we are.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the personal page

Debian GNU/Linux---
Brazil of Darkness---

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Ed Szynaka wrote:

   The problem that I see is that there is too much time between stable
   releases.  I think that shorter and much more regular time periods
   between freezes is necessary.  By fixing the number and date of freezes,
   with say three or four a year, and letting everyone know long in advance
   of the freeze it would allow developers to schedule when all bugs must
   be removed by.  Also the fact that the time period would be much shorter
   would make changes between stable versions less drastic and therefore
   easier to handle.
  How does this account for drastic changes to something like libc that
  might take weeks or months to shake out?

Build daemons could take care of the 90% or so of packages that would just
need a recompile.


Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 03:17:09PM -0500, Ed Szynaka wrote:
  On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 02:36:47PM -0500, Ed Szynaka wrote:
  How does this account for drastic changes to something like libc that
  might take weeks or months to shake out?
 Well say that there are 3 releases a year.  That gives say 3 months for
 devel.  With a freeze scheduled to start at the beginning of the 4th
 month and a stable release at the end of a month of freeze.  I think
 that even the most drastic changes can be worked out in the course of 4

That assumes that the change is made at the beginning of the devel
period. That never seems to happen. People *always* hold something until
just before the freeze. 

 Now if something _can't_ be completed in that time frame just
 postpone it until the next freeze.

Once it's in, it seems to be really hard to remove/postpone it. If we
change that, then releases will fall into place without discussions of
arbitrary time cycles. If we don't change that, then the short cycles
are no more enforcable than what we have now. Drawing up new plans
without addressing the cultural issues behind this are a waste of time.
(Does anyone remember pushing back the freeze because people wouldn't be
able to work on it over the holidays? Does that seem like a good idea in

Mike Stone

Description: PGP signature

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 15:06:57 -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
 A possibly naive question:  apt-get will refuse to install packages if
 their dependencies aren't met.  Why can't dinstall do the same?

It could do so.

 It wouldn't help with out and out buggy programs but at least it would
 catch dependency problems.

It would catch problems with the dependencies a package declares. But it's
no substitite for integration testing, part of which checks that the
declared dependencies of a package accurately reflect the real dependencies.

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 03:27:18PM -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
 On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Ed Szynaka wrote:
   How does this account for drastic changes to something like libc that
   might take weeks or months to shake out?
 Build daemons could take care of the 90% or so of packages that would just
 need a recompile.

That ignores the arguments over what needs to be recompiled, the time
needed to discover problems, the time needed to make the compilations
work, etc. Build daemons are not omnipotent. (Otherwise they'd be build
deities...I digress.)

Mike Stone

Description: PGP signature

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Joseph Carter
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 03:17:09PM -0500, Ed Szynaka wrote:
 Well say that there are 3 releases a year.  That gives say 3 months for
 devel.  With a freeze scheduled to start at the beginning of the 4th
 month and a stable release at the end of a month of freeze.  I think
 that even the most drastic changes can be worked out in the course of 4
 months.  Now if something _can't_ be completed in that time frame just
 postpone it until the next freeze.  Since the next stable would only be
 4 months off the penalty for not making it into the stable isn't that

I hate to be overly harsh, but you I haven't seen around much before this
thread.  As such, I'm going to assume that you haven't been around very
long as far as following this list.  Anybody who has been around awhile
can tell you that people just like you (and even a large segment of the
existing developer base) says every single release that we need to freeze
sooner and release more often---however pools will only complicate things
and make it harder.

Well uh, here's where the above you don't know what you're talking about
yet because you're still new angle comes in...  We've tried it.  We tried
it with hamm, slink, and now with potato.  Freeze as soon as someone
thinks it can be released in a few weeks DOES NOT mean it can be done in a
few weeks.  Freeze early doesn't mean a sooner release, it just means a
more stale release faster.

The pool solution is more complex.  It requires that we constantly
maintain two trees, plus a pool of unstable packages that just never
really get released as a whole.  A package does not become a release
candidate until it's ready to become so.

Sure that means more overhead on a package to determine whether or not it
is going to be released.  It also makes it harder for Debian to ship with
every single piece of free software that doesn't guaranteed pull the
system down to its knees.  It also means per developerer there is more
time required to maintain ones packages properly (though I would argue
that unless your name is Joey Hess the extra time required is not terribly

What does this gain us though?  For all these disadvantages, what's it
really worth?  A distribution that is maintained in the near-release state
that we CAN simply release any time we feel it is necessary.  It's also
easier to update than the current system which involves releasing security
revisions to stable.

Not only this but it is easier to make upgrades because they would happen
more often and be more upgrade than the current complete new OS scenerio.

We're running out of options because freeze early doesn't work.  The other
two options are the dist and a half (which was done for slink by Joey Hess
and Shaleh.) As it turns out, the pools system allows us to have more of a
real upgrade.  The dist and a half system allows us to have a more focused
upgrade.  Which is more beneficial to our users?  Both can be done in a
matter of a couple of weeks.  Both are actual versioned releases.  The
pools have more overhead, but they provide a real upgrade rather than just
the dist with a few big notables like kernel, X, and Apache.

IMO, dist and a half is mostly fluff as far as press releases go.  potato
and a half would be a potato dist with a 2.4 kernel, possibly some new X
stuff if it can be done and a new apache.  It's still out of date potato
otherwise.  I want a REAL upgrade!

 With only the 3 months of changes I don't think that a freeze will take
 as long as it has with a 6 or even 12 month devel cycle.

As I said, you haven't been around much yet have you?

Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]   GnuPG key 1024D/DCF9DAB3
Debian GNU/Linux ( 20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC
The QuakeForge Project (   44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3

First off - Quake is simply incredible. It lets you repeatedly kill your
boss in the office without being arrested. :)
-- Signal 11, in a slashdot comment

Re: A progressive distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 01:34:22PM -0500, Mark Mealman wrote:
  First things first.  Let's get potato released, and then get pools and 
  flavors implemented before we try to release woody.
 I'm all for that if you think the pools idea has any chance of being
 implented in our lifetime.

I recall reading that it was being prototyped on lully...but lully is
currently waiting for some replacement hardware.


craig sanders