Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Oliver Reiche <>

* Package name    : justbuild
  Version         : 1.1.0
  Upstream Author : Oliver Reiche <>
* URL             :
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: C++, Python
  Description     : Justbuild generic build system

Justbuild is a generic build system supporting multi-repository builds.
A peculiarity of the tool is the separation between global names and
physical location on the one hand, and logical paths used for actions
and installation on the other hand (sometimes referred to as "staging").
The language-specific information to translate high-level concepts
(libraries, binaries) into individual compile action is taken from
user-defined rules described by functional expressions.

Justbuild is a build tool that shares similarities with Bazel and Buck2.
Our main focus is on reproducible builds. We deeply integrated git in
Justbuild to benefit from a-priori computed hashes of git repositories.
Furthermore, Justbuild can spawn an execution service that can also be
used as a single-node remote execution server for other build systems
supporting the same remote execution protocol, such as Bazel and Buck2.

We plan to actively maintain this package but are currently looking for
a sponsor.

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