Re: Debian, Linux, the FSSTND, the FHS and BSD

1996-08-12 Thread Bruce Perens
From: Ian Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I lost this argument, chiefly through a combination of poor politics
 on my part


Don't feel bad that you're not good at politics yet - with my 39th
birthday approaching I'm only just beginning to understand it. If you
feel you've lost arguments through poor politics rather than through
any fault in your logic, it's probably appropriate for us to put
someone on the FHS who can maintain the necessary _distance_ required
for this sort of argument. We value your services tremendously, and
would be happy to see you spend more time on your thesis, dpkg/dselect,

 ...with which I have very strong disagreements:
  * The mail spool, /var/spool/mail, is moved to /var/mail.
  * /var/lib is renamed to /var/state (yes, all of it).
  * /var/lib/games is moved to /var/games.
  * A new directory /usr/libexec is created to hold command binaries
   used only internally by programs - these are to be moved from
   /usr/lib and in some cases /usr/sbin.  Oddly there is no
   corresponding /libexec directory.

I'd be inclined to live with it. We can do the usual symbolic link
hacks for Debian 1.2 to help ease the transition, and remove them for
1.3 . You can sum up anything else you disagree with for us on
debian-devel. I will hear argument and set Debian's position on the
standard. At the very worst, we would make a partial acceptance and
produce a compliance statement that details any areas in which we
depart from the standard.

Thanks for working on this. I'm sorry, I didn't know you had such a
depth of emotional involvement in it.

Bruce Perens
Debian Project Leader

Re: Debian, Linux, the FSSTND, the FHS and BSD

1996-08-12 Thread Michael Meskes
Ian Jackson writes:
 The latest draft FHS, which they may well publish as it stands, makes
 the following changes with which I have very strong disagreements:
  * The mail spool, /var/spool/mail, is moved to /var/mail.
  * /var/lib is renamed to /var/state (yes, all of it).
  * /var/lib/games is moved to /var/games.

I don't like either of these and IMO we shouldn't change. At least not in
the near future.

  * A new directory /usr/libexec is created to hold command binaries
   used only internally by programs - these are to be moved from
   /usr/lib and in some cases /usr/sbin.  Oddly there is no
   corresponding /libexec directory.

Sounds like a good idea for me. Since you once lobbied for this dir, why
don't you like it now?

 The two good changes that I see are (and they are not minor):
  * /usr/share exists and is defined.
  * /opt exists and is defined.

Sounds okay, too. 

Couldn't we make only the changes we like?


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //

Re: Debian, Linux, the FSSTND, the FHS and BSD

1996-08-12 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
You (Michael Meskes) wrote:
 Ian Jackson writes:
  The latest draft FHS, which they may well publish as it stands, makes
  the following changes with which I have very strong disagreements:
   * The mail spool, /var/spool/mail, is moved to /var/mail.
   * /var/lib is renamed to /var/state (yes, all of it).
   * /var/lib/games is moved to /var/games.
 I don't like either of these and IMO we shouldn't change. At least not in
 the near future.

We could ofcourse put in some symlinks (/var/state - /var/lib, etc). Just
three of 'em and we'd be compliant :). One problem I see, one way or the other,
is how is dpkg going to deal with this? I understand it has some trouble
with files in symlinked directories or is that solved now?

BTW. I'd prefer going along with the FSSTND at the moment that other
distributions do it too. Can't we just wait and see what RedHat and others
do? Even better, can't we discuss this with them (hmm Eric Troan isn't
on this list is he :)).

  Miquel van| Cistron Internet Services   --Alphen aan den Rijn.
  Smoorenburg,  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel: +31-172-419445 (Voice) 430979 (Fax) 442580 (Data)

Re: Debian, Linux, the FSSTND, the FHS and BSD

1996-08-12 Thread Dan Stromberg
Ian Jackson wrote:
 The latest draft FHS, which they may well publish as it stands, makes
 the following changes with which I have very strong disagreements:
  * The mail spool, /var/spool/mail, is moved to /var/mail.

This is a positive thing.  Both SVR4 and BSD 4.4 put it here.  I think
any contemporary unix should.

  * /var/lib is renamed to /var/state (yes, all of it).
  * /var/lib/games is moved to /var/games.
  * A new directory /usr/libexec is created to hold command binaries
   used only internally by programs - these are to be moved from
   /usr/lib and in some cases /usr/sbin.  Oddly there is no
   corresponding /libexec directory.

I don't really care about these.  They're the sort of thing that dances
around from one unix to the next anyway.

 The two good changes that I see are (and they are not minor):
  * /usr/share exists and is defined.
  * /opt exists and is defined.

These are nice.

 [1] When the original FSSTND was created I argued in favour of
 /libexec and /usr/libexec, but lost that debate.  I'm less convinced
 now than I was then, but my main reason for opposing it now is that it
 is too late to change.

Nah - we've always got to be careful about it's too late now syndrome.
To think otherwise, is to plot a path to obsolescence.  They oughta add
/libexec, tho.

Symlinks help, especially if you keep developers informed that usage Of
those symlinks is deprecated.

Debian, Linux, the FSSTND, the FHS and BSD

1996-08-10 Thread Ian Jackson
(Note: this message is crossposted between two mailing lists -
 you should probably follow up on only one.)

What used to be the FSSTND group has changed composition somewhat, and
now includes a number of people from the BSD world.  It set itself the
goal of producing a joint filesystem layout standard, named the FHS.

I argued against many of the changes that were proposed, on the
grounds such as the disruption that would be caused to the Linux
community by moving things or the fact as I saw it that the FSSTND's
arrangements were cleaner and that we should not compromise, moving
things to messier locations, because BSD had done it that way.

I lost this argument, chiefly through a combination of poor politics
on my part and the fact that there were more people who seemed willing
to make major sacrifices for compatibility with BSD.

The latest draft FHS, which they may well publish as it stands, makes
the following changes with which I have very strong disagreements:
 * The mail spool, /var/spool/mail, is moved to /var/mail.
 * /var/lib is renamed to /var/state (yes, all of it).
 * /var/lib/games is moved to /var/games.
 * A new directory /usr/libexec is created to hold command binaries
  used only internally by programs - these are to be moved from
  /usr/lib and in some cases /usr/sbin.  Oddly there is no
  corresponding /libexec directory.

The two good changes that I see are (and they are not minor):
 * /usr/share exists and is defined.
 * /opt exists and is defined.

I have spent an awful lot of time and energy on the FSSTND mailing
list, and I do not have any left with which to further persue this
matter there in the face of the very considerable amount of bad
feeling which exists.

It pains me greatly to say this, given my emotional investment in the
work of the FSSTND, but: if the FHS draft is promulgated as it stands
I shall not support its adoption by the Debian project.

It looks like we (Debian) are going to need /opt, and possibly
/usr/share.  We can take those parts if we need them.

I'm posting this message so that:

(a) The rest of the Debian Project can decide what they want to do.
If the consensus is that they wish to follow the new standard then
I shall be unhappy, of course.  I don't know what my reaction
would be in terms, for example, of my authorship of dpkg and of
the Debian Project policy manual.  Disillusionment, I suppose.

(b) The newly-renamed FHS group can reconsider - though I doubt that
they will.  They'll see this as an attempt by me to blackmail

For the Debian people: the latest draft can be found on
in /pub/linux/docs/linux-standards/private/fsstnd/.


[1] When the original FSSTND was created I argued in favour of
/libexec and /usr/libexec, but lost that debate.  I'm less convinced
now than I was then, but my main reason for opposing it now is that it
is too late to change.