
are there some people around who live on the Philippines?  I have
received an offer for the Debian Project to give a talk about Debian
and run a booth to demonstrate the our free operating system at the
conference taking place on November 5th.  I don't know of any
developer we have on the Philippines.

Are there some people interested in helping out and running a booth as
well as giving a talk?

All major speakers will have the chance to introduce their system and
afterwhich, there will be a discussion/forum. There will also be
exhibitors from our sponsors.  Participants will be from students,
professionals and other major industries here in the Philippines.

Some helpful material could be found at:


Exhibitions are normally discussed on the debian-events-{na,eu}
lists.  Therefore I'm adding a header to move further discussions to
debian-events-eu@lists.debian.org (I know that the Philippines are not
in Europe).



Life is too short to run proprietary software.  -- Bdale Garbee

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

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