Re: Mono status

2018-12-10 Thread Marek Mosiewicz
W dniu 10.12.2018, pon o godzinie 14∶18 +0800, użytkownik napisał:
> > With current Oracle move to depreciate Swing GUI I just think to
> > have something different.
> (A bit off-topic)
> How about JavaFX/OpenJFX? The Java ecosystem is well maintained in
> Debian. Rewriting your Java projects in C# sounds like a lot of work.
I have been working Java for almost 20 years, but I'm somewhat terrfied
with current Oracle steps. They started to remove code from JDK
(currently just a few classes from they com pakcages). They removed
applets, WebStart etc. They depeciated Swing already. They are working
on completly new implementation of vm called Gral. If things will go
like this I'm not sure if somebody will have to fork openjdk to keep
things working.

But anyway I just think of things I forget working on Java. Directory
dlls of which you can start with is like heaven comparing to
classloader (it made sens when there were applets, but now it seems no
go). Calling native code is so difficult in Java. JavaFX become
separate project which no one knows where it will go. For business
logic .Net LINQ is nice, properties simplifies code etc.

Compiere (and its fork ADempiere) store generic forms definitions in
database so it is just to create generic display engine to make forms
working (not all, but most). Current business logic is not so
complicated there and writing it in C# or even Basic would in my
opinion make it scale better (in Java terms Kotlin language is
something similar to C#)

Anyway real problem as I mentioned is client. Generic forms are enough
for many use cases but not all. There is custom forms and logic you
need to have on client (going web for ERP is still not good option
IMO). In C/C++/NET you can download dll on demand and open it (ok
security). In Java you have classloader path which AFAIK can not be
modified (maybe I never tried to do this)

Having go .Net brings me another project in my mind called Tryton (http
:// It is small ERP written in Python and GTK. Maybe with
engine rewrite it could be run on IronPython and incrementally be
extended to other .Net languages. 

Re: Mono status

2018-12-09 Thread seamlik
> With current Oracle move to depreciate Swing GUI I just think to have 
> something different.

(A bit off-topic)

How about JavaFX/OpenJFX? The Java ecosystem is well maintained in Debian. 
Rewriting your Java projects in C# sounds like a lot of work.

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Re: Mono status

2018-12-09 Thread Marek Mosiewicz
Hello Rebecca,

W dniu 09.12.2018, nie o godzinie 17∶23 +, użytkownik Rebecca N.
Palmer napisał:
> The monodevelop package has been removed from Debian, as there were
> not 
> enough maintainers to handle its large number of dependencies (the 
> debian-cli list has received nothing but spam for nearly 2 years): 
Thank you for your response. Now I subscribed for debian-cli to see
what is happening there. By the way name of list was litle
misunderstood by me as I was looking for mono in name. In fact it is
good name, byt I thought it states for command line interface :)
> It remains available from upstream.
> The crash is probably this bug, which has a possible workaround
> (though 
> I haven't tried it myself):
Bug seems to be not connected with dependencies, but some default path
which not exists.
Anyway it is possible that Debian will not be able to have most recent
version of MonoDevelop as they state that it can contain code covered
by Visual Studio license:
Maybe I will try to download it and try to build.

Re: Mono status

2018-12-09 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer
The monodevelop package has been removed from Debian, as there were not 
enough maintainers to handle its large number of dependencies (the 
debian-cli list has received nothing but spam for nearly 2 years):

It remains available from upstream.

The crash is probably this bug, which has a possible workaround (though 
I haven't tried it myself):

Mono status

2018-12-09 Thread Marek Mosiewicz
Hello Debian,

Sorry if it is wrong list, but I do not see list dedicated to Mono for
Debian. I'm usually Java developer. For long time I have been doing
customizations of Java application called Compiere. It is open source
ERP written in Java. With current Oracle move to depreciate Swing GUI I
just think to have something different.

I look into Python Tryton ERP, but Mono and GTK seems to be interesting
 option. Posibility to use shared objects in Mono is something what
just makes things much more simple.

So here is my question. What is current status of Mono in Debian. I
tried to run MonoDevelop, but it gives me error when tring to save new

*** Error in `monodevelop': free(): invalid pointer: 0x559762a874b0
=== Backtrace: =
=== Memory map: