Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-28 Thread Ian Jackson
Do dpkg-ftp or dpkg-mountable modify /var/lib/dpkg/available
directly ?

If so then that is why this problem (older dpkg versions not
understanding epochs) has such serious consequences.  If you tried to
dpkg --merge-available or dpkg --update-available with a Packages file
that the currently-installed dpkg wasn't able to parse it would refuse
to do it, and leave you with a working dpkg.

If a dselect method script just copies the file instead then dpkg
doesn't get a chance to do this check.  Perhaps someone decided that
the 0.001 second saved by not having to parse the file is worth
the extra hassle for the users of having their dpkg broken, or that
they didn't understand the --merge-available or --update-available
functions so clearly they should just bypass them.

Perhaps dpkg should encrypt /var/lib/dpkg/* to stop random packages
from messing with it ?


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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-28 Thread Andy Mortimer
On May 28, Ian Jackson wrote
 Do dpkg-ftp or dpkg-mountable modify /var/lib/dpkg/available
 directly ?

I doubt it. Certainly dpkg-mountable never modifies any system files
directly, since (as I'm sure you're aware) this is a rather silly thing
to do, and IIRC from reading the dpkg-ftp source that doesn't either. In
fact, I believe that dpkg-ftp keeps it's own copy of the available
packages database, totally seperate from dpkg's.

Yes, I do *read* the available file, as well as the status file. But all
writing is done via dpkg, as it should be.

[snip: this could be the problem]

 If a dselect method script just copies the file instead then dpkg
 doesn't get a chance to do this check.  Perhaps someone decided that
 the 0.001 second saved by not having to parse the file is worth
 the extra hassle for the users of having their dpkg broken, or that
 they didn't understand the --merge-available or --update-available
 functions so clearly they should just bypass them.

Do I detect a hint of sarcasm there?

dpkg-mountable should never have been written in the first place. But the
functionality it provides was sorely needed, and so I adapted a script
which I had been using locally for a while, packaged it up, and uploaded
it for the benefit of others.

Yes, it is faster than the `standard' methods, or was last time I
compared; yes, I do happen to think that this is a good thing. But I
would like to point out that if I was purely after speed, I wouldn't have
written in Perl; dpkg-mountable exists because it provides features
(logging, md5 checking, parallel trees) that dselect doesn't, not simply
because it's a little faster (I'm not even sure if it is any more, I
haven't checked since v0.2).

 Perhaps dpkg should encrypt /var/lib/dpkg/* to stop random packages
 from messing with it ?

Yes, that's a good idea. Really. I don't find it at all useful to grep
the available packages file, or to modify package scripts that don't

If you had approached me politely, I would be more than happy to explain
what I've done; I would still be happy to do so. Had you limited this
post to asking whether or not this could be the problem, I could have
replied simply that it wasn't.

But I found the second half of your post offensive, and totally
unnecessary. If you still have a problem with this, please respond by
private email.

Somewhat miffed,

Andy Mortimer
Author, dpkg-mountable.

Andy Mortimer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key available on key servers
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that death of sleep what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil

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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-28 Thread Guy Maor
Ian Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Do dpkg-ftp or dpkg-mountable modify /var/lib/dpkg/available
 directly ?

No, it doesn't.  It keeps its own copies of the Packages files in
/var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp and correctly merges them in with

 If you tried to dpkg --merge-available or dpkg --update-available
 with a Packages file that the currently-installed dpkg wasn't able
 to parse it would refuse to do it, and leave you with a working

Apparently not.  Remember that older versions of dpkg did claim to
support epochs.  Various developers quickly found that it didn't work
very well, so Michael D. was kind enough to get epochs working in  Nobody realized, however, that older versions were broken in
this particular way, and that the --assert-working-epoch check in the
preinst wasn't enough.

I'll ignore the second half of your post.


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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-28 Thread Manoj Srivastava

No, niether dpkg-ftp nor dpkg-mountable modify the available
 file directly. What, then, causes the problems upgrading to frozen?
 Methinks (despite the tone of your remarks) that the problem then
 does in fact lie in dpkg; as it seems to accept a packages file that
 it consequently can't parse, breaking the install.

In any case, encrypting the directory is wrong, (even if
 programs were breaking the process the right thing to do is to submit
 bugs against them), since the information can be used legitimately by
 other programs and humans.

I find the ability to parse the config files in wetware
 extremely useful in case of problems in dpkg (a look at the bug
 database indicates that dpkg is not immune to gremlins).

 who would be not surprised if Ian's message infuriates people.

 Congresswoman: Well, Mr. Dallas... we've heard your smut masquerading
 as songs... and we've heard how teen prostitution, pregnancy, drug
 use, cults, runaways, suicide and poor hygiene are sweeping this
 nation.  We thought you might like to share with the committee any
 particular causes you might see for those latter problems...  Steve
 Dallas: I dunno.  Maybe the proliferation of narrow, suffocating
 zealotry masquerading as parenting in this country.  Bloom County
Manoj Srivastava   url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-27 Thread Thomas Koenig
Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   People will probably have told you this, but the Packages file
 was not corrupted, those 1:x.x.xx are critical (these are epochs),
 and the problem actually is that the version of dpkg being used is
 too old to understand epochs. 


Is there any reason why this can't be handled in a different field?
Breaking compatibility for something like this is censored.

I thought one of the goals of Debian was ease of upgrade.  I'm sure
that 95% of users who totally hose their systems by this WILL do
a complete reinstall, and it won't be Debian they will be installing.

This is the most critical bug I've seen in the release phase of 1.3.
Something needs to be done about it, urgently.

   Why is this information (about the need to upgrade dpkg
 *first*) not screaming out all over the web pages and the
 installation README's?

That is very probably not enough.  People don't read README files unless
these are rammed down their throats.
The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double
logarithmic diagram.

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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-27 Thread Scott K. Ellis

On Tue, 27 May 1997, Thomas Koenig wrote:

 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
  People will probably have told you this, but the Packages file
  was not corrupted, those 1:x.x.xx are critical (these are epochs),
  and the problem actually is that the version of dpkg being used is
  too old to understand epochs. 
 Is there any reason why this can't be handled in a different field?
 Breaking compatibility for something like this is censored.

The epoch part of the version field was always specified, it's just that
early versions of dselect or dpkg had a bug regarding them.

 I thought one of the goals of Debian was ease of upgrade.  I'm sure
 that 95% of users who totally hose their systems by this WILL do
 a complete reinstall, and it won't be Debian they will be installing.
 This is the most critical bug I've seen in the release phase of 1.3.
 Something needs to be done about it, urgently.

Solution to bug, install dpkg-  The real problem is someone
trying to skip a release (1.2) and therefore missing the bug fix in 1.2
that would prevent this problem.

  Why is this information (about the need to upgrade dpkg
  *first*) not screaming out all over the web pages and the
  installation README's?
 That is very probably not enough.  People don't read README files unless
 these are rammed down their throats.

And if you don't read the documentation, especially the release
instructions, you get what you deserve.  I can't tell you how sick I am of
hearing people complain about a broken make or sendmail after upgrading
their kernel from 1.2 to 2.0.x because they DIDN'T READ THE DOCUMENTATION.

Really, we knew about the epoch problem in 1.2, we fixed it, the fix has
been discussed on debian-user a number of times.  The solution is:

dpkg -i dpkg_1.4.0.8.deb
dpkg --clear-available

|   Scott K. Ellis   |   Argue for your limitations and  |
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | sure enough, they're yours.   |
||-- Illusions   |

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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-27 Thread Thomas Koenig
Scott K. Ellis wrote:

And if you don't read the documentation, especially the release
instructions, you get what you deserve.

What part of the documentation are you referring to?  I found nothing
referring to that issue in the READMEs or in the doc subdirectory.
Where else is a user supposed to look?

BTW, I'm really sorry for disregarding the installation instructions for
hamm.  The fact that they are nowhere to be found is no excuse, I agree.
The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double
logarithmic diagram.

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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-27 Thread Raul Miller
On May 27, Thomas Koenig wrote
 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
  People will probably have told you this, but the Packages file
  was not corrupted, those 1:x.x.xx are critical (these are epochs),
  and the problem actually is that the version of dpkg being used is
  too old to understand epochs. 
 Is there any reason why this can't be handled in a different field?
 Breaking compatibility for something like this is censored.

These packages should conflict with the versions of dpkg which
have the problem.  [Or maybe a predepends on a good version of


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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-27 Thread Kai Henningsen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Koenig)  wrote on 27.05.97 in [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Scott K. Ellis wrote:

 And if you don't read the documentation, especially the release
 instructions, you get what you deserve.

 What part of the documentation are you referring to?  I found nothing
 referring to that issue in the READMEs or in the doc subdirectory.
 Where else is a user supposed to look?

He's probably referring to someone who said putting it in READMEs is not  
enough because people don't read those.

I wonder who that someone might have been?

Incidentally, I completely agree with Scott. I also agree with Manoj that  
this needs to be put into the documentation.

Here's some possible text:

-- snip --

   *** WARNING **

There is a CRITICAL BUG in old versions of dpkg, that will mess up the  
dpkg database if you try to upgrade. The solution is to FIRST upgrade dpkg  
from the command line, BEFORE EVEN STARTING DSELECT.

To do this: find the dpkg_*.deb file [better give exact path here], then  

dpkg -i .../dpkg_deb

   *** WARNING **

-- snip --

Put that in every doc, and put it as a separate DPKG-BUG.txt or somesuch  
in a few prominent places (like the FTP root and the install disk  

MfG Kai

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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-27 Thread Kai Henningsen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Raul Miller)  wrote on 27.05.97 in [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 These packages should conflict with the versions of dpkg which
 have the problem.  [Or maybe a predepends on a good version of

That won't help. Once you [U]pdate, the old dpkg will refuse to work. You  
don't even get to where a Conflicts: could do anything.

MfG Kai

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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-26 Thread Galen Hazelwood
Thomas Koenig wrote:
 I just spent an interesting afternoon trying to upgrade a 1.1 system
 to 1.3.
 First, /var/lib/dpkg/available was corrupted because of some
 incorrect values in the Version - field (somehow they had gotten to
 the format of 1:1-2 or similar; bug report submitted).  I fixed
 these by

This is a legitimate version format.  You failed to upgrade dpkg
before upgrading everything else.  Fellow Debian developers, we
_really_ need to put up warnings that this needs to be done!  Otherwise
innocent people will corrupt their systems by upgrading.  There shoud
be a heavily pointed-to Upgrade FAQ, explaining that some packages
(dpkg, ldso, libc5) should be upgraded by hand before any attempt at
a massive all at once upgrade.

I think this would have prevented most of your other problems as


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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-26 Thread Jim Pick

Galen Hazelwood wrote:
 This is a legitimate version format.  You failed to upgrade dpkg
 before upgrading everything else.  Fellow Debian developers, we
 _really_ need to put up warnings that this needs to be done!  Otherwise
 innocent people will corrupt their systems by upgrading. 

Maybe we need to build an expiry date into dpkg?  ie.  dpkg will not
install any packages that are newer than the expiry date, other than dpkg 
(and friends).


 - Jim

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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-26 Thread Manoj Srivastava

People will probably have told you this, but the Packages file
 was not corrupted, those 1:x.x.xx are critical (these are epochs),
 and the problem actually is that the version of dpkg being used is
 too old to understand epochs. 

Why is this information (about the need to upgrade dpkg
 *first*) not screaming out all over the web pages and the
 installation README's? (pardon me if the information is in the

I think we should have it in big blinking font ;-)

 Everything that can be invented has been invented. Charles
 H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899.
Manoj Srivastava   url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mobile, Alabama USAurl:

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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-26 Thread Brian White
 Why is this information (about the need to upgrade dpkg
  *first*) not screaming out all over the web pages and the
  installation README's? (pardon me if the information is in the

Perhaps dselect just needs to always update dpkg before calling
anything else?  (dftp does this)

 I think we should have it in big blinking font ;-)

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Re: Upgrading from 1.1 to frozen

1997-05-26 Thread Guy Maor
Brian White [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Perhaps dselect just needs to always update dpkg before calling
 anything else?  (dftp does this)

In this case it wouldn't help as the Update breaks it.


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