What about a bookmarks-package ?

1998-10-03 Thread Christian Hammers
Hi !

Just an idea while I was (like so often) search the Web for some 

Why not creating a Debian package that contains a huge html file with
links and some bookmarks-file converters for Netscape/IE/lynx etc.

The bookmarks could e.g. contain a folder with all (good) search engines,
with ones for the web,for usenet (dejanews) for mailing lists etc.
Another one could contain links to descriptions of standards e.g. a 
link to a SQL Reference, a HTML Reference, a libc Reference or 
a Perl5 Reference. Yet another could held security-related sites: bugtraq 
archive, rootshell, pgp.net cert.net etc.

Of course the main folders would contain anything related to Linux:
all Distributions, Home Pages of GNU,FSF,GNOME,kernel.org,Linux Resources,
... and all you can imagine.

The fast growing size (:-)) of this file could be handled by splitting it
up to several smaller files that lays in (hum...) /var/www/Debian-Bookmars
or maybe in /usr/share with a link to /var/www - I must think about it a
bit longer.

What is your opinion - would this be a good idea ?

read you,


P.S.: Yes, I would like to be maintainer - if all of you be contributers

 Linux - the choice of the GNU generation !

Christian Hammers * Oberer Heidweg 35 * D-52477 Alsdorf * Tel: 02404-25624
50 3C 52 26 3E 52 E7 20  D2 A1 F5 16 C4 C9 D4 D3  1024/925BCB55 1997/11/01

Re: What about a bookmarks-package ?

1998-10-03 Thread Martin Schulze
Christian Hammers wrote:
 Why not creating a Debian package that contains a huge html file with
 links and some bookmarks-file converters for Netscape/IE/lynx etc.

 P.S.: Yes, I would like to be maintainer - if all of you be contributers

I'd say: Go ahead.

First start for the search engines:




Whenever you meet yourself you're in a time loop or in front of a mirror.

Re: What about a bookmarks-package ?

1998-10-03 Thread Raphael Hertzog
Le Sat, Oct 03, 1998 at 08:51:53PM +0200, Christian Hammers écrivait:
 What is your opinion - would this be a good idea ?

Yes, I think so. 

I propose you to have some national pages which would
held links for non-english speaking sites. e.g. french-links.html beside
links.html (english-speaking by default). Yes I will send you some
good links for the french page. ;-)

Hertzog Raphaël ¤ 0C4CABF1 ¤ http://www.mygale.org/~hra/