Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-09-25 Thread Lyndon Brown
Awesome :D. I took a look at liquidprompt and the article having just
seen the email I'm responding to. It'll take a little getting used to,
but I'm liking it. I've just been using plain defaults (gnome terminal,
bash/dash) here except one customisation of re-enabling the colour
prompt to better find it in large output. Thanks for bringing this to
my attention!

One issue though, the article suggests placing this:
# Ensure Gnome Terminal shows the prompt correctly
PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]2;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"'
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r;$PROMPT_COMMAND"
into the .bashrc file, but not where is best to place it (or why it's
supposedly needed). Placing it at the end of the file, this results in
a prompt like this for me:


which is clearly not right.

Placing it just before this block though:
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then

PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
it seems to avoid that bug, but I don't see an immediate difference to
not having it at all...

On Fri, 2020-09-25 at 21:15 +0300, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Hello!
> ma 8. kesäk. 2020 klo 12.04 Arturo Borrero Gonzalez
> ( kirjoitti:
> > On 5/27/20 9:06 PM, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> > > Hello!
> > > 
> > > Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily
> > > with custom
> > > prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks,
> > > perhaps using zsh
> > > etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences, can you share
> > > some good reads
> > > (with screenshots) of what you have done?
> > > 
> > > I've read a bit on zsh and powerline and the like, but I am
> > > annoyed that all
> > > those blog posts are quite superficial and do not mention
> > > security,
> > > interoperability or performance aspects. Frankly any blog post
> > > that recommends
> > > cloning random repos or even worse, running wget | sh something
> > > gives me chills.
> ...
> > Take a look at liquidprompt(1).
> > 
> > Is what I use everywhere!
> This turned out to be my favourite tip. I've written about my
> experiences and why I love it so much at
> in case others are
> interested.
> And thanks to Arturo for packaging it and for recently uploading the
> latest version of it to Debian unstable!
> - Otto

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-09-25 Thread Otto Kekäläinen

ma 8. kesäk. 2020 klo 12.04 Arturo Borrero Gonzalez
( kirjoitti:
> On 5/27/20 9:06 PM, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with custom
> > prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks, perhaps 
> > using zsh
> > etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences, can you share some good 
> > reads
> > (with screenshots) of what you have done?
> >
> > I've read a bit on zsh and powerline and the like, but I am annoyed that all
> > those blog posts are quite superficial and do not mention security,
> > interoperability or performance aspects. Frankly any blog post that 
> > recommends
> > cloning random repos or even worse, running wget | sh something gives me 
> > chills.
> Take a look at liquidprompt(1).
> Is what I use everywhere!

This turned out to be my favourite tip. I've written about my
experiences and why I love it so much at in case others are

And thanks to Arturo for packaging it and for recently uploading the
latest version of it to Debian unstable!

- Otto

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-07-15 Thread Samuel Henrique
Sorry for being late to the discussion, but I'd like to share my
dotfiles and setup script that I use for my Debian Testing machines.

I just updated the to explain the high level of it.

In summary, this is what I use to setup vim, atom, i3, bashrc,
powerline and my packaging tools.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-14 Thread Otto Kekäläinen

Thanks for all the tips! I have a long todo of programs to test out now.

One additional source of great Debian Developer wisdom about
command-line terminal app / interpreter / productivity is Jonathan
Carter's Debian Package of the Day YouTube videos:

I highly recommend it. The best part with those tips is that they are
all just one apt install away :)

I also found this post about a handful of new Rust based command-line
tools interesting, although none of them are in Debian yet:

- Otto

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-11 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 12 iun 20, 00:40:40, Phil Morrell wrote:
> On Jo, 04 iun 20, 10:13:06, Michael Shuler wrote:
> > For many years, I have taken a different approach; use the default and add
> > only a few minor changes. Each stable update, I use /etc/skel/.bashrc and
> > edit/add in my little bits.
> for config in ~/.config/bash/*; do source "$config"; done
> That is the entirety of my ~/.bashrc due to [WONTFIX], which allows you
> to drop in symlinks, organise overrides and specify ordering. I'm
> definitely bookmarking this thread to steal some useful snippets.


That can also go in /etc/bash.bashrc to get rid of ~/.bashrc completely.  
Unfortunately there is no similar trick available for ~/.bash_logout.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-11 Thread Phil Morrell
On Jo, 04 iun 20, 10:13:06, Michael Shuler wrote:
> For many years, I have taken a different approach; use the default and add
> only a few minor changes. Each stable update, I use /etc/skel/.bashrc and
> edit/add in my little bits.

for config in ~/.config/bash/*; do source "$config"; done

That is the entirety of my ~/.bashrc due to [WONTFIX], which allows you
to drop in symlinks, organise overrides and specify ordering. I'm
definitely bookmarking this thread to steal some useful snippets.

00_skel -> /etc/skel/.bashrc
10_xdg  # alias dig="HOME=~/.config dig"
arguments   # alias ls='ls --almost-all --color=auto --human-readable'
bash# see below
git-sh-prompt   -> /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt
shortcuts   # alias serve='nohup python3 -m http.server &>/dev/null &'
ssh # see below
ZZ_run  # PROMPT_COMMAND='__git_ps1 "'"${PS1%\\*}"'" "\\\$ "'

## ~/.config/bash/bash
# allow sudo to use local aliases
alias sudo='sudo '
export EDITOR=vim
# infinite bash history (currently c. 1MiB)
export HISTFILE="$HOME/.local/share/bash_history"
export HISTSIZE=
export HISTTIMEFORMAT='[%F %T] '
# more filetypes like .log.1.gz
export LESSCLOSE='/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s'
export LESSOPEN='| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s'
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
shopt -s globstar

## ~/.config/bash/ssh
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)"

ensure_known_host() {
local hostname=$1
local known_hosts=${2:-~/.ssh/known_hosts}

ssh-keygen -F "$hostname" -f "$known_hosts" &>/dev/null \
|| ssh-keyscan -H -t ecdsa "$hostname" \
| tee --append "$known_hosts"

# hook in a custom git style subcommand
ssh() {
  case $1 in
tunnel )
  while true; do
date '+%FT%T'
command ssh -R :localhost:22 user@server "$@"
* ) command ssh "$@" ;;


Description: PGP signature

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-08 Thread Arturo Borrero Gonzalez
On 5/27/20 9:06 PM, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Hello!
> Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with custom
> prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks, perhaps using 
> zsh
> etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences, can you share some good 
> reads
> (with screenshots) of what you have done?
> I've read a bit on zsh and powerline and the like, but I am annoyed that all
> those blog posts are quite superficial and do not mention security,
> interoperability or performance aspects. Frankly any blog post that recommends
> cloning random repos or even worse, running wget | sh something gives me 
> chills.
> Some above average posts are
> and
> I'd very much want to read about some more knowledgeable experiences.
> Tips?

Take a look at liquidprompt(1).

Is what I use everywhere!


Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-06 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 04 iun 20, 10:13:06, Michael Shuler wrote:
> On 6/3/20 7:30 PM, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> > Like Paul said in his reply, I also have a "bash monstrosity" as a
> > Bash prompt.
> For many years, I have taken a different approach; use the default and add
> only a few minor changes. Each stable update, I use /etc/skel/.bashrc and
> edit/add in my little bits.


While not a developer I'll dare share some my changes as well.

At least 'linux' and 'screen' should be added to /etc/skel/.bashrc

# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color)
case "$TERM" in
xterm-color|*-256color) color_prompt=yes;;
rxvt*) color_prompt=yes;;
linux) color_prompt=yes;;
screen*) color_prompt=yes;;

Let's use packages in the distribution whenever possible ;)
I don't recall where I got the prompt command from...

# add git branch information to avoid commiting to 'master' by mistake
if [[ -e /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt ]]; then
. /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt
 "\[\033[00m\]\n└─> \$ "'
 "\[\033[00m\]\$ "'

BTW, I prefer 'W' to 'w' (it's my only change below) :)

if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then

PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
unset color_prompt force_color_prompt

'--human-readable' makes for a nicer 'ls -l' in the age of MiB, GiB 

Maybe grep --color should be enabled by default as well?

# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then
test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval 
"$(dircolors -b)"
alias ls='ls --color=auto --human-readable'
#alias dir='dir --color=auto'
#alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'

alias grep='grep --color=auto'
#alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
#alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'

Hope this is useful to someone,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-04 Thread Bernd Zeimetz

> Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with
> custom prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks,
> perhaps using zsh etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences, can
> you share some good reads (with screenshots) of what you have done?

I'm using the grml zsh config. There are some differences to the

I prefer grml because it just works well and I know where the grml
people are ;)


 Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
 GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485  DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-04 Thread Richard Laager
Some notes from our defaults at $DAYJOB. I can't take credit for most of
this. These were ideas I've picked up from various people along the way.

# Prevent users from accidentally overwriting files with redirection.
set -o noclobber

Warning: While I'm the one that added it, sometimes I don't love

# Fix some spelling errors in tab-completions
shopt -s cdspell
shopt -s dirspell

# Allow ** to recurse
shopt -s globstar 2> /dev/null

# Make globs case-insensitive
shopt -s nocaseglob

# Tell less to not ring the bell (Q) and pass through color escape
# sequences (R).
export LESS="QR"

# Save and show timestamps in the command history.

We also colorize the hostname, which can act as a subtle hint as to
whether you are on the right system. (It's basically an subconscious
thing; it's not like we memorize which system is which color.) These
days, the per-host color is calculated with Jinja templating in Ansible.
The example below is the older code where bash calculates it. My email
client is going to word-wrap this, so you'll have to reverse that, but
it's straightforward.

# We use dircolors instead of tput to determine which types of terminals
# support colors.  Otherwise, we can end up with an inconsistency
# between bash and ls, et al.  For example: a vt100 on OpenIndiana.
if (LS_COLORS= ; eval $(dircolors 2> /dev/null) ; [ -n "$LS_COLORS" ])
# Colorize based on hostname: green, yellow, blue, magenta, or cyan.
ps_h='\[\e[1;'$((32 + $(hostname | cut -d. -f1 | cksum | cut -c1-3)
% 5))'m\]\h\[\e[0m\]'

if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]
# Make the username and # red when logged in as root.

PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@'$ps_h':\w\$ '

unset ps_h

if [ -r ~/.dircolors ]
eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)"
eval "$(dircolors -b)"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '

It's not shown in the example above, but we also use white text on a red
background for the hostname if it ends in -new. This is our convention
when a new system is being setup: we set the hostname (in Ansible in our
case) for a system replacing a host named "name" to "name-new". This
prompt helps you keep track of whether you are on the current production
system or the -new system you are configuring. It is functionally
equalivalent to:


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-04 Thread Michael Shuler

On 6/3/20 7:30 PM, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

Like Paul said in his reply, I also have a "bash monstrosity" as a
Bash prompt.

For many years, I have taken a different approach; use the default and 
add only a few minor changes. Each stable update, I use 
/etc/skel/.bashrc and edit/add in my little bits.

Other than uncommenting a few existing color & alias configs in the 
default file, I configure history to allow .bash_history grep from any 
open shell session, and keep a lot more:

# save every command, as opposed to only at the end of the session
export PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'

# for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)

# Useful to know where we stand while using different version control systems
parse_git_branch() {
 # Yes, temporary, dirty, yada yada yada. Works for me™.
 # --exclude-standard does not exist on git <= 1.5
 branch=`git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\1/'`
 if [ ! -z "$branch" ]
clean=`git status --porcelain`
if [ ! -z "$clean" ]
new=`git ls-files -o $git_opts|wc -l`
del=`git ls-files -d $git_opts|wc -l`
mod=$(( `git ls-files -m $git_opts|wc -l` - $del ))
if [ $mod != 0 ]; then branch="${branch}${mod}M"; fi
if [ $new != 0 ]; then branch="${branch}${new}N"; fi
if [ $del != 0 ]; then branch="${branch}${del}D"; fi

 echo $branch

Gunnar's git branch foo is what really lead me to post my default 
.bashrc change strategy. I also depend on knowing branch name and repo 
status state and use this PS1 config:

# adapted from

if [ -f /usr/bin/git ]; then
  PSGIT='\[\033[01;31m\]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)")\[\033[00m\]'

Kind regards,

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-04 Thread Gordon Ball
On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 10:06:29PM +0300, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Hello!
> Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with custom
> prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks, perhaps
> using zsh etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences, can you share
> some good reads (with screenshots) of what you have done?
> I've read a bit on zsh and powerline and the like, but I am annoyed that
> all those blog posts are quite superficial and do not mention security,
> interoperability or performance aspects. Frankly any blog post that
> recommends cloning random repos or even worse, running wget | sh something
> gives me chills.
> Some above average posts are
> and
> I'd very much want to read about some more knowledgeable experiences.
> Tips?

Not so much _pimping your existing shell_, but I'd like to give a
shout-out for `xonsh` (which I maintain).

It's a python shell - think IPython, but with first-class support for
running commands and passing pipes and arguments back-and-forth to the
python environment.

for dctrl in pg`**/debian/control`:
head -n1 @(dctrl.parent / "changelog")
sv = $(grep-dctrl -n -s Standards-Version . @(dctrl)).strip()
if sv != "4.5.0":
print(f"old s-v {sv}")

It's still admittedly a bit rough round the edges sometimes, and being
python there is a memory and performance penalty compared to
bash/zsh/fish/whatever, but I find being able to do flow control and
string manipulation without shell arcana is very useful (and to answer
the original question, the prompt and footer is fully customisable
either with builtin placeholders or the output of arbitrary python



> Some might react that bells and whistles is useless and real unix beards
> only run plain bash, but I think that good text prompts have a potential to
> increase productivity. And anyway I don't want those MacOS users to claim
> that their shells would be in any way better than what I can have in Debian
> ;)

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-04 Thread Peter Pentchev
On Wed, Jun 03, 2020 at 07:30:01PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Hello world,
> Like Paul said in his reply, I also have a "bash monstrosity" as a
> Bash prompt. I last spent time tweaking it many years ago, so... This
> migh reflect what my head was like in the past, not today :-]
> I am attaching here the relevant portion of my .bashrc
> > Basically the only improvements over lesser distributions we have are:
> > * color: it's not for mere looks, but it visually separates output of
> >   commands between themselves
> > * full path from ~ (Fedora has only the last component which sucks)
> I do consider this to be very important for me. I'm not inlining it
> here, as mine is quite verbose, but the colors are defined in
> promptFunc(). I don't really follow what you mean by "full path from
> ~" — Isn't it what \w produces?

Yes, and there are some distributions that use \W, not \w, in their
default prompt, and there are lots of people Out There(tm) who do not
even realize that \w is an option :)


Peter Pentchev
PGP key:
Key fingerprint 2EE7 A7A5 17FC 124C F115  C354 651E EFB0 2527 DF13

Description: PGP signature

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-04 Thread Baptiste BEAUPLAT
Hi Otto,

On 5/27/20 9:06 PM, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with custom
> prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks, perhaps
> using zsh etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences, can you share
> some good reads (with screenshots) of what you have done?

I'd like to share my solution to using my zsh environment/customization
while switching to root but without polluting root's configuration (or
any other user for that matter).

I have a function to call a sudo that runs a zsh shell (ignoring root
login shell) configured to use my config files instead of root:

s () {
sudo -u "${1:-root}" -H "ZDOTDIR=${HOME}" -s /bin/zsh

Additionally to that, I have a section in my .zshrc that detect being
called as another user and setup aliases for my most used commands to be
called with rc files from my user:

# We got call as another user, let's setup our env
if [ -n "${ZDOTDIR}" ]; then
alias vim="vim -u ${ZDOTDIR}/.vimrc"
alias vimdiff="vimdiff -u ${ZDOTDIR}/.vimrc"
alias git="HOME=${ZDOTDIR} git"
alias htop="HTOPRC=${ZDOTDIR}/.config/htop/htoprc htop"
alias t="tmux a || tmux -f <(cat ${ZDOTDIR}/.tmux.conf; echo set -g
default-shell /bin/zsh)"
if [ -f "${ZDOTDIR}/.ssh/config" ]; then
alias ssh="ssh -F ${ZDOTDIR}/.ssh/config"
alias rsync="rsync -e \"ssh -F ${ZDOTDIR}/.ssh/config\""
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$(grep -z SSH_AUTH_SOCK /proc/$(ps -p ${PPID}
--format=ppid --no-headers)/environ -a 2> /dev/null| cut -d = -f 2)"
export EDITOR="vim -u ${ZDOTDIR}/.vimrc"
[ -f "${ZDOTDIR}/.identity" ] && source "${ZDOTDIR}/.identity"
export GNUPGHOME="${ZDOTDIR}/.gnupg"

In practice, I can `s` or `s postgres` to switch to root or postgres
user continuing to use my config, without polluting user's config.

Obviously, unix permisson apply and restrict what you can read/do when
switching to another user beside root.

Baptiste BEAUPLAT - lyknode

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-03 Thread Mo Zhou
Hi Otto,

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 10:06:29PM +0300, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with custom
> prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks, perhaps using
> zsh etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences, can you share some good
> reads (with screenshots) of what you have done?

I'm possibly the laziest guy among people who replied to this thread.

I used to heavily customize my bash prompt when I was a bash user. But
immediately after my discovery of fish shell (apt install fish), I
was inclined to choose a extremely simple prompt, by just clicking
the favorite prompt theme in fish's GUI config.

 ~ ❯❯❯

^ This is the "Sorin" prompt theme of fish.

My zsh prompt is basically same, with an additional right side clock:

 PROMPT="%F{cyan}%~%f %F{red}❯%F{yellow}❯%F{green}❯%F{cyan}❯%f%b "
 RPROMPT="%B%(?..%F{red}[%?]%f )%F{magenta}%*%f"

Personally I dislike tinkering the prompt alot, because IMHO some
other features such as "syntax highlighting" and "automatic suggestion"
are more important and useful for productivity.

TBH I'm a fish user exactly due to the two features.
When I have to use a POSIX shell, I'll choose zsh and use the following
two plugins:

> I've read a bit on zsh and powerline and the like, but I am annoyed that all
> those blog posts are quite superficial and do not mention security,
> interoperability or performance aspects. Frankly any blog post that recommends
> cloning random repos or even worse, running wget | sh something gives me
> chills.

I don't worry about security. All the features I want can be installed
via apt. I'm also the uploader of some of them.

On the other hand, things like oh-my-zsh are too heavy to me, since I
only rely on highlighting and autosuggestion.

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-06-03 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Hello world,

Like Paul said in his reply, I also have a "bash monstrosity" as a
Bash prompt. I last spent time tweaking it many years ago, so... This
migh reflect what my head was like in the past, not today :-]

I am attaching here the relevant portion of my .bashrc

> Basically the only improvements over lesser distributions we have are:
> * color: it's not for mere looks, but it visually separates output of
>   commands between themselves
> * full path from ~ (Fedora has only the last component which sucks)

I do consider this to be very important for me. I'm not inlining it
here, as mine is quite verbose, but the colors are defined in
promptFunc(). I don't really follow what you mean by "full path from
~" — Isn't it what \w produces?

> I would like to add at minimum:
> * current git branch (but not -dirty as that can take ages on large repos
>   on slow media -- you want changing directory to be instant)

Yes, I have all this set. I remember it being somewhat slow on large
repos, but I seldom notice it anymore (and on an SSD, it's seldom more
than a couple of seconds on a large Git tree that's not cached). Today
I see this as a heavy number of calls to git, and it always calls git
even if not in a git tree, but... Whatever ☺ This is defined in

> * result of the last command

Yes, I find this to be tremendously useful. I don't absolutely like
the way I handle this (see LAST_RET at the beginning of prompt_func)

> Also, for people who use _many_ terminal tabs while logged on to _many_
> machines like me, I'd also suggest window title.  To simplify the code I've
> personally added parsing this sequence to Linux kernel (as of 3.16).
> I also put the title in ALL UPPERCASE if it's a root session, this helps
> while doing admin tasks.  There's no space for username so I give only
> machine name.

Makes sense. My window title was meant to reflect the previous command
run. But it reflects the last command that _finished_, amd that's not
always immediate.

I also print my regular username in green, but a root login is
presented in red (not only due to the '$' vs. '#' component).

> > I've read a bit on zsh and powerline and the like, but I am annoyed that
> > all those blog posts are quite superficial and do not mention security,
> > interoperability or performance aspects. Frankly any blog post that
> > recommends cloning random repos or even worse, running wget | sh something
> > gives me chills.
> Aye.  Just bash in bashrc should be enough, without iffy Python daemons or
> similar stuff.

I agree. The code I'm sharing here is far from optimal, but it's easy
to follow (after... 5-10 years from its last modification.

> As for powerline: it's not in Unicode, and even worse, illegally uses code
> points that have since been assigned for something else.  Another version of
> powerline uses PUA characters, but also with ill-chosen codepoints that
> clash with popular assignments (CSUR, MUFI).

I'm not aware of Powerline, so I won't comment on it.

> Another thing I've tried but rejected is writing some stuff on the right
> edge of the screen.  This is easy to code and looks good, but causes nasty
> unaligned leftovers if you paste pieces of your console that include the
> prompt, with you not noticing until after the paste is done.

Agree completely.

So, without further ado, my prompt follows:

# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return

# Useful to know where we stand while using different version control systems
parse_git_branch() {
# Yes, temporary, dirty, yada yada yada. Works for me™.
# --exclude-standard does not exist on git <= 1.5
branch=`git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\1/'`
if [ ! -z "$branch" ]
clean=`git status --porcelain`
if [ ! -z "$clean" ]
new=`git ls-files -o $git_opts|wc -l`
del=`git ls-files -d $git_opts|wc -l`
mod=$(( `git ls-files -m $git_opts|wc -l` - $del ))
if [ $mod != 0 ]; then branch="${branch}${mod}M"; fi
if [ $new != 0 ]; then branch="${branch}${new}N"; fi
if [ $del != 0 ]; then branch="${branch}${del}D"; fi

echo $branch

# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color)
case "$TERM" in


Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-05-27 Thread Paul Wise
On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 8:00 PM Adam Borowski wrote:

> I would like to add at minimum:
> * current git branch (but not -dirty as that can take ages on large repos
>   on slow media -- you want changing directory to be instant)

The standard git prompt stuff supports turning each part off individually:

$ cat ~/.bash.d/vcs
source /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt
GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM="auto verbose"

> * result of the last command

I wrote the attached bash monstrosity with the help of a few folks. It
is buggy in a few ways but works for me (including for PIPESTATUS). It
also enables the standard git prompt stuff and does some other things.


Description: Binary data

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-05-27 Thread Alex Mestiashvili
On 5/27/20 9:06 PM, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Hello!
> Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with custom
> prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks, perhaps
> using zsh etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences, can you share
> some good reads (with screenshots) of what you have done?
> I've read a bit on zsh and powerline and the like, but I am annoyed that
> all those blog posts are quite superficial and do not mention security,
> interoperability or performance aspects. Frankly any blog post that
> recommends cloning random repos or even worse, running wget | sh something
> gives me chills.
> Some above average posts are
> and
> I'd very much want to read about some more knowledgeable experiences.
> Tips?
> Some might react that bells and whistles is useless and real unix beards
> only run plain bash, but I think that good text prompts have a potential to
> increase productivity. And anyway I don't want those MacOS users to claim
> that their shells would be in any way better than what I can have in Debian
> ;)

That's an interesting topic.
In general I am pretty happy with this config:

It uses screen + zsh and color themes are adjusted for a bright terminal.
I use screen on the primary console on my work workstation and ssh from it to
all other machines which usually have plain bash.
If I need a session for something more advanced I start screen with the same
config on the remote machine, but keep separate terminal window, so I don't get
the nested screens from the "primary" screen terminal.

oh-my-zsh looks too heavvy for me.

The main reason to use zsh in the setup above is the screen's status line. I
didn't manage to customize it good enough with bash.


Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-05-27 Thread Adam Borowski
On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 10:06:29PM +0300, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Hello!
> Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with custom
> prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks, perhaps
> using zsh etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences, can you share
> some good reads (with screenshots) of what you have done?

I wanted to overhaul our default prompt -- but ENOTUITS.  It's primitive,
and lacks basic goodies.

Basically the only improvements over lesser distributions we have are:
* color: it's not for mere looks, but it visually separates output of
  commands between themselves
* full path from ~ (Fedora has only the last component which sucks)

I would like to add at minimum:
* current git branch (but not -dirty as that can take ages on large repos
  on slow media -- you want changing directory to be instant)
* result of the last command

Also, for people who use _many_ terminal tabs while logged on to _many_
machines like me, I'd also suggest window title.  To simplify the code I've
personally added parsing this sequence to Linux kernel (as of 3.16).
I also put the title in ALL UPPERCASE if it's a root session, this helps
while doing admin tasks.  There's no space for username so I give only
machine name.

Another thing is machine name in /etc/issue.  This might be counterintuitive
as it's used only for local sessions -- but the console ignores these
sequences so the title shows up only when accessed via serial.

> I've read a bit on zsh and powerline and the like, but I am annoyed that
> all those blog posts are quite superficial and do not mention security,
> interoperability or performance aspects. Frankly any blog post that
> recommends cloning random repos or even worse, running wget | sh something
> gives me chills.

Aye.  Just bash in bashrc should be enough, without iffy Python daemons or
similar stuff.

As for powerline: it's not in Unicode, and even worse, illegally uses code
points that have since been assigned for something else.  Another version of
powerline uses PUA characters, but also with ill-chosen codepoints that
clash with popular assignments (CSUR, MUFI).

Another thing I've tried but rejected is writing some stuff on the right
edge of the screen.  This is easy to code and looks good, but causes nasty
unaligned leftovers if you paste pieces of your console that include the
prompt, with you not noticing until after the paste is done.

> Some might react that bells and whistles is useless and real unix beards
> only run plain bash, but I think that good text prompts have a potential to
> increase productivity.

Alas, zsh is a problem if you use many machines and many chroots (which also
want to be minimal), or machines not under your control.  Thus, bash is the
king because it is always there.  And it _can_ do everything that
powerlevel9k and such toys do, without performance problems.

Thus: my /etc/issue is:
\e]0;⭍\n\e\\Debian GNU/Linux \n \l

\n unobviously means the machine's mode, ⭍ is my marker for serial consoles.
These sequences before the word "Debian" are invisible and go only to a
window title if there's one.

As for my bashrc, some snippets:

# ! has been long obsoleted by ^R and it can cause nasty surprises.
set +H

# We want less goodness.
[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(lesspipe)"

if [ -x /usr/bin/git ]
function parse_git_branch
git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* 

if [ "$ERROR" -gt 128 ]
ERRORSIG="$(kill -l $(($ERROR-128)) 2>/dev/null)"
  else PROMPT_ERROR=""

[ -n "$SCHROOT_CHROOT_NAME" ] && export 

# Compat with Hurd console and ancient bash.
case "$TERM" in
if [ "$UID" == "0" ]
RH=`echo "$HOSTNAME"|tr a-z A-Z`
if [ -n "${BASH_VERSION/#4.2.*/}" ]
PROMPT_COMMAND+=';echo -ne 
PROMPT_COMMAND+=';echo -ne 

# Per-hostname prompts.
case "$HOSTNAME" in
PSC1='\e[0;32m' PSH=1;;
  andunie)  PSC1='\e[0;38;5;107m' PSC2='\e[0;1;38;5;193m';;
  harlond)  PSC1='\e[0;1;32m' PSC2='\e[0;32m';;
  sirius)   PSC1='\e[0;38;5;137m' PSC2='\e[0;38;5;223m';;
  # ...
  *)PSC1='\e[0;1;31m' PSC2='\e[0;31m' PSH=1;;

Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-05-27 Thread Julien Puydt
Le mercredi 27 mai 2020 à 22:06 +0300, Otto Kekäläinen a écrit :
> Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with
> custom prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks,
> perhaps using zsh etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences,
> can you share some good reads (with screenshots) of what you have
> done?

I don't know where I got that one, but I have a "myautopkgtest" script
containing only:
  autopkgtest $1 -- schroot unstable-amd64-sbuild

and in my .bashrc :

  local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f -X '!*.dsc' -- $cur ) )
  return 0
complete -F _myautopkgtest myautopkgtest

That's a pretty trivial hack, but it does save quite a few keystrokes,
when one checks a package before an upload.



Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?

2020-05-27 Thread Otto Kekäläinen

Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with custom
prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks, perhaps
using zsh etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences, can you share
some good reads (with screenshots) of what you have done?

I've read a bit on zsh and powerline and the like, but I am annoyed that
all those blog posts are quite superficial and do not mention security,
interoperability or performance aspects. Frankly any blog post that
recommends cloning random repos or even worse, running wget | sh something
gives me chills.

Some above average posts are and

I'd very much want to read about some more knowledgeable experiences.


Some might react that bells and whistles is useless and real unix beards
only run plain bash, but I think that good text prompts have a potential to
increase productivity. And anyway I don't want those MacOS users to claim
that their shells would be in any way better than what I can have in Debian

Re: Updating the New Debian Developer welcome email

2018-10-02 Thread Joseph Herlant
Thank you both for your replies.
I went ahead and pushed a MR:

> Are there discussions about updating welcome email in Debian RT already?

I notified the DSA team on #debian-admin as Mattia was saying in #910057
We'll see the follow-ups.

Thanks again,

Re: Updating the New Debian Developer welcome email

2018-10-02 Thread Yao Wei (魏銘廷)

I filed the bug yesterday in package but got a reply that the 
welcome message is managed by admin team, not NM.

Are there discussions about updating welcome email in Debian RT already?

Yao Wei

(This email is sent from a phone; sorry for HTML email if it happens.)

> On Oct 3, 2018, at 08:56, James McCoy  wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 05:45:35PM -0700, Joseph Herlant wrote:
>> Yesterday I received my New Debian Developer welcome email (\o/)
> Congrats!
>> and
>> noticed that it's still referencing alioth for the hosting of VCS
>> repositories.
>> I couldn't find in which repo the template for this email was hosted.
>> Could you point me to the right repo so I can do a MR for this please?
> DSA manages user accounts.  After a little digging, I found the
> template[0].
> [0]: 
> Cheers,
> -- 
> James
> GPG Key: 4096R/91BF BF4D 6956 BD5D F7B7  2D23 DFE6 91AE 331B A3DB

Re: Updating the New Debian Developer welcome email

2018-10-02 Thread James McCoy
On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 05:45:35PM -0700, Joseph Herlant wrote:
> Yesterday I received my New Debian Developer welcome email (\o/)


> and
> noticed that it's still referencing alioth for the hosting of VCS
> repositories.
> I couldn't find in which repo the template for this email was hosted.
> Could you point me to the right repo so I can do a MR for this please?

DSA manages user accounts.  After a little digging, I found the


GPG Key: 4096R/91BF BF4D 6956 BD5D F7B7  2D23 DFE6 91AE 331B A3DB

Updating the New Debian Developer welcome email

2018-10-02 Thread Joseph Herlant

Yesterday I received my New Debian Developer welcome email (\o/) and
noticed that it's still referencing alioth for the hosting of VCS

I couldn't find in which repo the template for this email was hosted.
Could you point me to the right repo so I can do a MR for this please?

The paragraph I'd like to propose a change for is:

The machine hosting most of our VCS repositories
({svn,bzr,git,arch,hg} is It's handled
by a separate team ( as it allows login by
non-Debian developers. You probably already have a *-guest account
there.  Please refer to to learn
anything you need to know, including how to activate your account and
how to request the removal of your old -guest account.


Re: Does anyone know the whereabouts of Risko Gergely [a Debian Developer who seems to be MIA?]

2016-04-27 Thread Shlomi Fish
Hi Gergely [and all],

On Wed, 27 Apr 2016 10:12:58 +0200
Gergely Risko  wrote:

> Hey Shlomi,
> Yes, sorry about not spending enough time on freecell-solver, totally
> my mistake and I apologize for it.

first of all, I am glad to hear that you are OK, and accept your apology.
> Let's hope that I manage to update this package this week.  If someone
> wants to be co-maintainer of this package with me, I'm of course more
> than happy to accept the help!
> Sorry again and thanks for reminding me.

You're welcome - and thanks!


Shlomi Fish

> Cheers,
> Gergely
> On 2016-04-26 16:15 (Tuesday), Shlomi Fish  writes:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > Does anyone know the whereabout of Riso Gergely
> > ( - CCed to this
> > message. ) He seems to be missing in action (MIA) since 2014, and he
> > maintains freecell-solver for which I am the upstream.
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> > -- Shlomi Fish  

Re: Does anyone know the whereabouts of Risko Gergely [a Debian Developer who seems to be MIA?]

2016-04-27 Thread Adam Borowski
On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 10:12:58AM +0200, Gergely Risko wrote:
> Yes, sorry about not spending enough time on freecell-solver, totally
> my mistake and I apologize for it.
> Let's hope that I manage to update this package this week.  If someone
> wants to be co-maintainer of this package with me, I'm of course more
> than happy to accept the help!

I guess that the "update this package" part is a matter of reviewing and
adjusting Shlomi's attempted NMU at dget

A tit a day keeps the vet away.

Re: Does anyone know the whereabouts of Risko Gergely [a Debian Developer who seems to be MIA?]

2016-04-27 Thread Gergely Risko
Hey Shlomi,

Yes, sorry about not spending enough time on freecell-solver, totally
my mistake and I apologize for it.

Let's hope that I manage to update this package this week.  If someone
wants to be co-maintainer of this package with me, I'm of course more
than happy to accept the help!

Sorry again and thanks for reminding me.


On 2016-04-26 16:15 (Tuesday), Shlomi Fish  writes:
> Hi all!
> Does anyone know the whereabout of Riso Gergely
> ( - CCed to this
> message. ) He seems to be missing in action (MIA) since 2014, and he maintains
> freecell-solver for which I am the upstream.
> Any help would be appreciated.
>   -- Shlomi Fish

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Risko Gergely [a Debian Developer who seems to be MIA?]

2016-04-26 Thread Shlomi Fish
Hi all!

Does anyone know the whereabout of Riso Gergely
( - CCed to this
message. ) He seems to be missing in action (MIA) since 2014, and he maintains
freecell-solver for which I am the upstream.

Any help would be appreciated.

-- Shlomi Fish

Cherche Debian Developer po ur signe ma clé

2009-04-24 Thread Laurent Guignard

Je suis tout nouveau dans le monde du développement de paquet Debian et suite
à la réalisation du package dhcp_probe et une plus ample découverte du monde
Debian, j'aimerais intégrer le processus de Debian Maintainer.
Le seul problème c'est que j'ai besoin de faire signer ma clé PGP par au moins
un Debian Developer. Alors si un DD qui habite ou passe dans le la région de
Villefranche sur Saône pouvait signer ma clé ce serait super cool.
Sans cette signature de clé il m'est impossible d'intégrer le processus de
Debian Maintainer alors s'il vous plait aidez moi.

Merci d'avance,

Laurent Guignard, Registered as user #301590 with the Linux Counter
Site :
Blog :
Projet :
GULL de Villefranche sur Saône :

Description: Digital signature

Re: Cherche Debian Developer pour signe ma clé

2009-04-24 Thread Roland Mas
Laurent Guignard, 2009-04-24 21:21:37 +0200 :


 Je suis tout nouveau dans le monde du développement de paquet Debian
 et suite à la réalisation du package dhcp_probe et une plus ample
 découverte du monde Debian, j'aimerais intégrer le processus de Debian

  Bienvenue parmi nous.

 Le seul problème c'est que j'ai besoin de faire signer ma clé PGP par
 au moins un Debian Developer. Alors si un DD qui habite ou passe dans
 le la région de Villefranche sur Saône pouvait signer ma clé ce serait
 super cool.

  Il y a des gens de Lyon parmi les inscrits sur  Si tu n'as pas l'occasion d'y
faire un saut prochainement, normalement je vais passer par la vallée de
l'Azergues pour le week-end de l'Ascension, et je peux m'arrêter en
route pour boire un coup et signer ta clef.

Roland Mas

'And what would humans be without love?'
RARE, said Death.  -- in Sourcery (Terry Pratchett)

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Troubleshooting using Debian developer machines

2007-01-04 Thread Shaun Jackman

Monotone has a bug (#404616) that seems to only affect powerpc. I
don't have access to a powerpc machine myself, so I'd like to use to troubleshoot the bug. How do I use the Etch
chroot on bruckner to install monotone and its dependencies and run
monotone without root access to bruckner?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Troubleshooting using Debian developer machines

2007-01-04 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 01:51:25PM -0700, Shaun Jackman wrote:
 Monotone has a bug (#404616) that seems to only affect powerpc. I
 don't have access to a powerpc machine myself, so I'd like to use to troubleshoot the bug. How do I use the Etch
 chroot on bruckner to install monotone and its dependencies and run
 monotone without root access to bruckner?

Email debian-admin requesting installation of monotone in the chroot.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Troubleshooting using Debian developer machines

2007-01-04 Thread Roger Leigh
Shaun Jackman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Monotone has a bug (#404616) that seems to only affect powerpc. I
 don't have access to a powerpc machine myself, so I'd like to use to troubleshoot the bug. How do I use the Etch
 chroot on bruckner to install monotone and its dependencies and run
 monotone without root access to bruckner?

Send an email to debian-admin, and ask for it to be installed in the

On the unlikely chance that doesn't work out, mail me your SSH public
key in a signed and encrypted mail, and I'll create you an account on
my powerpc system (but you'll need IPv6 connectivity to ssh in).


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   Printing on GNU/Linux?
   `-GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848   Please GPG sign your mail.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Troubleshooting using Debian developer machines

2007-01-04 Thread Arjan Oosting
Op do, 04-01-2007 te 13:51 -0700, schreef Shaun Jackman:
 Monotone has a bug (#404616) that seems to only affect powerpc. I
 don't have access to a powerpc machine myself, so I'd like to use to troubleshoot the bug. How do I use the Etch
 chroot on bruckner to install monotone and its dependencies and run
 monotone without root access to bruckner?

mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and wait until something has

Greetings Arjan

Description: Dit berichtdeel is digitaal ondertekend

Re: Troubleshooting using Debian developer machines

2007-01-04 Thread Russ Allbery
Shaun Jackman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Monotone has a bug (#404616) that seems to only affect powerpc. I don't
 have access to a powerpc machine myself, so I'd like to use to troubleshoot the bug. How do I use the Etch
 chroot on bruckner to install monotone and its dependencies and run
 monotone without root access to bruckner?

Speaking of bruckner, my ssh public key doesn't seem to work on that
system (but works fine on other hosts such as gluck and alioth).  I've
been meaning to try to track down the gtimer bug that's powerpc-specific
and ran into that.

Am I missing something obvious, or should I mail debian-admin about that
as well?  I don't want to bother them if it's something I can fix myself.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Troubleshooting using Debian developer machines

2007-01-04 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 06:28:41PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Shaun Jackman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Monotone has a bug (#404616) that seems to only affect powerpc. I don't
  have access to a powerpc machine myself, so I'd like to use to troubleshoot the bug. How do I use the Etch
  chroot on bruckner to install monotone and its dependencies and run
  monotone without root access to bruckner?

 Speaking of bruckner, my ssh public key doesn't seem to work on that
 system (but works fine on other hosts such as gluck and alioth).  I've
 been meaning to try to track down the gtimer bug that's powerpc-specific
 and ran into that.

 Am I missing something obvious, or should I mail debian-admin about that
 as well?  I don't want to bother them if it's something I can fix myself.

authorized_keys are supposed to propagate via LDAP.  If you have your public
key loaded into LDAP, and you can't get to bruckner, you'll want to contact
debian-admin since AFAICS the host isn't locked down right now.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

debian developer

2006-03-10 Thread Mark Walter
Hi all,

I want to step in to be a debian developer.

While processing the new maintainer's guide I need to cross checked
boxes to apply. 

Two of them are not true for me at all and I can't apply as a developer :-(

Here are the two point's:

If you intend to package software, do you have a Debian package in the
archive through a sponsor? And if you intend to do other things (e.g.
port Debian to other architectures, help with documentation, Quality
Assurance or Security), do you have experience in those things and have
already participated in such activities for Debian?

Has an existing Debian developer agreed to be an advocate and verify
your application

Here is my question:

Can anybody help to me to satisfy the demand for the two point's as I'am
interested to be a debian developer ?

What can I do to arrive the point's mentioned above ?

Best Regards,


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian developer

2006-03-10 Thread Wouter Verhelst
On Fri, Mar 10, 2006 at 03:27:23PM +0100, Mark Walter wrote:
 Hi all,
 I want to step in to be a debian developer.
 While processing the new maintainer's guide I need to cross checked
 boxes to apply. 
 Two of them are not true for me at all and I can't apply as a developer :-(
 Here are the two point's:
 If you intend to package software, do you have a Debian package in the
 archive through a sponsor? And if you intend to do other things (e.g.
 port Debian to other architectures, help with documentation, Quality
 Assurance or Security), do you have experience in those things and have
 already participated in such activities for Debian?
 Has an existing Debian developer agreed to be an advocate and verify
 your application
 Here is my question:
 Can anybody help to me to satisfy the demand for the two point's as I'am
 interested to be a debian developer ?
 What can I do to arrive the point's mentioned above ?

Jump in and start doing something for Debian. Whether that is finding
fixes for open bugs in our BTS that do not have patches yet, writing
documentation, translating stuff that needs to be translated, or
packaging software that needs to be packaged (or help package software
where the maintainer asks for help), is up to you. You can ask on
debian-mentors if you need more help (this isn't really a mailinglist
for beginner-level questions relating to debian development;
debian-mentors is)

If you do this well enough, people you cooperate with (your sponsor,
other translators, etc) will most likely be willing to advocate you.

Fun will now commence
  -- Seven Of Nine, Ashes to Ashes, stardate 53679.4

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian developer

2006-03-10 Thread Lars Roland
On 3/10/06, Mark Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is my question:

 Can anybody help to me to satisfy the demand for the two point's as I'am
 interested to be a debian developer ?

Ahh the the cool factor of having a Debian email address (not that i have one).

 What can I do to arrive the point's mentioned above ?

You could subscribe to debian-mentors and start crafting a package.
Even though Debian has a impressiv amount of packages there are still
some major ones left (mpich2, pvfs2, trac...).

Also check this article: it
has some extended info

Re: debian developer

2006-03-10 Thread Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo
On Fri, Mar 10, 2006 at 03:27:23PM +0100, Mark Walter wrote:
 Hi all,

 I want to step in to be a debian developer.

That's rather question for debian-mentors mailing list.
 While processing the new maintainer's guide I need to cross checked
 boxes to apply. 
 Two of them are not true for me at all and I can't apply as a developer :-(
 Here are the two point's:
 If you intend to package software, do you have a Debian package in the
 archive through a sponsor? And if you intend to do other things (e.g.
 port Debian to other architectures, help with documentation, Quality
 Assurance or Security), do you have experience in those things and have
 already participated in such activities for Debian?
 Has an existing Debian developer agreed to be an advocate and verify
 your application
 Here is my question:
 Can anybody help to me to satisfy the demand for the two point's as I'am
 interested to be a debian developer ?
 What can I do to arrive the point's mentioned above ?

Point 1.

Find some useful software that isn't already packaged for Debian and
package it. Or adopt some unmaintain one.

You can take a look at for that.

Then ask on debian-mentors mailing list for upload of it to the archive.

Point 2.

Assuming you'll be doing your job well maybe your sponsor will agree to be
your advocate.


  ,''`.  Bartosz Fenski | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | pgp:0x13fefc40 | irc:fEnIo
 : :' :   32-050 Skawina - Glowackiego 3/15 - w. malopolskie - Poland
 `. `'   phone:+48602383548 | proud Debian maintainer and user
   `- | jid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | rlu:172001

Description: Digital signature

Re: debian developer

2006-03-10 Thread Christoph Haas
Hi, Mark...

On Friday 10 March 2006 15:27, Mark Walter wrote:
 I want to step in to be a debian developer.

Great to hear that.

 While processing the new maintainer's guide I need to cross checked
 boxes to apply.

 Two of them are not true for me at all and I can't apply as a developer

 Here are the two point's:

 If you intend to package software, do you have a Debian package in the
 archive through a sponsor? And if you intend to do other things (e.g.
 port Debian to other architectures, help with documentation, Quality
 Assurance or Security), do you have experience in those things and have
 already participated in such activities for Debian?

 Has an existing Debian developer agreed to be an advocate and verify
 your application

 Here is my question:

 Can anybody help to me to satisfy the demand for the two point's as I'am
 interested to be a debian developer ?

Bear with me but your question sounds to me like I have not yet 
contributed to Debian but rather have been a user and now want to become a 
DD as soon as possible. If you want to become a Debian Developer it's 
helpful (if not mandatory) that you are already part of the community in 
some way. Contributing to Debian doesn't necessarily mean you need to be a 
Debian Developer. You can maintain your own packages through a sponsor, 
provide help on alioth projects, provide patches for documentation, 
provide translations to further languages you may know or proofread 
translations, ... At some point you may want to do the uploads yourself 
(without the help of a sponsor), participate in votings and get access to 
Debian's machine park for testing. Then it's a good time to apply for 
developership. But it's not mandatory for contributions.

The more you already do for Debian the easier it is for you to become a 
Debian Developer. Even if you enter the so called new maintainer's 
process you will still need to show that you can e.g. maintain packages 
and have a good understanding of the gears inside. If you already have 
proof of such contributions - great. It will take time one way or the 

The second question about getting an advocate will probably be trivial once 
you work with a few people because they can easily decide that your skills 
are welcome to Debian. The advocate can only be someone who knows you 
(virtually). So you better ask them then.

I still mean that your contribution is mostly welcome. Just that the 
contribution and the fun of contributing itself should perhaps be more the 
center of attention than wearing fancy I'm a DD pants. If you get me. :)

.signature [Modified] 1 line --100%--1,48 All

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian developer

2006-03-10 Thread Mark Walter

 Jump in and start doing something for Debian. Whether that is finding
 fixes for open bugs in our BTS that do not have patches yet, writing
 documentation, translating stuff that needs to be translated, or
 packaging software that needs to be packaged (or help package software
 where the maintainer asks for help), is up to you. You can ask on
 debian-mentors if you need more help (this isn't really a mailinglist
 for beginner-level questions relating to debian development;
 debian-mentors is)
 If you do this well enough, people you cooperate with (your sponsor,
 other translators, etc) will most likely be willing to advocate you.

ok, I understand this is the wrong list and I have now a good one, which
is debian-mentors. There's also a IRC channel so I will cope now on my own.

Thank's for you statement's I was subscribed to debian-devel and I
thought it's the right place to ask the question.

Sorry for being offtopic !

Best Regards,


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian developer

2006-03-10 Thread Isaac Clerencia
On Friday, 10 March 2006 15:41, Lars Roland wrote:
 You could subscribe to debian-mentors and start crafting a package.
 Even though Debian has a impressiv amount of packages there are still
 some major ones left (mpich2, pvfs2, trac...).
trac is in

Isaac Clerencia at Warp Networks,

Description: PGP signature

reactivating my debian developer account

2005-11-21 Thread Britton Kerin

I would like to reactivate my debian developer account.
Ive been MIA for a while unfortunately, but have now
rearranged my life so I have time to program for fun

Is there a standard procedure for doing this that 
someone can point me to?

Britton Kerin
  Britton Kerin

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: reactivating my debian developer account

2005-11-21 Thread Nico Golde
* Britton Kerin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-11-21 20:38]:
 I would like to reactivate my debian developer account.
 Ive been MIA for a while unfortunately, but have now
 rearranged my life so I have time to program for fun
 Is there a standard procedure for doing this that 
 someone can point me to?

Point 4.
Kind regards
Nico Golde
Nico Golde - JAB: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GPG: 0x73647CFF | |
Forget about that mouse with 3/4/5 buttons -
gimme a keyboard with 103/104/105 keys!

Description: PGP signature

Debian Developer Packages Overview new features

2004-07-29 Thread Igor Genibel
Hi all,

I'm proud to announce that the new version of DDPO (also known as 
developer.php) is available with new features:
* display information in utf8 charset;
* provide popcon information for the source package;
* add watch information provided by All   
this work was done by Stefano Fabri. Kudos to him :);
* reorganize columns by importance order;
* give the possibility to dynamically hide/show help and general 
* provide information about wnpp entries for every maintainer if needed;
* provide a link to Bjrn Stenberg excuse analysis 
* give the possibility to show/hide some columns and store the settings 
in a cookie;
* give the possibility to override the display settings by providing 
extra url args.

You can test and use it at

Feel free to send feedbacks, and whatever you think about ddpo.

For bug reports (even wishlist) fill a bug against

Thansk a lot.
GPG: 1024D/1648F6C8

Description: signature

Re: Debian Developer LDAP

2003-04-16 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
* Oohara Yuuma [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-04-15 07:50]:
 On Mon, 14 Apr 2003 10:24:44 -0400,
 Mark Bucciarelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (3) is the email gateway used?
 I tried but failed to change my latitude/longitude data.
 None of the following worked.  RTFM instructions welcome.

 RTFM  From
frontpage - Documentation - Mail gateway

 Lat: +0334500., Long: +1303000.

 The , must have been the problem.

 Lat: 33:45:00.000 N Long: 130:30:00.000 E
 Lat: 33n45. Long: 130e30.
 Lat: +0334500 Long: +1303000

 Those are simply in wrong format.

 The error message was:
 == Message Error: Positions were found, but they are not correctly formed
 Command is not understood. Halted

 The mail gateway should include the above URL to the documentation to
avoid such questions in the future.  Who can add it, please?

 So long!
Nachdem es SuSE nun endlich geschafft hat, Linux so sehr zu verunstalten, daß
es schlechter als Windows ist, bootet es nun also sogar schon auf der Hardware
von Microsoft.
 -- realborg zu

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Developer LDAP

2003-04-15 Thread Oohara Yuuma
On Mon, 14 Apr 2003 10:24:44 -0400,
Mark Bucciarelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (3) is the email gateway used?
I tried but failed to change my latitude/longitude data.
None of the following worked.  RTFM instructions welcome.

Lat: +0334500., Long: +1303000.
Lat: 33:45:00.000 N Long: 130:30:00.000 E
Lat: 33n45. Long: 130e30.
Lat: +0334500 Long: +1303000

The error message was:
== Message Error: Positions were found, but they are not correctly formed
Command is not understood. Halted

Debian developer
PGP key (key ID F464A695)
Key fingerprint = 6142 8D07 9C5B 159B C170  1F4A 40D6 F42E F464 A695

No problem if you're not in it, and even if you are, it's quick and painless.
--- Hajime Ueda, Q-ko-chan, description of pure-bomb

Debian Developer LDAP

2003-04-14 Thread Mark Bucciarelli
I've volunteered to help build a database of KDE advocates and am 
starting the design.  A previous kde-promo thread mentioned the 
Debian LDAP gateway as a possible model to follow.

I would be interested in any feedback the Debian developers have on 
this system.  It seems to have a lot of nice functionality, but I'd 
like to know how it actually get's used.  (For example, it seems 
xplanet stuff doesn't work right now--no X's on the map, and the 
coords file is empty.)  

Here's a few questions that I came up with.  I'm interested in any and 
all feedback, so don't feel limited by this set. :)

(1) what do you find most useful?  least?

(2) do people really update their records?  (For example, what 
percentage of entries were updated last year?  What percentage of 
entries have not been updated at all for two years?  three years?)

(3) is the email gateway used?

(4) are there any docs I can read?  (The KDE thread made mention of 
some python scripts.)

(5) if I decide to follow the LDAP route, is there someone here who 
would be willing to take some time to give me a bit of guidance?

While an LDAP approach seems to be the correct one, I've no experience 
with it so I'm leery of starting something I cannot finish.

Thanks for any feedback.


P.S. I'm not subscribed, so please CC me.

Re: Debian Developer LDAP

2003-04-14 Thread Andreas Metzler
Mark Bucciarelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've volunteered to help build a database of KDE advocates and am 
 starting the design.  A previous kde-promo thread mentioned the 
 Debian LDAP gateway as a possible model to follow.

 I would be interested in any feedback the Debian developers have on 
 this system.  It seems to have a lot of nice functionality, but I'd 
 like to know how it actually get's used.  (For example, it seems 
 xplanet stuff doesn't work right now--no X's on the map, and the 
 coords file is empty.)  

This is reported in the BTS and only broke a short time ago.

 Here's a few questions that I came up with.  I'm interested in any and 
 all feedback, so don't feel limited by this set. :)

 (1) what do you find most useful?

The e-mail gateway.
   cu andreas
Hey, da ist ein Ballonautomat auf der Toilette!
Unofficial _Debian-packages_ of latest unstable _tin_

Re: Debian Developer LDAP

2003-04-14 Thread Rene Engelhard

Mark Bucciarelli wrote:
 (2) do people really update their records?  (For example, what 
 percentage of entries were updated last year?  What percentage of 
 entries have not been updated at all for two years?  three years?)

Well, personal information is not that often updated when it doesn't
change :)

 (3) is the email gateway used?

Yes. For some things (password forgotten, ssh keys, DNS CNAMES that's
IIRC the only way...)
 (5) if I decide to follow the LDAP route, is there someone here who 
 would be willing to take some time to give me a bit of guidance?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] would be one place; but I assume that they
have more important things to do. But trying cannot hurt ;)


 .''`.  Rene Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 : :' : |
 `. `'  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GnuPG-Key ID: 248AEB73
   `-   Fingerprint: 41FA F208 28D4 7CA5 19BB  7AD9 F859 90B0 248A EB73

Description: PGP signature

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-31 Thread Daniel Stone
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 2:43:29PM +0100, Daniel Silverstone wrote:
 Also, if you search for my GPG key id (20687895) then I get a listing of my
 packages and also those maintained by [EMAIL PROTECTED] We've had issues of
 my being mistaken for Daniel Stone in the past, and I don't appreciate it :)
 (Neither does he I should imagine :)

You poor, poor bastard. I recommend a name change post-haste. I'd like
to sincerely apologize to you for any humiliation caused for being
confused with me.

The real DanielS (o/~ I'm the real DanielS ...)

Daniel Stone   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kopete: Multi-protocol IM client

Description: PGP signature

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-29 Thread Peter Palfrader
On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Martin Michlmayr wrote:

 * Igor Genibel [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-08-28 17:20]:
 If you want to have it hosted there, you should really
 a) put the files in CVS (module qa), and follow the current standards
for web pages (i.e. have wml files in qa/wml which are build
and then copied to web/)
  a.1) have your cronjobs in data/cronjobs and the scripts run from it
   and the data it produces in data/something/ (the extract file
   for example)
 b) give group write permission to the files and chgrp them to qa
 also make directories g+s please.
 c) have a link from the main qa site to them

Please also make it clear on each page where each data comes from
(Uninstallable for example has no apparent source).

Thanks for writing that neat tool.

 PGP signed and encrypted  |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
messages preferred.| : :' :  The  universal
   | `. `'  Operating System |   `-

Description: PGP signature

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-29 Thread Nicolas Boullis


This tool is great and very useful.
However, there is a little bug with some kind of mangling of the version
loadwatch appears to have 2 different versions in testing and unstable
(1.0_1.1alpha1-1 and 1.0+1.1alpha1-1), while this is in fact the same

Anyway, this tool is great. Thanks for your work.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Igor Genibel
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 06:02:24PM +0200, Michael Piefel wrote:
 Am 27.08.02 um 14:24:57 schrieb Igor Genibel:
  - the number of opened bugs (All, RC, ...);
 Either I don't understand the statistics, or it's not correct. For
 instance, on you
 can see there is 1 bug for the file package. But in fact there's dozens.
 How come?

It is now fixed. Thanks a lot for the report ;)

GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Piefel
Am 27.08.02 um 13:38:36 schrieb Joey Hess:
 - It seems to think that analog 2:5.23-0woody1 is a NMU.

I don't quite understand these colours right now. What does
Packages in blue refer to? The link colour? And I don't see many
Packages version in red either, even when I'm sure it's an NMU.

 - On a 1280 pixel wide display, I can only see half of a line of the
   table at a time.

I don't have any problems. 1600 pixels is enough in my font :-)

   ... on my screen they go off the page when I get 17 packages down
   the list.

But that's your own fault: You maintain too many packages!


|=| Michael Piefel
|=| Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
|=| Tel. (+49 30) 2093 3831

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
* Igor Genibel 

| I have enhanced the ddpo  (
| following all the request you made me (especially Yann Dirson).
| Now you, developers, can track  all  the  informations  about  all  your
| packages such as:
| - the pts related page about packages (Thanks a lot to Raphaël Hertzog);

could this link be moved to a column on its own?  Also, it seems like
neither PTS, nor your system handles udebs gracefully.  For udebs,
unstable == testing, ATM.

Tollef Fog Heen,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are  : :' :
  `. `' 

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Koch

I found another bug. In the list of available packages the source 
libsigc++-1.1 is visibile/accessible but libsigc++ does not seem to exist.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Igor Genibel
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 08:53:11AM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
 Hi Igor,


  I have enhanced the ddpo  (
  following all the request you made me (especially Yann Dirson).
 The site looks great!  One request, is it possible to add submit buttons
 for each of the various forms on the page?  At first glance, it is not at
 all obvious to me that the one submit button on the page has nothing to
 do with the box where I typed in my email address. :)

There are now submit buttons.

GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Igor Genibel
On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 03:57:14AM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
  Although, I have one request -- please skip the ampersand in URLs like
  'build.php?pkg=foo', they are redundant and they waste bytes :)
 On the same note, please add the missing / in pool URLs, to skip the
 redirect and follow the spec, thus also conserving bytes :)

The two requests were applied ;)

GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Raphael Hertzog
Le Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 09:25:42AM +0200, Michael Piefel écrivait:
 I don't quite understand these colours right now. What does
 Packages in blue refer to? The link colour? And I don't see many

Packages in blue are packages where you're listed as co-maintainers (cf
the Uplpoaders field in the control file).

 Packages version in red either, even when I'm sure it's an NMU.

I guess it detects the NMU with a regexp in the version number. What's
the version number in question that is badly detected ?

  - On a 1280 pixel wide display, I can only see half of a line of the
table at a time.

Same problem here, the table is getting too large. I wish we could use a
extended/simple. The extended view would show the less useful columns
(uninstallable reports, debcheck links, ...)

 But that's your own fault: You maintain too many packages!

Repeating the header every 15 packages looks reasonable. :)

Raphaël Hertzog -+-
Formation Linux et logiciel libre :

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Raphael Hertzog
Le Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 03:51:11AM +0200, Josip Rodin écrivait:
 On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 02:24:57PM +0200, Igor Genibel wrote:
  I have enhanced the ddpo  (
  following all the request you made me (especially Yann Dirson).
  Now you, developers, can track  all  the  informations  about  all  your
  packages such as:
  - the pts related page about packages (Thanks a lot to Raphaël Hertzog);
 Man, these two things really rock :) Need to get them somewhere under

For the PTS, it's in the process, I'm working with debian-admin to get
it installed under the official PTS name :

For Igor, we could provide him a place somewhere under if
he wish I guess. Igor, can you check if provides
everything that you need ?

Raphaël Hertzog -+-
Formation Linux et logiciel libre :

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Igor Genibel
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 02:43:29PM +0100, Daniel Silverstone wrote:


 Also, if you search for my GPG key id (20687895) then I get a listing of my
 packages and also those maintained by [EMAIL PROTECTED] We've had issues of
 my being mistaken for Daniel Stone in the past, and I don't appreciate it :)
 (Neither does he I should imagine :)

Sorry for the mistake... This is now fixed

GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 10:20:46AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
 For Igor, we could provide him a place somewhere under if
 he wish I guess. Igor, can you check if provides
 everything that you need ?

I'm sure some will squirm, but I think would work quite
nicely :-)


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Thom May
* Hamish Moffatt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
 On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 10:20:46AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
  For Igor, we could provide him a place somewhere under if
  he wish I guess. Igor, can you check if provides
  everything that you need ?
 I'm sure some will squirm, but I think would work quite
 nicely :-)
uh. E
(, maybe)


moshez wiggy: I just hurt other people. because I am evil!!
 muhahahahahahahaha! evil, I tell you, evil

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Andreas Metzler
On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 03:51:11AM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 02:24:57PM +0200, Igor Genibel wrote:
 I have enhanced the ddpo  (
 following all the request you made me (especially Yann Dirson).
 Now you, developers, can track  all  the  informations  about  all  your
 packages such as:
 - the pts related page about packages (Thanks a lot to Raphaël Hertzog);
 Man, these two things really rock :) Need to get them somewhere under

AOL! - it gets better and better.

I think I've found a small bug, highlighting NMUs in a different color
does not work if there is only version of the package in the whole
archive. For example take a look at
 cu andreas

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Piefel
Am 28.08.02 um 10:15:45 schrieb Raphael Hertzog:
 Packages in blue are packages where you're listed as co-maintainers (cf
 the Uplpoaders field in the control file).

Alright, but the description uploaded by developer is a little

 I guess it detects the NMU with a regexp in the version number. What's
 the version number in question that is badly detected ?

For instance 10a-1.1 for package kimwitu-doc.  Or 3.37-3.1 for file.


|=| Michael Piefel
|=| Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
|=| Tel. (+49 30) 2093 3831

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Igor Genibel
On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 03:26:44PM +0200, Michael Piefel wrote:


 Am 28.08.02 um 10:15:45 schrieb Raphael Hertzog:
  Packages in blue are packages where you're listed as co-maintainers (cf
  the Uplpoaders field in the control file).
 Alright, but the description uploaded by developer is a little
  I guess it detects the NMU with a regexp in the version number. What's
  the version number in question that is badly detected ?
 For instance 10a-1.1 for package kimwitu-doc.  Or 3.37-3.1 for file.

I don't use a regexp for this stuff but the Uploader: field in the
Sources.gz file. 
For those packages there are no Uploader field so *you* are not
considered as a NMUer. The blue color appears only if you are the
uploader not the maintainer of NMUed package.
For example:

show us that Chris Halls is the maintainer of apt-proxy (apt-proxy
displayed in black) but Manuel Estrada Sainz is the uploader.

I don't know why there is no Uploader field for those packages.
GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Piefel
Am 28.08.02 um 16:03:28 schrieb Igor Genibel:
  For instance 10a-1.1 for package kimwitu-doc.  Or 3.37-3.1 for file.
 I don't know why there is no Uploader field for those packages.

Because packages are not required to have an Uploaders field. I'm
afraid I don't quite understand your algorithm. For which package will
there ever be a red markup?


|=| Michael Piefel
|=| Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
|=| Tel. (+49 30) 2093 3831

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Raphael Hertzog
Le Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 12:17:13PM +0100, Thom May écrivait:
  I'm sure some will squirm, but I think would work quite
  nicely :-)
 uh. E
 (, maybe)

The new official name is

Raphaël Hertzog -+-
Formation Linux et logiciel libre :

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Igor Genibel
On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 04:31:51PM +0200, Michael Piefel wrote:
 Because packages are not required to have an Uploaders field. I'm
 afraid I don't quite understand your algorithm. For which package will
 there ever be a red markup?

I'm sorry I confused the NMU and the uploader field. There was a bug,
fixed for now.

Thanks a lot.
GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Joey Hess
Michael Piefel wrote:
 Am 27.08.02 um 13:38:36 schrieb Joey Hess:
  - It seems to think that analog 2:5.23-0woody1 is a NMU.
 I don't quite understand these colours right now. What does
 Packages in blue refer to? The link colour? And I don't see many
 Packages version in red either, even when I'm sure it's an NMU.

It's talking about the color of the package version number.

Oh and it also thinks that debconf, debhelper, and presumably any debian
native package is a NMU. Whoops.

  - On a 1280 pixel wide display, I can only see half of a line of the
table at a time.
 I don't have any problems. 1600 pixels is enough in my font :-)

Tiny little laptop screen, I will not let galeon drop below 14 point

see shy jo

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Igor Genibel
On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 11:52:49AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
  I don't quite understand these colours right now. What does
  Packages in blue refer to? The link colour? And I don't see many
  Packages version in red either, even when I'm sure it's an NMU.
 It's talking about the color of the package version number.
 Oh and it also thinks that debconf, debhelper, and presumably any debian
 native package is a NMU. Whoops.

;) It is now fixed but cannot yet inform that native packages are  NMUed
or not. I had to parse all the  .changes  (to  compare  the  Changed-By:
field with the Maintainer field) files in order  to  really  know  if  a
package was NMUed or not.

  I don't have any problems. 1600 pixels is enough in my font :-)
 Tiny little laptop screen, I will not let galeon drop below 14 point

I have reorganised all the columns in to display from the  left  to  the
right the most important information. On my laptop  1024  all  important
informations for most pages fits without scrolling.

GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Kevin Rosenberg
I see an issue with the link to bugs,non-fixed. The web page
adds the url tag raw=yes.  I'm not certain of the function of that
url tag. But, with it in, the bugs page shows all of the active bugs
instead of excluding bugs that marked fixed or done.

Is this a bug in the bugs.d.o/cgi-bin/packagereport.cgi or should the
raw=yes url tag not be included in the link?
   Kevin Rosenberg|  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **   | : :' :  The  universal
  GPG signed and encrypted| `. `'  Operating System
 messages accepted.   |   `-

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Piefel
Am 28.08.02 um 17:20:44 schrieb Igor Genibel:
 I'm sorry I confused the NMU and the uploader field. There was a bug,
 fixed for now.

Ah, great! I really don't have anything to complain about now.[1]


[1] Where I come from, I can't complain is equivalent to
I think it's brilliant.

|=| Michael Piefel
|=| Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
|=| Tel. (+49 30) 2093 3831

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-28 Thread Martin Michlmayr
* Igor Genibel [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-08-28 17:20]:

If you want to have it hosted there, you should really
a) put the files in CVS (module qa), and follow the current standards
   for web pages (i.e. have wml files in qa/wml which are build
   and then copied to web/)
b) give group write permission to the files and chgrp them to qa
c) have a link from the main qa site to them

Thanks for writing those pages.
Martin Michlmayr

[ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Igor Genibel
Hi all,

I have enhanced the ddpo  (
following all the request you made me (especially Yann Dirson).
Now you, developers, can track  all  the  informations  about  all  your
packages such as:
- the pts related page about packages (Thanks a lot to Raphaël Hertzog);
- the section;
- the priority;
- the number of opened bugs (All, RC, ...);
- the different package  versions  for  each  branch  (stable,  testing,
  unstable, experimental);
- the different binary package pages;
- the archs where packages are not installable on each branch;
- the pool;
- the broken dependencies for each branch (stable, testing, unstable).

These are all the informations about package.
You can also have some informations about about you, developer:
- the gpg key;
- a link for all bugs related to you;
- a link for all RC bugs related to you;
- a link for all bugs you submited;
- a link for your lintian reports;
- a link for your buildd reports.

You can access this «tools» different ways.
By maintainer e-mail address:
By gpg id:
By source package name:

I waiting for you comments, advices, insults or other things.

GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Description: PGP signature

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Dennis Schoen
Hi Igor,

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 02:24:57PM +0200, Igor Genibel wrote:
 I have enhanced the ddpo  (
 following all the request you made me (especially Yann Dirson).
 I waiting for you comments, advices, insults or other things.
Many thanks for your effort, you've created a really nice tool.

... [it is] something unearthly ... If there are sentient
beings on other planets, then they play Go.

- Emanuel Lasker, chess grandmaster

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Junichi Uekawa
On Tue, 27 Aug 2002 14:24:57 +0200
Igor Genibel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - the number of opened bugs (All, RC, ...);
 - the broken dependencies for each branch (stable, testing, unstable).

This is simply, great. Good work!

It would really be nice if it is possible to know if there are any logs with 
build failure in the buildd link,
but it probably needs more work on the buildd page side?



Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Daniel Burrows
  Hm, am I supposed to get hundreds of kilobytes of this?

bWarning/b:  Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 9
 in b/home/igenibel/public_html/html.php/b on line b349/bbr /
 br /
 bWarning/b:  Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 9
 in b/home/igenibel/public_html/html.php/b on line b349/bbr /


  Look nice, aside from that.


/ Daniel Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---\
|   Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you  |
|   tied them the usual way.  This happens to us all the  |
|   time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining.|
\ Be like the kid in the movie!  Play chess! -- ---/

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Colin Watson
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 02:24:57PM +0200, Igor Genibel wrote:
 I have enhanced the ddpo  (
 following all the request you made me (especially Yann Dirson).

OK, things seem to have suddenly got quite a lot more nifty while I
wasn't watching. Thanks!

I notice one slight glitch; following a PTS link to a lib* package takes
you to e.g. when it should
take you to Otherwise
it's behaving excellently.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Decklin Foster
Igor Genibel writes:

 I have enhanced the ddpo  (

I think I've found a bug: aewm is listed as having version 1.0.16-3 in
stable and testing, but there is no such version of that package.
According to madison 1.2.0-1 is installed in all 3 dists.

Otherwise, looks great. Thanks for your work!

things change.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Daniel Silverstone
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 09:36:12AM -0400, Decklin Foster wrote:
 Igor Genibel writes:
  I have enhanced the ddpo  (
 I think I've found a bug: aewm is listed as having version 1.0.16-3 in

Also, if you search for my GPG key id (20687895) then I get a listing of my
packages and also those maintained by [EMAIL PROTECTED] We've had issues of
my being mistaken for Daniel Stone in the past, and I don't appreciate it :)
(Neither does he I should imagine :)

No idea why this should be happening, but I thought you'd like to know


Daniel Silverstone
Hostmaster, Webmaster, and Chief Code Wibbler  Digital-Scurf Unlimited
GPG Public key available from   KeyId: 20687895
You will be the victim of a bizarre joke.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Jérôme Marant
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 02:43:29PM +0100, Daniel Silverstone wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 09:36:12AM -0400, Decklin Foster wrote:
  Igor Genibel writes:
   I have enhanced the ddpo  (
  I think I've found a bug: aewm is listed as having version 1.0.16-3 in
 Also, if you search for my GPG key id (20687895) then I get a listing of my
 packages and also those maintained by [EMAIL PROTECTED] We've had issues of
 my being mistaken for Daniel Stone in the past, and I don't appreciate it :)
 (Neither does he I should imagine :)

Of course, you're the silver version :)

Jérôme Marant

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Steve Langasek
Hi Igor,

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 02:24:57PM +0200, Igor Genibel wrote:

 I have enhanced the ddpo  (
 following all the request you made me (especially Yann Dirson).

The site looks great!  One request, is it possible to add submit buttons
for each of the various forms on the page?  At first glance, it is not at
all obvious to me that the one submit button on the page has nothing to
do with the box where I typed in my email address. :)

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Igor Genibel
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 02:11:40PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 OK, things seem to have suddenly got quite a lot more nifty while I
 wasn't watching. Thanks!

Thanks a lot to.

 I notice one slight glitch; following a PTS link to a lib* package takes
 you to e.g. when it should
 take you to Otherwise
 it's behaving excellently.

This fixed now.

GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Colin Watson
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 09:36:12AM -0400, Decklin Foster wrote:
 Igor Genibel writes:
  I have enhanced the ddpo  (
 I think I've found a bug: aewm is listed as having version 1.0.16-3 in
 stable and testing, but there is no such version of that package.
 According to madison 1.2.0-1 is installed in all 3 dists.

Looks like confusion with aewm++, which in turn seems to provoke the bug
Daniel Burrows mentioned, so there's probably some additional regexp
metacharacter escaping needed somewhere.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Igor Genibel
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 09:08:44AM -0400, Daniel Burrows wrote:
   Hm, am I supposed to get hundreds of kilobytes of this?

Surely not ! ;)

 bWarning/b:  Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 9
  in b/home/igenibel/public_html/html.php/b on line b349/bbr /
  br /
  bWarning/b:  Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 9
  in b/home/igenibel/public_html/html.php/b on line b349/bbr /

It is now fixed (regexp with ++ in vars...)

   Look nice, aside from that.

GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Peter Palfrader
On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Igor Genibel wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have enhanced the ddpo  (
 following all the request you made me (especially Yann Dirson).
 Now you, developers, can track  all  the  informations  about  all  your
 packages such as:

 - the broken dependencies for each branch (stable, testing, unstable).

You could link to debcheck only if the package in question does have an
entry there.

(and sarge and woody) daily and look whether the package is listed in


 PGP signed and encrypted  |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
messages preferred.| : :' :  The  universal
   | `. `'  Operating System |   `-

Description: PGP signature

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 10:10:26PM +0900, Junichi Uekawa wrote:
 It would really be nice if it is possible to know if there are any logs with 
 build failure in the buildd link,
 but it probably needs more work on the buildd page side?

Last year (!) I write a patch for the buildd log page and sent it to
that page maintainer ([EMAIL PROTECTED] IIRC), the patch wasn't tested
because I was unable to test it by myself due to lack of permissions.

That patch was supposed to show in red build log finished up with

If needed I can try to find it ...


Stefano Zacchiroli - undergraduate student of CS @ Univ. Bologna, Italy
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ# 33538863 |
I know you believe you understood what you think I said, but I am not
sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant! -- G.Romney

Description: PGP signature

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Michael Piefel
Am 27.08.02 um 15:03:31 schrieb Colin Watson:
  I think I've found a bug: aewm is listed as having version 1.0.16-3 in
  stable and testing, but there is no such version of that package.
  According to madison 1.2.0-1 is installed in all 3 dists.
 Looks like confusion with aewm++, which in turn seems to provoke the bug
 Daniel Burrows mentioned, so there's probably some additional regexp
 metacharacter escaping needed somewhere.

Yes, very similar problem for kimwitu and kimwitu++. Sorry for the weird
package names, but that's the names from upstream![1]


[1] However, I also happen to be upstream for kimwitu++.

|=| Michael Piefel
|=| Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
|=| Tel. (+49 30) 2093 3831

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Igor Genibel
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 09:36:12AM -0400, Decklin Foster wrote:


 I think I've found a bug: aewm is listed as having version 1.0.16-3 in
 stable and testing, but there is no such version of that package.
 According to madison 1.2.0-1 is installed in all 3 dists.

It is now fixed. As Colin said, it was a regexp problem. Thanks

 Otherwise, looks great. Thanks for your work!

Thanks a lot.

GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Igor Genibel
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 05:18:58PM +0200, Michael Piefel wrote:
  Looks like confusion with aewm++, which in turn seems to provoke the bug
  Daniel Burrows mentioned, so there's probably some additional regexp
  metacharacter escaping needed somewhere.
 Yes, very similar problem for kimwitu and kimwitu++. Sorry for the weird
 package names, but that's the names from upstream![1]

This is now fixed.

GPG: 1024D/9D735B4F: 4F61 8D8F 05AC 8D2C 5F92  9B99 C44B 0266 9D73 5B4F

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Michael Piefel
Am 27.08.02 um 14:24:57 schrieb Igor Genibel:
 - the number of opened bugs (All, RC, ...);

Either I don't understand the statistics, or it's not correct. For
instance, on you
can see there is 1 bug for the file package. But in fact there's dozens.
How come?


|=| Michael Piefel
|=| Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
|=| Tel. (+49 30) 2093 3831

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Joey Hess
Igor Genibel wrote:
 I have enhanced the ddpo  (
 following all the request you made me (especially Yann Dirson).

This is very nice. A few comments:

- It seems to think that analog 2:5.23-0woody1 is a NMU.
- On a 1280 pixel wide display, I can only see half of a line of the
  table at a time. Anything you can do to make it narrower would be
  useful. It might also be goo to duplicate the source name column half
  way accross the table or something, to make it easier to tell which
  package is which when looking at the right hand side of the graph.
  Similarly, it wouldn't hurt to repeat the column headings a few times
  since there are so many of them, and on my screen they go off the page
  when I get 17 packages down the list.

see shy jo

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Josip Rodin
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 02:24:57PM +0200, Igor Genibel wrote:
 I have enhanced the ddpo  (
 following all the request you made me (especially Yann Dirson).
 Now you, developers, can track  all  the  informations  about  all  your
 packages such as:
 - the pts related page about packages (Thanks a lot to Raphaël Hertzog);

Man, these two things really rock :) Need to get them somewhere under

Although, I have one request -- please skip the ampersand in URLs like
'build.php?pkg=foo', they are redundant and they waste bytes :)

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Debian Developer Packages Overview

2002-08-27 Thread Josip Rodin
On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 03:51:11AM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
 Although, I have one request -- please skip the ampersand in URLs like
 'build.php?pkg=foo', they are redundant and they waste bytes :)

On the same note, please add the missing / in pool URLs, to skip the
redirect and follow the spec, thus also conserving bytes :)

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: Idea: Debian Developer Information Center

2000-03-29 Thread Raphael Hertzog
Le Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 02:58:15PM -0500, Jacob Kuntz écrivait:
 that's exactly the name i was going to suggest. has the author decided on a
 language to tame this beast in? if php, i'd love to help.

No, not yet. But as it must integrate in what we already have ... WML has
support for eperl. But I have decided of absolutely nothing and it's
possible that I end without eperl and without php with a simple perl
script (I don't know python but most of the stuff is written
in Python AFAIK) that will generate the HTML files.

Raphaël Hertzog  0C4CABF1
pub CD Debian :
  Formations Linux et logiciels libres : /pub

Re: Idea: Debian Developer Information Center

2000-03-29 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Raphael Hertzog wrote:

 No, not yet. But as it must integrate in what we already have ... WML has
 support for eperl. But I have decided of absolutely nothing and it's
 possible that I end without eperl and without php with a simple perl
 script (I don't know python but most of the stuff is written
 in Python AFAIK) that will generate the HTML files.

We have chatted about moving db.d.o to PHP4 which has ldap and the right
sort (tm) of session management supprt. The web site is written completely
in perl.


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