Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-04 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 23:52:57 -0400, Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 Policy can make it so that packages are not accepted into Debian
 unless you hop through certain hoops. Like making sure the upload
 has a signature. Or that it has an entry in the override file.

 No, those have nothing to do with policy and are implemented solely
 at the ftp master's discretion. If I had intended to gate setuid
 binaries from debian, I would have posted to debian-cabal, not

If it is policy to prevent setuid programs to get in to the
 archive without consensus on the devel list, I am sure ftp admin
 would have no difficulty implementing the solution.  

I am sorry for having believed that the proposed draft meant
 what is seemed to say, given that it would have, with everyone
 agreeing, gone into the policy document as it stood -- making it a
 bug not to have achieved consensus on -devel.

 Are you saying that the review was not discussed as a gating
 mechanism? If that is the case, then I admit I, for one, was

 Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message-ID:
  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed before they go into the

 Manoj, you have misquoted Matt here. After the word archive, he
 put not a period, but the rest of his sentence. If you read the
 whole thing:

   I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be
   reviewed before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the
   review (though I hope that others will help).  Does this need a
   proposal to go into policy with the same force as the existing
   pre-depends verbiage?

Does in no way change the point I made in my excerpt: given
 the language of the policy diff, it is not unreasonale to think that
 the the should is meant in policy terms.  As I said, I sure was
 fooled.  I guess I am just perverse.

 Matt is here, I belive, expressing a heartfelt opinion that it would
 be good for us to find security problems before they become *our*
 security problems. Moreover he's volenteering to do work. If his use
 of should was not satisfactory, well, he was not making a formal
 policy poposal either. I'm willing to cut people who do work a lot
 more slack than those who impede it.

As I have said before, I have no beef with programs being
 audited. My point, from the beginning, was that the proposal seemed
 to talk about consensus on the list, and seemed to state it was a bug
 not to have achieved such a consensus.

Rather than telling me that program permissions were packaging
 matters, I could simply have been told that the language of the draft
 was not to be interpreted in terms of the policy document.

Despite your belittling comments, one of the tasks I have
 undertaken is to ensure the quality of the policy document; and this
 was supposed to be a draft of a policy change. However, I am used to
 having work on policy being considered mere bureaucracy, and
 impediments in the way of the worker bees. So be it.

 The idea is not to only be nice and freindly to yes men, but also
 to be able to discuss rationally with people who do not share your
 view, without bringing in ridiculously insulting strawmen like
 hopping on one foot.

 One of my rules of thumb is to stop replying to threads when my
 opponents resort to terms they learned in debating class, or to
 misquoting, since nothing good ever comes of it. Bye.

Disparaging remarks from you are kosher, but terms from
 debating class (since I never took any, I can only suppose you mean
 strawmen) are not. Fine. Your call. 

The destruction of the Berlin wall marked history's first feminine
revolution: There had been no violence and when it ended everybody
went shopping.
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-04 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
* Manoj Srivastava 

|   Why do we need policy to tell us to do what you suggest are
|  good, common sense things? 

Because common sense isn't as common as it should be.  Not even among
DDs. :(

Tollef Fog Heen,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are  : :' :
  `. `' 

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-04 Thread Adam Heath
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, [iso-8859-2] Micha³Politowski wrote:

 On Fri,  1 Aug 2003 19:19:10 +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
  From my investigations, I thought that the intended use of dpkg-statoverride
  was by the local administrator, modifying the default suid/sgid and
  ownership of the file as set in the package tarball.

 This is also my understanding. Still, some packages do use it for better or
 worse reasons.
 One example I've just found in uml-utilities.postinst:

   if ! getent group uml-net /dev/null; then
   addgroup --quiet --system uml-net

   if ! dpkg-statoverride --list /usr/lib/uml/uml_net /dev/null; then
   dpkg-statoverride --update --add root uml-net 04750 \

There are plans to remove this nescessity, by having the preinst add the
user/group, and having the deb contain the dynamic permissions itself.

This would mean all packages that current Depend on adduser would have to
Pre-Depend on it.  It also requires some changes to dpkg-deb.

[OT:HUMOR] Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-04 Thread Adam Heath
On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   It is? OK, I am telling you /usr/bin/bar program in package
  foo really needs to be sgid. I'll document it in bar.6. Is this the
  end of discussion? Or are we going to really need to look at the code
  to see if the setgidness can be worked around?

Hmm, package foo is buggy.  bar should be in /usr/games.

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-04 Thread Adam Heath
On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   Why do we need policy to tell us to do what you suggest are
  good, common sense things?

Oh come on.  You honestly think there is common sense in this project?  Not
everyone is as smart, brilliant, and perfect as you.

If there was common sense, we wouldn't need policy nor any other document.

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-04 Thread Adam Heath
On Sun, 3 Aug 2003, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   Policy can make it so that packages are not accepted into
  Debian unless you hop through certain hoops. Like making sure the
  upload has a signature. Or that it has an entry in the override
  file. I can easily code an entry for katie and friends that takes a
  new package, and marks up the ones with setgid bits set -- and the
  ftp maintainers do not create override entries until they see a
  consensus develop, or the security team says ok.

No, this is not debian-policy.  Having such a signature, or an override file
entry, has nothing to do with package's interaction with the rest of the

These items are only for accepting a package upload into the debian archive.
You have said in various avenues that policy is only to be used for
documenting interactions between packages; yet, you then bring up this point,
and say it's a policy issue.

   For gods sake, come up with some more intelligent arguments
  for your point of view.

Don't change the facts to fit your personal view of the debian universe.

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-04 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 10:04:09PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

  I can easily code an entry for katie and friends that takes a new
  package, and marks up the ones with setgid bits set -- and the ftp
  maintainers do not create override entries until they see a consensus
  develop, or the security team says ok.

You could, but it wouldn't be useful as a filter, because it would not
notice packages which set the permissions in postinst (as does every package
with a dynamic uid).

Note that this is NOT what was proposed.  While I think this might be a
useful methodology in the future, I do not think that it makes sense until
the review process has established itself in a less fascist manner.

   Are you saying that the review was not discussed as a gating
  mechanism? If that is the case, then I admit I, for one, was fooled.
   All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed before they go into the

I do not understand how you logically reach gating mechanism from my
should above.  None of the other should statements in the policy manual
are interpreted this way.  How did I fool you?

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-04 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 11:58:13PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   As I have said before, I have no beef with programs being
  audited. My point, from the beginning, was that the proposal seemed
  to talk about consensus on the list, and seemed to state it was a bug
  not to have achieved such a consensus.

I would not object to clarification of the reference to consensus.  What I
want is a chance for me and others to review these programs in order to find
obvious vulnerabilities and related packaging errors.  If there are such
problems, then I do not need the support of policy to declare that the
package is buggy and inform the maintainer.

If this process happens before the package enters the archive, then the
maintainer has a chance to fix the bugs before uploading it (or before it is
accepted), and this is a considerably better situation than finding out
after the fact and scrambling to fix vulnerabilities in software which we
are distributing to a huge number of users.

That is the justification for requesting this notification before the
package enters the archive, and not any idea of a gating mechanism.

   Rather than telling me that program permissions were packaging
  matters, I could simply have been told that the language of the draft
  was not to be interpreted in terms of the policy document.

Program permissions are, in fact, packaging matters, especially those which
affect security.  The policy manual already discusses these concerns, for
example in section 11.11:

 Some packages, for example some fortune cookie programs, are
 configured by the upstream authors to install with their data files or
 other static information made unreadable so that they can only be
 accessed through set-id programs provided.  You should not do this in
 a Debian package: anyone can download the `.deb' file and read the
 data from it, so there is no point making the files unreadable.  Not
 making the files unreadable also means that you don't have to make so
 many programs set-id, which reduces the risk of a security hole.

This is a classic example of the kind of packaging problem which could be
easily spotted by a review with a focus on security.  Making a program
setuid should raise flags which cause developers to ask Why does this
program require setid permissions?  How can I minimize the risk of this
configuration?.  Since often developers do not think of this at the time, I
am suggesting that they should raise the issue for discussion so that others
will ask these questions and propose solutions.

 - mdz

/usr/games, FHS 2.2 (Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.)

2003-08-04 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 10:33:59AM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:

 On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
  It is? OK, I am telling you /usr/bin/bar program in package
   foo really needs to be sgid. I'll document it in bar.6. Is this the
   end of discussion? Or are we going to really need to look at the code
   to see if the setgidness can be worked around?
 Hmm, package foo is buggy.  bar should be in /usr/games.

(mercilessly dragging this message back on-topic)

I've never understood the purpose of /usr/games.  It seems to be gone in FHS

Speaking of which, are there any plans to review FHS 2.2 for inclusion in
Debian policy?

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 10:57:51AM +0900, Oohara Yuuma wrote:

 I don't care if you mandate a prior peer view _request_ (not prior approval)

This is what was proposed, except that it was recommended rather than

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 08:58:00PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   Given the last review of a setgid program, I wonder if two
  people are enough.

Surely two people would be an improvement over the current situation, where
there is no review at all.  Our demonstration has shown how one person can
discover some common flaws with a relatively brief review.

This bug and others existed in your package for over four years (and still
exist in stable today).  We might still not know about it if you had not
brought the package to my attention for review.  Steve Kemp might have
eventually discovered it in the course of his auditing, but I don't know
whether he is spending his time on non-free software such as angband.

Keep in mind that there are also potentially more than two people interested
in this review process.  Another person besides myself has already
volunteered in just the first day of discussion, and I find this very

  The mistake was simple, human, and undesrtandable, but the review does
  not in fact talk about any flaws in the current version of angband

The review, simplistic though it was, uncovered flaws in the package in
stable which were overlooked by the maintainer.  This kind of situation is
often preventable through discussion and code review, as you have seen.  I
would like to promote this beneficial process within Debian in order to
reduce the workload of the security team and the presence of vulnerabilities
in our stable releases.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Steve Kemp
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 08:58:00PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   Given the last review of a setgid program, I wonder if two
  people are enough. The mistake was simple, human, and undesrtandable,
  but the review does not in fact talk about any flaws in the current
  version of angband (tome does need to be so changed); and this kind
  of error would undermine the process -- especially if the results are
  couched in terms like those below:

  I think it's accepted that no matter how many people look at a piece
 of code that there may be things missed.

  There are programs I've examined in the past which I believed were OK
 only to later see that they contained flaws.  It's easy to imagine
 things would still be overlooked with more people looking at the code,
 so a false positive review would occur.
  However what's the worst that could happen?  If there were a team and
 they messed up we'd have a vulnerable program in the archive which is
 exactly what we have now.  If something were spotted then it could be
 fixed and we'd have reached a better degree of security than that which
 we currently enjoy.

  Given the time it would take for a few people to look over a program
 I think it's a reasonable suggestion, and worth doing even if it doesnt
 catch *everything*.


Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Steve Kemp
On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 03:14:23AM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

 Surely two people would be an improvement over the current situation, where
 there is no review at all.  Our demonstration has shown how one person can
 discover some common flaws with a relatively brief review.

  *Exactly*.  Well said.
 Keep in mind that there are also potentially more than two people interested
 in this review process.  Another person besides myself has already
 volunteered in just the first day of discussion, and I find this very

  I find that very pleasing also.  I have no desire to go down a *BSD
 route and audit every single thing, (mostly due to a lack of time),
 but it's good to see that there are people interested in this kind of

 I would like to promote this beneficial process within Debian in order to
 reduce the workload of the security team and the presence of vulnerabilities
 in our stable releases.

  I did feel a little guilty when reporting so many issues that I was
 putting unfair pressure upon the security team to release fixes, but I
 assumed if that were the case somebody would tell me.
  Anything that could make it easier for the security team to do their
 job is a good thing as you do such a good and important job.  Thanks to
 all of you.


Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Joey Hess
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
  this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
  easily changed. 
   Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
  this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
  easily changed. 
   Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
  this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
  easily changed. 
   Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
  this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
  easily changed. 
   Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
  this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
  easily changed. 
   Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
  this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
  easily changed. 
   Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
  this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
  easily changed. 

In certian cultures, including mine, gratutious repitions of ones point
is considered childish and rude and something most of us outgrow by age

Anyway, you seem to be arguing that policy cannot make mandates that
require significant changes to the source or behavior of programs, which
is not true at all. Policy requires that packages bt FHS compliant; this
often means large changes to the endire organisation of packages,
including large source code changes and design changes. (See the
space-orbit package for a good example.) Policy asks that window
managers support the debian menu system, this has required significant
changes in the code of less-capable window managers such as twm. Policy
requires that everything in debian use the same backspace/delete
keyboard mapping, which requires changes all over the place. Policy
requires that programs not depend on environment variables to function,
which can easily mean that a program's source code must be changed to
make it read a config file instead. These are just a few examples.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Joey Hess
Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 There are other solutions, including group membership, but it doesn't
 matter, because that is not what I am talking about.  The fact is, many
 programs run with privileges that they do NOT require in order to function
 acceptably, or even fully, and I want to promote discussion in order to
 prevent that situation.

Just for example, I sat down and audited mooix's user of setuid and
setgid bits the other day. When I started, mooix contained 3 interactive
setuid root programs, 2 setuid helper programs with well-defined and
very small user inputs, and one daemon that ran as root. When I
finished, mooix contained 3 programs setuid and/or setgid to users and
groups with limited permissions, 3 setuid helper programs, and one
daemon that drops permissions to nobody after it's done with PAM. Overall
300 fewer lines of code run as root. And better gains that this are
possible in many other packages in debian.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 03:14:23 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 08:58:00PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

 This bug and others existed in your package for over four years (and
 still exist in stable today).  We might still not know about it if
 you had not brought the package to my attention for review.  Steve
 Kemp might have eventually discovered it in the course of his
 auditing, but I don't know whether he is spending his time on
 non-free software such as angband.

You note that the bugs have been fixed over a year ago. 

 The review, simplistic though it was, uncovered flaws in the package
 in stable which were overlooked by the maintainer.  This kind of
 situation is often preventable through discussion and code review,
 as you have seen.  I would like to promote this beneficial process
 within Debian in order to reduce the workload of the security team
 and the presence of vulnerabilities in our stable releases.

I haven't objected to code reviews of packages; I objected to
 gathering consensus through discussion; and making admission of new
 packages incumbent on such consensus. 

Now, if this proposal is all about getting the  code reviewd,
 and it is merely a recommendation, as you have implied recently, then
 change the stated wording to reflect that.


You can measure a programmer's perspective by noting his attitude on
the continuing viability of Fortran. Alan Perlis
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 22:17:16 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 08:14:15PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 Heh. You should look at what is in the current version:

 Is that what you would say to the users who have angband installed
 on Woody?  I do not think this is something to laugh about.

There are any number of old programs where security was not an
 issue -- and yes, angband is one where such a makeover was only
 performed in the last year. 

I must confess that my security audits did not include
 angband; I was more concerned with my packages in Debian, and I
 should have paid more attention to angband earlier.

It is a wise father that knows his own child. William Shakespeare,
The Merchant of Venice
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 11:59:03 -0400, Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 In certian cultures, including mine, gratutious repitions of ones
 point is considered childish and rude and something most of us
 outgrow by age 6.

I would much rather you restricted your responses to the
 substance of the discussion, rather than attacking the style and
 culture of the respondent; this project is supposed to have a
 multicultural membership: all the world is not american, and I think
 people may need to learn to live with that. 

 Anyway, you seem to be arguing that policy cannot make mandates that
 require significant changes to the source or behavior of programs,
 which is not true at all.

Not without a transition plan in the general case. And my
 point, which you have not addressed, was that most of your examples
 were not ones that mandated significant changes to the source or
 behavior of programs.

 Policy requires that packages bt FHS compliant; this often means
 large changes to the endire organisation of packages, including
 large source code changes and design changes. (See the space-orbit
 package for a good example.)

Surely you recall the time that was afforded developers to
 accomplish the /usr/doc - /usr/share/doc change? We did not mandate
 FHS compliance with a simple change to policy mandates. 

 Policy asks that window managers support the debian menu system,
 this has required significant changes in the code of less-capable
 window managers such as twm. Policy requires that everything in
 debian use the same backspace/delete keyboard mapping, which
 requires changes all over the place. Policy requires that programs
 not depend on environment variables to function, which can easily
 mean that a program's source code must be changed to make it read a
 config file instead. These are just a few examples.

First, most of these alloowed people time to bring their
 programs in line. Secondly,, no new programs were kept out of the
 distribution by requiring an audit and a consensus on debian-devel;
 You got the program in, and you worked on the bugs that were filed on

Using a policy directive as a gating mechanism has never, ever
 been done.

Diplomacy is to do and say, the nastiest thing in the nicest
way. Balfour
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 00:16:59 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 10:57:51AM +0900, Oohara Yuuma wrote:
 I don't care if you mandate a prior peer view _request_ (not prior

 This is what was proposed, except that it was recommended rather
 than mandated.

The proposal makes it a bug if you do not manage to achieve
 consensus (not a rough consensus -- a flat out consensus) on

Loose bits sink chips.
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Joey Hess
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   Not without a transition plan in the general case. And my
  point, which you have not addressed, was that most of your examples
  were not ones that mandated significant changes to the source or
  behavior of programs.

   First, most of these alloowed people time to bring their
  programs in line. Secondly,, no new programs were kept out of the
  distribution by requiring an audit and a consensus on debian-devel;
  You got the program in, and you worked on the bugs that were filed on

So by analogy, the debian-legal list should not be able to block new
software with potentially bad licenses from entering the archive.
Instead we should have some kind of teansition plan. Fascinating, tell
me more.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Joey Hess
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   I haven't objected to code reviews of packages; I objected to
  gathering consensus through discussion; and making admission of new
  packages incumbent on such consensus. 

Again, how is this different from the debian-legal mailing list?

see shy jo, amazed at the phrase I objected to gathering consensus
  through discussion

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 13:24:13 -0400, Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 Not without a transition plan in the general case. And my point,
 which you have not addressed, was that most of your examples were
 not ones that mandated significant changes to the source or
 behavior of programs.

 First, most of these alloowed people time to bring their programs
 in line. Secondly,, no new programs were kept out of the
 distribution by requiring an audit and a consensus on debian-devel;
 You got the program in, and you worked on the bugs that were filed
 on it.

 So by analogy, the debian-legal list should not be able to block new
 software with potentially bad licenses from entering the archive.
 Instead we should have some kind of teansition plan. Fascinating,
 tell me more.

*Sigh*. I didn't think I would need to tell you about our
 social contract, nor that you would find that exposition
 fascinating. Since even you appear to be confused about this
 distinction, perhaps I should not be making assumptions about other
 readers of this list. 

Hmm. See, we have this thing called the social contract,
 which we all agreed to, and which is one of the core things about
 Debian. The social contract provides a guideline to determine what we
 call free.

That is hard at times to do, so we have a bunch of people,
 who, in the goodness of their heart, donate time to help people
 determine how to apply those guidelines.

I also note that the -legal list does have gating rights over
 every package; they mostly respond to request from maintainers who
 are confused about some license. Packages are not held up until the
 list provides the proper penguin pee. There is no dictum in policy to
 beat people on the head with to make them go to the list and get

It is one thing to have a clearinghouse where expertise
 lives, and to have that clearinghouse offer expert services when a
 developer is in doubt, and quite another to use policy to ram these
 volunteer services down every ones throats.

Did you find this as elucidating as my previous message?

 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 I haven't objected to code reviews of packages; I objected to
 gathering consensus through discussion; and making admission of new
 packages incumbent on such consensus.

 Again, how is this different from the debian-legal mailing list?

Again, there is nothing in policy that requires a consensus on
 the -legal mailing list in order for packages to be included in the

If I am confused about a license, yes, the -legal list exists
 to disambiguate the license; and help me decide whether it should or
 should not be in Debian. No beating me on the head with policy at

Is this distinction really so hard to see?

I would be enthusiastically for a list like -legal, where
 people can go and ask for help to have packages audited, but not for
 people rolling up policy to beat people on the head to make it so.

Keeping proprietary and confidential information secret is the key to
moving the computer industry into the 21st century. Letter from Apple
Computer and Rasterops to the Macintosh user community
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
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Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Joey Hess
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   I would be enthusiastically for a list like -legal, where
  people can go and ask for help to have packages audited, but not for
  people rolling up policy to beat people on the head to make it so.

Perhaps your confusion stems from me using a non-normative should in
the draft text of the proposal. Of course a policy SHOULD cannot
mandate developer behavior outside a package, as I alluded to in my very
first reply to you. If that's all you're objecting to, you've chosen a
really counterproductive way to do it, since you've merely managed to
piss off me and several other people who are actually interested in
doing some work.

Bear in mind that policy appropriates perfectly common and valid English
for its own uses, and this is very easy to stumble over when writing
proposals. I for one, have a history of stumbling over it multiple times
in the past, and I expect to continue to do so until policy is fixed
to use uppercased normative words or something like that.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 18:53:34 -0400, Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 I would be enthusiastically for a list like -legal, where people
 can go and ask for help to have packages audited, but not for
 people rolling up policy to beat people on the head to make it so.

 Perhaps your confusion stems from me using a non-normative should
 in the draft text of the proposal. Of course a policy SHOULD
 cannot mandate developer behavior outside a package, as I alluded to
 in my very first reply to you.

Well, when someone proposes a patch to policy, with a properly
 created patch against current policy, then of course the normal
 assumption is that the person was using should as policy normally
 does. How can one tell otherwise?

 If that's all you're objecting to, you've chosen a really
 counterproductive way to do it,

Really? I recall starting off with a question. I said this
 seems like a good practice kind of thing, and whether it should be
 dev reference material. Just the thing to get people pissed off, eh?

I followed up with mentioning that it was not just nethack,
 other games were also affected, and that, unlike the implication in
 the original patch, there was more than discussion required, help
 would be needed to modify programs if setgid was not acceptable.

So far, I am 6-7 mails into the discussion, and I have been
 quiet, polite  and asking for explanations.

Then you brought up a bunch of examples about recommendations
 in policy, and I pointed out that those cases were different, since
 program code and behaviour, or program design, were often not
 involved. Then mdz said something about this is all just packaging,
 and I protested. 

So far, I fail to see what exactly has been said (until the
 disingenuous remark) that is so very counterproductive.

Perhaps I was not so off the mark when I talked about chips on
 the shoulder?

I note that later discussion tried to paint this whole process
 as getting people involved in auditing code, and not a mandatory
 requirement (ie, if you do not get a consensus then your package is
 buggy) that was in the original proposal.

I have a full log of this email conversation, as indeed do the
 list archives, so just go back and lok the whole thread up.

 since you've merely managed to piss
 off me and several other people who are actually interested in doing
 some work.

If I pissed you folks off, then rest assured that the contrary
 was also true, but I am not going to whine about people on this
 mailing list annoying me or hurting my poor, beleaguered ego.  The
 conversation degenerated due to little jabs and pin pricks from all
 around; which unfortunately seems to be the cost of doing business in
 this mailing list -- unless, of course, you muzzle your own opinions
 and follow the herd.

So either get a thicker skin, or do not expect petulant mails
 to me to not get the treatment they deserve. I always start of
 politely, and would never get confrontational unless in reaction (hi

As for doing work in reviewing packages, I would not be
 disinclined to do so -- though that was a neat jab, couching this
 disagreement in terms of crusty old loafer pissing off the hard
 working folks.

 Bear in mind that policy appropriates perfectly common and valid
 English for its own uses, and this is very easy to stumble over when
 writing proposals. I for one, have a history of stumbling over it
 multiple times in the past, and I expect to continue to do so until
 policy is fixed to use uppercased normative words or something like

Well, If this proposal was in plain text, not a properly
 formed patch against current policy, and thus meant to be interpreted
 in the context of the policy document, perhaps that would have been

One good reason why computers can do more work than people is that
they never have to stop and answer the phone.
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Joey Hess
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   I note that later discussion tried to paint this whole process
  as getting people involved in auditing code, and not a mandatory
  requirement (ie, if you do not get a consensus then your package is
  buggy) that was in the original proposal.

Fundamentally you make a wrong assumption. If policy requires that
developers MUST hop on one leg while uploading packages, and someone
catches me sitting down during a long upload, a bug on my package will
do nothing to correct that, and will be fixed by a bit-identical
upload made in the privacy of my own home (while lying down, probably).
Policy cannot mandate developer behavior outside the strings of bits
we're allowed to put into Debian.

   I have a full log of this email conversation, as indeed do the
  list archives, so just go back and lok the whole thread up.

It'd be great if you'd use your archive to read the thread and motivatons 
that led up to the draft proposal before you try to falsly accuse us
as you do in the first paragraph I've quoted.

   Well, If this proposal was in plain text, not a properly
  formed patch against current policy, and thus meant to be interpreted
  in the context of the policy document, perhaps that would have been

It was clearly marked as a draft proposal, and not a formal policy
proposal. And frankly, the thread was quite congenial and productive
until you came along.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 22:30:52 -0400, Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 I note that later discussion tried to paint this whole process as
 getting people involved in auditing code, and not a mandatory
 requirement (ie, if you do not get a consensus then your package is
 buggy) that was in the original proposal.

 Fundamentally you make a wrong assumption. If policy requires that
 developers MUST hop on one leg while uploading packages, and
 someone catches me sitting down during a long upload, a bug on my
 package will do nothing to correct that, and will be fixed by a
 bit-identical upload made in the privacy of my own home (while lying
 down, probably).  Policy cannot mandate developer behavior outside
 the strings of bits we're allowed to put into Debian.

Policy can make it so that packages are not accepted into
 Debian unless you hop through certain hoops. Like making sure the
 upload has a signature. Or that it has an entry in the override
 file. I can easily code an entry for katie and friends that takes a
 new package, and marks up the ones with setgid bits set -- and the
 ftp maintainers do not create override entries until they see a
 consensus develop, or the security team says ok.

For gods sake, come up with some more intelligent arguments
 for your point of view.

 I have a full log of this email conversation, as indeed do the list
 archives, so just go back and lok the whole thread up.

 It'd be great if you'd use your archive to read the thread and
 motivatons that led up to the draft proposal before you try to
 falsly accuse us as you do in the first paragraph I've quoted.

Are you saying that the review was not discussed as a gating
 mechanism? If that is the case, then I admit I, for one, was fooled.

  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed before they go into the

Sounds like this has more teeth than hopping on one leg. And,
 unlike things like how many legs one is standing on.

 Well, If this proposal was in plain text, not a properly formed
 patch against current policy, and thus meant to be interpreted in
 the context of the policy document, perhaps that would have been

 It was clearly marked as a draft proposal, and not a formal policy
 proposal. And frankly, the thread was quite congenial and productive
 until you came along.

Sure. As long as there is no dissent, or disagreement,
 everything is cosy and hunky dory. The first sign of disagreement,
 though, the whole congeniality things frays apart.

The idea is not to only be nice and freindly to yes men, but
 also to be able to discuss rationally with people who do not share
 your view, without bringing in ridiculously insulting strawmen like
 hopping on one foot.

Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery. Jack Paar
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-03 Thread Joey Hess
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   Policy can make it so that packages are not accepted into
  Debian unless you hop through certain hoops. Like making sure the
  upload has a signature. Or that it has an entry in the override

No, those have nothing to do with policy and are implemented solely at
the ftp master's discretion. If I had intended to gate setuid binaries
from debian, I would have posted to debian-cabal, not debian-devel.

   Are you saying that the review was not discussed as a gating
  mechanism? If that is the case, then I admit I, for one, was fooled.
   All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed before they go into the

Manoj, you have misquoted Matt here. After the word archive, he put
not a period, but the rest of his sentence. If you read the whole thing:

  I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed
  before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the review (though I
  hope that others will help).  Does this need a proposal to go into policy
  with the same force as the existing pre-depends verbiage?

Matt is here, I belive, expressing a heartfelt opinion that it would be
good for us to find security problems before they become *our* security
problems. Moreover he's volenteering to do work. If his use of should
was not satisfactory, well, he was not making a formal policy poposal
either. I'm willing to cut people who do work a lot more slack than those
who impede it.

   The idea is not to only be nice and freindly to yes men, but
  also to be able to discuss rationally with people who do not share
  your view, without bringing in ridiculously insulting strawmen like
  hopping on one foot.

One of my rules of thumb is to stop replying to threads when my opponents
resort to terms they learned in debating class, or to misquoting, since
nothing good ever comes of it. Bye.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 21:12:10 -0400, Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 This seems like a good practice kind of recommendation, not an
 requirement, and as such, may be better suited to be included in
 developers reference rather than policy, don't you think?

 I agree that policy can't force developers to do that, but policy is
 already full of such recommendatons:

  You should not specify a `Pre-Depends' entry for a package
  before this has been discussed on the `debian-devel' mailing
  list and a consensus about doing that has been reached.

Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

  You must not tag any packages `essential' before this has been
  discussed on the `debian-devel' mailing list and a consensus
  about doing that has been reached.

Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

  You should not tag any packages as belonging to a task before
  this has been discussed on the _debian-devel_ mailing list and
  a consensus about doing that has been reached.

Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

  This will use a default sequence number of 20.  If it does not
  matter when or in which order the `init.d' script is run, use
  this default.  If it does, then you should talk to the
  maintainer of the `sysvinit' package or post to `debian-devel',
  and they will help you choose a number.

Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

  If this case happens, one of the programs must be renamed.  The
  maintainers should report this to the `debian-devel' mailing
  list and try to find a consensus about which program will have
  to be renamed.  If a consensus cannot be reached, _both_
  programs must be renamed.

Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

 6.  (on perms and users) If necessary you may deviate from the
  details below.  However, if you do so you must make sure that
  what is done is secure and you should try to be as consistent
  as possible with the rest of the system.  You should probably
  also discuss it on `debian-devel' first.

OK, the first issue of this kind. 

  In this case you should choose an appropriate user or group
  name, discussing this on `debian-devel' and checking with the
  `base-passwd' maintainer that it is unique and that they do not
  wish you to use a statically allocated id instead.

Hmm. I am not sure if program behaviour need be changed much
 with user name/uid changes, but I guess there could be exceptions.

  It is often worthwhile contacting such authors diplomatically
  to ask them to modify their license terms.  However, this can
  be a politically difficult thing to do and you should ask for
  advice on the `debian-legal' mailing list first, as explained

Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

  When in doubt about a copyright, send mail to  Be prepared to provide us with the
  copyright statement.

Packaging informatoin, not program behaviour affected by
 this. Packaging details are determined by developers, and can be
 easily changed. 

 Do you plan to move all these to the developer's reference? It would
 bloat the developer's reference with references to specific sections
 of policy, and leave the policy full of holes with no
 recommendations as to a good course of action or even a mention that
 a given action is potentially hazardous.

You are now talking about putting things into policy that
 require maintainerrs to change program behaviour to attain similar
 functionality and features; and all the examples you quote are about
 packaging details that are under our control completely. 

Apples and oranges, really. 


It says he made us all to be just like him.  So if we're dumb, then
god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side. Frank Zappa
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 23:57:04 +0200, Bernd Eckenfels [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 03:58:13PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 Hmm. Are you willing then to help modify each game to allow this to
 happen? Some changes are quite extensive.

 Hmm.. I am sure the maintainers of the affected packages will ask
 for help.

Fine then. I'll have problems converting angband.

Television -- the longest amateur night in history. Robert Carson
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Steve Kemp
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 09:16:25PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:

 Only because Steve Kemp is doing some good work on auditing our games.
 I suspect he would have just as much luck finding security holes in some
 other areas.

   I've mostly covered the games now, there's not too many left that I 
  want to have a look at.

   Next it's editors - I can't believe I found a setuid(0) one!

  Yes, but I think the eyes should concentrate on non sgid-games first.
  Because this might be a realy BIG junk of UGLYNESS one will find there :)

  I've found a lot of problems in non-setgid programs too, but those
 reports don't often get as much attention - and to be honest they're
 usually triggered by situations a normal user wouldn't ever trigger.

  So, sure they're important, but they're not _as_ important.

 I understand that if you want to help with the auditing effort,
 information is here:

  Yes assistence would be great; I've not coordinated anything so at
 the moment it's a bit arbitary pick a package, and have a look at
  I'll post a list of the packages that I've eximined shortly to avoid

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:39:24PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   You are now talking about putting things into policy that
  require maintainerrs to change program behaviour to attain similar
  functionality and features; and all the examples you quote are about
  packaging details that are under our control completely. 

No, we are talking about recommending that developers discuss with other
developers before making a change to their package which is likely to affect
the security of every system where the package is installed.  File
permissions and program privileges are clearly a packaging matter.  What is
the nature of your objection?

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:24:46PM +0200, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:

 DSA-360:  no  (daemon)
 DSA-359:  yes (uid root: hardware access)
 DSA-358:  no  (kernel)
 DSA-357:  no  (daemon)
 DSA-356:  yes (gid games)
 DSA-355:  no  (web css)
 DSA-354:  yes (gid games)
 DSA-353:  no  (daemon, temp file)
 DSA-352:  no  (user, temp file)
 DSA-351:  no  (web css)
 DSA-350:  yes (gid games)
 DSA-349:  no  (daemon)
 DSA-348:  yes (system root tool exploit)
 Looking at this statistic, it is clearly visible that most of the exploits
 are game related, in fact only one system tool and one hardware accessing
 'game' would allow suid root exploits, all others are sgid games.

This only means that we have a lot of games which are setgid and give no
thought to security, and that Steve Kemp has recently been rather
prolifically pointing this out (and fixing the bugs).

There are far too many setuid programs in Debian, especially setuid root.
Many of them are in obscure packages like leksbot or atari800, and so go
unnoticed for long periods of time, but anyone who unwittingly installs one
of these packages has severely compromised the security of their system.
Tools like dh_fixperms go a long way, by preventing maintainers from getting
caught by poor upstream decisions, but I think it is critical that we have a
review process before maintainers intentionally add privileged programs to
their packages.

 And some of the suid root stuff, like hardware acces might even require
 debian to switch to some more sensible kernel setups.

svgalib is a frequent offender in this department, and at this point I think
that there are enough good alternatives to svgalib (which do not require
root access) that we should deprecate it as a reason for making programs
setuid entirely.

  +  Since setuid and setgid programs are often a security rick,
  +  you should not add any new setuid or setgid programs to
  +  the distribution before this has been discussed on the
  +  emdebian-security/em mailing list and a consensus about
  +  doing that has been reached.
 Do we want to make an sgui games exception here?

I do not think so; gid games vulnerabilities represent a legitimate security
exposure.  Consider that many games are careless when it comes to handling
data files they have written with these privileges.  If a user can write to
those files, they can exploit bugs in the game in order to gain the
privileges of other users who run the game.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 13:09:09 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:39:24PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 You are now talking about putting things into policy that require
 maintainerrs to change program behaviour to attain similar
 functionality and features; and all the examples you quote are
 about packaging details that are under our control completely.

 No, we are talking about recommending that developers discuss with
 other developers before making a change to their package which is

So, we do not need to discuss this if there is no change being
 made, ie, packages which are already setgid games? Or if the package
 being newly inducted depends on being sgid?

 likely to affect the security of every system where the package is
 installed.  File permissions and program privileges are clearly a
 packaging matter.  What is the nature of your objection?

You are being disengenuous. If a program needs to write files
 shared by other users when it is run (save files, high score files,
 macro definitions), and uses a group writable directory (after taking
 precautions internally that the files being written ought to be
 written to, etc), just changing the file permissions without changing
 the program shall render the program unusable. 

Making the dir world writable is not a solution, and indeed,
 is worse for security.

Ever heard of .cshrc? That's a city in Bosnia.  Right? Discussion in
comp.os.linux.misc on the intuitiveness of commands
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 12:49:06PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

 On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 13:09:09 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 
  No, we are talking about recommending that developers discuss with other
  developers before making a change to their package which is
   So, we do not need to discuss this if there is no change being made,
   ie, packages which are already setgid games? Or if the package being
   newly inducted depends on being sgid?

First, no one would _need_ to discuss this because it is only a
recommendation (though a wise one).  Second, your comment about the package
depending on being setid is irrelevant.  Obviously, no program which does
NOT depend on being setid should be made setid, but it should be discussed
in any case.  Often, I believe that the discussion will determine whether or
not it truly depends on being setid.

  likely to affect the security of every system where the package is
  installed.  File permissions and program privileges are clearly a
  packaging matter.  What is the nature of your objection?
   You are being disengenuous. If a program needs to write files
  shared by other users when it is run (save files, high score files,
  macro definitions), and uses a group writable directory (after taking
  precautions internally that the files being written ought to be
  written to, etc), just changing the file permissions without changing
  the program shall render the program unusable. 

I do not understand why you are presenting such hostile opposition to a
well-intentioned proposal for recommending discussion.

A dictionary both would tell you the correct spelling of the word
disingenuous, and demonstrate that it does not accurately describe my
words which you quoted above.

You, on the other hand, seem to be misrepresenting or misunderstanding me.
Let me clarify very explicitly:


- The policy manual include a recommendation for discussion on debian-devel
  before a new setuid or setgid program is added to the Debian archive,
  whether included for the first time or by change of permission on an
  existing program


- Programs be rendered unusable by changing file permissions
- Directories be made world-writable

Absolutely none of the statements listed under the heading YOU APPEAR TO BE
IMPLYING THAT I AM PROPOSING THAT are true.  The statement listed under the
heading I AM PROPOSING THAT is true.  I hope this helps to avoid any
further confusion.

   Making the dir world writable is not a solution, and indeed,
  is worse for security.

What are you talking about?  The proposal was to recommend discussion; there
was no proposal of world writable directories of any kind.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 14:50:16 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 12:49:06PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 13:09:09 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  No, we are talking about recommending that developers discuss
  with other developers before making a change to their package
  which is

 So, we do not need to discuss this if there is no change being
 made, ie, packages which are already setgid games? Or if the
 package being newly inducted depends on being sgid?

 First, no one would _need_ to discuss this because it is only a
 recommendation (though a wise one).

Again, a recommendation, about issues that would require
 changes in the program to change the situation, may not be a good
 thing for policy. 

The developers reference is a compendium of best practices and
 good things to do, which is what this seems to be. 

 Second, your comment about the package depending on being setid is
 irrelevant.  Obviously, no program which does NOT depend on being
 setid should be made setid, but it should be discussed in any case.

What good does this discussion do, if program functionality
 does indeed depend on being set{u,g}id? If the security team were to
 audit these packages, well, there would be something.  But I
 understand the security team is already overlaoded, and I would not
 wish additional work on wther people. 

 Often, I believe that the discussion will determine whether or not
 it truly depends on being setid.

That would be really hard to do, unless soneone gets into the
 nitty gritty of the code and determines it is not.

  likely to affect the security of every system where the package
  is installed.  File permissions and program privileges are
  clearly a packaging matter.  What is the nature of your

 You are being disengenuous. If a program needs to write files
 shared by other users when it is run (save files, high score files,
 macro definitions), and uses a group writable directory (after
 taking precautions internally that the files being written ought to
 be written to, etc), just changing the file permissions without
 changing the program shall render the program unusable.

 I do not understand why you are presenting such hostile opposition
 to a well-intentioned proposal for recommending discussion.

Hostile? That is _your_ characterization. Why is it that any
 disagreement with a proposal is automatically hostile?  Why do you
 perceive any proposals you make to be quite so adversarial a process? 

 A dictionary both would tell you the correct spelling of the word
 disingenuous, and demonstrate that it does not accurately describe
 my words which you quoted above.

Ah, a spelliong flame. How jejune. Moreever, you choise to
 characterize the fact that a program is setgid as merely a packaging
 matter -- as though just putting another line in the rules file
 (chmod blah 755) would make the problem go away. Disingenuous

 You, on the other hand, seem to be misrepresenting or
 misunderstanding me.  Let me clarify very explicitly:


 - The policy manual include a recommendation for discussion on
   debian-devel before a new setuid or setgid program is added to the
   Debian archive, whether included for the first time or by change
   of permission on an existing program

Does -devel have final say in the packaging or acceptance of
 the program into the project (in case of an ITP)? The only way to get
 in a new setgid games program into the project is to get a consensus
 on debian-devel? Or perhaps a GR? Is this process an integral part of
 packaging and getting a program into the project? 

If not, I still think it is better placed in
 developers-reference. If you want to get consensus on debian-devel as
 an integral part of getting packages accepted into debian, you may
 need more than just a policy proposal.

A trojanned single user program run by root that sends out
 /etc/shadow is far worse than losing the top ranking in pacman.

 Making the dir world writable is not a solution, and indeed, is
 worse for security.

 What are you talking about?  The proposal was to recommend
 discussion; there was no proposal of world writable directories of
 any kind.

Well, if the rpogram is run by multiple people, and can write
 a shared file as any user, and it is not to be setgid, or setuid, how
 elese would you achieve that end? A world writable dir is the logical
 conclusion of needing vsarious users creating, and modifying, shared
 files without a set{u,g}id program.

One man's folly is another man's wife. Helen Rowland
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 02:22:27PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
  Often, I believe that the discussion will determine whether or not
  it truly depends on being setid.
   That would be really hard to do, unless soneone gets into the
  nitty gritty of the code and determines it is not.

This is trivial, and should be documented even in the man page.

 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 02:22:27PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

 On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 14:50:16 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 
  First, no one would _need_ to discuss this because it is only a
  recommendation (though a wise one).
   Again, a recommendation, about issues that would require
  changes in the program to change the situation, may not be a good
  thing for policy. 

The same thing applies to most of the recommendations for discussion which
are in the policy manual today, and I see no problem with it.  In fact, the
effects on the program are exactly the same as the recommendation in 10.9:

 The rules in this section are guidelines for general use.  If
 necessary you may deviate from the details below.  However, if you do
 so you must make sure that what is done is secure and you should try
 to be as consistent as possible with the rest of the system.  You
 should probably also discuss it on `debian-devel' first.

   The developers reference is a compendium of best practices and
  good things to do, which is what this seems to be. 

Why should this recommendation be relegated to the developer's reference,
while others are in the policy manual?  The developer's reference describes
its packaging practices (chapter 6) with the sentence These are just some
subjective hints, advice and pointers collected from Debian developers. Feel
free to pick and choose whatever works best for you.  I consider
setuid/setgid permissions to be an important packaging consideration, not a
subjective hint.

My interpretation of the difference between policy and the developer's
reference is that the policy manual tells me how to avoid creating a buggy
package, while the developer's reference provides hints that have helped
others in maintaining their packages.  Security vulnerabilities, and
practices which make packages susceptible to as-yet-undiscovered
vulnerabilities, are bugs.

The policy manual already contains a section describing the required and
recommended permissions for files owned by Debian packages, which seems a
logical place for a recommendation to discuss certain sensitive issues
relating to permissions for files owned by Debian packages.  It even
discusses setuid and setgid programs.  My goal in placing the recommendation
there is to place it where a Debian developer would see it when deciding
what permissions to use for programs in their package.

  Second, your comment about the package depending on being setid is
  irrelevant.  Obviously, no program which does NOT depend on being
  setid should be made setid, but it should be discussed in any case.
   What good does this discussion do, if program functionality
  does indeed depend on being set{u,g}id? If the security team were to
  audit these packages, well, there would be something.  But I
  understand the security team is already overlaoded, and I would not
  wish additional work on wther people. 

It has already happened several times in the past that when I have had the
opportunity to review a package with a setuid/setgid program that I have
been able to discuss with the maintainer and avoid introducing a security
vulnerability into Debian.  This not only makes less work for the security
team in trying to support insecure or improperly configured software, but it
improves the overall quality of the distribution.  This is an example of the
good that can come from such a discussion, based on what has already
happened in the past.

All that I am asking is that Debian prominently recommend to developers that
they give me, and developers in general, the chance to perform this review,
so that I can help to improve the security of the distribution.

  Often, I believe that the discussion will determine whether or not
  it truly depends on being setid.
   That would be really hard to do, unless soneone gets into the
  nitty gritty of the code and determines it is not.

On what experience do you base this assumption?  I have often found security
bugs in a program within seconds of starting to look at the code.  Other
times, it is obvious that a program is being granted setuid privileges
unnecessarily.  Refer to DSA-299, DSA-310 and DSA-330 for concrete examples
of preventable vulnerabilities.  This kind of mistake is easy to catch if
the situation is brought up for discussion, but usually it is not, and that
is what I would like to change.

  I do not understand why you are presenting such hostile opposition to a
  well-intentioned proposal for recommending discussion.
   Hostile? That is _your_ characterization. Why is it that any
   disagreement with a proposal is automatically hostile?  Why do you
   perceive any proposals you make to be quite so adversarial a

Yes, it is my characterization, based on your comments.  No, this does not
apply to any disagreement, but specifically to your disagreement in this
instance.  No, I do not perceive any proposals I make to 

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 22:44:24 +0200, Bernd Eckenfels [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 02:22:27PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
  Often, I believe that the discussion will determine whether or
  not it truly depends on being setid.

 That would be really hard to do, unless soneone gets into the nitty
 gritty of the code and determines it is not.

 This is trivial, and should be documented even in the man page.

It is? OK, I am telling you /usr/bin/bar program in package
 foo really needs to be sgid. I'll document it in bar.6. Is this the
 end of discussion? Or are we going to really need to look at the code
 to see if the setgidness can be worked around? 

On the Internet, no one knows you're using Windows NT (Submitted by
Ramiro Estrugo, [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 05:09:56PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   It is? OK, I am telling you /usr/bin/bar program in package
  foo really needs to be sgid. I'll document it in bar.6. Is this the
  end of discussion? Or are we going to really need to look at the code
  to see if the setgidness can be worked around? 

It is the minimum I would expect from a good package, of course it can be
done much better.

Personally I do not care much about the games, because I expect them to be
unsecure and simply do not install them on important servers with multiple
users. However I can understand admins who want to maintain a friendly user
environemnt, and we should serve them by allowing chmod g-s /usr/games/*.

BTW: anband is playable without sgid, but since I do not manage to get past
level 1 i am nor sure what kind of implications this has :)

 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 16:55:12 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 02:22:27PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 14:50:16 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  First, no one would _need_ to discuss this because it is only a
  recommendation (though a wise one).

 Again, a recommendation, about issues that would require changes in
 the program to change the situation, may not be a good thing for

 The same thing applies to most of the recommendations for discussion
 which are in the policy manual today, and I see no problem with it.
 In fact, the effects on the program are exactly the same as the
 recommendation in 10.9:

  The rules in this section are guidelines for general use.  If
  necessary you may deviate from the details below.  However, if
  you do so you must make sure that what is done is secure and
  you should try to be as consistent as possible with the rest of
  the system.  You should probably also discuss it on
  `debian-devel' first.

Hmm. Discuss is a far cry from requiring consensus, or permission.

  Second, your comment about the package depending on being setid
  is irrelevant.  Obviously, no program which does NOT depend on
  being setid should be made setid, but it should be discussed in
  any case.

 What good does this discussion do, if program functionality does
 indeed depend on being set{u,g}id? If the security team were to
 audit these packages, well, there would be something.  But I
 understand the security team is already overlaoded, and I would not
 wish additional work on wther people.

 It has already happened several times in the past that when I have
 had the opportunity to review a package with a setuid/setgid program
 that I have been able to discuss with the maintainer and avoid
 introducing a security vulnerability into Debian.  This not only
 makes less work for the security team in trying to support insecure
 or improperly configured software, but it improves the overall
 quality of the distribution.  This is an example of the good that
 can come from such a discussion, based on what has already happened
 in the past.

You are reiterating what I said -- someone with security
 experience reviewed the program, and that produced results. If people
 are there who have the time, inclination, and expertise to review
 these programs, then I would agree with you. 

 All that I am asking is that Debian prominently recommend to
 developers that they give me, and developers in general, the chance
 to perform this review, so that I can help to improve the security
 of the distribution.

  Often, I believe that the discussion will determine whether or
  not it truly depends on being setid.

 That would be really hard to do, unless soneone gets into the nitty
 gritty of the code and determines it is not.

 On what experience do you base this assumption?  I have often found

Common sense. See, I am going to tell you that /usr/bin/bar in
 package foo needs to be really, truly, cross my heart setgid baz;
 since it maintains a common set of files owned by baz and shared
 between any user of the machine. 

Without looking at the code, how can you tell that it does not
 need the privilege?

 security bugs in a program within seconds of starting to look at the
 code.  Other times, it is obvious that a program is being granted
 setuid privileges unnecessarily.  Refer to DSA-299, DSA-310 and
 DSA-330 for concrete examples of preventable vulnerabilities.  This
 kind of mistake is easy to catch if the situation is brought up for
 discussion, but usually it is not, and that is what I would like to

I have brought /usr/bin/bar up for discussion now. I am
 anxious to see how it can be improved by this discussion.

Anyway, if it is all that simple and sensible, Why do we need
 policy to tell us to do normal, sensible, security related things?

  I do not understand why you are presenting such hostile
  opposition to a well-intentioned proposal for recommending

 Hostile? That is _your_ characterization. Why is it that any
 disagreement with a proposal is automatically hostile?  Why do you
 perceive any proposals you make to be quite so adversarial a

 Yes, it is my characterization, based on your comments.  No, this
 does not apply to any disagreement, but specifically to your
 disagreement in this instance.  No, I do not perceive any proposals
 I make to be so adversarial.

Seems to me I started out by asking whether this proposal
 would be a better fit for the developers reference, and, when asked,
 expanded on why I thought so.

From where I stand, sure feels like you have a chip on your
 shoulder when it comes to this proposal.

 I perceive you to be adversarial when I politely correct you,
 present a clarification, and ask what is your objection? and you
 reply with You are being disengenuous and 

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 05:38:41PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

 On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 16:55:12 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 
   The rules in this section are guidelines for general use.  If
   necessary you may deviate from the details below.  However, if
   you do so you must make sure that what is done is secure and
   you should try to be as consistent as possible with the rest of
   the system.  You should probably also discuss it on
   `debian-devel' first.
   Hmm. Discuss is a far cry from requiring consensus, or permission.

Perhaps the language should be adjusted a bit from Joey's original.  It was
not meant to serve as a roadblock but to encourage discussion.   Though,
even with the language ...a consensus [...] has been reached, the
important part is you should meaning that this is a recommendation.

   You are reiterating what I said -- someone with security
  experience reviewed the program, and that produced results. If people
  are there who have the time, inclination, and expertise to review
  these programs, then I would agree with you. 

Earlier in this thread, Steve Kemp and I volunteered to be two of the people
who will be reviewing these issues.  I would assume that there are others
reading debian-security who will have insight as well, but two is more than
enough to do some good.

  On what experience do you base this assumption?  I have often found
   Common sense. See, I am going to tell you that /usr/bin/bar in
  package foo needs to be really, truly, cross my heart setgid baz;
  since it maintains a common set of files owned by baz and shared
  between any user of the machine. 
   Without looking at the code, how can you tell that it does not
  need the privilege?
   I have brought /usr/bin/bar up for discussion now. I am
  anxious to see how it can be improved by this discussion.

I would look at the code in that situation, of course.  Perhaps then it
would turn out that the upstream author never intended for this program to
run setid (or had no knowledge of basic security practices), and baz
happened to be group shadow, and you were making a poor decision.

But the more common scenarios are things like I think this program needs to
be setuid in order to read and write some file or I want to make
program setuid [when it was not designed to operate setid] which are
often incorrect.

If your primary concern is about the traditional setgid-games configuration,
can you suggest a modification to the text which would address that concern?

Bear in mind, the risks involved in setgid-games vulnerabilities are real,
and go beyond forging high scores and saved games, and I believe that a
certain minimum level of discretion should be applied, as with any setid

   Anyway, if it is all that simple and sensible, Why do we need
  policy to tell us to do normal, sensible, security related things?

Many maintainers are simply not aware of good security practices.  This is
not because they are stupid or incompetent; it is because the issues are
often subtle and they have never learned good security habits.  Many
programmers can look at a line of code like strcpy(foo, bar) without
flinching, while it might make a security expert's skin crawl.

We do not require maintainers to have this kind of expertise, so why would
you expect it of them?

  Yes, it is my characterization, based on your comments.  No, this does
  not apply to any disagreement, but specifically to your disagreement in
  this instance.  No, I do not perceive any proposals I make to be so
   Seems to me I started out by asking whether this proposal
  would be a better fit for the developers reference, and, when asked,
  expanded on why I thought so.
   From where I stand, sure feels like you have a chip on your
  shoulder when it comes to this proposal.

  I perceive you to be adversarial when I politely correct you,
  present a clarification, and ask what is your objection? and you
  reply with You are being disengenuous and Making the dir world
  writable is not a solution.  The former being insulting and untrue,
  and the latter a gross misrepresentation.
   This, sir, is a lie. 

This statement has very little meaning from you.

   I did not call you disingenuous for asking for clarification, I
  called you disingenuous for stating that setgidness of programs is
  merely a packaging issue; and implying that program design and
  implementation were not involved.

To clarify yet again, the statement in question was File permissions and
program privileges are clearly a packaging matter.  I never said it was
just or merely a packaging issue, while you have tried to put both of
those words in my mouth.

Of course these issues have an effect on program design and implementation;
so does nearly every other aspect of packaging.  But it remains true that
file permissions and program privileges are a matter of 

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 20:48:26 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 That's nice.  angband links with every library on the planet,
 including X11.  This should be easy.

 [...about 2 minutes later...]

 Even easier than I thought.

 mizar:[...ity/angband/angband-291/src] tail +81 main.c | head -30
 static void init_stuff(void) {
 char path[1024];

 if defined(AMIGA) || defined(VM)

 /* Hack -- prepare path */ strcpy(path, Angband:);

 else /* AMIGA / VM */

 cptr tail;

 /* Get the environment variable */ tail =

 /* Use the angband_path, or a default */ strcpy(path, tail ?
 tail : DEFAULT_PATH);

 /* Hack -- Add a path separator (only if needed) */ if
 (!suffix(path, PATH_SEP)) strcat(path, PATH_SEP);

 endif /* AMIGA / VM */

 /* Initialize */ init_file_paths(path);

 mizar:[...ity/angband/angband-291/src] ANGBAND_PATH=`perl -e 'print
 A x 1050'` gdb /usr/games/angband GNU gdb
 5.3.90_2003-06-29-cvs-debian Copyright 2003 Free Software
 Foundation, Inc.  GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General
 Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute
 copies of it under certain conditions.  Type show copying to see
 the conditions.  There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type
 show warranty for details.  This GDB was configured as
 i386-linux...(no debugging symbols found)...  (gdb) r Starting
 program: /usr/games/angband (no debugging symbols found)...(no
 debugging symbols found)...  (no debugging symbols found)...(no
 debugging symbols found)...  (no debugging symbols found)...(no
 debugging symbols found)...  (no debugging symbols found)...(no
 debugging symbols found)...  (no debugging symbols found)...(no
 debugging symbols found)...  (no debugging symbols found)...
 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.  0x41414141 in
 ?? ()

 I'd be happy if you would check your package for trivial security
 exploits before uploading it to Debian.

 Why do we need policy to tell us to do what you suggest are good,
 common sense things?

 As the maintainer of a package containing a setgid program with a
 glaring security hole, perhaps you can tell me.

Heh. You should look at what is in the current version:

/* Get the environment variable */
tail = getenv(ANGBAND_PATH);

#endif /* FIXED_PATHS */

/* Use the angband_path, or a default */
my_strcpy(path, tail ? tail : DEFAULT_PATH, sizeof(path));

/* Make sure it's terminated */
path[511] = '\0';

/* Hack -- Add a path separator (only if needed) */
if (!suffix(path, PATH_SEP)) my_strcat(path, PATH_SEP, sizeof(path));

#endif /* AMIGA / VM */

/* Initialize */
 * The my_strcpy() function copies up to 'bufsize'-1 characters from 'src'
 * to 'buf' and NUL-terminates the result.  The 'buf' and 'src' strings may
 * not overlap.
 * my_strcpy() returns strlen(src).  This makes checking for truncation
 * easy.  Example: if (my_strcpy(buf, src, sizeof(buf)) = sizeof(buf)) ...;
 * This function should be equivalent to the strlcpy() function in BSD.
size_t my_strcpy(char *buf, const char *src, size_t bufsize)
size_t len = strlen(src);
size_t ret = len;

/* Paranoia */
if (bufsize == 0) return ret;

/* Truncate */
if (len = bufsize) len = bufsize - 1;

/* Copy the string and terminate it */
(void)memcpy(buf, src, len);
buf[len] = '\0';

/* Return strlen(src) */
return ret;

Superficial audits are probably worse rthan none; they tend to
 raise false senses of security.

Nature gave man two ends--one to sit on and one to think with.  Ever
since then man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he
used most. George R. Kirkpatrick
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Oohara Yuuma
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 13:46:48 -0400,
Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- policy.sgml.orig  2003-08-01 13:40:51.0 -0400
 +++ policy.sgml   2003-08-01 13:45:24.0 -0400
 @@ -7104,6 +7104,14 @@
 execute them.
 +  Since setuid and setgid programs are often a security rick,
 +  you should not add any new setuid or setgid programs to
 +  the distribution before this has been discussed on the
 +  emdebian-security/em mailing list and a consensus about
 +  doing that has been reached.
 It is possible to arrange that the system administrator can
 reconfigure the package to correspond to their local
I object.  My interpretation of this paragraph is if there were not
nethack in Debian, we would not need it unless you remove the score file,
the bone file, the player ghost and whatever from it or you implement
them securely without any setid.

I don't care if you mandate a prior peer view _request_ (not prior approval)
when ITPing a setid program, but if no one says anything about it for some
weeks, why can't I upload that program?  After all, I maintain the package.
Pre-Depends or something that is already in the Policy is more or less
about package relationship, but setid is not.

Debian developer
PGP key (key ID F464A695)
Key fingerprint = 6142 8D07 9C5B 159B C170  1F4A 40D6 F42E F464 A695

Er, let's get into all the messes of the parliament.
--- shinichiro.h, diary 2003/3/24 parliamentary bullet-dodging system

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 08:14:15PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   Heh. You should look at what is in the current version:

Is that what you would say to the users who have angband installed on Woody?
I do not think this is something to laugh about.

   Superficial audits are probably worse rthan none; they tend to
  raise false senses of security.

Only if their results are interpreted incorrectly.  A superficial audit is
enough to say this program cannot be trusted to be setid until it has
received a more thorough audit.  If no one is willing or able to perform
such an audit, the program should not be distributed setid.  This is the
kind of result that I hope would be achieved by recommending discussion
before new setid programs are added to the distribution.

If we had the resources to thoroughly audit all such programs before
distributing them, that would be better, but as yet we do not.  However,
having an established channel for this kind of review makes it easier for
interested parties to perform some amount of auditing.  Of course, even
thorough auditing cannot provide security guarantees, it can only find new

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-02 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 20:48:26 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 This, sir, is a lie.

 This statement has very little meaning from you.

Then I think this discussion has reached the end of its useful

 I did not call you disingenuous for asking for clarification, I
 called you disingenuous for stating that setgidness of programs is
 merely a packaging issue; and implying that program design and
 implementation were not involved.

 To clarify yet again, the statement in question was File
 permissions and program privileges are clearly a packaging matter.
 I never said it was just or merely a packaging issue, while you
 have tried to put both of those words in my mouth.

 Of course these issues have an effect on program design and
 implementation; so does nearly every other aspect of packaging.  But
 it remains true that file permissions and program privileges are a
 matter of Debian policy, and a significant part of the packaging
 process for nontrivial programs.

 You had no excuse for accusing me of being disingenuous, and you
 have yet to retract this accusation.

Wrong again. Here is the context, that you are eliding:

 You are now talking about putting things into policy that require
 maintainerrs to change program behaviour to attain similar
 functionality and features; and all the examples you quote are
 about packaging details that are under our control completely.

I was concerned that making programs not setgid is not a
 matter of adding a chown line in the rules file; that it needed
 perhaps a deeper understanding and modification of the code; and that
 this proposal differed from all other examples quoted. 

With this background, you come up with File permissions and
 program privileges are clearly a packaging matter. 

I stand by what I said.

 Earlier in this thread, Steve Kemp and I volunteered to be two of the people
 who will be reviewing these issues.  I would assume that there are others
 reading debian-security who will have insight as well, but two is more than
 enough to do some good.

Given the last review of a setgid program, I wonder if two
 people are enough. The mistake was simple, human, and undesrtandable,
 but the review does not in fact talk about any flaws in the current
 version of angband (tome does need to be so changed); and this kind
 of error would undermine the process -- especially if the results are
 couched in terms like those below:

 Why do we need policy to tell us to do what you suggest are good,
 common sense things?

 As the maintainer of a package containing a setgid program with a
 glaring security hole, perhaps you can tell me.

Perhaps more people would reduce the tensions and permit a
 more, umm, civilized, and correct, audit to be performed?

We have met the enemy and he is us Walt Kelly (in POGO)
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
* Steve Kemp 


|   I'm loath to ask the user if it should be setgid in the installer
|  because that's just needless distraction, but perhaps some global
|  'setgidnes' setting could be stored in /etc/games?


what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane default?

Tollef Fog Heen,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are  : :' :
  `. `' 

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Steve Kemp
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:08AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

 what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane default?

  Absolutely nothing at all, but it's a slippery slope, and I thought
 we were tending towards less interactivity in installations?


Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Micha Politowski
On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:30:11 +0300, Richard Braakman wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 01:17:01PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:
 If you're just scanning for binaries with s bits set, then you'll
 probably miss all the ones that use whatever that tool was
 (suidmanager?) that was used by some packages before we had

As well as the ones using dpkg-statoverride in their postinsts now.

Micha Politowski -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Warning: this is a memetically modified message

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
* Steve Kemp 

| On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:08AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
|  what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane default?
|   Absolutely nothing at all, but it's a slippery slope, and I thought
|  we were tending towards less interactivity in installations?

which is why I said «low priority»:

'critical' only prompts you if the system might break.
   Pick it if you are a newbie, or in a hurry.
'high' is for rather important questions
'medium' is for normal questions
'low' is for control freaks who want to see everything

If you select low, you will have to drink off the fire hose.  Having
low-priority questionsis good, since it makes it easy to make
customized installs with preloaded answers.

Tollef Fog Heen,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are  : :' :
  `. `' 

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:08:17AM +0200, Micha? Politowski wrote:
 On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:30:11 +0300, Richard Braakman wrote:
  On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 01:17:01PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:
  If you're just scanning for binaries with s bits set, then you'll
  probably miss all the ones that use whatever that tool was
  (suidmanager?) that was used by some packages before we had
 As well as the ones using dpkg-statoverride in their postinsts now.

From my investigations, I thought that the intended use of dpkg-statoverride
was by the local administrator, modifying the default suid/sgid and
ownership of the file as set in the package tarball.

- Matt

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Herbert Xu
Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all
 setuid/gid bit grants to go through this or another list for peer
 review, much as pre-depends are supposed to.

How about creating a new group for each game?
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Micha Politowski
On Fri,  1 Aug 2003 19:19:10 +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
 From my investigations, I thought that the intended use of dpkg-statoverride
 was by the local administrator, modifying the default suid/sgid and
 ownership of the file as set in the package tarball.

This is also my understanding. Still, some packages do use it for better or
worse reasons.
One example I've just found in uml-utilities.postinst:

  if ! getent group uml-net /dev/null; then
  addgroup --quiet --system uml-net

  if ! dpkg-statoverride --list /usr/lib/uml/uml_net /dev/null; then
  dpkg-statoverride --update --add root uml-net 04750 \

Micha Politowski -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Warning: this is a memetically modified message

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Keith Dunwoody
Herbert Xu wrote:
Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all
setuid/gid bit grants to go through this or another list for peer
review, much as pre-depends are supposed to.

How about creating a new group for each game?
Umm... With hundreds, possibly thousands (in the future anyway) of games, is 
this really what you want to do?

-- Keith

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:55:28PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:

 I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all setuid/gid
 bit grants to go through this or another list for peer review, much as
 pre-depends are supposed to.

I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed
before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the review (though I
hope that others will help).  Does this need a proposal to go into policy
with the same force as the existing pre-depends verbiage?

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 06:37:53PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:55:28PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
  I'd like to see us move all of our setgid games (except, perhaps,
  nethack) away from using global score files by default. 
   I think that should be a good option, but I can see several 
  games that might suffer by it.
   I'm loath to ask the user if it should be setgid in the installer
  because that's just needless distraction, but perhaps some global
  'setgidnes' setting could be stored in /etc/games?

Personally, I would lean more towards having a setgid helper which writes to
the game's score file.  It is possible to audit such helpers completely in a
short amount of time, and I feel that it would be far better to open
ourselves up to letting users forge their own high scores than to the
current exposures which are possible through group games.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:08AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

 what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane default?

As long as the sane default is the safe default, which is not to be setgid.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:45:16PM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:

 Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all
  setuid/gid bit grants to go through this or another list for peer
  review, much as pre-depends are supposed to.
 How about creating a new group for each game?

This is only somewhat better, from a security perspective, than sharing a
group, depending on how many games are installed on the system.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Steve Kemp
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:18:53AM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

  I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all setuid/gid
  bit grants to go through this or another list for peer review, much as
  pre-depends are supposed to.
 I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed
 before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the review (though I
 hope that others will help).  Does this need a proposal to go into policy
 with the same force as the existing pre-depends verbiage?

  I would support such a change too, and would volunteer to assist if
  there was need for it.


Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Stephen Frost
* Matt Zimmerman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:55:28PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
  I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all setuid/gid
  bit grants to go through this or another list for peer review, much as
  pre-depends are supposed to.
 I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed
 before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the review (though I
 hope that others will help).  Does this need a proposal to go into policy
 with the same force as the existing pre-depends verbiage?

It probably should.  I'd be willing to say we might want a seperate list
for this too.  I'm willing to help with the review but I tend to skim


Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:26:57AM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:

 * Matt Zimmerman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed
  before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the review (though I
  hope that others will help).  Does this need a proposal to go into policy
  with the same force as the existing pre-depends verbiage?
 It probably should.  I'd be willing to say we might want a seperate list
 for this too.  I'm willing to help with the review but I tend to skim

I think debian-security would be fine, maybe with a special Subject tag.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Joel Baker
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:34:11AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
 * Steve Kemp 
 | On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:08AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
 |  what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane default?
 |   Absolutely nothing at all, but it's a slippery slope, and I thought
 |  we were tending towards less interactivity in installations?
 which is why I said «low priority»:
 'critical' only prompts you if the system might break.
Pick it if you are a newbie, or in a hurry.
 'high' is for rather important questions
 'medium' is for normal questions
 'low' is for control freaks who want to see everything
 If you select low, you will have to drink off the fire hose.  Having
 low-priority questionsis good, since it makes it easy to make
 customized installs with preloaded answers.

The only question I would have about it is that every potentially-sgid game
package would need to share the question (so that it only got asked once,
but was available whenever needed) - organizing that could be a bit tricky,
I would think.

Certainly I think it would be one of the more reasonable uses of shared
debconf stuff - one question, low priority, a sane default of not being
sgid, and assuming packages used something proper (er, dpkg-statoverride?)
to register the sgid bit, it doesn't matter if you blow away the answer
cache - you can look at the existing state and find out what you need to
know (or, presumably, override it).

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 05:33:23PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:

   There's probably a lot to be said for building a chroot installation
  and installing each package in turn; but I don't have the time for that
  at the moment.

I have some basic tools for doing this kind of thing using UML's
copy-on-write block devices, so it is relatively efficient.  This is one of
the things that I plan to do with it once it is ready for large-scale

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Joey Hess
Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:26:57AM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
  * Matt Zimmerman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed
   before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the review (though I
   hope that others will help).  Does this need a proposal to go into policy
   with the same force as the existing pre-depends verbiage?
  It probably should.  I'd be willing to say we might want a seperate list
  for this too.  I'm willing to help with the review but I tend to skim
 I think debian-security would be fine, maybe with a special Subject tag.

Here's a draft policy proposal. If this looks ok I'll submit it to the
policy group.

Proposal: [DRAFT] require peer review for setuid and setgid program introduction

Setuid and setgid programs are one of the main causes of security
holes and DSA's in Debian. Often these holes can be spotted easily
with a simple review. Sometimes setuid/gid programs can be modified in
fairly simple ways to not need these dangerous permissions at all. A few
well-trained eyes looking over a package before it goes into the
distribution and becomes a security risk can make all the difference.

So, I propose that any new setuid or setgid programs should be reviewed
by a team of interested people before being put into the distribution.
In discussions on debian-devel, we agreed this was a good idea, and that
debian-security is the appropriate list for these reviews. The reviewers
will be whoever is interested, which currently includes at least one
member of the security team, and one of our most prolific security

Note the paralell with the existing requirement that essential packages
be discussed on debian-devel.

--- policy.sgml.orig2003-08-01 13:40:51.0 -0400
+++ policy.sgml 2003-08-01 13:45:24.0 -0400
@@ -7104,6 +7104,14 @@
  execute them.
+  Since setuid and setgid programs are often a security rick,
+  you should not add any new setuid or setgid programs to
+  the distribution before this has been discussed on the
+  emdebian-security/em mailing list and a consensus about
+  doing that has been reached.
  It is possible to arrange that the system administrator can
  reconfigure the package to correspond to their local

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Joey Hess
Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 Personally, I would lean more towards having a setgid helper which writes to
 the game's score file.  It is possible to audit such helpers completely in a
 short amount of time, and I feel that it would be far better to open
 ourselves up to letting users forge their own high scores than to the
 current exposures which are possible through group games.

I think you can set it up so users cannot forge high scores by just
running such a helper. Make the helper sgid scorewriter, and make the
games setgid scoresetter (these names could be better). Then the helper
would refuse to write any scores unless its real GID is scoresetter.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:56:50PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:

 I think you can set it up so users cannot forge high scores by just
 running such a helper. Make the helper sgid scorewriter, and make the
 games setgid scoresetter (these names could be better). Then the helper
 would refuse to write any scores unless its real GID is scoresetter.

I considered something like this, but I dismissed it as overcomplicated for
the problem (of forging local high scores).  I'd rather decrease the overall
number of privileged programs than reorganize into a larger number of
privilege groups.  With fewer and fewer users per system these days, there
isn't usually any glory in this kind of high score anyway, and only
client/server games which are mediated by a neutral server can usefully
provide this kind of scorekeeping.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:46:48PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:

 Here's a draft policy proposal. If this looks ok I'll submit it to the
 policy group.

Thanks for doing this.  It looks fine, with the exception of a small typo:

 +  Since setuid and setgid programs are often a security rick,
   ^ risk

If we could come up with a standard way of setting these permissions, to
avoid the kind of messing around in the postinst that we do now, it would be
trivial to add lintian/linda warnings for this, to encourage maintainers to
discuss the situation before uploading.  doogie, asuffield and I discussed
this on IRC recently.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Josip Rodin
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:26PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 it would be trivial to add lintian/linda warnings for this,

There's already a warning for set[ug]id in Lintian.

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:40PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:26PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
  it would be trivial to add lintian/linda warnings for this,
 There's already a warning for set[ug]id in Lintian.

Ah, ok.  But the point was that it will miss many cases.  For example, I've
never seen this warning in uml-utilities because it uses a
dynamically-allocated gid and so must use chmod in postinst rather than
setting permissions in the .deb.  If this could be done at build time rather
than at install time, the check would be perfect.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Stephen Frost
* Joey Hess ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 --- policy.sgml.orig  2003-08-01 13:40:51.0 -0400
 +++ policy.sgml   2003-08-01 13:45:24.0 -0400
 @@ -7104,6 +7104,14 @@
 execute them.
 +  Since setuid and setgid programs are often a security rick,

'risk' might be a bit better. :)

 +  you should not add any new setuid or setgid programs to
 +  the distribution before this has been discussed on the

until it has been discussed .. ?

 +  emdebian-security/em mailing list and a consensus about
 +  doing that has been reached.

and a consensus reached which approves of the application and it's
needs. ?


Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Adam Heath
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:40PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:

  On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:26PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
   it would be trivial to add lintian/linda warnings for this,
  There's already a warning for set[ug]id in Lintian.

 Ah, ok.  But the point was that it will miss many cases.  For example, I've
 never seen this warning in uml-utilities because it uses a
 dynamically-allocated gid and so must use chmod in postinst rather than
 setting permissions in the .deb.  If this could be done at build time rather
 than at install time, the check would be perfect.

Andrew Suffield and I have plans to get rid of dynamic user creation in
postinst, and chmod +s as well.

preinst will create the user(by calling adduser), then the setuid-ness in the
deb can be applied.  This invovles modifying dpkg-deb to read a list of
permission overrides.

See -policy.

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 11:22:17 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:08AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
 what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane

 As long as the sane default is the safe default, which is not to be

Only if the game still works -- some games keep not just score
 files, but saved games in the common area, and would not work as
 expected if they could not write to that area.

St. Patrick was a gentleman who through strategy and stealth drove all
the snakes from Ireland. Here's a toasting to his health -- but not
too many toastings lest you lose yourself and then forget the good
St. Patrick and see all those snakes again.
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 13:46:48 -0400, Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Here's a draft policy proposal. If this looks ok I'll submit it to
 the policy group.

 Proposal: [DRAFT] require peer review for setuid and setgid program

 Setuid and setgid programs are one of the main causes of security
 holes and DSA's in Debian. Often these holes can be spotted easily
 with a simple review. Sometimes setuid/gid programs can be modified
 in fairly simple ways to not need these dangerous permissions at
 all. A few well-trained eyes looking over a package before it goes
 into the distribution and becomes a security risk can make all the

 So, I propose that any new setuid or setgid programs should be
 reviewed by a team of interested people before being put into the
 distribution.  In discussions on debian-devel, we agreed this was a
 good idea, and that debian-security is the appropriate list for
 these reviews. The reviewers will be whoever is interested, which
 currently includes at least one member of the security team, and one
 of our most prolific security auditors.

 Note the paralell with the existing requirement that essential
 packages be discussed on debian-devel.

This seems like a good practice kind of recommendation, not an
 requirement, and as such, may be better suited to be included
 in developers reference rather than policy, don't you think?

The Bird of Time has but a little way to fly ... and the bird is on
the wing. Omar Khayyam
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:50PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   Only if the game still works -- some games keep not just score
  files, but saved games in the common area, and would not work as
  expected if they could not write to that area.

nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I think it
should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the user's home
directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to prevent cheating, but
again, these days the player has root anyway.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Jim Penny
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 16:01:03 -0400
Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:50PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
  Only if the game still works -- some games keep not just score
   files, but saved games in the common area, and would not work as
   expected if they could not write to that area.
 nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I
 think it should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the
 user's home directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to
 prevent cheating, but again, these days the player has root anyway.

Hmm, that is not the only reason, and maybe not the real reason.  What
about bones piles?  Doesn't nethack do this partially so that levels
from dead games could be reused in future games?  On a multi-user
system, you get a better set of bones piles, because you have no idea of
what killed the adventurer, and probably no idea of whether anything is
worth picking up and risking the possibility of a curse.

Jim Penny
who has in past lives spent far too many hours playing nethack

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:46:48PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
 Setuid and setgid programs are one of the main causes of security
 holes and DSA's in Debian.


DSA-360:  no  (daemon)
DSA-359:  yes (uid root: hardware access)
DSA-358:  no  (kernel)
DSA-357:  no  (daemon)
DSA-356:  yes (gid games)
DSA-355:  no  (web css)
DSA-354:  yes (gid games)
DSA-353:  no  (daemon, temp file)
DSA-352:  no  (user, temp file)
DSA-351:  no  (web css)
DSA-350:  yes (gid games)
DSA-349:  no  (daemon)
DSA-348:  yes (system root tool exploit)

Looking at this statistic, it is clearly visible that most of the exploits
are game related, in fact only one system tool and one hardware accessing
'game' would allow suid root exploits, all others are sgid games.

 A few
 well-trained eyes looking over a package before it goes into the
 distribution and becomes a security risk can make all the difference.

Yes, but I think the eyes should concentrate on non sgid-games first.
Because this might be a realy BIG junk of UGLYNESS one will find there :)

And some of the suid root stuff, like hardware acces might even require
debian to switch to some more sensible kernel setups.

 +  Since setuid and setgid programs are often a security rick,
 +  you should not add any new setuid or setgid programs to
 +  the distribution before this has been discussed on the
 +  emdebian-security/em mailing list and a consensus about
 +  doing that has been reached.

Do we want to make an sgui games exception here?

 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:56:50PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
 I think you can set it up so users cannot forge high scores by just
 running such a helper. Make the helper sgid scorewriter, and make the
 games setgid scoresetter

Umm... you invent a scorewriter for removing the sgui games bit? And then
you add a sgid scoresetter? I dont think this makes mch sence.

Although it is true, that sgid games exploit are a problem, because they can
be used to invade other game playing users, personally I think it is much
more important to look at the other suids first.

BUT: i realy do think each game MUST offer the non sgid option. We could
have a global question herer:

Do you want to limit gaming experiencing on your system but therefore
increase system security? If you answer yes here, no game will be installed
sgid games, and therefore you do not have shared highscores. yes no

 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:13:30PM -0400, Jim Penny wrote:

 On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 16:01:03 -0400 Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I
  think it should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the user's
  home directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to prevent
  cheating, but again, these days the player has root anyway.
 Hmm, that is not the only reason, and maybe not the real reason.  What
 about bones piles?  Doesn't nethack do this partially so that levels
 from dead games could be reused in future games?  On a multi-user system,
 you get a better set of bones piles, because you have no idea of what
 killed the adventurer, and probably no idea of whether anything is worth
 picking up and risking the possibility of a curse.

Of course it is the real reason.  Otherwise you get exactly the same feature
with a world-writable directory.

(and anyway, there exists 'hearse' now, though I haven't tried it)

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 22:31:16 +0200, Bernd Eckenfels [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 BUT: i realy do think each game MUST offer the non sgid option. We
 could have a global question herer:

Hmm. Are you willing then to help modify each game to allow
 this to happen? Some changes are quite extensive. 

Date: 23 Feb 90 19:01:21 GMT From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal
Schwartz) format STDOUT = @ @ @ @, $Just, $another,
$Perl, $hacker
. for(Just,another,Perl,hacker){eval\$$_=\$_;;};write;
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 16:01:03 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:50PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 Only if the game still works -- some games keep not just score
 files, but saved games in the common area, and would not work as
 expected if they could not write to that area.

 nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I
 think it should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the
 user's home directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to
 prevent cheating, but again, these days the player has root anyway.

Well, if you are talking about packages in main, yes. But
 there are other games that follow policy that are also affected.

We cannot command nature except by obeying her. Sir Francis Bacon
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 03:58:13PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   Hmm. Are you willing then to help modify each game to allow
  this to happen? Some changes are quite extensive. 

Hmm.. I am sure the maintainers of the affected packages will ask for help.

 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Darren Salt
I demand that Stephen Frost may or may not have written...

 and a consensus reached which approves of the application and it's
 needs. ?

Almost: s/'// :-)

| Darren Salt   | linux (or ds) at | nr. Ashington,
| woody, sarge, | youmustbejoking  | Northumberland
| RISC OS   | demon co uk  | Toon Army
|   I don't ask for much, just untold riches...

i Invalid device, 0:1

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Herbert Xu
Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I think it
 should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the user's home
 directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to prevent cheating, but
 again, these days the player has root anyway.

If the player has root then why are discussing the possibility of the
player cracking into the games group?
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:
PGP Key:

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Brian T. Sniffen
Herbert Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I think it
 should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the user's home
 directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to prevent cheating, but
 again, these days the player has root anyway.

 If the player has root then why are discussing the possibility of the
 player cracking into the games group?

The legitimate player has root and thus could cheat at the game.
An illegitimate player is probably more interested in abusing the
machine than cheating at nethack.


Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Joey Hess
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   This seems like a good practice kind of recommendation, not an
  requirement, and as such, may be better suited to be included
  in developers reference rather than policy, don't you think?

I agree that policy can't force developers to do that, but policy is
already full of such recommendatons:

 You should not specify a `Pre-Depends' entry for a package before this
 has been discussed on the `debian-devel' mailing list and a consensus
 about doing that has been reached.

 You must not tag any packages `essential' before this has been
 discussed on the `debian-devel' mailing list and a consensus about
 doing that has been reached.

 You should not tag any packages as belonging to a task before this has
 been discussed on the _debian-devel_ mailing list and a consensus
 about doing that has been reached.

 This will use a default sequence number of 20.  If it does not matter
 when or in which order the `init.d' script is run, use this default.
 If it does, then you should talk to the maintainer of the `sysvinit'
 package or post to `debian-devel', and they will help you choose a

 If this case happens, one of the programs
 must be renamed.  The maintainers should report this to the
 `debian-devel' mailing list and try to find a consensus about which
 program will have to be renamed.  If a consensus cannot be reached,
 _both_ programs must be renamed.

6.   (on perms and users)
 If necessary you may deviate from the details below.  However, if you do
 so you must make sure that what is done is secure and you should try
 to be as consistent as possible with the rest of the system.  You
 should probably also discuss it on `debian-devel' first.

 In this case you should choose an
 appropriate user or group name, discussing this on `debian-devel' and
 checking with the `base-passwd' maintainer that it is unique and that
 they do not wish you to use a statically allocated id instead.

 It is often worthwhile contacting such
 authors diplomatically to ask them to modify their license terms.
 However, this can be a politically difficult thing to do and you
 should ask for advice on the `debian-legal' mailing list first, as
 explained below.

 When in doubt about a copyright, send mail to  Be prepared to provide us with the
 copyright statement.

Do you plan to move all these to the developer's reference? It would bloat
the developer's reference with references to specific sections of policy,
and leave the policy full of holes with no recommendations as to a good
course of action or even a mention that a given action is potentially

I remember having this exact same discussion when #3 above was added to
policy, BTW.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Joey Hess
Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
 Looking at this statistic, it is clearly visible that most of the exploits
 are game related,

Only because Steve Kemp is doing some good work on auditing our games.
I suspect he would have just as much luck finding security holes in some
other areas.

 Yes, but I think the eyes should concentrate on non sgid-games first.
 Because this might be a realy BIG junk of UGLYNESS one will find there :)

I understand that if you want to help with the auditing effort,
information is here:

  +  Since setuid and setgid programs are often a security rick,
  +  you should not add any new setuid or setgid programs to
  +  the distribution before this has been discussed on the
  +  emdebian-security/em mailing list and a consensus about
  +  doing that has been reached.
 Do we want to make an sgui games exception here?


see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Joey Hess
Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
 Umm... you invent a scorewriter for removing the sgui games bit? And then
 you add a sgid scoresetter? I dont think this makes mch sence.

You need to learn some more about security then. Small, simple and well
defined programs are often more secure than large monoliths that have to
deal with arbitrary user input. Especially if the monolith was written
in 1993 and the helper program in 2003.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Darren Salt
I demand that Herbert Xu may or may not have written...

 Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I think
 it should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the user's home
 directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to prevent cheating, but
 again, these days the player has root anyway.

 If the player has root then why are discussing the possibility of the
 player cracking into the games group?

The machine could be running a network game server which is setgid games,
though it could equally well have its own uid and be run setuid.

| Darren Salt   | linux (or ds) at | nr. Ashington,
| woody, sarge, | youmustbejoking  | Northumberland
| RISC OS   | demon co uk  | Toon Army
|   I don't ask for much, just untold riches...

The basis of optimism is sheer terror.

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 09:38:46AM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:

 Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I think it
  should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the user's home
  directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to prevent cheating, but
  again, these days the player has root anyway.
 If the player has root then why are discussing the possibility of the
 player cracking into the games group?

Because in that case I was talking about high scores, and in the other case
we are talking about one user compromising another.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 09:19:46PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
 Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
  Umm... you invent a scorewriter for removing the sgui games bit? And then
  you add a sgid scoresetter? I dont think this makes mch sence.
 You need to learn some more about security then. Small, simple and well
 defined programs are often more secure than large monoliths that have to
 deal with arbitrary user input. Especially if the monolith was written
 in 1993 and the helper program in 2003.

Well, I am fine with that. Although the game is still sgid, which is not
needed. Some other ways to check the programs integrity can be used.

 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-07-31 Thread Steve Kemp

  A long time ago[1] I asked if there was a list of all the setuid/setgid
 binaries contained in the previous Debian stable release. 

  As there still isn't such a list I've created one and placed it online
 with a simple search form.

  (This is the list that my recent spate of bug reporting has been
 based upon).



Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-07-31 Thread Richard Braakman
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 01:17:01PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:

If you're just scanning for binaries with s bits set, then you'll
probably miss all the ones that use whatever that tool was
(suidmanager?) that was used by some packages before we had

Richard Braakman

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-07-31 Thread Steve Kemp
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 05:30:11PM +0300, Richard Braakman wrote:

 If you're just scanning for binaries with s bits set, then you'll
 probably miss all the ones that use whatever that tool was
 (suidmanager?) that was used by some packages before we had

  Yes I know that I'm missing a few, but apart from the ones that get
 +suided in the Debian/rules files, or are handled via other means
 then I've got a more comprehensive list than I've seen anywhere
  There's probably a lot to be said for building a chroot installation
 and installing each package in turn; but I don't have the time for that
 at the moment.

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-07-31 Thread Joey Hess
Steve Kemp wrote:
   A long time ago[1] I asked if there was a list of all the setuid/setgid
  binaries contained in the previous Debian stable release. 
   As there still isn't such a list I've created one and placed it online
  with a simple search form.
   (This is the list that my recent spate of bug reporting has been
  based upon).

I'd like to see us move all of our setgid games (except, perhaps,
nethack) away from using global score files by default. After several
bad experiences with xbl (DSA-345, DSA-327)), I suggested to its author
that it be changed to use a score file in the player's home directory.
We ended up making it do that by default, but letting it use a global
score file if it is locally made setgid since it's been pretty well
audited by now. Anyway, the point is that most games need a global score
file like I need a third ear -- maybe useful from time to time[1], but
normally just one more thing to worry about. I plan to go through the
rest of the games I maintain and make similar changes.

I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all
setuid/gid bit grants to go through this or another list for peer
review, much as pre-depends are supposed to.

see shy jo

[1] Multi-user game machines are not as common as they once were.

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-07-31 Thread Steve Kemp
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:55:28PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:

 I'd like to see us move all of our setgid games (except, perhaps,
 nethack) away from using global score files by default. 

  I think that should be a good option, but I can see several 
 games that might suffer by it.

  I'm loath to ask the user if it should be setgid in the installer
 because that's just needless distraction, but perhaps some global
 'setgidnes' setting could be stored in /etc/games?

 I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all
 setuid/gid bit grants to go through this or another list for peer
 review, much as pre-depends are supposed to.

  I was thinking of approaching that problem a different way.
  In the same way that apt-listchanges shows a packages changelog
 at install time, I could see a script 'apt-listsetuid' which would
 warn the admin at install time if any new setuid/setgid applications
 were being installed.
  (Optionally with the option to remove such bits on a global or per
 package basis).
  I've thought this several times, but never quite gotten around to
 writing the code - if there was any interest I would.

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-07-31 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 06:37:53PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:55:28PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
  I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all
  setuid/gid bit grants to go through this or another list for peer
  review, much as pre-depends are supposed to.
   I was thinking of approaching that problem a different way.
   In the same way that apt-listchanges shows a packages changelog
  at install time, I could see a script 'apt-listsetuid' which would
  warn the admin at install time if any new setuid/setgid applications
  were being installed.

I use checksecurity for this; it runs from cron (daily by default) and
notifies me whenever there is a change in the list of setuid and setgid
programs on the system.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-07-31 Thread Joey Hess
Steve Kemp wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:55:28PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
  I'd like to see us move all of our setgid games (except, perhaps,
  nethack) away from using global score files by default. 
   I think that should be a good option, but I can see several 
  games that might suffer by it.

Right, such as nethack. Not many though.

   I'm loath to ask the user if it should be setgid in the installer
  because that's just needless distraction, but perhaps some global
  'setgidnes' setting could be stored in /etc/games?

I just threw something in README.Debian and NEWS.Debian about it for

  I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all
  setuid/gid bit grants to go through this or another list for peer
  review, much as pre-depends are supposed to.
   I was thinking of approaching that problem a different way.
   In the same way that apt-listchanges shows a packages changelog
  at install time, I could see a script 'apt-listsetuid' which would
  warn the admin at install time if any new setuid/setgid applications
  were being installed.
   (Optionally with the option to remove such bits on a global or per
  package basis).
   I've thought this several times, but never quite gotten around to
  writing the code - if there was any interest I would.

That might have more or less the same effect, if developers are the ones
who run the script. I don't feel this would be very useful for users

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2002-11-26 Thread Josip Rodin
On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 11:39:04PM +, Steve Kemp wrote:
   I was wondering if there was a definitive list of all the setuid/setgid
  binaries which may be installed from the Debian archives.
   (Such a list would be very useful in prioritizing any examination of
  source code).
   I've partially worked my way through the list of packages which are 
  mentioned via the lintian warnings for 'setuid-binary' and 'setgid-binary'
  which I found at:
   After that is there any location I could look at

Simply use the raw output of lintian, which includes the overridden tags.

Then egrep 'set(g|u)id' lintian.log it, and you'll see the offset from the
web pages in O: lines.

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2002-11-25 Thread Steve Kemp


  I was wondering if there was a definitive list of all the setuid/setgid
 binaries which may be installed from the Debian archives.

  (Such a list would be very useful in prioritizing any examination of
 source code).

  I've partially worked my way through the list of packages which are 
 mentioned via the lintian warnings for 'setuid-binary' and 'setgid-binary'
 which I found at:

  After that is there any location I could look at, or if not would there
 be any interest in such a thing?


Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2002-11-25 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 11:39:04PM +, Steve Kemp wrote:

   I was wondering if there was a definitive list of all the setuid/setgid
   binaries which may be installed from the Debian archives.
   (Such a list would be very useful in prioritizing any examination of
   source code).
   I've partially worked my way through the list of packages which are
   mentioned via the lintian warnings for 'setuid-binary' and
   'setgid-binary' which I found at: and
   After that is there any location I could look at, or if not would there
   be any interest in such a thing?

There is no such list to my knowledge, but one could be generated with
relative ease given a Debian archive (including a CD-ROM set).

 - mdz