Re: website maintenance

2017-05-16 Thread Michael Lustfield
On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 2:22 AM, Michael Lustfield  wrote:
 Our users are really complaining about our look&feel in the web
[... blah blah ...]
For some reason, the entire other chunk of this thread found it's way
to my junk folder. I'm not sure why that happened but I see there's
actually been some discussion started so please ignore me.

I'll follow up when either I read through a wiki page or create one to
start keeping track of opinions. :)

Re: website maintenance

2017-05-16 Thread Michael Lustfield
>>> Our users are really complaining about our look&feel in the web

I expect that less than ten people on earth would disagree with you.

> Unfortunately, I don't have the web abilities (web technologies,
> design, UX, whatever) that this task requires.
> Someone have suggested to invest a bit of our money into some paid
> work. I believe this idea is something worth exploring too.

I've been working on packaging gitea but I'm reaching a point where
too much needs to change in either unstable or experimental for it to
be sensible until after freeze, so I now have some time available.

I don't claim to be an expert by any means, but I do have some
background in website development and know of some resources that
could be helpful. (google can fill in any blanks here, no I'm not
proud of my PHP knowledge)

If we're going to seriously discuss reworking, can we
talk about what changes actually need to take place? Let's start the
requirements gathering phase, ya? What functions does the current
implementation not provide? What do we need to see out of the next
option? We have a lot of web services that share a similar theme. The
minimalistic design provides an easy way to keep a unified theme
across all services and makes it easy to render correctly across all
browsers regardless of the latest and greatest ecmascript or $foo. You
can safely assume Debian is a group of people that will not be okay
with requiring javascript to correctly render pretty much anything

I'm sure it's been discussed before, but I don't know what functional
requirements we face, what services utilize the same theme/design,
what their templates need to look like, what kind of resources are
typically accessed and under what load and why, how content updates
are deployed, etc. Before even beginning any work, I think it's
important the requirements phase for a project like this be completed
in relatively painful detail.

[1] That's why our updates are so clean. ;)

Re: website maintenance

2017-05-15 Thread Arturo Borrero Gonzalez
On 15 May 2017 at 12:12, Geert Stappers  wrote:
>> Our users are really complaining about our look&feel in the web
>> and we should address it.
> "we should do so many things"
> Thing I say about it:  Please do.

Of course, that's my view too.

Unfortunately, I don't have the web abilities (web technologies,
design, UX, whatever) that this task requires.

Someone have suggested to invest a bit of our money into some paid
work. I believe this idea is something worth exploring too.

website maintenance

2017-05-15 Thread Geert Stappers
X-Previous-Subject: Re: Moving away from (unsupportable) FusionForge on Alioth
On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 11:19:47AM +0200, Arturo Borrero Gonzalez wrote:
> On 14 May 2017 at 11:58, lumin  wrote:
> > On the other hand, I fancy modern platforms such
> > as Gitlab, as a user. And wondering when Debian
> > will update its homepage (www.d.o) to a modern
> > design[1].
> >
> > [1] This is off-thread, but some of my young
> > friends just gave up trying Debian at the
> > first glance at our homepage.
> >
> off-thread, yes. But please spawn another thread to talk about this real 
> issue.

Doing so right now.

> Our users are really complaining about our look&feel in the web
> and we should address it.

"we should do so many things"
Thing I say about it:  Please do.

Whom ever steps forward for taking the website in maintenance:
 * Downtime for several hours is fine
 * Is it okay to switch to a divert Version Control System. Yes, please move 
away from CVS
 * If translation workflow breaks, so be it. One challenge/problem at a time
 * The change will also effect the www-team. That is good

Geert Stappers
You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs