debconf5 CFP reminder and update

2005-03-09 Thread Andreas Schuldei

The period to submit papers for debconf5 will expire March 15th
2005, 23h59 UTC, so you have a few days left to think up a good
talk to propose. The steps to follow are here:

Jeff Bailey (who is responsible for the talks) works on an update
to change the license for the recordings into a DFSG-free one. On
the page above is still the old wording.

An other recent addition to the talks-proposal page is the round
table panel discussion option. If you can think of a good topic
relevant to Debian please submit it.

See you in HELsinki!


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Call For Papers for DebConf5 in Helsinki

2005-02-08 Thread Andreas Schuldei
Call for Papers and Presentations Debconf 5 Helsinki, Finland

The annual Debeconf conference is the technical and social forum for
Debian developers, sponsors, affiliates, and friends. It allows various
groups within Debian a chance to come together and network.

We invite you to submit a proposal to present a technical paper or
tutorial, or to host a meeting (BoFS, or Birds of a Feather Session).

Step 1. Submit Proposal

This is the first year that we are asking for proposals. The proposal
lets us know in advance what sort of talks we will have. This helps us
in attracting developers and potential sponsors to the conference.

Your proposal can be a rough outline, but should be at least 500 words
in length (and ideally no more than 1500 words). Your proposal should be
clear about whether your proposal is political (Free Software, dealing
with traditionally marginalised groups, etc.), technical, or social
(Dealing with debian structures and groups). It's okay to hit all three
of these.

Your proposal should also include some information on why you're
qualified to talk about this. Ideally it will also include links to
posts your have made to Debian mailing lists. A presentation is not the
best place to mention your idea for the first time.

Proposals will be accepted until March 15th 2005, 23h59 UTC.

To submit your proposal, go to and register as an
attendee. Once you are registered, there is a Submit a proposal link.
You will see your proposal on the site. If it's not there for some
reason, please tell us right away!

Step 2. Committee Review

The review committee for this year consists of Jeff Bailey
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Andreas Schuldei [EMAIL PROTECTED], and Amaya
Rodrigo Sastre [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This committee will make its decision by April 1st. If you aren't
available between March 15th and April 1st for questions, please let us
know your schedule. All correspondance will be done by email.

Step 3 Paper Submission

For the first time, we are asking for papers to be submitted along with
the presentations. The goal is to provide written information along with
transcripts of the sessions for later viewing. Having written papers in
advance will allow us to get translations done, to help
non-native-English speakers feel more comfortable with the topics

Papers are due by June 1st, and should cover the topic in reasonable
depth. Any formatting requirements will be given to you on March 15th
when your paper is accepted.

Step 4 Live Presentation

Presentations are either 45 minutes or 90 minutes in length. 90 minute
presentations have a break in the middle and should include workshop
items that directly involve the participants.

Fine Print Publication Rights

Debconf requires non-exclusive publication rights to papers,
presentations, and any additional handouts or audio/visual materials
used in conjunction with the presentation. The authors retain all

The presentations will be recorded, and may be broadcast over the
Internet. Any copies of the presentation will be made available under a
creative commons license.=20

Failure to Submit

In the event that a deadline is missed we reserve the right to revoke
any offer to present.

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Talks at debconf4

2004-05-01 Thread Andreas Schuldei
We have prepared a final preliminary talks and bof schedule. you
can find it on the debconf4 site at

now that you can estimate better what you would miss if you
wouldn't come you should consider all possible options: play the
lottery, sell your car, ...

even if the official registration periode is over you have a
short time left to get in contact with us and slip in if you are
a Debian Developer.

See you in Porto Alege!

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travel support for the needy

2004-05-01 Thread Andreas Schuldei
After finalizing our budget and cutting some costs (no notebooks
to sensible prices in brazil) we now are able to offer travel
support for some Debian Developers of up to 500$ each.

If you would like to make use of this offer and are not able to
afford the trip on your own (and have not reconfirmed your
registration, or havent even registered yet), please let us know
your flight costs, and how much you can afford yourself.
If you require less the 500$USD chances are that the spare money
lasts longer and more can come. so be modest, if possible.

Since we expect some demand, we impose a first come, first
serve system.ยท

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debconf4 CFP

2004-03-09 Thread Andreas Schuldei
Hello, All. 

General Information

The 5th Debian Conference (DebConf4)[1] will take place from May 26 to June 02 
in Porto Alegre, Brazil. 

Such a large gathering of Debian developers and enthusiasts gives the unique 
opportunity to reach a highly skilled and interested audience with a variety of 

We'll have two talks a day and plenty of space for BOFs. We are pleased to 
invite speakers to submit proposals for a talk to be given either in the 
morning or in the evening. 

On day one there will be an introductory talk for all speakers: Public 
Speaking. Altough it's mainly directed for DebConf speakers, everyone is 


* General talk topics could be, but are not limited to: 
* Debian subprojects or architecture projects 
* Social and organizational topics 
* Enterprise involvement, advantages, legal issues 
* Maintainer-upstream groups and their relationships 

How to submit 

Initially, please only submit a short (about two paragraphs) description of 
your presentation and please, answer the following questions sending e-mail to 
the DebConf 4 Team - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

* Tell us about yourself and what you have been doing for Debian or another 
Free Software Project
* Anything else we should know about you (allergies, diet, medical condition, 
special needs)
* Will you need to receive a participation fee subsidy in order to attend 
DebConf4? Why? If so, please estimate how much your round-trip travel to Porto 
Alegre will cost. Would you be able to attend without it?
* Will you need a visa to come to Brazil[2]?
* Telephone and emergency contact number(s)

If your presentation is accepted, you should send us the full paper, less than 
ten pages long in LaTeX, DocBook SGML, plain text, or any suitable format. 


The deadline for submissions is April, 1st. If your presentation is accepted, 
we'll contact you to send us your full paper and let us know about specific 
needs for your talk before April, 15th. 


Even if BOFs can be scheduled just in time locally, it would be nice to plan 
in advance if you would like to organize one. Feel free to send a mail for a 
BOF, as soon as you know you want to hold one.

Our growing list of sponsors already includes:

(*) HP
(*) PSL-RS (the International Free Software Forum organizers)
(*) O'Reilly
(*) Lindows


See you at DebConf4,

The DebConf4 Team

Michelle Ribeiro

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Talks at DebConf in Oslo

2003-07-06 Thread Andreas Schuldei
I invite everyone to take a look at this years schedule for the
talks and events at DebConf in Oslo.

If you come to Oslo, take a look around the website. We hope to
provide all the info you need. If you miss something, please

If you can't come to Oslo, take a look at the site and feel sorry
for yourself and what you are missing out on.

Hope to see you there, 
the DebConf Team

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End of Deb{Conf,Camp} Registration on 16th of june

2003-06-09 Thread Andreas Schuldei
For logistical and organisational reasons we have to close the
registration for debconf 3 and debcamp on the 16th of june.

Numbers of new registrations have dropped off over the last few
days, so we assume that most people who want to come have made
arrangements and plans by now.

Some people have wondered how they could afford Norways food and
accommodation prices. Thanks to several sponsors (HP, Norwegian
Unix User Group (NUUGF), Lindows, Trolltech, O'Reilly) we will be
able to offer very competitive food prices.  Accommodation in
Oslo is available for free, in a gym hall, in close proximity to
the camp/conference location, together with other debcamp/conf
participants. One would just need to bring his/her own
sleepingbag/mattress. Frequent personal hygiene is encouraged.

All this makes it easier and cheaper for the participants but
requires planning and arrangements.

On the 16th we will send out a mail to all who registered, asking
for reconfirmation of their attandence (and some other minor
details). It will be necessary to answer that mail within one
week (untill the 23th of june).

This aggravation is necessary due to the fact that at the last
debconf only 80 out of 150 registered participants actually

People who want to participate in deb{conf,camp} but prefer not
to register by the 16th of june are welcome anyway, but should
not expect accommodation, food, tshirts, books, nametags, printed
conference materials, cars or personal conference hostesses.

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