Re: [PATCH dpkg 0/3] supporting seemless package renames (dpkg --configure --ignore-not-installed)

2010-05-25 Thread David Kalnischkies
Hello (again),

to get a bit of traffic again in the discussion:

I finally came around to implement disappear-support in APT [0]
and it is already on his way for testers into the archive as 0.7.26~exp5.

It is pretty basic and i still don't like the fact that we don't know
about the disappear in advanced*, but anyway:

std::setstd::string pkgPackageManager::GetDisappearedPackages();

can be used by the APT-frontends family to get a list of all packages
which disappeared by actions handled with this instance.

In apt-get this is implemented as a list of packages right at the end
of the apt-get call - an example:

The following packages disappeared from your system as
all files have been overwritten by other packages:
  apt dpkg
Note: This is done automatic and on purpose by dpkg.

* (hint hint)
2010/4/10 David Kalnischkies
 b) a) + overload Provides+Conflict+Replace
 + package managers can display it in advanced (renames)
 + package managers can prevent installation of oldPkg
   if newPkg is already installed.
 - doesn't handle more complex disappears in advanced

Comments (on anything)?
e.g. you might want to suggest a better wording?

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

David Kalnischkies


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Re: [PATCH dpkg 0/3] supporting seemless package renames (dpkg --configure --ignore-not-installed)

2010-04-10 Thread David Kalnischkies
Hello (again),

2010/4/10 Jonathan Nieder
 David Kalnischkies wrote:
 he needs to install git-core which he does again after noticing that it
 doesn't work at the first try and face a conflict resolution process now…
 (or he had git already installed through some dependencies and is now
 immediately confronted with this conflict.)

 Why would he face a conflict resolution process?

What i thought was:
Hmm, the only content of oldPkg is a link from /usr/share/doc/oldPkg -
/usr/share/doc/newPkg. newPkg includes also such a link.
Installing newPkg will cause the disappear of oldPkg.
If I try to install oldPkg again, what will happen?

(I thought it would be forbidden by the conflict - misread sorry)

After a quick test now with your testcase i noticed that oldPkg has
his link back(?) without further notice (or is at least marked as installed).
A follow up - maybe totally unrelated - dpkg call will cause the
disappearance of oldPkg. As it is not untypical for APT to call
dpkg multiple times in a row this will happen happen quite often in the
same APT call.

Assuming that someone will notice the one line disappearing in the dpkg
output is a bit to much - i am happy enough if a user notice the remove
section in the normal APT output before pressing 'y'.
Many libapt-frontends doesn't even show the dpkg text - only a progress
bar together maybe with the strings libapt emits on his status-fd.

I guess the frontends will loose a lot of trust if users start to notice that
they do something they haven't presented in advanced to the user:
They REMOVE packages - by far the evilest thing a package manager
can do… and additionally doesn't install a package they say they would
install (apt-get install git-core).

So in short: The frontends need to have a way to know in advanced that
a package will disappear in my eyes so the user can be informed.

I see a few options:
a) disappear + --ignore-not-installed
- yet another force flag -- and it will be passed to configure all
  the time, so it is maybe even better to have a flag to force dpkg
  to fail in this case than a flag to ignore this case.
- package managers can only present this to the user as a fait accompli
  at the end of the run (if they parse --status-fd at all)
b) a) + overload Provides+Conflict+Replace
+ package managers can display it in advanced (renames)
+ package managers can prevent installation of oldPkg
   if newPkg is already installed.
- doesn't handle more complex disappears in advanced
c) a new disappear status similar to removed-conffiles
-- a new status
- package managers will offer the remove in the next run,
  not in the run it could disappear
- oldPkg can be reinstalled, will move to disappear and will
  be suggested to be removed in the next run again
+ package managers can display it in advanced (all)
+ handles even the complexest disappears
d) drop of disappear completely, replace it with a transition
   section and some autoremove magic
+ package managers can display it in advanced (renames)
+ package managers can prevent installation of oldPkg
   if newPkg is already installed. (if it is not mixed with meta
   packages - so maybe we should move to debtags?)
- no complex disappears allowed

I currently would favor b) -- at least the common simple rename
case can be presented easily in advanced.

The same could be accomplished by d) but i like the difference
between the rename which can really be done automatic and
the remove of some no longer needed dependencies which the
user need to check and approve.

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

David Kalnischkies

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Re: [PATCH dpkg 0/3] supporting seemless package renames (dpkg --configure --ignore-not-installed)

2010-04-09 Thread David Kalnischkies
Hi all,

2010/4/9 Jonathan Nieder
 Guillem Jover wrote:

 I've not checked but I'd
 expect this would imply only few lines of code on the apt side, just
 removing the just disappeared package from the to be configured queue.

 From my reading of pkgDPkgPM::ProcessDpkgStatusLine, APT does not
 care much about statusfd.  It is treated as just some information
 about progress to pass to the end-user.

APT only processes the line to add progress information and to translate
the status changes so it doesn't need to be translated in every frontfrontend
again. If both would be done in dpkg we (as in APT and Co. ) frontbackends
could simply pass it through to someone who has real interest in it.

 Currently, this map does not affect APT’s order of operations.
 Instead, the list of operations is planned in advance and followed
 rigidly, regardless of the situation in the field.

If i would have something to say i would push the complete planing in which
order packages need to be configured to dpkg which i tried with my
no-triggers options and succeeded to some extend:
The only problem is that packages doesn't run awaited triggers of their pre-
dependencies on unpack while configure does it for dependencies (#526774).
With a few options enabled APT does only unpack all the stuff and
configure -a at the end -- with the exception of the bug (?) above and
packages it applies immediate configuration on, but these could be also
configure -a calls instead of an explicit naming of the packages…
(still the progress reporting need to be solved which is the sole reason
the options aren't per default on already as they work otherwise and
even avoid some problems…)

My personal dream is it that APT would call dpkg with a list of packages
the user want to see installed and/or removed/purged and dpkg would
figure out an order in which the packages need to be unpacked/configured or
removed as it has some informations handy which APT simply has not:
The disappearing is one simple thing, but it can also provide better progress
information as it knows which triggers are still awaiting and it even could
break circular dependencies as it knows which packages have maintainer
scripts which is again knowledge you can't easily transport to APT.

 A high-level package manager that collaborates with the user to deal
 appropriately with problems as they come might be a lovely thing.
 apt-get uses a simpler approach: to fix problems, you run it again.

APT has a Dpkg::StopOnError option which defaults to true and in the false
case simply proceeds with the next action as nothing had happened before,
but if something failed in a maintainer script or dpkg
APT can't do much to help the user anyway:
The user needs to deal with the error as the program who knows best how
to deal with the error (= the maintainer script or dpkg) has already given up.
If they can't solve the problem, how APT could do it…
Oh, and in a stable environment this shouldn't happen *knocks on wood*. :)

The only countermeasure APT takes is to apply immediate configuration for
essential and important packages (=unpack it and immediately configure them
before starting to do work on unrelated optional packages).

 The idea of the proposed patch is to allow front-ends to make the same

Only fair, but Guillem is right, APT already uses enough --force flags…
It should be possible to dequeue the configure call based on the status-fd
(i will give it a try now) through it feels a bit wrong and
remembers me of my dream from above. ;)

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

David Kalnischkies

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Re: [PATCH dpkg 0/3] supporting seemless package renames (dpkg --configure --ignore-not-installed)

2010-04-09 Thread David Kalnischkies
Hi (again),

2010/4/9 Guillem Jover
 - When you upgrades your system by some high-level package manager it
 usually says you that 'packages oldpkg and newpkg will be upgraded' (or
 'newpkg will be installed and oldpkg is upgraded'). Once oldpkg gets
 suddenly dropped, it's inconvenient (at least) to high-level package
 managers, may confuse users, and, in case, just a lie. If the package
 manager says it will upgraded, it should be upgraded and not removed.

 So even if it might be nice for the high-level front-ends to know before
 hand what will happen during a dpkg run, the fact is, it cannot be known
 and the front-end should be prepared to cope with unexpected state
 changes. There's more to the installation/removal process than just
 the metadata, there's the maintainer scripts which can fail at any
 point, there's file conflicts, there's triggers, etc. And then there's
 disappearing packages (even w/o an explicit Replaces).

I think what Eugene means is that the (front)frontends of dpkg will have no
way to display this action in the what will change if you confirm this
action view. Packages could disappear without that this package is
touched and even if it would be touched the displayed information is wrong,
as a package which will disappear isn't really upgraded.
Also, i think it feels a bit strange to apt-get install git-core
with the result that the package git-core is not installed as
it disappeared in the same call.

I am just thinking about a Joe Sixpack reading a tutorial about git which says
that he needs to install git-core which he does again after noticing that it
doesn't work at the first try and face a conflict resolution process now…
(or he had git already installed through some dependencies and is now
immediately confronted with this conflict.)

So maybe we should overload the Conflict+Replace+Provides triple for non
purely virtual packages like mail-transport-agent to define that the real
package with this name will disappear. (the current method for renaming
us it too - the difference between both is the versioned replace and both have
a versioned conflict, but pure virtual packages have no version, these three
groups are distinguishable from each other).
This isn't a complete solve - as far as i understand multiple packages could
replace different files in a package causing it to disappear - but it would
enhance the simple normal package rename case a bit.

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

David Kalnischkies

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Re: [PATCH dpkg 0/3] supporting seemless package renames (dpkg --configure --ignore-not-installed)

2010-04-09 Thread Eugene V. Lyubimkin

[ please CC c...@p.d.o as well in all future front-end-related issues too ]

Guillem Jover wrote:
 Thirdly, IMO this 'disappear' thing is a design flaw in dpkg/policy:
 With this I disagree and I think it's a nice and useful feature to have.

Features are always nice to have, unless they breaks the design, which is IMHO
the case here.

 - Policy says that disappearted packages will not receive 'prerm'
 signal. Then, what's the point of having it when maintainer cannot
 guarantee it will be called?
 Regardless of it being possible to call prerm by making the code in
 dpkg more complex/intelligent, the thing is if it would be the correct
 thing to do. Something to consider is that a disappearing package is
 just one for which its files have been completely taken over by another
 package, so arguably its contents do not get removed, they just change
Eh? The 'master' package can overwrite files with the same paths but different
context, so I don't consider them dpkgchown'ed.

 and no maintainer scripts do get called either on
 non-disappeared replaced files.
Which is also bad IMO.

 So as I see it, the fact the the postrm
 gets called is more to notify that the package state is changing and it's
 going away (for which it might need to do additional cleanup) than that
 the files got removed (which didn't).

 The usual code run at prerm handles files getting removed which does not
 apply here, as no files have possibly gotten removed.
That's non-technical. Or you guarantee, or you don't guarantee. Policy doesn't
operate with 'more to notify' and 'usual code', fortunately. If the maintainer
wrote that script prerm/postrm, it is important to do something in it.

 But if there was a
 demonstrable need to run prerm script in this situation, I'd not see any
 problem in an evaluation on adding such call.
I wonder why that exception was added in policy then.

 - When you upgrades your system by some high-level package manager it
 usually says you that 'packages oldpkg and newpkg will be upgraded' (or
 'newpkg will be installed and oldpkg is upgraded'). Once oldpkg gets
 suddenly dropped, it's inconvenient (at least) to high-level package
 managers, may confuse users, and, in case, just a lie. If the package
 manager says it will upgraded, it should be upgraded and not removed.
 So even if it might be nice for the high-level front-ends to know before
 hand what will happen during a dpkg run, the fact is, it cannot be known
 and the front-end should be prepared to cope with unexpected state
So that's probably the main point where we disagree. I consider this behavior
as a severe design flaw, because dpkg play double standards here. It doesn't
produce a sequence call for mass action by itself, passing that task to
front-ends, but considering normal to modify it. FTR, in Cupt the code for
generating such a sequence is a most complex thing, algorythmically, over the
whole code base, beating such a monster as problem resolver. FTR2, the most
popular implementation, libapt-pkg one, still has bugs regarding doing it.
So, I would want to dpkg either implement this functionality itself or just do
what front-end commands rather than notifying 'oh, I did something else, what
next to do?'.

The fact it cannot be known is another side of such of this flaw. If we forget
 for a minute about disappearing packages, it should be known.

 There's more to the installation/removal process than just
 the metadata, there's the maintainer scripts which can fail at any
 point, there's file conflicts, there's triggers, etc.
It's not the problem of dpkg or front-ends. I think we are discussing a
problem with good, polished packages, but failed upgrades.

 And then there's
 disappearing packages (even w/o an explicit Replaces).
Eh? How a package can disappear without reverse Replaces or forced file
conflicts ignoring?

 and because it makes it explicit so that the
 front-ends know exactly *why* the package is not there anymore
 and they
 can correct their view of the world accordingly.
Well, you know, if I'm a driving a car on the road, I assume there are no
walls on it. If you notify me a wall next 10 meters, I will success to
change my mind, but avoiding the wall will be very hard.

In this case (disappearing packages) it may be possible. But in general I

 - The use-case for 'fast transition' doesn't look good to me, because
 when user will try to install the package he/she will see 'the package
 does not exist' instead of installing newpkg and transitional oldpkg.
 I don't see the point of leaving cruft behind if the tools can
 automatically take care of completely replacing a package with another
 one. [...]
This is a part I can agree with, though, stop. Hah. Correct me if I am wrong:
new package got installed as a dependency of transitional package. So, it's
automatically installed. Now, after upgrade the transitional package is
removed, new package is alone and will be removed on next front-end 

Re: [PATCH dpkg 0/3] supporting seemless package renames (dpkg --configure --ignore-not-installed)

2010-04-09 Thread Julian Andres Klode
On Fri, Apr 09, 2010 at 06:32:34PM +0300, Eugene V. Lyubimkin wrote:
 This is a part I can agree with, though, stop. Hah. Correct me if I am wrong:
 new package got installed as a dependency of transitional package. So, it's
 automatically installed. Now, after upgrade the transitional package is
 removed, new package is alone and will be removed on next front-end run. Nice.
 Am I wrong?
Not if ftp-master creates a 'metapackages' section (#574851) in which
we can put transitional packages. The dependencies of packages within
this section are not marked as automatically installed (or maybe they
are currently, as APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections:: is empty [#431737]).

Julian Andres Klode  - Debian Developer, Ubuntu Member

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Re: [PATCH dpkg 0/3] supporting seemless package renames (dpkg --configure --ignore-not-installed)

2010-04-09 Thread Eugene V. Lyubimkin
Julian Andres Klode wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 09, 2010 at 06:32:34PM +0300, Eugene V. Lyubimkin wrote:
 This is a part I can agree with, though, stop. Hah. Correct me if I am wrong:
 new package got installed as a dependency of transitional package. So, it's
 automatically installed. Now, after upgrade the transitional package is
 removed, new package is alone and will be removed on next front-end run. 
 Am I wrong?
 Not if ftp-master creates a 'metapackages' section (#574851) in which
 we can put transitional packages. The dependencies of packages within
 this section are not marked as automatically installed (or maybe they
 are currently, as APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections:: is empty [#431737]).
I support this proposal partly (see my comment to #574851).

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer

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Re: [PATCH dpkg 0/3] supporting seemless package renames (dpkg --configure --ignore-not-installed)

2010-04-09 Thread Jonathan Nieder

David Kalnischkies wrote:

 he needs to install git-core which he does again after noticing that it
 doesn't work at the first try and face a conflict resolution process now…
 (or he had git already installed through some dependencies and is now
 immediately confronted with this conflict.)

Why would he face a conflict resolution process?

There is no reason I can see to conflict with a transitional package,
after all.

However, for git in squeeze, it’s a moot point.  The 'transitional'
archive section and front-end support for it [1] would be needed, or
else the newly installed git package will be marked as automatically
installed and promptly removed again.

Thanks for the comments.

[1] See

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Re: [PATCH dpkg 0/3] supporting seemless package renames (dpkg --configure --ignore-not-installed)

2010-04-08 Thread Eugene V. Lyubimkin
On Thursday 08 April 2010 14:32:20 Jonathan Nieder wrote:
 I was reading some old material about trouble handling renaming binary
 packages in a seemless manner [1] [2].  My main thought: this
 shouldn’t be hard to fix.

Hi Jonathan,

Firstly, I'd ask you next time you CC de...@l.d.o, CC 
as well.

Secondly, AFAIK, Guillem Jover some time ago added a notice of disappeared 
packages to --status-fd dpkg output, so theoretically any high-level package 
manager can use it (practically, I don't know whether apt uses/will use it or 
not, but cupt does not, due to to 'Thirdly' below).

Thirdly, IMO this 'disappear' thing is a design flaw in dpkg/policy:

- Policy says that disappearted packages will not receive 'prerm' signal. 
Then, what's the point of having it when maintainer cannot guarantee it will 
be called?
- When you upgrades your system by some high-level package manager it usually 
says you that 'packages oldpkg and newpkg will be upgraded' (or 'newpkg will 
be installed and oldpkg is upgraded'). Once oldpkg gets suddenly dropped, it's 
inconvenient (at least) to high-level package managers, may confuse users, 
and, in case, just a lie. If the package manager says it will upgraded, it 
should be upgraded and not removed.
- The use-case for 'fast transition' doesn't look good to me, because when 
user will try to install the package he/she will see 'the package does not 
exist' instead of installing newpkg and transitional oldpkg.

Thanks for attention.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin

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Re: [PATCH dpkg 0/3] supporting seemless package renames (dpkg --configure --ignore-not-installed)

2010-04-08 Thread Guillem Jover

On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 15:08:56 +0300, Eugene V. Lyubimkin wrote:
 On Thursday 08 April 2010 14:32:20 Jonathan Nieder wrote:
  I was reading some old material about trouble handling renaming binary
  packages in a seemless manner [1] [2].  My main thought: this
  shouldn’t be hard to fix.

 Secondly, AFAIK, Guillem Jover some time ago added a notice of
 disappeared packages to --status-fd dpkg output, so theoretically any
 high-level package manager can use it (practically, I don't know
 whether apt uses/will use it or not, but cupt does not, due to to
 'Thirdly' below).

For reference, this was due to bug 537338. I've not checked but I'd
expect this would imply only few lines of code on the apt side, just
removing the just disappeared package from the to be configured queue.

 Thirdly, IMO this 'disappear' thing is a design flaw in dpkg/policy:

With this I disagree and I think it's a nice and useful feature to have.

 - Policy says that disappearted packages will not receive 'prerm'
 signal. Then, what's the point of having it when maintainer cannot
 guarantee it will be called?

Regardless of it being possible to call prerm by making the code in
dpkg more complex/intelligent, the thing is if it would be the correct
thing to do. Something to consider is that a disappearing package is
just one for which its files have been completely taken over by another
package, so arguably its contents do not get removed, they just change
ownership, and no maintainer scripts do get called either on
non-disappeared replaced files. So as I see it, the fact the the postrm
gets called is more to notify that the package state is changing and it's
going away (for which it might need to do additional cleanup) than that
the files got removed (which didn't).

The usual code run at prerm handles files getting removed which does not
apply here, as no files have possibly gotten removed. But if there was a
demonstrable need to run prerm script in this situation, I'd not see any
problem in an evaluation on adding such call.

 - When you upgrades your system by some high-level package manager it
 usually says you that 'packages oldpkg and newpkg will be upgraded' (or
 'newpkg will be installed and oldpkg is upgraded'). Once oldpkg gets
 suddenly dropped, it's inconvenient (at least) to high-level package
 managers, may confuse users, and, in case, just a lie. If the package
 manager says it will upgraded, it should be upgraded and not removed.

So even if it might be nice for the high-level front-ends to know before
hand what will happen during a dpkg run, the fact is, it cannot be known
and the front-end should be prepared to cope with unexpected state
changes. There's more to the installation/removal process than just
the metadata, there's the maintainer scripts which can fail at any
point, there's file conflicts, there's triggers, etc. And then there's
disappearing packages (even w/o an explicit Replaces).

The main reasons I chose to notify the front-ends via status-fd is so
that we don't need to add yet another force option which in this case
needs to be used always, and because it makes it explicit so that the
front-ends know exactly *why* the package is not there anymore, and they
can correct their view of the world accordingly.

 - The use-case for 'fast transition' doesn't look good to me, because
 when user will try to install the package he/she will see 'the package
 does not exist' instead of installing newpkg and transitional oldpkg.

I don't see the point of leaving cruft behind if the tools can
automatically take care of completely replacing a package with another
one. I don't see the problem with the package not being installed any
longer, that's exactly what was intended to happen, in addition dpkg
should have notified via stdout and status-fd of what has happened,
and I'd assume the package description would state the package is
dummy/transitional/etc, so the situation should be pretty clear for
the user. Also dpkg will not disappear a package currently being
depended on.


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Re: [PATCH dpkg 0/3] supporting seemless package renames (dpkg --configure --ignore-not-installed)

2010-04-08 Thread Jonathan Nieder

[quoting out of order for convenience]

Guillem Jover wrote:

 I've not checked but I'd
 expect this would imply only few lines of code on the apt side, just
 removing the just disappeared package from the to be configured queue.

From my reading of pkgDPkgPM::ProcessDpkgStatusLine, APT does not
care much about statusfd.  It is treated as just some information
about progress to pass to the end-user.

Strangely enough, helping the end-user in this way involves
remembering the state of each package being operated on.  When all is
going to plan, APT can report that a package is

 half-installed --- Preparing foo
 unpacked --- Unpacking foo
 unpacked --- Preparing to configure foo
 half-configured --- Configuring foo
 installed --- Installed foo

And there is a map from package names to integers indicating where in
such a sequence each particular package is.

Currently, this map does not affect APT’s order of operations.
Instead, the list of operations is planned in advance and followed
rigidly, regardless of the situation in the field.

APT experts: would it make sense to build in additional intelligence
of this kind?  In other words, would it be safe and worthwhile to
teach pkgDPkgPM::Go() to use the PackageOps map to skip a request to
configure a package if it has disappeared?

 There's more to the installation/removal process than just
 the metadata, there's the maintainer scripts which can fail at any
 point, there's file conflicts, there's triggers, etc.

AFAIK both APT’s and cupt’s approach is rather to hope everything goes
according to plan and either do as much as possible or stop at the
first error.

A high-level package manager that collaborates with the user to deal
appropriately with problems as they come might be a lovely thing.
apt-get uses a simpler approach: to fix problems, you run it again.

One final thought.

dpkg itself does not use the kind of intelligence you are talking
about to handle disappearing packages.  It simply assumes that during
an --install run, any package it is trying to configure that is not
installed must have disappeared.

The idea of the proposed patch is to allow front-ends to make the same

 For reference, this was due to bug 537338.

Thanks for the pointer --- that was very helpful.


Rough patch teaching APT to report processing: disappear lines:

=== modified file 'apt-pkg/deb/'
--- apt-pkg/deb/   2010-03-26 15:04:49 +
+++ apt-pkg/deb/   2010-04-09 05:07:54 +
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 std::make_pair(configure, N_(Configuring %s)),
 std::make_pair(remove,N_(Removing %s)),
 std::make_pair(purge,N_(Completely removing %s)),
+std::make_pair(disappear, N_(Noting disappearance of %s)),
 std::make_pair(trigproc,  N_(Running post-installation trigger %s))
@@ -407,7 +408,8 @@
   'processing: install: pkg'
   'processing: configure: pkg'
   'processing: remove: pkg'
-  'processing: purge: pkg' - but for apt is it a ignored unknown action
+  'processing: purge: pkg'
+  'processing: disappear: pkg'
   'processing: trigproc: trigger'


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