Bug#932644: reconfigure writes to /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive

2019-07-22 Thread Aurelien Jarno
On 2019-07-21 17:11, Marc Haber wrote:
> Package: locales
> Version: 2.28-10
> Severity: minor
> Hi,
> reconfiguring the locales package updates the file
> /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive.

This is indeed where the libc looks for the compiled locales.

> I am not sure whether this is allowed by policy, hence severity: minor.

I do not find anything that prevents that in the policy. In addition
many other packages are also writing files to /usr when they are
configured (for example __pycache__ files or the various kernel
modules.* files used by depmod, udev hwdb.bin, etc.).

> Maybe this file would better be in /var.

/var is for files whose content is expected to continually change during
normal operation of the system. This is not the case of the
locale-archive file which doesn't change until the next reconfiguration
of the package. As such it doesn't prevent for example mounting the / or
/usr partition read-only once apt or dpkg have finished their work.

Aurelien Jarno  GPG: 4096R/1DDD8C9B
aurel...@aurel32.net http://www.aurel32.net

Bug#932708: rewrites comments in /etc/locale.gen

2019-07-22 Thread Aurelien Jarno
On 2019-07-22 07:08, Marc Haber wrote:
> Package: locales
> Version: 2.28-10
> Severity: minor
> Hi,
> a least in buster and later, reconfiguring locales will rewrite
> the comments in /etc/locale.gen which indicate available locales. This
> might confuse file integrity checkers and causes value ping-pong with
> configuration management systems.

This is not something new, basically the postinst script just updates
the file to remove the locales that are not supported anymore and adds
the newly supported ones. The added ones are just added at the end of
the file without modifying the order. Therefore the file is indeed
modified when new locales are added (usually for a new major version),
but for subsequent runs of the posting script, the content should be
left unchanged.

Aurelien Jarno  GPG: 4096R/1DDD8C9B
aurel...@aurel32.net http://www.aurel32.net

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2019-07-22 Thread EHRP Software

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