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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Yeti Tough Jobs

Front Page

Video: Turkey Hunter Nearly Trampled by Black Bear
By: Dave Maas
During the past 3 decades, I’ve seen my share of interesting woodland creatures 
while turkey hunting. Once in South Texas, I watched a bobcat wait – belly on 
the ground – for 30 minutes along a two-track while a half-dozen wild turkeys 
slowly fed its way. And when one of the jakes was only 10 feet...

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Leaping Sturgeon Knocks Out Florida Angler
By: OutdoorHub Social
An Alachua man was injured Saturday by a jumping sturgeon on the Suwannee River.

62-year-old  Ronald Dick was in a fishing tournament just up river from Manatee 
Springs when a 4- to 5-foot sturgeon leapt out of the water and into the boat, 
striking the man, knocking him unconscious, according to...

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Video: Will a Marshmallow Peep Prevent an AR from Firing?
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
By now you have probably seen video of AK's firing with their internals covered 
in food, but how will an AR-15 hold up?

AR pattern rifles have much tighter tolerances than AK pattern rifles. These 
tight tolerances give the platform greater accuracy, but the introduction of 
foreign material can more...

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Opinion: Does Facebook Suppress Gun, Hunting News Based on Political Bias?
By: Daniel Xu
Where do you get your news? If you are like one of millions of Facebook users, 
the odds are good that you get a significant portion of your news straight from 
Facebook, and that is precisely why a recent article from Gizmodo may have 
troubling indications. After conducting a series of interviews with...

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Obama Names the Bison as the US National Mammal
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Move over bald eagle, you just got competition. On Monday President Barack 
Obama signed the National Bison Legacy Act, a bipartisan bill that recognizes 
the cultural, historic, and economical importance of the North American bison. 
The bill also declares the bison as the national mammal of the United...

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The 5 Most Embarrassing Gun Quotes from Politicians
By: Daniel Xu
Some politicians just don't get guns. By that, we mean they don't understand 
them---at all. They don't use the right technical terms, they don't know how to 
properly operate firearms, and perhaps worst of all, they seem to think what 
they see in the movies is real. This can lead to some highly embarrassing...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Matt's in Mexico 
Follow host, Matt Moore, on his first bowhunt to Old Mexico. Witness several 
monster "brush-country"
Food Plots 
Be strategic when it comes to planting your deer food plot.
Window Your Own Magazine! 
In this video, I demonstrate how to window your own Hexmag with just 10 rounds!
Cameron Hanes 
Who exactly is Cameron Hanes? Get the story behind the intense drive of this 
hardcore, backcountry b


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