SPAM from -- INCREDIBLE EARNINGS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

2000-03-20 Thread Robert Brown
Where is this spam coming from!

On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 07:39:49PM -0800, Orhan C wrote:
> Before being to skeptical, please read the article!
> I found this posted in another area and want to pass
> it on to all interested in making alot of 
> money. If you 
> follow the directions carefully and honestly, you will
> make money!! This article is the best I've 
> seen by giving 
> clear, step by-step instructions, making it simple for
> you to make lots of money without much 
> effort on your 
> part. If you really look into this, you'll see that it
> works. 
> The initial investment is $6.00 plus six stamps --
> other participants have earned $2,500 in 
> almost 3 weeks 
> from following this plan. 
> A while back , I was browsing these newsgroups, just
> like you are now, and came across an 
> article similar to 
> this that said you could make thousands in CASH within
> a few weeks with only an investment 
> of $6.00 plus 
> stamps! So I thought, "Yeah, right, this must be a
> scam!" But like most of us I was courious 
> and kept reading. 
> It said that if you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names
> and addresses listed in the article, you 
> could make 
> thousands in a very short period of time. You then
> place your own name and address at the 
> bottom of the list 
> at #6, and post the article to a least 300 newsgroups.
> (There are about 32,000 of them out 
> there and that's 
> quite a large market pool). No catch, that was it.
> Even though the investment was a measly 
> $6.00, I had three 
> questions that needed to be answered before I could
> get involved in this sort of thing. 
> I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little
> sceptical that I would actually make any CASH but 
> he said it WAS 
> LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a
> lot like a chain letter but the details of the 
> system (SEE 
> BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal business. 
> I called them:1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS
> section 1302 NS 
> 1341 of the Postal Lottery laws.) This clairfies the
> program of collecting names and 
> addresses for a mailing 
> list. 
> Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance
> getting A LOT of CASH... a much 
> better chance than 
> buying a lottery ticket! 
> So, having these questions answered, I invested
> EXACTLY $7.98...and six stamps..and boy 
> am I glad I did 
> Within 7 days, I started getting CASH in the mail! I
> was shocked! I figured it would end soon 
> and didn't give it 
> another thought. But the CASH continued coming in. In
> my first week I made between $20 and 
> $30. By the 
> end of the second week I had made a total of $1000.00
> In the third week I had over 
> $10,000.00 and it was still 
> growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a
> total of just over $42,000.00 and it's 
> still coming 
> inIt's cetainly worth $6.00 ans six stamps!!! I
> love the power of the internet! 
> SUGGESTION: Read this entire message carefully! (print
> it out and download it now) Follow 
> the simple 
> directions and watch the CASH come in! It's that easy.
> It's legal. And, your investent is only 
> $8.00. 
> IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent;
> it is not illegal;and it is virtually no risk - it 
> really works!!! If 
> all of the following instructions are adhered to, you
> will receive extraordinary dividends. 
> Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or
> more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. 
> This program 
> remains successful because of the honesty and
> integrity of the participants. Please continue 
> its success by 
> carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now
> become part of the Mail Order business. 
> In this business your product is not solid and
> tangible, it's a sevice. You are in the business of 
> developing 
> Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to
> pay big bucks for quality lists. However, 
> tha CASH made 
> from the mailing lists is secondary to the income
> which is made from people like you and me 
> asking to be 
> included in that list. 
> STEP1: Get 6 seperate pieces of paper and write the
> following on each piece of paper 
> YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place
> ONE inside each of the 6 pieces of 
> paper so the 
> bill will not be seen through the envelope. Place one
> paper in each of the 6 envelopes and 
> seal them. Your 
> now have 6 sealed letters each with a piece of paper
> stating the above phrase, your name 
> and address, and 
> a $1.00 bill. 
> What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS
> ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a 
> legitimate 
> service and you are paying for it! Like most of us I
> was a little worried about the leg

Re: minicom - no termcap entry for unknown??

2000-03-20 Thread Sanjeev Gupta
Afetr logging in:

export   TERM=vt102

before starting vi, etc.  When you initiate the connection, minicom is
emulating a terminal,
but the shell on the other side doesn't know it.

vt102 should work, the exact value is actually the one you asked minicom to

-Original Message-
From: Nathan Ridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian Mailing List 
Date: Saturday, March 18, 2000 8:03 AM
Subject: minicom - no termcap entry for unknown??

>can anyone help with this, when trying to minicom to a machine connected
>a console cable, i get this error: no termcap entry for unknown?
>what does it mean and how can i fix it?
>with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: how to chroot to /home/ an ssh acct

2000-03-20 Thread Aaron Dewell

symlinks that go up past the chrooted directory don't work.  I.e. you are
creating a reference to /etc/passwd within the chrooted environment, and
have just created a circular symlink.

Best way is to create a "dummy" password file for the chroot jail with
just the information they need, e.g:


(remember, the directory is relative to the chroot'd directory).  They
have no need for the full name, nor really the group, and certainly not
the shell or password.  Just the username, uid, and directory; and only
the dir if you want them to be able to cd ~someuser.

On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Chris Wagner wrote:
> At 07:28 PM 3/19/00 -0800, t s a d i wrote:
> >only sees numeric user ids and gids and not the corresponding name.  is
> >this because /etc/passwd,group was not found (bec of chrooted ftp to
> Yep.  For him, /etc does not exist.  Stick some symlinks of any critical
> files he would need in /home.  /home/etc/passwd =-> /etc/paswwd etc...

Re: how to chroot to /home/ an ssh acct

2000-03-20 Thread Chris Wagner
At 07:28 PM 3/19/00 -0800, t s a d i wrote:
>only sees numeric user ids and gids and not the corresponding name.  is
>this because /etc/passwd,group was not found (bec of chrooted ftp to

Yep.  For him, /etc does not exist.  Stick some symlinks of any critical
files he would need in /home.  /home/etc/passwd =-> /etc/paswwd etc...

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how to chroot to /home/ an ssh acct

2000-03-20 Thread t s a d i
hello all,

   i need to give someone shell access to my server (ssh) but i dont
want him to go higher than /home/ ...  any idea on how that can be done

   also, i chrooted his ftp acct to /home/ but, when he "ls -al", he
only sees numeric user ids and gids and not the corresponding name.  is
this because /etc/passwd,group was not found (bec of chrooted ftp to
/home?) ? ...  anyone knows of any workaround to this ?

thanks in advance ...

chad adlawan

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