Re: Weird stuff

2002-07-29 Thread Chris Wagner
Occasionally subscriber bounce messages get reflected back to the entire list.

At 06:46 PM 7/25/02 -0400, Jeremy May wrote:
i got this when mailing

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Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-29 Thread Angus Scott-Fleming
Newbie alert!  Feel free to point me to the list archives if 
you can tell me how to find what I'm looking for.

I've found the Pocket ISP setup for Redhat document, is 
there something similar for Debian available?  I searched the 
list archives for things like first time, initial setup, 
and the like, and couldn't find one.

I'm a very experienced Windows computer user (had a computer 
login of some sort since 1974 and owned MS Boxes of various 
flavours since 1984), consider myself a relative newbie with 
Debian  Linux (although I've been using Debian for years and 
have set up a few Debian and OpenBSD boxes), and need to set 
up my own virtualhost with virtualmail.  I've been co-managing 
a Debian box with virtual hosting for a number of years but 
want to get my own set up as my co-managers have made a bunch 
of changes and not told me about them (which has made my life 
much more difficult than it needs to be ;-).  

I'd really like to find a HOWTO for this.  The ftp install let 
me tell it I wanted to set up an Internet server, but after 
all the setup, it isn't set up for shared virtual hosting the 
way I need 

Angus Scott-Fleming  GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   1-520-290-5038 / fax 1-208-248-3124

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IMAP solution

2002-07-29 Thread Z-Data
Hi guys

I need to know what a good IMAP solution would be for a fairly large
network (200 users) that is compatible with exim.


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Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-29 Thread Angus Scott-Fleming
Did you mean to reply off-list?  Please, let's take this back 
to the list.

On 29 Jul 2002 at 12:35, Bulent Murtezaoglu wrote:

 Hi, I occasionally train people on this and the advice that will work
 for you depends on what exactly you are after and how you like to
 learn.  If you enjoy reading as much as playing around the best advice
 I can give you is the following:
 -- Understand how DNS works.  This is crucial for understanding most
 of the 'virtual' stuff that goes on.  Easy to do as there's a good
 book (DNS and BIND by Albitz and Liu) but a disturbing number of
 people demonstrate a lack of clue in this regard (I won't name
 companies here).

[grin] ... have the book, haven't perused it in detail.

 -- Once armed with the above, you need a basic understanding of SMTP,
 ftp, and http.  Then pick the packages for each, and learn to make
 them do what you want.  I use sendmail, proftpd and apache

any comments on qmail or procmail vs sendmail welcome.  I've 
heard Bad Things about sendmail's complexity but it _is_ the 
standard ... what do you use for MLM?  mailman?

 If you know all this, you can just skip the pre-packaged installs and 
 do an apt-get install sendmail proftpd apache (and possibly bind) and
 you'll be on your way.  

will I need sourcecode for apache to set up suEXEC options for 
virtual hosting in my own choice of directory tree (i.e. 
DocRoot in /www-data instead of the default /var/www)?

 There will be other equally valid answers that recommend some easy
 plug and chug solution, but if you follow the above advice you'll
 actually _start_ from the point where you understand what you are

Angus Scott-Fleming  GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   1-520-290-5038 / fax 1-208-248-3124

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Re: IMAP solution

2002-07-29 Thread Russell Coker
On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 18:25, Z-Data wrote:
 I need to know what a good IMAP solution would be for a fairly large
 network (200 users) that is compatible with exim.

Courier IMAP has been working well for me, it supports Maildir, which exim 
can deliver to.

200 users isn't particularly large.

I do not get viruses because I do not use MS software.
If you use Outlook then please do not put my email address in your
address-book so that WHEN you get a virus it won't use my address in the
From field.

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Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-29 Thread Angus Scott-Fleming
On 29 Jul 2002 at 15:10, Bulent Murtezaoglu wrote:

 [This is exactly the kind of exchange I was trying to avoid, oh well]

IMHO as a newbie this is just the kind of exchange I was 
hoping for (trolling for?) ;-)

  EvB == Emile van Bergen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 EvB In short, you can only compare qmail and sendmail. Not only
 EvB does the latter have a bad reputation for complexity, but for
 EvB its amount of bugs and lack of security as well. 
 What you say aboout sendmail was true in the late 80's to mid-90s.  Its
 recent track record is much better.  Do you know of any recent
 vulnerabilities other than the monor ones mentioned at ?

I see that the default MTA for OpenBSD is the OpenBSD port of 
sendmail.  That should reflect positively on its security, 
although only in the OBSD flavour (OBSD still installs BIND 4 
as the team considers 8 and 9 to be {broken,insecure}.

 Sendmail is _very_ flexible but it is probably not good for the
 inexperienced admin.  If you are willing to read documentation and M4
 doesn't scare you, it is a fairly safe bet.  In my most humble opinion
 one ought not be running an ISP of any viable size if one has trouble 
 getting sendmail to do what's needed.  

Should anyone who won't RTFM (where F==FULL) be running an 

 I will refrain from commenting on Qmail, other than saying that it
 does work.  But if I were to learn a new MTA, I'd take a good look at
 postfix for the main reason that I like the postfix community much
 better that the Qmail community.  

What are your problems with qmail?  What do you like about the 
Postfix comm. that QMail lacks?  Not trolling for flamewars 
here, trying to decide myself which way to jump (where to 
start out -- I'll switch if I have to but I'd rather start 
with a program that comes with recommendations that have been 
{justified,explained} from 1 user.  Which is why I was 
{trolling,hoping} for comments on MTAs, MLMs, etc.

 I recommend anyone contemplating about sendmail for serious use to hang
 out in comp.mail.sendmail for a while to see if they fit into the
 profile that group is supportive of. 

Sounds like you also have issues with the sendmail community?  
Or is it just that sendmail still has holes?

 EvB It may still be the standard MTA in certain commercial
 EvB unixes, but IMHO the advantages offered by that (whatever
 EvB they may be) won't outweigh the drawbacks for most people. [...]
 Have you used both?  (by which I mean did you get both to work for you
 for a reasonable amount of time?).

I'd like to know this as well... BTW, a sysadmin (from another 
[non-Debian] list) I trust says 

XX A recurring comment in the mailing list moderators mailing 
   list is that djb ignores a number of standards.  Which
   aren't specified.  

Anyone here have any insight into what djb's failure-to-hew-
to-standards might be?

He also said:

XX but so far Postfix has been very, very good to me. 

He's running FreeBSD, FWIW.

Angus Scott-Fleming  GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   1-520-290-5038 / fax 1-208-248-3124

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Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-29 Thread Bulent Murtezaoglu
 ASF == Angus Scott-Fleming [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
ASF What are your problems with qmail?  

I know it works reasonably well but I have not used it personally
myself for any amount of time and certainly not professionally.  I did
end up troubleshooting it at one point because it was bouncing mail in
a rather unusual circumstance and was causing me embarrassment (I had
recommended the guys running qmail).  I tried reporting it as a bug,
and asking their qmail consultant -- the answers were the same qmail
kicks ass.  Since I am negatively biased about it, and I have limited
experience I will refrain from giving advice.  (I may have a bug
report somewhere, google if you wish).
ASF What do you like about
ASF the Postfix comm. that QMail lacks?  

Qmail by default wants to operate by DJB's rules and it tries to
DJB-ize the remainder of your system.  This much I know and dislike.  
I am not alone on this, a bit of googling should reveal lots of links.
If I were to switch from sendmail it would be if I ran into a problem
with performance -- I have not.  In that case postfix looks good based
on word of mouth from people I consider credible.  At one point
qmail's author had a rather disingenuous security nitpick about
postfix, other than that it does not have a track record of glaring

 I recommend anyone contemplating about sendmail for serious use
 to hang out in comp.mail.sendmail for a while to see if they
 fit into the profile that group is supportive of.

ASF Sounds like you also have issues with the sendmail community?
ASF Or is it just that sendmail still has holes?

Oh _I_ have no problem with the group.  I occasionally contribute
even.  I do know that that group regularly gets complaints from people
who don't feel they are helped on reasonable questions (more so than 
other groups I read), so I _suspect_ support through that community is
problemmatic for some people.



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Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-29 Thread Jeremy C. Reed
 will I need sourcecode for apache to set up suEXEC options for 
 virtual hosting in my own choice of directory tree (i.e. 
 DocRoot in /www-data instead of the default /var/www)?

Not needed. You can sometimes use sed. (I say sometimes because sometimes
it works with the binary suexec.) Or I have used perl like:

  perl -pe 's/\/var\/www/\/\0\0\0\0\0\0\0/'  suexec

Then chmod as appropriate.

(I filed a bug about this suexec default.)

  Jeremy C. Reed
echo 'G014AE824B0-07CC?/JJFFFI?D64CBD=3C427=;6HI2J' |
tr /-_ :\ Sc-y./ | sed swxw`uname`w

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Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-29 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 03:35:14PM -0700, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
  will I need sourcecode for apache to set up suEXEC options for 
  virtual hosting in my own choice of directory tree (i.e. 
  DocRoot in /www-data instead of the default /var/www)?
 Not needed. You can sometimes use sed. (I say sometimes because sometimes
 it works with the binary suexec.) Or I have used perl like:
   perl -pe 's/\/var\/www/\/\0\0\0\0\0\0\0/'  suexec

there's a simpler way:

ln -s /var/www /www-data


ln -s /www-data /var/www 


craig sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fabricati Diem, PVNC.
 -- motto of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch

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Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-29 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 05:16:33PM -0400, Bulent Murtezaoglu wrote:
 Qmail by default wants to operate by DJB's rules and it tries to
 DJB-ize the remainder of your system.  This much I know and dislike.  

that's the major problem with qmail (indeed with all of djb's software).
he is a good programmer, but he has some very peculiar notions about
systems administration (programmers and sysadmins are completely
different beasts).  

worse, his software basically forces you to adopt his peculiar notions,
because (to summarise and paraphrase djb's atttitude) dbj's way is the
One True Way that everyone MUST follow otherwise they are morons and

the second major problem with qmail is the license.  the fact that it's
not a free license sucks for ethical reasons, but it also sucks badly
for practical reasons.  qmail has basically stagnated for years.  if you
want a modern, secure mailer with good anti-spam capabilities that
adheres to all relevant actual standards  de-facto standards (not just
those that djb hapens to like) you have to hear about, hunt for, and
download a squillion patches and enhancements, apply, and compile, and
hope that it all works.  i.e.  it's a reversion back to the bad old days
(i.e. pre-linux) where free software was available for the various
commercial  unix clones but getting it running could sometimes be a huge

alternatively, just run postfix.  it does everything that qmail does and
more, with a lot less hassle.


ps: i used to use qmail.  i used to use sendmail too.  and smail before
that.  in fact, i've used pretty nearly every open source MTA available
over the years, with several years of experience each with most of them
(and dabbling/experimentation with the rest).  keeping the mail running
smoothly is and always has been a big part of my jobprobably always
will be too.

the only MTA i'll use these days is postfix.  none of the others even
begin to compare with it.

craig sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fabricati Diem, PVNC.
 -- motto of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch

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