Re: Which IMAP and POP3 servers ?

2000-09-15 Thread Aaron Dewell

Cucipop, then.

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Bob Billson wrote:
 ahhh... Right you are.  Sorry.  I was confusing it with XFMail, which is a
 mail client.
 I don't need an entire mail server.  I already have exim and courier imap
 set up.  All I need is a standalone POP server which can handle maildir.
 There doesn't seem to be an easy way to make XMail's POP server standalone.
 Or is there?  Courier has a POP server, but it isn't standalone either. :-(

Re: Which IMAP and POP3 servers ?

2000-09-15 Thread Aaron Dewell

But fairly minimal license anyway (less than $200, I think, for a full, 
unlimited type).  Though
I've been having a lack of success contacting the developer recently, so I 
don't know if Cubic
Circle still cares about it, even


On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Dariush Pietrzak wrote:
  Cucipop, then.
 non-free AFAIK

Re: mailserver solutions

2000-04-13 Thread Aaron Dewell

Web-based administration is silly, IMHO.  Sure, folks have good
uses for it, I don't.  Though that is what they asked for.

Far easier is to have a database backend for it, then use a
web-based thingy (if you have to) to update the DB with users.  

  On 12 Apr 2000, Francois Deppierraz wrote:
   Aaron Dewell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ... and for the per web administration ?
   I use qmail+vpopmail+qmailadmin+IMP and it works fine.
  ditto. qmail has been very solid for me in high-volume environments and
  the vpopmail package has been flawless.

|Aaron Dewell   ===[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| |
|PGP keyid 0x0D12A6B9 available from |

Re: mailserver solutions

2000-04-12 Thread Aaron Dewell


  does anybody know about some great mailserver solutions for ISP use. Some
  features it has to know is VirtualHost support, a WebMail interface,
  administration per web, etc.
  kind regards,
  achim hendriks
  mediagenic services

|Aaron Dewell   ===[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| |
|PGP keyid 0x0D12A6B9 available from |

Re: Solaris 8 download

2000-04-11 Thread Aaron Dewell

You can't download it, you can order the media (for $75, which
gives you unlimited licenses on anything up to 8-way) at:

Andrius Kasparavicius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   sorry...but anyone knows where I can download solaris 8?
Kasparavicius Andrius
   +370 87 256 30

|Aaron Dewell   ===[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| |
|PGP keyid 0x0D12A6B9 available from |

Re: restricted ftp (binded to a private net only)

2000-03-31 Thread Aaron Dewell

Get an FTP server that will bind to a particular address, that doesn't run
from inetd.  My suggestion would be NcFTPd (  It's
commercial, but it's cheap, and will save you more in headaches than it

On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Chad A. Adlawan wrote:
 hello everyone,
 our web server has 2 NIC's on it, one's a public IP and the other a 
 private 10.1.1.x.  
 can someone shed me some light as to how do i provide ftp service in that 
 server BUT the daemon has to be visible on the 10.1.1.x network only ?
 this is because we want only ports 80, 25  22 to be visible from the 
 thanks a lot,

Re: how to chroot to /home/ an ssh acct

2000-03-20 Thread Aaron Dewell

symlinks that go up past the chrooted directory don't work.  I.e. you are
creating a reference to /etc/passwd within the chrooted environment, and
have just created a circular symlink.

Best way is to create a dummy password file for the chroot jail with
just the information they need, e.g:


(remember, the directory is relative to the chroot'd directory).  They
have no need for the full name, nor really the group, and certainly not
the shell or password.  Just the username, uid, and directory; and only
the dir if you want them to be able to cd ~someuser.

On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Chris Wagner wrote:
 At 07:28 PM 3/19/00 -0800, t s a d i wrote:
 only sees numeric user ids and gids and not the corresponding name.  is
 this because /etc/passwd,group was not found (bec of chrooted ftp to
 Yep.  For him, /etc does not exist.  Stick some symlinks of any critical
 files he would need in /home.  /home/etc/passwd =- /etc/paswwd etc...