Re: Web-page based proxy service

2005-01-15 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Friday 14 January 2005 03:56, Peter Clark wrote:

> I would like to provide a proxy service that can be used only by
> accessing a web page. In other words, I don't want users to enter proxy
> details in their browser settings, but rather, if they want to go through a
> proxy, they can visit a webpage, enter a URL in a form, and the page (and
> all subsequent pages) will be funneled through the proxy to the user. I
> believe that does something similar. But hopefully you get
> the idea.

What about using a transparent squid proxy?  Squid supports a tonne of 
authentication methods.

If you put squid as people's default gateway then you can transparently 
redirect all web requests through squid, if they hadn't authenticated then 
you could have an authentication box pop up or redirect them to an 
authentication webpage if you prefer.

Not sure of your topology so this may not be a suitable solution (I know it's 
not quite what you asked for).
Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: gpg to a pipe

2005-01-03 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Monday 03 January 2005 04:05, Antonin Karasek wrote:

> I make my backups by tar and encrypt it by gpg.

Are you doing this to protect the stored data or to protect the data in 
transit (ftp)?

> Is it possible to send the file directly from a pipe? More precisely -
> gpg will write it's output to a pipe and ftp will read the data from the
> pipe.
> I tryed to do that, but I wasn't able to force gpg to write the
> encrypted data to a pipe.

An alternative would be to do things using ssh, something like this:

  tar cSf - / | ssh backuphost gzip - \|  \
gpg --output /backups/whatever.tar.gz.gpg

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: phpBB vulnerability exploited

2004-12-13 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Monday 13 December 2004 03:31, Marek Podmaka wrote:

>   Yes, I have been doing the same with /tmp, but some debian packages
>   won't install on noexec /tmp. But there are other directorieso n my
>   system which are world writable - for example /var/tmp and
>   /var/lock.

If you've configured apt to preconfigure packages (at least I think that's the 
case) then apt will extract some stuff to /tmp and execute it from there.

The solution I use is to temporarily remount partitions with necessary 
permissions during apt's run.  I do this automatically with the following 
commands in apt's config files:

  DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {"mount -o remount,rw /boot";};
  DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {"mount -o remount,exec /tmp";};
  DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {"mount -o remount,rw /usr";};
  DPkg::Post-Invoke {"mount -o remount /boot";};
  DPkg::Post-Invoke {"mount -o remount /tmp";};
  DPkg::Post-Invoke {"mount -o remount /usr";};

I'd think you can get away with linking /var/tmp to /tmp but /var/lock might 
be tricky to get around.

>   Can entire /var be mounted noexec?

In my case I doubt it since much of postfix lives there.  It might be possible 
in certain cases though I'm not sure.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: phpBB vulnerability exploited

2004-12-12 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Sunday 12 December 2004 17:46, Marek Podmaka wrote:
>   I don't want to give hints on how to exploit this, but the attacker
>   did wget the .tgz file, unpacked it in /tmp and run the program.
>   So update all your phpBB installations ASAP (and of course all
>   installations of your customers).

On a somewhat related note ...

I have the habit of mount /tmp with noexec,nosuid,nodev.  I also mount /usr 
and /boot ro.  These minor changes can prevent common automated attacks 
(probably the one you encountered) and don't cause any problems.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Mail Delivery (failure

2004-10-24 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Saturday 23 October 2004 16:29, John Cooper wrote:

> Clearly I've touched a nerve with Mr. Coker!  The virtiolic nature of his
> response here, and the public posting of my private email address which I
> was trying to protect, is simply inane and immature.    Next time, Mr.

You are sending unsolicited emails in response to every single email that is 
sent to your old address.  You are wasting the resources of potentially 
thousands of people.

Spam does not justify spam.  I have come to this realization myself only 
recently (I am, unfortunately still, a TMDA user).  I can understand that 
many people see autoresponders as essential but due care should be taken to  
not respond to innocent third parties and mailing lists especially.

The fact that you sent your new email in the body as "johnc at" 
instead of as a real email address is, I suspect, immaterial.  Spammers send 
to millions of invalid email addresses, they scan all webpages, list 
archives, etc. and look for anything that looks like a valid email 
address ... IMO x at y is just as easy to find and parse as [EMAIL PROTECTED]  They 
be finding you anyway.

The smarter way to let people know that your email address has changed is by 
rejecting the message.  You can reject the message (in postfix) by using the 
relocated table, that will reject the message giving the error "User has 
moved to johnc at" (or whatever you'd like the message to say).  
In this way very few innocent third parties should be subjected to your spam.

> Coker, consider a private email, before publically hanging someone.

When someone does something stupid there is value in making sure that everyone 
knows that it is stupid.  Knowledge is only advanced when it is shared.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: limiting port 25 to an IP

2004-10-23 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Saturday 23 October 2004 19:03, W.D.McKinney wrote:

> We need to limit port 25 on one MTA server to a single /28 pool of
> addresses. So I need to have the rule to accept the traffic from the /28
> and only through port 25.

Your questions have confused people ...

Some people thought that you meant "How do I make my MTA *listen* on only a 
single IP address?", this would be in contrast to most MTAs default behaviour 
of listening on

Other people have thought that you meant "How do I make my MTA accept 
connections *from* only one specific IP?".  I believe that was your intent 
though it was certainly unclear in the original posting.

> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s IP.YOU.WANT.TO.ACCEPT --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j REJECT

Assuming you're talking about accepting port 25 connections from a limit range 
of addresses then yes, you can use iptables and that would be the syntax.  
Someone else has suggested using shorewall for managing your firewalling 
policies, you may want to check that out, it is a great tool.

Why would you want to limit connections to just a /28?  If you just want to 
limit who can relay through your server iptables is a pretty heavy-handed way 
of achieving this, the better way IMO would be to add the /28 network to 
those allowed to relay, in postfix that would probably be accomplished with a 
config line like this:

mynetworks =,

Most MTAs have built in access controls that are flexible enough to 
accommodate changing rules.  Unless you never foresee changes to your network 
learn the proper tool (your MTA) to implement rules, iptables rules are a 
yes/no proposition and you'll regret using it instead of learning how to use 
the MTA.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: help with BIND SRV

2004-10-08 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Friday 08 October 2004 15:01, Nate Duehr wrote:

> I was talking about sites that have "done it wrong" (my opinion, and
> probably yours too - it's just not right...) so to speak, and are
> forcing port 53 traffic to different places than it was intended to go
> originally.

So?  If DNS requests are all redirected to a valid DNS server how would that 
result in bogus TTLs?

> "Proxying" would be the best phrase I could call it.  Some commercial 
> active firewall implementations do something similar.

Perhaps you can point me at a DNS server that when queried for a 
non-authoritative answer does not lower TTL (within TTL period) on subsequent 

If the problem that you describes does exist then it must be very rare, or 
really old and broken software.  I still hear about people running their 
email system through mailgate on Windows 98 with dialup, at a certain point 
you just have to tell those people to get with the program.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 'dialup-ranges?' Re: greylisting DNSBL hosts?

2004-10-08 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Friday 08 October 2004 18:09, Kilian Krause wrote:

> Nobody said this is the magic weapon everybody uses and nobody found
> yet, it was just me wondering if these two pieces can't be matched
> together for the final goal. (As I said above, I'm against massive DNSBL
> use on the hardcore scale, so why not try with greylisting?)
> So do you still reckon that DNSBL are too far out for using them as a
> greylisting success probability predictor?

It strikes me as an idea well worth trying.  I believe you mentioned exim, I 
haven't used exim in a long time so I can't help you there.

As an aside this would be very easy to implement in postfix (from 
testing/unstable only) using SMTP access policy delegation.  A very simple 
script can be plugged into postfix at the RCPT stage, perform the DUL check 
and greylist as appropriate.  I am working on an access policy delegation 
script right now and may just add checks similar to your suggestion.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: help with BIND SRV

2004-10-08 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Thursday 07 October 2004 22:23, Nate Duehr wrote:

> - They don't understand that there might be multiple DNS servers between
> their top-level and the machine they're servicing (3X and 4X TTL)

Let's say that I have my local (desktop if you prefer) resolver (which I'll 
call A is pointed to a caching nameserver B.

Caching nameserver B forwards all of it's DNS requests to their ISP's larger 
caching server C.

Caching server C makes queries to the appropriate authoritative server D.

So the DNS query goes:


D replies to C with a record having TTL of 3600.  C forwards request to B, B 
gives answer to A ... TTL 3600.

In 1800 seconds the only server in the above loop that would serve a TTL of 
3600 is D (since it is authoritative).  B and C will both have decremented 
their TTL by 1800 seconds and will respond with a TTL of 1800 seconds.  A 
should have decremented the TTL in it's resolver cache as well though some 
applications and/or operating systems are buggy in this regard.

I have never seen behaviour that you are suggesting can happen nor can I 
imagine any way in which it can happen.

We had a similar discussion not too long ago starting at
... I never really followed up on that one, but I still believe you're 
wrong ;-)

BTW, forwarding (to an appropriate server) is an excellent way to speed up DNS 
resolution, I use it frequently.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: help with BIND SRV

2004-10-07 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Thursday 07 October 2004 13:20, August MacBeth wrote:

> cache. Surprisingly, Mac OSX (unix based) cache's DNS as well, which
> bum's me out.

That is surprising.  Are you saying that Mac OSX caches the DNS permanently 
and/or for longer than the TTL supplied by Bind?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apache dns reverse check

2004-10-06 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Wednesday 06 October 2004 04:15, Daniele Becchi wrote:

> Is it possible to use the Deny directive in  to block IP
> addresses that don't have a PTR record?

It should be possible.  Read it states:

Access to the server can be controlled based on the value of environment
variables using the allow from env= and deny from env= directives. In
combination with SetEnvIf, this allows for flexible control of access to
the server based on characteristics of the client. For example, you can
use these directives to deny access to a particular browser (User-Agent).

I've not tried it but it certainly sounds possible.

On the other hand, there's a reason that it's recommended to run apache 
without DNS resolution turned on, DNS can be _very_ slow!

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache 1.3 mass virtual hosting recipe

2004-09-22 Thread Fraser Campbell
On September 22, 2004 07:44 am, Johann Botha wrote:

> >     
> >         php_admin_flag engine off
> >     
> hmm.. thats where I stopped investigating this option,
> I dont want to be editing config files.

Neither do I but in my case I anticipate 95% of the hosts being identical, if 
I have to setup a few sites with specific configs I can live with it.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Apache 1.3 mass virtual hosting recipe

2004-09-22 Thread Fraser Campbell
On September 22, 2004 10:10 am, Raúl Alexis Betancort Santana wrote:

> I wonder how running a script inside a mod_rewrite rule is better that
> defining a new NameVirtualHost directive, moreover taking into account that

It's better (IMO) because I do not have to configure apache.  My admin 
interface is greatly simplified because apache configuration does not need to 
be done. I create a user who has a homedir in the appropriate location (or at 
least who has access to the appropriate created location) and setup is 

> that rewriting rule will run the script EVERY TIME a request reach the
> server, I hope you don't have high volume traffict to that server or you
> will go into troubles.

The script runs continually, it is not started for every incoming request.  
Apache has a filehandle for the script's stdin and stdout, the overhead of 
running the script will be very minimal and the script will not introduce 
much delay.  Checking for a few directories is no different than many apache 
servers that check for .htaccess files all the way up to the root of the 
filesystem, it does so very quickly.

When server traffic gets too high I will simply add servers but I see no 
reason why this setup can't host hundreds of typical low-volume sites, I may 
be proved wrong of course ;-)

I would not use this for a very high traffic site, I wouldn't host a very high 
traffic site on a shared server period.

> I better follow this way ...
> httpd.conf (apache 1.3.X, apache 2.X doit automaticatly)
> ...
> Include /etc/apache/domains.d
> ...
> then simple create the .conf file from a template for example, and
> drop it inside /etc/apached/domains.d a simple /etc/init.d/apache reload
> and thats all, no need to check on every request to were should I get the
> files.

On previous servers I have used the template approach.  I don't like to 
creating hundreds of nearly identical configs, to me identical means 

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Apache 1.3 mass virtual hosting recipe

2004-09-22 Thread Fraser Campbell
On September 22, 2004 03:04 am, Johann Botha wrote:

> running a script from mod_rewrite was not reliable, sometimes it just did
> not work... restart apache and it worked again. maybe it was just the
> version I used.

Hmm, I don't like the sounds of that.  Hopefully it was just the version you 
used.  Or a problem with the script talking to LDAP, since my script (at 
least for now) is self-contained I hope I don't run into issues.  If my 
solution proves problematic I will report back.

> 2) I wanted to enable / disable things like PHPengine for the virtual
>    host based on LDAP settings.

You could do it in the script, if file extension is .php then rewrite the 
request to a "cannot execute" message.  Alternatively (what I had planned to 
do) is just disable the engine in directories where I don't want it (that 
would be using config files), something like this is supposed to work:

php_admin_flag engine off

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Apache 1.3 mass virtual hosting recipe

2004-09-21 Thread Fraser Campbell

I finally got around to trying out mod_rewrite and it looks like things will 
work exactly as I'd hoped.  I'm posting this recipe since I was unable to 
find a documented example of how to do it and I figured lots of people might 
be interested in doing it.  It does need some more testing but at this point 
I see no reason why it will not work.

The basic concept is to create a directory and have apache serve it 
automatically under the correct domain name (zero config apache). Let's say I 
want to have and hosted on my server.  I could 
create a VirtualHost with "ServerName" and "ServerAlias" or I could do this:

  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteLog /tmp/junk
  RewriteLogLevel 9
  RewriteMap  vhosts-map  prg:/usr/local/sbin/
  RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ ${vhosts-map:%{HTTP_HOST}}$1

My perl script looks like this:

  #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
  use strict;
  $| = 1;
  while (<>) {
# FIXME, do we need to do syntax checking on hostname?
my @path = split(/\./, $_);
while ( ! -d '/var/www/' . join('/', reverse(@path)) . '/web/' and @path){
  shift @path;
if (@path) {
  print '/var/www/' . join('/', reverse(@path)) . "/web/\n";
} else {
  print "/var/www/web/\n";

The end result is that once dns points something at your server simply 
creating the appropriate directory heirarchy is enough to host a given 
website (and aliases).  Given the previous example (hosting, I 
would create the directory /var/www/net/wehave/web and would translate to the filesystem 
as /var/www/net/wehave/web/whatever ... requests for would translate to the same file unless I 
wanted to serve something different for that in which case I would just need 
to create /var/www/net/wehave/www/web/whatever 

If I want to be the same as then I just link ...
ln -s /var/www/net/wehave /var/www/ca/wehave

Any site pointed to your server which doesn't have an appropriate config would 
end up directed to the filesystem directory /var/www/web ... there could be a 
default page there stating "Site not configured".

One thing I haven't shown in my example is that you would have to either not 
rewrite shared paths (such as /icons/, /squirrelmail/, etc.) or you would 
have to hardcode those paths into the perl script.

The perl code starts when apache starts and stays resident so the extra 
overhead is minimal (I am guessing) i.e. you are not firing up a perl process 
for every single request.

Obviously under this scheme all hostnames get treated the same, you would have 
to override the defaults in some cases (SSL sites for example) but that can 
be done by adding normal rules in  or  containers.

On September 5, 2004 09:06 pm, Fraser Campbell wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm setting up a new server and would like to use mod_vhost_alias, or other
> mass virtual hosting method, if possible.  mod_vhost_alias is very simple
> to setup and works as advertised:
> LoadModule vhost_alias_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
> UseCanonicalName Off
> VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/%0/web
> Unfortunately, it is as simple as it is simple to setup ;-)  My question is
> in regards to ServerAlias.  "Normal" clients host their website at
> but they (and I) also like it when
> works as well.  Is there any way (besides filesystem link) to make
> vhost_alias find the right DocumentRoot?
> Ideally I'd like a directory structure like this:
> /var/www/com/abcd/web/
> /var/www/com/abcd/subdomain/web/
> When serving apache wouldn't
> find /var/www/com/abcd/www/web/ so it would fallback
> to /var/www/com/abcd/web/, if that were missing it would fallback
> to /var/www/com/web/ and then to /var/www/web/
> Perhaps something like the above is possible using mod_rewrite???  I'll
> keep plugging away for a while but if anyone knows the answer I'm all for
> shortcuts.
> Second question.  Supposing that the above can work somehow I'd like to use
> one common logfile for all virtualhosts, with the virtualhost's name
> prepended to each log line.  This is easy of course.  The catch of course
> is that I'd like to have consistent names for hosts, i.e. I don't want to
> be splitting off logfiles for and when those are
> actually the same site.
> Basically, I'd like apache logging to be smart enough to realize that it is
> actually serving although the hostname in the request was
> --
> Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache 1.3 mod_vhost_alias, ServerAlias and logging

2004-09-05 Thread Fraser Campbell

I'm setting up a new server and would like to use mod_vhost_alias, or other 
mass virtual hosting method, if possible.  mod_vhost_alias is very simple to 
setup and works as advertised:

LoadModule vhost_alias_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
UseCanonicalName Off
VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/%0/web

Unfortunately, it is as simple as it is simple to setup ;-)  My question is in 
regards to ServerAlias.  "Normal" clients host their website at but they (and I) also like it when 
works as well.  Is there any way (besides filesystem link) to make 
vhost_alias find the right DocumentRoot?

Ideally I'd like a directory structure like this:


When serving apache wouldn't 
find /var/www/com/abcd/www/web/ so it would fallback 
to /var/www/com/abcd/web/, if that were missing it would fallback 
to /var/www/com/web/ and then to /var/www/web/

Perhaps something like the above is possible using mod_rewrite???  I'll keep 
plugging away for a while but if anyone knows the answer I'm all for 

Second question.  Supposing that the above can work somehow I'd like to use 
one common logfile for all virtualhosts, with the virtualhost's name 
prepended to each log line.  This is easy of course.  The catch of course is 
that I'd like to have consistent names for hosts, i.e. I don't want to be 
splitting off logfiles for and when those are actually 
the same site.

Basically, I'd like apache logging to be smart enough to realize that it is 
actually serving although the hostname in the request was

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LDAP & postfix

2004-08-12 Thread Fraser Campbell
On August 12, 2004 11:38 am, Robert Waldner wrote:

> >Any chance you could show me the LDAP setup along with a dump (LDIF) of
> > how a few accounts are set up?
> Sure.
> alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases ldap:ldapsource
> ...

Excellent, thanks I'll give it a try.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LDAP & postfix

2004-08-12 Thread Fraser Campbell
On August 12, 2004 07:23 am, Robert Waldner wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 20:18:02 EDT, Fraser Campbell writes:
> >Does anyone know of a step-by-step howto of setting up LDAP for use with
> >postfix?
> ?
> ?
> > I have users in LDAP and now I want to define aliases & virtual
> >domains within LDAP.  I'd be happy to write the howto once I get the
> > basics down ...
> What MDA are you using? I've just set up postfix/OpenLDAP/courier
>  for a customer.

Exactly what I would like to use.  My problem is mainly with LDAP, I've set up 
postfix many times using mysql for account storage and using virtual users.  
This time around I want to store accounts in LDAP and use "real" accounts (as 
opposed to the postfix virtual delivery agent).

Any chance you could show me the LDAP setup along with a dump (LDIF) of how a 
few accounts are set up?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LDAP & postfix

2004-08-11 Thread Fraser Campbell

Does anyone know of a step-by-step howto of setting up LDAP for use with 
postfix?  I have users in LDAP and now I want to define aliases & virtual 
domains within LDAP.  I'd be happy to write the howto once I get the basics 
down ...

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ssh and root logins

2004-08-10 Thread Fraser Campbell
On August 10, 2004 08:30 am, Shannon R. wrote:

> i only have 1 important box yet i'm getting the same
> thing also.
> by the way, won't leaving only "console" in
> /etc/securetty disallow remote root logins? i did it
> and my box still accepts remote root logins. any ideas
> why?

Because ssh doesn't refer to that file.  You can probably make it check the 
file by adding something like "auth requisite" 
to /etc/pam.d/ssh (note that's completely untested so don't try it remotely 
of course).

If you do try it let us know how it works out.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: q re transferring mysql db from redhat to debian

2004-07-27 Thread Fraser Campbell
On July 27, 2004 03:58 am, Henrik Heil wrote:

> > the reason why i don't want to do the database transfer using data
> > generated by mysqldump is because i want all the auto-generated
> > record_ids to stay the same in the new system.
> The record_ids will stay the same with mysqldump.
> What makes you think they will not?

I have seen problems with this.  The existing auto-incremented fields were 
just fine but new ones were a little bit off.  In a normal mysqldb if you 
have a single record with id 1 and delete it then add another record the new 
record will get id 2 (not filling in the missing 1).  I've seen a case that 
after a mysqldump and restore the new records did not honour have that 
behaviour, "missing" ids were reused.  I'm sure that I did something wrong 
with the dump but in that case it was not important so I didn't research it 
Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: recovery from reiser

2004-07-26 Thread Fraser Campbell
On July 26, 2004 05:36 pm, Marek L. Kozak wrote:

> Is there any possibility to recover erased data from reiserfs partition

There's some chance.  You'll almost certainly get data back but it may not be 
what you want and it will be difficult to determine if you've recovered what 
you wanted.

You can run "reiserfsck --rebuild-tree -S" on the partition.  Read the 
manpage, understand what it will do.  Backup the partition first so that if 
things go wrong you'll have a second chance.

This command will rebuild everything that it can find on the disk that looks 
like a file and put it in lost+found/#somenumber

The files won't have meaningful names but if you know what you're looking for 
a combination of file, grep, etc. can probably do it for you.

Good luck and make sure you have good backups from now on ;-)
Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Outlook and Qmail

2004-07-23 Thread Fraser Campbell
Somone wrote:

>I am having a problem with one of my customers who is using Outlook 2000
>SP-3 to connect to our Qmail server.  When downloading messages from his
> POP account, Outlook will hang.  It is most likely a corrupted message,

The only concrete case I've tracked down was Outlook choking on emails with 
non-ascii characters in the headers ... I don't recall the exact characters 
or circumstance.  There was a patch to courier-imap/pop that solved the 
problem, not sure if that patch is integrated now or if it's in Debian's 
courier packages.  The same issue might apply to other pop daemons?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Which Spam Block List to use for a network?

2004-06-29 Thread Fraser Campbell
On June 26, 2004 05:27 pm, Leonardo Boselli wrote:

> Just a note. Since these are infected machines, a first test could just to
> try to "call back" the other server, to see if it replyes to port 25.

Being unable to connect to port 25 doesn't mean anything.  AFAIK there is no 
RFC or other standard saying that to send email with smtp you must accept 
email by smtp.

It is normal (or at least common) to verify that the sender's domain at least 
appears to accept mail but a given mail relay could be dedicated to outgoing 
mail and there's no reason that it must accept mail.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Which Spam Block List to use for a network?

2004-06-29 Thread Fraser Campbell
On June 26, 2004 05:27 pm, Leonardo Boselli wrote:

> Just a note. Since these are infected machines, a first test could just to
> try to "call back" the other server, to see if it replyes to port 25.

Being unable to connect to port 25 doesn't mean anything.  AFAIK there is no 
RFC or other standard saying that to send email with smtp you must accept 
email by smtp.

It is normal (or at least common) to verify that the sender's domain at least 
appears to accept mail but a given mail relay could be dedicated to outgoing 
mail and there's no reason that it must accept mail.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DF bit - Dont Fragment

2004-06-21 Thread Fraser Campbell
On June 21, 2004 09:50 am, Andrew Miehs wrote:

> tried that... But that seemed just to disable PMTU Discovery, and not
> disbale the 'DF' bit... (After the traffic between myself and the server
> via a CIPE tunnel stopped working when the packets got tooo large)
> - Or is there a bug in packet fragmentation in the linux kernel?

Hmmm, I did try it hear and my outgoing packets lacked the DF bit as soon as I 
made that change.  Replies are up to the other side of the connection so they 
may or may not set DF as far as I can tell.

If large packets are being blocked then there is definitely a bug, whether 
it's in the Linux kernel (doubtful), cipe, your firewall (?) or in an 
upstream router is impossible for me to tell.

My bet would be that someone is blocking icmp messages (you, your firewall, 
your ISP?).  There's a really good explanation of PMTU at that should explain all that for you.

As someone else suggested you can lower the MTU and probably get around the 
problem but it would be better to try and figure out which router is blocking 
your PMTU attempts ... play with the -M option to ping (at least in 
iputils-ping from testing).

Of course I've never used CIPE so I may be totally off base.
Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: DF bit - Dont Fragment

2004-06-21 Thread Fraser Campbell
On June 21, 2004 09:50 am, Andrew Miehs wrote:

> tried that... But that seemed just to disable PMTU Discovery, and not
> disbale the 'DF' bit... (After the traffic between myself and the server
> via a CIPE tunnel stopped working when the packets got tooo large)
> - Or is there a bug in packet fragmentation in the linux kernel?

Hmmm, I did try it hear and my outgoing packets lacked the DF bit as soon as I 
made that change.  Replies are up to the other side of the connection so they 
may or may not set DF as far as I can tell.

If large packets are being blocked then there is definitely a bug, whether 
it's in the Linux kernel (doubtful), cipe, your firewall (?) or in an 
upstream router is impossible for me to tell.

My bet would be that someone is blocking icmp messages (you, your firewall, 
your ISP?).  There's a really good explanation of PMTU at that should explain all that for you.

As someone else suggested you can lower the MTU and probably get around the 
problem but it would be better to try and figure out which router is blocking 
your PMTU attempts ... play with the -M option to ping (at least in 
iputils-ping from testing).

Of course I've never used CIPE so I may be totally off base.
Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DF bit - Dont Fragment

2004-06-21 Thread Fraser Campbell
On June 21, 2004 07:36 am, Andrew Miehs wrote:

> I can't find it How do I turn off the 'Don't Fragment' bit? without
> using IP Tables/ Chains? Is there a proc setting? or do I need to
> re-compile ther Kernel? and if so, where is the jumper?

You're probably looking for /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_no_pmtu_disc

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: DF bit - Dont Fragment

2004-06-21 Thread Fraser Campbell
On June 21, 2004 07:36 am, Andrew Miehs wrote:

> I can't find it How do I turn off the 'Don't Fragment' bit? without
> using IP Tables/ Chains? Is there a proc setting? or do I need to
> re-compile ther Kernel? and if so, where is the jumper?

You're probably looking for /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_no_pmtu_disc

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how to relocate servers transparently

2004-06-20 Thread Fraser Campbell
On June 18, 2004 12:49 am, Nate Duehr wrote:

> No, this isn't right.  You must lower the TTL time at a bare minimum 2 *
> (Current TTL) ahead of time.  Why?  Because nameservers out in the real
> world will not even query your nameservers again until the TTL has
> expired, meaning that if you change it today, the FIRST time another
> nameserver that has already cached your records will ask for it again is
> after the *current* TTL expires.  Now take the case where one nameserver
> is a forwarder for another (rare, but there are environments where it's
> needed) and the one behind the forwarder could take up to 2 * TTL to
> come ask for new information.

Can you explain that a little further?  If my nameserver caches a record with 
TTL 86400, and someone asks for it again an hour later I hand them the record 
from my cache using TTL 82800 (not 86400).  This is certainly what bind does, 
if other caching nameservers do it differently then it's a bug IMHO.

I would be very surprised if it is different when DNS queries are being 
forward from one DNS server to another.  Or did you mean something else?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: how to relocate servers transparently

2004-06-20 Thread Fraser Campbell
On June 18, 2004 12:49 am, Nate Duehr wrote:

> No, this isn't right.  You must lower the TTL time at a bare minimum 2 *
> (Current TTL) ahead of time.  Why?  Because nameservers out in the real
> world will not even query your nameservers again until the TTL has
> expired, meaning that if you change it today, the FIRST time another
> nameserver that has already cached your records will ask for it again is
> after the *current* TTL expires.  Now take the case where one nameserver
> is a forwarder for another (rare, but there are environments where it's
> needed) and the one behind the forwarder could take up to 2 * TTL to
> come ask for new information.

Can you explain that a little further?  If my nameserver caches a record with 
TTL 86400, and someone asks for it again an hour later I hand them the record 
from my cache using TTL 82800 (not 86400).  This is certainly what bind does, 
if other caching nameservers do it differently then it's a bug IMHO.

I would be very surprised if it is different when DNS queries are being 
forward from one DNS server to another.  Or did you mean something else?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: how to relocate servers transparently

2004-06-14 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Monday 14 June 2004 09:57, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:

> This may be obvious, but not to me... is there any difference compared
> to using iptables DNAT?

I believe that you'd have some problems if you used DNAT.  Think of what 
happens to a packet coming into your old colo and being NATed to the 
completely different set of IPs at your new colo ...

- packet from client arrives at oldcolo
- packet is DNATed to newcolo
- newcolo receives packet with source address client, destination address
  newcolo (self)
- newcolo responds to packet by looking in it's routing table, it sees that
  it is responding to a non-local source address and so replies via it's
  default route

Basically, the client would initiate communications with oldcolo but recieve 
replies with from the address of newcolo.  The simple way around this is to 
use a proxy as other people have suggested.

Personally I wouldn't bother with supporting things on the old address, set 
TTLs on the A records very low (let's say 10 minutes) at the point where you 
wish to switch the servers and just do it.  If DNS is done correctly then 
there should be very little downtime.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: how to relocate servers transparently

2004-06-14 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Monday 14 June 2004 09:57, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:

> This may be obvious, but not to me... is there any difference compared
> to using iptables DNAT?

I believe that you'd have some problems if you used DNAT.  Think of what 
happens to a packet coming into your old colo and being NATed to the 
completely different set of IPs at your new colo ...

- packet from client arrives at oldcolo
- packet is DNATed to newcolo
- newcolo receives packet with source address client, destination address
  newcolo (self)
- newcolo responds to packet by looking in it's routing table, it sees that
  it is responding to a non-local source address and so replies via it's
  default route

Basically, the client would initiate communications with oldcolo but recieve 
replies with from the address of newcolo.  The simple way around this is to 
use a proxy as other people have suggested.

Personally I wouldn't bother with supporting things on the old address, set 
TTLs on the A records very low (let's say 10 minutes) at the point where you 
wish to switch the servers and just do it.  If DNS is done correctly then 
there should be very little downtime.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cyrus / Sieve

2004-06-11 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Wednesday 09 June 2004 09:45, Ulrich Scholler wrote:

> > One feature I'd like to add to my system is server based email filtering
> > for clients, this way whether they use webmail or something like Outlook
> > their filtering policies could still apply.  Are there email clients that
> > can directly manipulated sieve scripts?
> There are two web-based sieve clients I know of: websieve and
> smartsieve.  We use smartsieve at our site and it does the job nicely.
> AFAIK there are plugins for the major webmail systems;  squirrelmail and
> horde/imp have one for sure.

I also just noticed that OpenGroupware ( has 
support for sieve filtering and vacation scripts.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Cyrus / Sieve

2004-06-11 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Wednesday 09 June 2004 09:45, Ulrich Scholler wrote:

> > One feature I'd like to add to my system is server based email filtering
> > for clients, this way whether they use webmail or something like Outlook
> > their filtering policies could still apply.  Are there email clients that
> > can directly manipulated sieve scripts?
> There are two web-based sieve clients I know of: websieve and
> smartsieve.  We use smartsieve at our site and it does the job nicely.
> AFAIK there are plugins for the major webmail systems;  squirrelmail and
> horde/imp have one for sure.

I also just noticed that OpenGroupware ( has 
support for sieve filtering and vacation scripts.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cyrus / Sieve

2004-06-08 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Tuesday 08 June 2004 12:19, Christian Storch wrote:

> If you use cyrus21 from debian with pam as authentication it's
> a fast and easy installation - thanks to Henrique de Moraes Holschuh!
> We're using a backport to stable without problems.
> For sorting email between your subfolders or managing spam by scores etc.
> SIEVE is unbeatable and undepended of your client.
> But I don't know about a client to manipulate your personal script.
> I've written a short perl script for it. Use 'Cyrus::SIEVE::managesieve' in
> your script and be happy about immediate syntax checking after a
> 'sieve_put_file_withdest()'.

What do you feel are the major advantages of cyrus over other systems, is it 
just SIEVE support?

> PS: Can't imagine how it was possible to live without SIEVE. :)

Procmail, the syntax is hideous but it does the job ;-)

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Cyrus / Sieve

2004-06-08 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Tuesday 08 June 2004 12:19, Christian Storch wrote:

> If you use cyrus21 from debian with pam as authentication it's
> a fast and easy installation - thanks to Henrique de Moraes Holschuh!
> We're using a backport to stable without problems.
> For sorting email between your subfolders or managing spam by scores etc.
> SIEVE is unbeatable and undepended of your client.
> But I don't know about a client to manipulate your personal script.
> I've written a short perl script for it. Use 'Cyrus::SIEVE::managesieve' in
> your script and be happy about immediate syntax checking after a
> 'sieve_put_file_withdest()'.

What do you feel are the major advantages of cyrus over other systems, is it 
just SIEVE support?

> PS: Can't imagine how it was possible to live without SIEVE. :)

Procmail, the syntax is hideous but it does the job ;-)

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cyrus / Sieve

2004-06-08 Thread Fraser Campbell

I'm looking for some information about the cyrus email system.  Is cyrus worth 
it?  Is it significantly more management overhead than a more typical 
user/imap system?

Currently I am using postfix/courier-imap/mysql to manage all email and I'm 
very happy with it, my customers can create their own email accounts and 
manage their own aliases.

However, I'd like to make a more polished "product" and I'm wondering if cyrus 
offers any significant advantages.  I've been hunting for a blow-by-blow 
comparison of cyrus versus "standard" mail implementations but haven't found 

One feature I'd like to add to my system is server based email filtering for 
clients, this way whether they use webmail or something like Outlook their 
filtering policies could still apply.  Are there email clients that can 
directly manipulated sieve scripts?

Any pointers to documentation and feedback from experienced cyrus admins 
greatly appreciated!

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Cyrus / Sieve

2004-06-08 Thread Fraser Campbell

I'm looking for some information about the cyrus email system.  Is cyrus worth 
it?  Is it significantly more management overhead than a more typical 
user/imap system?

Currently I am using postfix/courier-imap/mysql to manage all email and I'm 
very happy with it, my customers can create their own email accounts and 
manage their own aliases.

However, I'd like to make a more polished "product" and I'm wondering if cyrus 
offers any significant advantages.  I've been hunting for a blow-by-blow 
comparison of cyrus versus "standard" mail implementations but haven't found 

One feature I'd like to add to my system is server based email filtering for 
clients, this way whether they use webmail or something like Outlook their 
filtering policies could still apply.  Are there email clients that can 
directly manipulated sieve scripts?

Any pointers to documentation and feedback from experienced cyrus admins 
greatly appreciated!

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache banner

2004-04-06 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Tuesday 06 April 2004 10:39, Robert Page wrote:

> I think to actually change it you need to edit the source but you can use
> the ServerSignature directive to switch it off.

I use these directives:

  ServerSignature On
  ServerTokens Prod

This way people know I'm running apache (which I don't mind) but they don't 
see the version or all of the different modules that I am running.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Apache banner

2004-04-06 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Tuesday 06 April 2004 10:39, Robert Page wrote:

> I think to actually change it you need to edit the source but you can use
> the ServerSignature directive to switch it off.

I use these directives:

  ServerSignature On
  ServerTokens Prod

This way people know I'm running apache (which I don't mind) but they don't 
see the version or all of the different modules that I am running.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ldap

2004-03-24 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Wednesday 24 March 2004 12:48, mimo wrote:

> Most exploits and vulnerabilities are local -- they only apply to your
> machine if you have (other) local users. So it's more secure to have
> "virtual" users via nsswitch / pam /etc and some db (ldap, mysql
> preferably).
> There are more reasons - but this is the most compelling one I think.

Yes and no ...

- an ldap user account made available through /etc/pam.d/xxx files or
  in /etc/nsswitch.conf) is a local user

- whether credentials are fetched and checked against ldap (or mysql) versus
  against etc/passwd and /etc/shadow doesn't necessarily change anything.

For me the advantage of password database alternatives is that they can be 
distributed, managed and replicated more easily.

If you're talking about completely virtual accounts such as postfix and 
courier's ability to lookup users in mysql (likely ldap and others as well) 
then I would agree, but in this case no pam or nsswitch tricks are used.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: ldap

2004-03-24 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Wednesday 24 March 2004 12:48, mimo wrote:

> Most exploits and vulnerabilities are local -- they only apply to your
> machine if you have (other) local users. So it's more secure to have
> "virtual" users via nsswitch / pam /etc and some db (ldap, mysql
> preferably).
> There are more reasons - but this is the most compelling one I think.

Yes and no ...

- an ldap user account made available through /etc/pam.d/xxx files or
  in /etc/nsswitch.conf) is a local user

- whether credentials are fetched and checked against ldap (or mysql) versus
  against etc/passwd and /etc/shadow doesn't necessarily change anything.

For me the advantage of password database alternatives is that they can be 
distributed, managed and replicated more easily.

If you're talking about completely virtual accounts such as postfix and 
courier's ability to lookup users in mysql (likely ldap and others as well) 
then I would agree, but in this case no pam or nsswitch tricks are used.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fun with routes

2004-03-17 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Wednesday 17 March 2004 07:24, aCaB wrote:
> I was trying to figure out a cheap solution to increase upload speed for
> one of my customers (currently using ADSL).
> I soon realized that dedicated lines such as CDN, HDSL etc are too
> expensive in respect to common ADSL and come up with a brain-dead idea
> of bounding various ADSL lines together...
> Let's say I have ISP-A and ISP-B providing me 2 lines with static
> addresses IP-A and IP-B; both ISP's allows source address spoofing.
> For simplicity let's also say I will only accept incoming connections on
> IP-A, but, to increase upload speed, I want reply packets to come out
> both from ISP-A (with no modifications) AND ISP-B (with source address
> spoofing).
> I'm quite sure this can be done, but I'm not sure if iproute2 would do
> this.

I've set up lots of multiple connection gateways but outbound load balancing 
wasn't a concern (only inbound).  Still, I'm pretty sure that iproute2 is the 
correct tool and that this is pretty trivial to setup.

Forget ip spoofing, just set things up so that traffic alternates which 
connection it goes out.  Look at load balancing in the LARTC 
(  If you truly want 
double the bandwidth you won't get it but if you just want to share the load 
across multiple connections then this is the answer.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Fun with routes

2004-03-17 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Wednesday 17 March 2004 07:24, aCaB wrote:
> I was trying to figure out a cheap solution to increase upload speed for
> one of my customers (currently using ADSL).
> I soon realized that dedicated lines such as CDN, HDSL etc are too
> expensive in respect to common ADSL and come up with a brain-dead idea
> of bounding various ADSL lines together...
> Let's say I have ISP-A and ISP-B providing me 2 lines with static
> addresses IP-A and IP-B; both ISP's allows source address spoofing.
> For simplicity let's also say I will only accept incoming connections on
> IP-A, but, to increase upload speed, I want reply packets to come out
> both from ISP-A (with no modifications) AND ISP-B (with source address
> spoofing).
> I'm quite sure this can be done, but I'm not sure if iproute2 would do
> this.

I've set up lots of multiple connection gateways but outbound load balancing 
wasn't a concern (only inbound).  Still, I'm pretty sure that iproute2 is the 
correct tool and that this is pretty trivial to setup.

Forget ip spoofing, just set things up so that traffic alternates which 
connection it goes out.  Look at load balancing in the LARTC 
(  If you truly want 
double the bandwidth you won't get it but if you just want to share the load 
across multiple connections then this is the answer.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: anyone got a quad/tri port ethernet card for sale?!!

2004-02-29 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Saturday 28 February 2004 21:08, Chris Evans wrote:

> Do you know if these (D-link 570 or 580) are supported with the basic
> Debian stable??  If so, I'm off to place bids!

The 570 is definitely supported in stable.  It uses the tulip module and has 
worked for ages, IIRC it also can use the de4x5 module.

AFAIK the 580 needs a fairly new kernel or at least patches.  We only run it 
on Redhat boxes right now so perhaps I'm mistaken.  On the redhat boxes we 
had to build our own driver sundance-new to get things working.  The regular 
sundance modules in the newer kernels (at least from Redhat) see to work fine 
with the 580.

We've had both 570s and 580s that turned out to be duds but as long as they 
work, they work well.  In your circumstances I'd definitely try and get the 
570 (I believe full model number is DFE-570TX).

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Courier-imap Outlook problem - RE: Imap && imap-ssl && pop3-ssl

2004-02-15 Thread Fraser Campbell
On February 12, 2004 11:31 pm, Debian ISP wrote:

> One problem we keep having involves M$ Outlook clients. It seems that
> something breaks with the communication between the server and Outlook
> clients (or posssible corrupts the pst files created for each maildir).

I haven't heard of that but most clients I have won't let go of pop3.  When 
imap is used Outlook (and other mail clients) like to make quite a few 
connections to the server, it could be that some connections are getting 
refused.  I've run into this and it's not an obvious problem.

I usually increase MAXPERIP to 10, it's default is 4.  The parameter is found 
in /etc/courier/imapd

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Courier-imap Outlook problem - RE: Imap && imap-ssl && pop3-ssl

2004-02-15 Thread Fraser Campbell
On February 12, 2004 11:31 pm, Debian ISP wrote:

> One problem we keep having involves M$ Outlook clients. It seems that
> something breaks with the communication between the server and Outlook
> clients (or posssible corrupts the pst files created for each maildir).

I haven't heard of that but most clients I have won't let go of pop3.  When 
imap is used Outlook (and other mail clients) like to make quite a few 
connections to the server, it could be that some connections are getting 
refused.  I've run into this and it's not an obvious problem.

I usually increase MAXPERIP to 10, it's default is 4.  The parameter is found 
in /etc/courier/imapd

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Postfix doesn't reject empty senders

2004-01-28 Thread Fraser Campbell
On January 28, 2004 12:48 pm, Tomàs Núñez Lirola wrote:

> My smtp server (postfix) was receiving a lot of mails with empty senders  
> ("mail from:<>"), and it sends them as they was from
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". I want to change this behaviour, so I added to
> the line

Bounces are sent from the null sender, blocking such messages is usually a bad 

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Postfix doesn't reject empty senders

2004-01-28 Thread Fraser Campbell
On January 28, 2004 12:48 pm, Tomàs Núñez Lirola wrote:

> My smtp server (postfix) was receiving a lot of mails with empty senders  
> ("mail from:<>"), and it sends them as they was from
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". I want to change this behaviour, so I added to
> the line

Bounces are sent from the null sender, blocking such messages is usually a bad 

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: routing help

2004-01-27 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Tuesday 27 January 2004 11:57, Demian Wandelow wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 12:59:03PM +0800, Jason Lim wrote:
> > I believe there is a way to force a refresh or such of the ARP cache. Not
> > sure how... but it can be done somehow. I'd be interested to learn the
> > method under Linux as well, so if you find out, share it with the group
>   ip route flush cache

No that flushes the routing cache, not the arp cache.  With the ip command 
you'd flush the arp cache with "ip neigh flush all", you can also cycle 
through all arp entries and delete them with "arp -d address"

Original poster's question (sorry lost original mail) ...

On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 14:02:21 +1100 Lauchlin wrote:

> If I simply do "ifconfig eth0:1 netmask
> broadcast" I can ping the IP address from the machine that is
> on the same switch (e.g. from but I can not ping or trace to
> the ip aliased interface. I have searched around on google but can't seem to
> find what I am doing wrong!
Is the router at aware of the network?  If the 
router doesn't know about the local network it will assume 
that the network is not local and try to reach it through the Internet.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

Re: routing help

2004-01-27 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Tuesday 27 January 2004 11:57, Demian Wandelow wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 12:59:03PM +0800, Jason Lim wrote:
> > I believe there is a way to force a refresh or such of the ARP cache. Not
> > sure how... but it can be done somehow. I'd be interested to learn the
> > method under Linux as well, so if you find out, share it with the group
>   ip route flush cache

No that flushes the routing cache, not the arp cache.  With the ip command 
you'd flush the arp cache with "ip neigh flush all", you can also cycle 
through all arp entries and delete them with "arp -d address"

Original poster's question (sorry lost original mail) ...

On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 14:02:21 +1100 Lauchlin wrote:

> If I simply do "ifconfig eth0:1 netmask
> broadcast" I can ping the IP address from the machine that is
> on the same switch (e.g. from but I can not ping or trace to
> the ip aliased interface. I have searched around on google but can't seem to
> find what I am doing wrong!
Is the router at aware of the network?  If the 
router doesn't know about the local network it will assume 
that the network is not local and try to reach it through the Internet.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: upgrading to MySQL 4 on woody

2004-01-19 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Monday 19 January 2004 08:43, Andreas Vent-Schmidt wrote:

> is there any way to do an upgrade for a single Deb package which is
> NOT listed in the stable package list?
> I want to upgrade only MySQL to version 4.0.x (because of the fine
> transaction feature), but want not to change the apt source list in
> general (I want to keep the *stable* system).

Two ways that I can think of:

- find or build a package designed for woody (check
- set up sources.list with stable, testing and unstable sources.  Set up apt
  to prefer the stable distribution but selectively install what you want from
  testing or unstable (apt-get -t testing install mysql-server)

I prefer the first solution if it's available (and it is for mysql-server).

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

Re: upgrading to MySQL 4 on woody

2004-01-19 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Monday 19 January 2004 08:43, Andreas Vent-Schmidt wrote:

> is there any way to do an upgrade for a single Deb package which is
> NOT listed in the stable package list?
> I want to upgrade only MySQL to version 4.0.x (because of the fine
> transaction feature), but want not to change the apt source list in
> general (I want to keep the *stable* system).

Two ways that I can think of:

- find or build a package designed for woody (check
- set up sources.list with stable, testing and unstable sources.  Set up apt
  to prefer the stable distribution but selectively install what you want from
  testing or unstable (apt-get -t testing install mysql-server)

I prefer the first solution if it's available (and it is for mysql-server).

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SSH Privat key and login as root without a passwort

2004-01-18 Thread Fraser Campbell
On January 18, 2004 10:45 am, ournewsletter wrote:

> put it in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys. I don't know if it works with the key
> produced by Putty, but with a "ssh-keygen"-generated public key it does. If
> you need more public keys to log in, simply name the key
> files /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2, /root/.ssh/authorized_keys3 ...

Putty keys do works with openssh but you must edit them first.  Putty keys 
look rather like the ascii export of a gpg key, you must edit them so that 
they look like this:

ssh-rsa 89yh23wrnhjfdg... #all one line

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: SSH Privat key and login as root without a passwort

2004-01-18 Thread Fraser Campbell
On January 18, 2004 10:45 am, ournewsletter wrote:

> put it in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys. I don't know if it works with the key
> produced by Putty, but with a "ssh-keygen"-generated public key it does. If
> you need more public keys to log in, simply name the key
> files /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2, /root/.ssh/authorized_keys3 ...

Putty keys do works with openssh but you must edit them first.  Putty keys 
look rather like the ascii export of a gpg key, you must edit them so that 
they look like this:

ssh-rsa 89yh23wrnhjfdg... #all one line

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Still no success: two router one host

2004-01-15 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Thursday 15 January 2004 12:45, Leonardo Boselli wrote:

> I follewed your suggestion but still no success ...
> any attempt to contact from outside g.f.e.246 fails.
> of course if i unconnect also eth0 i cannot access anything, unless i
> set an ad-hoc route on eth1.
> But i need to be accessible on both addresses.

Something is wrong with your routing rules (or perhaps firewall rules?).

> If i try to connect from outside without success i can see that my
> packet arrives but are not answered on either port.

Most obvious reasons why your machine wouldn't respond (that I can think of):

- firewall rules that are blocking them
- lack of a default route (and not necessarily the default route in the main
  routing table)

> I tried also to add the option from adv-iproute howto for load
> balancing, using ip route slist table main is shown correctly , but not
> honoured.

I have not experimented with load balancing but I don't believe that would 
interfere with the routing rules I gave you.

> I begin to fear that the kernel I have (a plain 2.22 from debian) is not
> ok ?

Look at the file how your kernel was compiled, I'm not running any 2.2 based 
kernels anymore and I'm not certain that Debian's 2.2 kernel included 
advanced routing support (though I'd be very surprised if they didn't).  Look 
for kernel options CONFIG_IP_ADVANCED_ROUTER=y and 
CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES=y ... you should be able to see those options in 
the  /boot/config-2.2.X-whatever file included with your kernel.

> Where am i wrong ?

Not sure.  If you post your rules and routes I can probably help you out:

  ip rule list
  ip route list table 5#  5 just as an example
  ip route list table 10  # 10 just as an example

Here are rules and routes from one such firewall that I manage (names and 
addresses changed to protect the innocent):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ip rule list
0:  from all lookup local
100:from all to lookup main
100:from all to lookup main
100:from all to lookup main
100:from all to lookup main
100:from all to lookup main
200:from lookup wiznet
200:from lookup wiznet
200:from lookup wiznet
200:from lookup sprint
200:from lookup sprint
200:from lookup sprint
200:from lookup wiznet
300:from lookup sprint
300:from lookup wiznet
32766:  from all lookup main
32767:  from all lookup default

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ip route list table sprint
default via dev eth3

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ip route list table wiznet
default via dev eth3

Routing rules are traversed in order, first matching rule results in a routing 
decision and no further rules are consulted.  Here is a description of the 
logic in these rules:

rules 0, 32766 and 32767 are there by default and implement normal routing 
behaviour, I'll skip discussing those.

Rules with priority 100 make sure that all traffic destined for local 
addresses just looks up the main routing table (I like to call main the 
"normal" routing table).

Rules with priority 200 are to make sure that SNATed traffic is sent to the 
correct routing table.  This firewall runs shorewall; shorewall DNATs 
appropriate incoming traffic to various DMZ services, responses from these 
machines must be directed to the correct routing table or it will just exit 
on the default route (since SNAT happens POSTROUTING).  IIRC you're 
installing these rules on a host so rules like this shouldn't be necessary 
for you.

Rules with priority 300 ensure that all outgoing traffic not caught by a 
previous rule is sent to the correct routing table based on it's source 

In this case the routing tables are named sprint and wiznet for convenience 
(those are names of upstream ISPs).  If you wish to name your routing tables 
rather than refer to them by number use /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Still no success: two router one host

2004-01-15 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Thursday 15 January 2004 12:45, Leonardo Boselli wrote:

> I follewed your suggestion but still no success ...
> any attempt to contact from outside g.f.e.246 fails.
> of course if i unconnect also eth0 i cannot access anything, unless i
> set an ad-hoc route on eth1.
> But i need to be accessible on both addresses.

Something is wrong with your routing rules (or perhaps firewall rules?).

> If i try to connect from outside without success i can see that my
> packet arrives but are not answered on either port.

Most obvious reasons why your machine wouldn't respond (that I can think of):

- firewall rules that are blocking them
- lack of a default route (and not necessarily the default route in the main
  routing table)

> I tried also to add the option from adv-iproute howto for load
> balancing, using ip route slist table main is shown correctly , but not
> honoured.

I have not experimented with load balancing but I don't believe that would 
interfere with the routing rules I gave you.

> I begin to fear that the kernel I have (a plain 2.22 from debian) is not
> ok ?

Look at the file how your kernel was compiled, I'm not running any 2.2 based 
kernels anymore and I'm not certain that Debian's 2.2 kernel included 
advanced routing support (though I'd be very surprised if they didn't).  Look 
for kernel options CONFIG_IP_ADVANCED_ROUTER=y and 
CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES=y ... you should be able to see those options in 
the  /boot/config-2.2.X-whatever file included with your kernel.

> Where am i wrong ?

Not sure.  If you post your rules and routes I can probably help you out:

  ip rule list
  ip route list table 5#  5 just as an example
  ip route list table 10  # 10 just as an example

Here are rules and routes from one such firewall that I manage (names and 
addresses changed to protect the innocent):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ip rule list
0:  from all lookup local
100:from all to lookup main
100:from all to lookup main
100:from all to lookup main
100:from all to lookup main
100:from all to lookup main
200:from lookup wiznet
200:from lookup wiznet
200:from lookup wiznet
200:from lookup sprint
200:from lookup sprint
200:from lookup sprint
200:from lookup wiznet
300:from lookup sprint
300:from lookup wiznet
32766:  from all lookup main
32767:  from all lookup default

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ip route list table sprint
default via dev eth3

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ip route list table wiznet
default via dev eth3

Routing rules are traversed in order, first matching rule results in a routing 
decision and no further rules are consulted.  Here is a description of the 
logic in these rules:

rules 0, 32766 and 32767 are there by default and implement normal routing 
behaviour, I'll skip discussing those.

Rules with priority 100 make sure that all traffic destined for local 
addresses just looks up the main routing table (I like to call main the 
"normal" routing table).

Rules with priority 200 are to make sure that SNATed traffic is sent to the 
correct routing table.  This firewall runs shorewall; shorewall DNATs 
appropriate incoming traffic to various DMZ services, responses from these 
machines must be directed to the correct routing table or it will just exit 
on the default route (since SNAT happens POSTROUTING).  IIRC you're 
installing these rules on a host so rules like this shouldn't be necessary 
for you.

Rules with priority 300 ensure that all outgoing traffic not caught by a 
previous rule is sent to the correct routing table based on it's source 

In this case the routing tables are named sprint and wiznet for convenience 
(those are names of upstream ISPs).  If you wish to name your routing tables 
rather than refer to them by number use /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: two router one host

2004-01-14 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Thursday 15 January 2004 12:40, Leonardo Boselli wrote:

> I have got a second connection.
> My server is in one class C subnet, say a.b.c.d with a default gateway
> a.b.c.1
> I have added a second connection eth1 g.f.e.246/30 (whose router, you
> can guess, is g.f.e.245) .
> Of course with this setup i can only access the router via the second NIC.
> If i add a second default route it end always using the second nic, it
> works for some addresses, but not for most: it looks that some host use the
> "other" route and the packet are not answered .

If a.b.c.1 is your default gateway and someone on the Internet connects to 
g.f.e.246 then there is a problem.  Your firewall will respond by sending the 
reply packets to it's default route, this will not work well (or at all 
depending on your ISP).

You need to use the iproute utility to create multiple routing tables and a 
few routing rules.  There are probably many ways to arrange your rules but 
here is the style that I stick to:

First create a routing table for each connection (5 and 10 are randomly chosen 
table numbers):

ip route add default via a.b.c.1 table 5
ip route add default via g.f.e.245 table 10

Next create some rules to ensure that local traffic stays local:

ip rule add to a.b.c.0/24 lookup main pri 100
ip rule add to g.f.e.246/30 lookup main pri 100

Now create some rules based on source address so that you're outgoing packets 
get sent to the correct router:

ip rule add from a.b.c.0/24 lookup 5 pri 200
ip rule add from g.f.e.246/30 lookup 10 pri 200

Flush routing cache so that rules take immediate effect:

ip route flush cache

> I fear that it sends packets via eth1 with a.b.c.d address.

Yes it does.  If you find out the MAC address of your routers you can use 
tcpdump in conjunction with a filter (by MAC address) to confirm that.

> What is the setup i have to add to have it working correctly.
> Also is there a script to change default route from one NIC to the Other if
> the connection is broken ?

Depends on what you're doing but you probably won't need a script once ip 
routing is setup correctly.  Documents are at IIRC.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

Re: two router one host

2004-01-14 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Thursday 15 January 2004 12:40, Leonardo Boselli wrote:

> I have got a second connection.
> My server is in one class C subnet, say a.b.c.d with a default gateway
> a.b.c.1
> I have added a second connection eth1 g.f.e.246/30 (whose router, you
> can guess, is g.f.e.245) .
> Of course with this setup i can only access the router via the second NIC.
> If i add a second default route it end always using the second nic, it
> works for some addresses, but not for most: it looks that some host use the
> "other" route and the packet are not answered .

If a.b.c.1 is your default gateway and someone on the Internet connects to 
g.f.e.246 then there is a problem.  Your firewall will respond by sending the 
reply packets to it's default route, this will not work well (or at all 
depending on your ISP).

You need to use the iproute utility to create multiple routing tables and a 
few routing rules.  There are probably many ways to arrange your rules but 
here is the style that I stick to:

First create a routing table for each connection (5 and 10 are randomly chosen 
table numbers):

ip route add default via a.b.c.1 table 5
ip route add default via g.f.e.245 table 10

Next create some rules to ensure that local traffic stays local:

ip rule add to a.b.c.0/24 lookup main pri 100
ip rule add to g.f.e.246/30 lookup main pri 100

Now create some rules based on source address so that you're outgoing packets 
get sent to the correct router:

ip rule add from a.b.c.0/24 lookup 5 pri 200
ip rule add from g.f.e.246/30 lookup 10 pri 200

Flush routing cache so that rules take immediate effect:

ip route flush cache

> I fear that it sends packets via eth1 with a.b.c.d address.

Yes it does.  If you find out the MAC address of your routers you can use 
tcpdump in conjunction with a filter (by MAC address) to confirm that.

> What is the setup i have to add to have it working correctly.
> Also is there a script to change default route from one NIC to the Other if
> the connection is broken ?

Depends on what you're doing but you probably won't need a script once ip 
routing is setup correctly.  Documents are at IIRC.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Postfix-mysql-procmail

2004-01-10 Thread Fraser Campbell
On January 10, 2004 09:17 am, Robert Hensel wrote:

> I currently have a properly working postfix-mysql setup. This all works
> fine, but I would like to implement an autoresponder/other stuff. The
> problem is, that for example procmail doesn't seem to work with virtual
> users. I have added "mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail ". But this
> line is completely ignored :(
> Maybe someone here can help me avoid writing ugly bash scripts to do the
> job ;)

The virtual delivery agent doesn't support procmail, .forward files, etc.  I 
believe you have no choice but to do some scripting (it can be ugly if you 
insist ;-)

I'll assume that your talking about an email setup similar to the one 
described at ?

The only way that I can think of to do things like mail filtering, out of 
office, etc. is by having a virtual map entry that forwards the email to an 
alias as well as to the original user:


In the aliases file (which could be managed in mysql still) you would have the 
alias fraser-filters pipe to a command that does whatever magic you need.  
This might already be what you were thinking of?

I haven't tried this but it's the easiest way that I can think of supporting 
mail filtering, out of office and such.  You can also write postfix filters 
which might have advantages.

If you find anything please followup here as it's something I think a lot of 
people might be interested in.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Postfix-mysql-procmail

2004-01-10 Thread Fraser Campbell
On January 10, 2004 09:17 am, Robert Hensel wrote:

> I currently have a properly working postfix-mysql setup. This all works
> fine, but I would like to implement an autoresponder/other stuff. The
> problem is, that for example procmail doesn't seem to work with virtual
> users. I have added "mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail ". But this
> line is completely ignored :(
> Maybe someone here can help me avoid writing ugly bash scripts to do the
> job ;)

The virtual delivery agent doesn't support procmail, .forward files, etc.  I 
believe you have no choice but to do some scripting (it can be ugly if you 
insist ;-)

I'll assume that your talking about an email setup similar to the one 
described at ?

The only way that I can think of to do things like mail filtering, out of 
office, etc. is by having a virtual map entry that forwards the email to an 
alias as well as to the original user:


In the aliases file (which could be managed in mysql still) you would have the 
alias fraser-filters pipe to a command that does whatever magic you need.  
This might already be what you were thinking of?

I haven't tried this but it's the easiest way that I can think of supporting 
mail filtering, out of office and such.  You can also write postfix filters 
which might have advantages.

If you find anything please followup here as it's something I think a lot of 
people might be interested in.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Searching for a simple chroot-solution

2004-01-08 Thread Fraser Campbell
On January 8, 2004 10:00 am, Peter wrote:

> can anybody recommend a simple chroot solution? At the moment I am
> using that´s not bad at all, but
> something that would integrate more into debian and possible to
> install with an "apt-get jail" or similar would be also nice.
> Is there a debianized standard solution?

It depends what you're using the chroot for.  Someone already mentioned 
debootstrap and that is a trivial method of building chroot filesystems, 
perhaps that is all you need.  Otherwise have you considered user mode Linux 

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Searching for a simple chroot-solution

2004-01-08 Thread Fraser Campbell
On January 8, 2004 10:00 am, Peter wrote:

> can anybody recommend a simple chroot solution? At the moment I am
> using that´s not bad at all, but
> something that would integrate more into debian and possible to
> install with an "apt-get jail" or similar would be also nice.
> Is there a debianized standard solution?

It depends what you're using the chroot for.  Someone already mentioned 
debootstrap and that is a trivial method of building chroot filesystems, 
perhaps that is all you need.  Otherwise have you considered user mode Linux 

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mailscanner vs. amavis vs. other

2003-12-05 Thread Fraser Campbell

We've had some experience with amavis over the last few years and while it 
generally works it has an a tendency to lose the occassional message or just 
continually requeue messages until their queue time expires and the message 
bounces.  We're using amavisd-postfix.

I know there are also other variants of amavis such as amavis-ng that we could 
try.  Has anyone compared amavis to mailscanner and come to a definite 
conclusion as to one being better.  I know better is very subjective but I'd 
still like to hear opinions.

I'd like to eventually hook spam trapping into the filter (I think amavis-ng 
does that) as well.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

Mailscanner vs. amavis vs. other

2003-12-05 Thread Fraser Campbell

We've had some experience with amavis over the last few years and while it 
generally works it has an a tendency to lose the occassional message or just 
continually requeue messages until their queue time expires and the message 
bounces.  We're using amavisd-postfix.

I know there are also other variants of amavis such as amavis-ng that we could 
try.  Has anyone compared amavis to mailscanner and come to a definite 
conclusion as to one being better.  I know better is very subjective but I'd 
still like to hear opinions.

I'd like to eventually hook spam trapping into the filter (I think amavis-ng 
does that) as well.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: bind9 vs tinydns vs others

2003-12-03 Thread Fraser Campbell
On December 3, 2003 04:04 pm, David Zejda wrote:

> thanks for reply!
> i only guess, as well as your dns depends on some database (RDBMS or LDAP
> or something else), it increases the danger of attacks, especially DoS (db
> is down -> dns respectively). flat files can't be "down". wouldn't be
> better to generate flat files from the backend db to avoid such risks?
> have you ever had such problems?

I would agree with you, others may not.  It's trivial to generate appropriate 
zone files from a database so (assuming you want your zones in a database) 
I'd still go with generating the files periodically rather than having DNS 
constantly polling the db.

> > David Zejda wrote:
> > > what do you prefer for authoritative dns?
> > > experiences/stability...?
> > > i have no verbose bind knowledge yet.
> > >
> > > thanks
> > > David
> >
> > We are running mydns on our auth name servers, feeding them data from a
> > self made PHP-based web interface. Works like a charm. Only drawback is
> > it's only available in testing and unstable (but most of our servers un
> > testing and are rock stable)
> >
> > Thomas

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: bind9 vs tinydns vs others

2003-12-03 Thread Fraser Campbell
On December 3, 2003 04:04 pm, David Zejda wrote:

> thanks for reply!
> i only guess, as well as your dns depends on some database (RDBMS or LDAP
> or something else), it increases the danger of attacks, especially DoS (db
> is down -> dns respectively). flat files can't be "down". wouldn't be
> better to generate flat files from the backend db to avoid such risks?
> have you ever had such problems?

I would agree with you, others may not.  It's trivial to generate appropriate 
zone files from a database so (assuming you want your zones in a database) 
I'd still go with generating the files periodically rather than having DNS 
constantly polling the db.

> > David Zejda wrote:
> > > what do you prefer for authoritative dns?
> > > experiences/stability...?
> > > i have no verbose bind knowledge yet.
> > >
> > > thanks
> > > David
> >
> > We are running mydns on our auth name servers, feeding them data from a
> > self made PHP-based web interface. Works like a charm. Only drawback is
> > it's only available in testing and unstable (but most of our servers un
> > testing and are rock stable)
> >
> > Thomas

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: bind9 vs tinydns vs others

2003-12-02 Thread Fraser Campbell
On December 2, 2003 10:46 am, David Zejda wrote:

> what do you prefer for authoritative dns?
> experiences/stability...?
> i have no verbose bind knowledge yet.

For an authoritative only server there is nsd.  It's only available in 
unstable but it should be easy enough to backport.  I've only used it on my 
home network so far but I do plan to eventually use it in my hosting 
business, I rather like the idea of diversity (bind being the defacto 
standard for dns it is subject to much more attacks).

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

Re: bind9 vs tinydns vs others

2003-12-02 Thread Fraser Campbell
On December 2, 2003 10:46 am, David Zejda wrote:

> what do you prefer for authoritative dns?
> experiences/stability...?
> i have no verbose bind knowledge yet.

For an authoritative only server there is nsd.  It's only available in 
unstable but it should be easy enough to backport.  I've only used it on my 
home network so far but I do plan to eventually use it in my hosting 
business, I rather like the idea of diversity (bind being the defacto 
standard for dns it is subject to much more attacks).

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: the best email solution

2003-10-13 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Monday 13 October 2003 05:53, David Zejda wrote:
> And one question more: What's the best storage system for user accounts?

Best, I don't know.   I use RDBMS (mysql) and am very happy, many people 
prefer LDAP.

> Is there any way, how to manage user accounts for all services (webmail,
> pop3, smtp, imap) from one place?
> The site will serve about up to hundreds accounts.

I use the setup described at

I have written a rudimentary web interface that allows mangement of aliases, 
email forwarding and accounts.  In the case of multiple domains each domain 
has an administrator (or more than one) who can manage email within their 

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: proftpd exploit

2003-09-27 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Friday 26 September 2003 09:33, mimo wrote:

> I have just discovered this exploit report but couldn't find anything
> about other distros than Slackware
> Does any body know if the debian version is affected too?

You should always take a look at bug reports if you're worried about a 
security issue.  Here's the bug report on this for Debian:

According to the bug report, woody is not vulnerable.  ISS says that versions 
1.2.7 through 1.2.9rc2 (and possibly versions prior to 1.2.7) are vulnerable.  
I suspect that someone somewhere has since tested ealier versions (woody runs 
a patched 1.2.4) and decided that those versions are not vulnerable.  It 
would be nice if the bug report noted on what evidence stable is not 

> All I could think of for the moment was disabling donwloading via FTP
> globally. Any ideas?

Yes it sounds like denying either uploads or downloads would have saved you.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: splitting a subnet in an odd way

2003-09-26 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Wednesday 24 September 2003 10:47, Leonardo Boselli wrote:

> I have a /24 subnet.
> .1 is the gateway and almost all IP from 2 to 254 are occupied.
> I would like to split the host in three groups:
> 12 that can have full access, 12 thought one firewall and the other 205
> throught a second firewall.
> I cannot chanmge the number of some machines, so the only option is
> that the first 12 and the two firewalls are .2 to .14
> the second group is .18 to .29 and the third vould keep is present
> numbers between .36 and .254.

Why not have a single firewall?  If you want to have two firewalls make an HA 
cluster out of them.  If you are interested in physically separating the 
subnets then I would just put extra interfaces on the firewall (basically 
multiple DMZs).

- assume subnet is
- all machines behind firewall get subnet 
- firewall gets assigned to it's external interface (side facing
- firewall does proxy arp for all IPs in the subnet on it's external interface
- if you like, firewall does proxy arp for on it's internal interface
  and then machines shouldn't even have to change their gateway
- firewall rules are written as you require.  Even though the subnet doesn't really exist you can write your firewall rules in that

The firewall will probably need an IP on it's internal interface, you might be 
able to use the same IP on both inside and outside interfaces.  If you're 
using as the gateway and proxy arping for it on the internal 
interface then I have a suspicion that no IP would be needed.

You can avoid doing any proxy arp if you setup the routing correctly on your 
router at

If these computers are Internet hosts (webservers, mailservers, etc.) I prefer 
to stick with private IPs on the hosts and to use DNAT to forward traffic to 
the machines.  On another note, shorewall is an excellent framework for 
managing iptables rules, it will even manage proxy arp for you when you need 
to use that.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dovecot

2003-09-11 Thread Fraser Campbell
On Wednesday 10 September 2003 19:32, Mark Devin wrote:

> Yes, I have been experimenting with dbmail.  I would say the pros and
> cons are as follows:
> Pros:
> 1. Uses mysql or postgresql backend for storing mail (both headers and
> bodies).

What is the advantage of the emails being stored within a database versus in 
Maildir or mbox format on the filesystem?

> 2. Ease of management for virtual user accounts.  Just need to add user
> details into the database to create a new account.  This negates any
> need to give users unix accounts on the system.

You can hook ldap or mysql into postfix (and no doubt most mailservers) to do 
this.  I use the postfix-mysql package in many places with great success.  

> 3. A separate application (dbmail-smtp) is used to take emails for
> configured domains and put them in the database.  This runs as a separate
> user and does not need root permissions since it does not write to the
> filesystem at all.  It simply connects to the database and so only needs
> permissions at the database level.

Most email servers these days do not deliver as root.  Whether you use 
procmail, maildrop, postfix, etc. generally the local delivery agent is 

> 4. Similarly, the imap and pop3 servers that are part of dbmail also drop
> their privileges to simple users and don't need root level access past the
> initial binding to the 143/110 ports.

Common to most imap and pop servers.

Check the "Postfix+Courier-IMAP+MySQL for multiple domains HOWTO" at ... everything you need to 
accomplish such a system is packaged up in Debian stable.  I've been using 
systems such as this for 6 months and haven't had any glitches yet, the 
systems are not high volume but they're steadily used.  With user accounts 
stored in a database whipping up an administrative interface for domains is 
quite trivial, I just don't see the advantages of going the extra step of 
putting the emails themselves into a database.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Software for WLAN Hotspot

2003-08-15 Thread Fraser Campbell
On August 15, 2003 03:46 pm, Kay-Michael Voit wrote:
> Yes, I know, I'm just too stupid, reading my message again you will
> notice, that I wanted to write MAC adress.
> IP is |$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] but I don't think this is usefull here.
> Any solution how to determine the MAC automatically?|

If it's communicating with your firewall/webserver/whatever then your machine 
knows the MAC, you could use a system call like this:

arp $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] | tail -1 | awk '{ print $3 }'

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Frame Relay & tail -f hanging

2003-08-01 Thread Fraser Campbell
On August 1, 2003 04:30 am, Brian May wrote:

> If I ssh from the melbourne site directly to the auckland site and type
> in "tail -f /var/log/messages" the ssh connection hangs, and Ctrl+C,
> Ctrl+Q, and nothing else works. The only option I have is to kill the ssh
> connection with "\n~.\n". If I leave the connection, eventually it times
> out.

Is it safe to say that anything which generates significant traffic is causing 
the connection to freeze?  At the same time as the connection is frozen, you 
can ssh in, exactly as before, and all seems well?  I would expect that 
cat'ing /var/log/messages (or any file of significant size) will also freeze 
things up.  What about scp'ing or ftp'ing a file over the connection?

> Standard shorewall firewalls are used on both ends, but I really doubt
> this would be an issue. Firewalls can't filter packets based on the
> encrypted data transferred via a ssh connection...

My guesses:

- someone somewhere is dropping important icmp messages (types 3, 4, 11 or 12)
- someone somewhere is dropping fragmented packets.

In the case of icmp I would just duplicate the problem and run a tcpdump on 
either end (filtering specifically for icmp messages).  If you see an icmp 
message on either end that doesn't reach the other side that could very well 
be the problem.  Be 100% sure that your firewalls are allowing all ICMP (at 
least during debugging), the problem could still be outside of your immediate 
control though.

If you're seeing fragments going out over the network make sure that they're 
_all_ received at the other end.  With many cable and dsl connections (around 
here anyway) this is a common problem.  Make sure that it isn't your 
firewalls dropping fragments.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Root-like filesystem permissions.

2003-07-31 Thread Fraser Campbell
On July 31, 2003 10:07 pm, Wade Richards wrote:

> There may be an operating system limit on the number of groups a
> single user can be a member of, but as long as you don't hit that
> limit (if it even exists), you should be OK.

32 groups in Linux.  You could always run an apache instance under a different 
user, per 32 groups.  The 32 group limit is a compile time option in the 
kernel but I believe other utilities need to be recompiled should you try to 
change it ... haven't tried myself.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Courier IMAP/POP

2003-07-16 Thread Fraser Campbell
On July 16, 2003 05:52 am, Craig wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how to configure Courier to read mail from user
> maildirs
> in the path and format /var/spool/mail/[EMAIL PROTECTED] ?
> ie /var/spool/mail/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Set the user's home to /var/spool/mail/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ and have their mail 
stored in /var/spool/mail/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Maildir/ ... that should just 

I have set up a few systems recently where there are no real users on the 
machine, user's are set up in mysql and postfix and courier both do lookups 
into mysql.  All mail is delivered via postfix's virtual delivery agent ... 
perhaps that's what you're looking for?  There's very good documentation on 
how to set it up at

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

International character sets and apache

2003-07-14 Thread Fraser Campbell

I am currently struggling to understand internationalization issues.  Woody's 
apache by default seems to set this http header:

  Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

I am needing to support some websites with polish now, which requires 
iso-8859-2.  If a meta tag is set within the html it seems to be ignored (the 
http header takes precedence).

Does anyone know of a good tutorial on handling these issues, since I've spent 
most of my life dealing only with English this is pretty new to me.  Can I 
just set the default charset to utf-8?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

International character sets and apache

2003-07-14 Thread Fraser Campbell

I am currently struggling to understand internationalization issues.  Woody's 
apache by default seems to set this http header:

  Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

I am needing to support some websites with polish now, which requires 
iso-8859-2.  If a meta tag is set within the html it seems to be ignored (the 
http header takes precedence).

Does anyone know of a good tutorial on handling these issues, since I've spent 
most of my life dealing only with English this is pretty new to me.  Can I 
just set the default charset to utf-8?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada   Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mysqld listening to the network interface

2003-07-08 Thread Fraser Campbell
On July 8, 2003 06:46 pm, David Wilk wrote:

> I have another mysql question for ya.  I remember setting up mysqld in
> slink and it was a breeze to get it listening on the network.

For many Debian packages FAQs such as this are answered in 
/usr/share/doc/packagename/README.Debian ... in your case it's mentioned in 

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

Re: mysqld listening to the network interface

2003-07-08 Thread Fraser Campbell
On July 8, 2003 06:46 pm, David Wilk wrote:

> I have another mysql question for ya.  I remember setting up mysqld in
> slink and it was a breeze to get it listening on the network.

For many Debian packages FAQs such as this are answered in 
/usr/share/doc/packagename/README.Debian ... in your case it's mentioned in 

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gFTP problems?

2003-07-06 Thread Fraser Campbell
On July 5, 2003 09:07 pm, Martin Wheeler wrote:

> This is the information I wanted -- thanks for confirming my suspicions.
> (I'd actually checked my own firewall settings, and port 20 is open for
> ftp; I tried opening up another port to see if the remote would find it,
> but it didn't.  So I was at a bit of a loss as to which of us had a
> problem.)

Are you certain that you're allowing port 20?  In active-mode (i.e. not 
passive) the ftp server makes a connection to the client, the client does not 
establish the connection to port 20.

> Guess I now have to persuade the ISP to tell me which port they have open
> for ftp traffic -- presumably they've closed down port 20 to discourage the
> black-hats.

If it's working for other clients (Cute FTP?) then it should work for you.  
Are you using a Linux firewall?  In a Linux 2.2 firewall you should load the 
ip_masq_ftp module.  In a Linux 2.4 firewall you should use the 
ip_conntrack_ftp module.  Have you run a tcpdump on you Internet interface to 
ensure that the packets from source port 20 are indeed not reaching you?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

Re: gFTP problems?

2003-07-06 Thread Fraser Campbell
On July 5, 2003 09:07 pm, Martin Wheeler wrote:

> This is the information I wanted -- thanks for confirming my suspicions.
> (I'd actually checked my own firewall settings, and port 20 is open for
> ftp; I tried opening up another port to see if the remote would find it,
> but it didn't.  So I was at a bit of a loss as to which of us had a
> problem.)

Are you certain that you're allowing port 20?  In active-mode (i.e. not 
passive) the ftp server makes a connection to the client, the client does not 
establish the connection to port 20.

> Guess I now have to persuade the ISP to tell me which port they have open
> for ftp traffic -- presumably they've closed down port 20 to discourage the
> black-hats.

If it's working for other clients (Cute FTP?) then it should work for you.  
Are you using a Linux firewall?  In a Linux 2.2 firewall you should load the 
ip_masq_ftp module.  In a Linux 2.4 firewall you should use the 
ip_conntrack_ftp module.  Have you run a tcpdump on you Internet interface to 
ensure that the packets from source port 20 are indeed not reaching you?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Wrapping CGI and PHP Scripts

2003-07-03 Thread Fraser Campbell
On July 2, 2003 09:34 pm, Anand Atreya wrote:

> Any recommendations on how to do this with PHP - without needing the
> #!/usr/bin/php at the top and without using PHP Safe mode - which is a lame
> workaround...?

I haven't tried this but it appears that you can do what you're looking for 
with the combination of mod_fastcgi and suexec, see

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Wrapping CGI and PHP Scripts

2003-07-03 Thread Fraser Campbell
On July 2, 2003 09:34 pm, Anand Atreya wrote:

> Any recommendations on how to do this with PHP - without needing the
> #!/usr/bin/php at the top and without using PHP Safe mode - which is a lame
> workaround...?

I haven't tried this but it appears that you can do what you're looking for 
with the combination of mod_fastcgi and suexec, see

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

trying to understand 8bit emails

2003-06-23 Thread Fraser Campbell

I'm trying to understand 8bit emails.  Using mutt I send an email with a jpeg 
attached, for the jpeg I specify 8bit encoding.  I send the email off and 
although it's viewable on the other end and appears to be intact (i.e. I can 
view it) doing a diff between the emailed jpeg and the original shows that 
there are differences.

All servers along the way are postfix.  I've tried sending 8bit email with 
kmail as well and with kmail the files are different as well, so different 
that the emailed copy doesn't resemble the original in any way when viewed.

I always use base64 encoding personally (well occasionally uuencoding) I am 
asking this because a customer of mine seems convinced of the need for 8bit 
encoding.  According to what I see in postfix docs and things should work.

Does anyone have some pointers on where things might be going wrong?  Is there 
an 8bit email FAQ somewhere (doesn't have to be postfix specific).  Here the 
smtp session captured with sniffing session on the remote server:

Received: by (Postfix, from userid 500)
id 49B193FF2; Mon, 23 Jun 2003 14:04:59 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 14:04:59 -0400
From: Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: test
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="tThc/1wpZn/ma/RB"
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
User-Agent: Mutt/

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline


Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="self_service.jpg"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

8bit garbage starts here ...

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada  Debian GNU/Linux

trying to understand 8bit emails

2003-06-23 Thread Fraser Campbell

I'm trying to understand 8bit emails.  Using mutt I send an email with a jpeg 
attached, for the jpeg I specify 8bit encoding.  I send the email off and 
although it's viewable on the other end and appears to be intact (i.e. I can 
view it) doing a diff between the emailed jpeg and the original shows that 
there are differences.

All servers along the way are postfix.  I've tried sending 8bit email with 
kmail as well and with kmail the files are different as well, so different 
that the emailed copy doesn't resemble the original in any way when viewed.

I always use base64 encoding personally (well occasionally uuencoding) I am 
asking this because a customer of mine seems convinced of the need for 8bit 
encoding.  According to what I see in postfix docs and things should work.

Does anyone have some pointers on where things might be going wrong?  Is there 
an 8bit email FAQ somewhere (doesn't have to be postfix specific).  Here the 
smtp session captured with sniffing session on the remote server:

Received: by (Postfix, from userid 500)
id 49B193FF2; Mon, 23 Jun 2003 14:04:59 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 14:04:59 -0400
From: Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: test
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="tThc/1wpZn/ma/RB"
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
User-Agent: Mutt/

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline


Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="self_service.jpg"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

8bit garbage starts here ...

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada  Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP versioning and security information

2003-06-18 Thread Fraser Campbell

I have backported unstable's php 4.2.3 packages to woody and I've been using 
them successfully for a few months.  I am rather concerned about security so 
I sent the following message to the php-general mailing list.  So far I have 
no response (granted less than a full day since I posted).  I'm wondering if 
someone here might be able to help me with my questions ...

I'm trying to figure out if the version of php that I am running is secure
against all known exploits and I am finding that task very difficult.  I
haven't been able to find a security page on either or

My questions are:

- is php 4.2.3 vulnerable to any known security issues?

- what is the meaning of php's versioning scheme?  I see from the
  changelogs that features are added throughout the 4.x branches.  I am used
  to schemes where 4.2.x would be feature frozen with just bu and security
  fixes being applied.

- is the 4.3.x branch the only one that is being maintained?

I do not relish moving my servers from 4.2.3 to 4.3.? since I have
encountered enough problems already with the move from 4.0.6 to 4.2.3. 
Most of the problems were from sloppy coding that should never have worked
but hey it did work with 4.0.6 and does not work with 4.2.3.  If the code
were all mine I wouldn't be so concerned but I don't want to be telling
clients every 6-12 months, that we're upgrading their php version and that
things might break for them.

Is there an official policy as to how long a branch is supported?  PHP
4.2.0 is just over a year old, php 4.2.3 about 6 months old ...

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

PHP versioning and security information

2003-06-18 Thread Fraser Campbell

I have backported unstable's php 4.2.3 packages to woody and I've been using 
them successfully for a few months.  I am rather concerned about security so 
I sent the following message to the php-general mailing list.  So far I have 
no response (granted less than a full day since I posted).  I'm wondering if 
someone here might be able to help me with my questions ...

I'm trying to figure out if the version of php that I am running is secure
against all known exploits and I am finding that task very difficult.  I
haven't been able to find a security page on either or

My questions are:

- is php 4.2.3 vulnerable to any known security issues?

- what is the meaning of php's versioning scheme?  I see from the
  changelogs that features are added throughout the 4.x branches.  I am used
  to schemes where 4.2.x would be feature frozen with just bu and security
  fixes being applied.

- is the 4.3.x branch the only one that is being maintained?

I do not relish moving my servers from 4.2.3 to 4.3.? since I have
encountered enough problems already with the move from 4.0.6 to 4.2.3. 
Most of the problems were from sloppy coding that should never have worked
but hey it did work with 4.0.6 and does not work with 4.2.3.  If the code
were all mine I wouldn't be so concerned but I don't want to be telling
clients every 6-12 months, that we're upgrading their php version and that
things might break for them.

Is there an official policy as to how long a branch is supported?  PHP
4.2.0 is just over a year old, php 4.2.3 about 6 months old ...

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to not trigger auto-responders?

2003-06-13 Thread Fraser Campbell

Autoresponders that I have setup before were based on procmail, they used the 
FROM_DAEMON check to not send responses to lists plus as a safety measure 
they'd only send one email to each sender per day.

I host a club's website that has about 5,000 members, there are mailings to 
members done through the site and unfortunately the members love 
autoresponders.   The site actually sends emails one-by-one to people and 
there are no headers to indicate that the email essentially from a mailing 

I am thinking of adding a "Precedence: list" or "Precedence: bulk" header to 
the emails in the hope that at least some of these autoresponders have some 
smarts.  I know I can just send from an address that is aliased to /dev/null 
but I'd really like the emails to continue being sent from functional email 
addresses so that bounces and replies can be handled properly.

Looking at the headers from the autoresponders, some identify themselves, many 
do not.  I found "Internet Mail Service", Microsoft Exchange, OSM Client, and 
SMTP 32 vX.

How have you guys gotten around the autoresponder problem in the past?  Is 
there hope?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

How to not trigger auto-responders?

2003-06-13 Thread Fraser Campbell

Autoresponders that I have setup before were based on procmail, they used the 
FROM_DAEMON check to not send responses to lists plus as a safety measure 
they'd only send one email to each sender per day.

I host a club's website that has about 5,000 members, there are mailings to 
members done through the site and unfortunately the members love 
autoresponders.   The site actually sends emails one-by-one to people and 
there are no headers to indicate that the email essentially from a mailing 

I am thinking of adding a "Precedence: list" or "Precedence: bulk" header to 
the emails in the hope that at least some of these autoresponders have some 
smarts.  I know I can just send from an address that is aliased to /dev/null 
but I'd really like the emails to continue being sent from functional email 
addresses so that bounces and replies can be handled properly.

Looking at the headers from the autoresponders, some identify themselves, many 
do not.  I found "Internet Mail Service", Microsoft Exchange, OSM Client, and 
SMTP 32 vX.

How have you guys gotten around the autoresponder problem in the past?  Is 
there hope?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to not trigger auto-responders?

2003-06-12 Thread Fraser Campbell

Autoresponders that I have setup before were based on procmail, they used the 
FROM_DAEMON check to not send responses to lists plus as a safety measure 
they'd only send one email to each sender per day.

I host a club's website that has about 5,000 members, there are mailings to 
members done through the site and unfortunately the members love 
autoresponders.   The site actually sends emails one-by-one to people and 
there are no headers to indicate that the email essentially from a mailing 

I am thinking of adding a "Precedence: list" or "Precedence: bulk" header to 
the emails in the hope that at least some of these autoresponders have some 
smarts.  I know I can just send from an address that is aliased to /dev/null 
but I'd really like the emails to continue being sent from functional email 
addresses so that bounces and replies can be handled properly.

Looking at the headers from the autoresponders, some identify themselves, many 
do not.  I found "Internet Mail Service", Microsoft Exchange, OSM Client, and 
SMTP 32 vX.

How have you guys gotten around the autoresponder problem in the past?  Is 
there hope?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

How to not trigger auto-responders?

2003-06-12 Thread Fraser Campbell

Autoresponders that I have setup before were based on procmail, they used the 
FROM_DAEMON check to not send responses to lists plus as a safety measure 
they'd only send one email to each sender per day.

I host a club's website that has about 5,000 members, there are mailings to 
members done through the site and unfortunately the members love 
autoresponders.   The site actually sends emails one-by-one to people and 
there are no headers to indicate that the email essentially from a mailing 

I am thinking of adding a "Precedence: list" or "Precedence: bulk" header to 
the emails in the hope that at least some of these autoresponders have some 
smarts.  I know I can just send from an address that is aliased to /dev/null 
but I'd really like the emails to continue being sent from functional email 
addresses so that bounces and replies can be handled properly.

Looking at the headers from the autoresponders, some identify themselves, many 
do not.  I found "Internet Mail Service", Microsoft Exchange, OSM Client, and 
SMTP 32 vX.

How have you guys gotten around the autoresponder problem in the past?  Is 
there hope?

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: good open source (or other) MUAs that work under Windoze

2003-06-02 Thread Fraser Campbell
On June 1, 2003 07:49 am, Chris Evans wrote:

> It's suddenly occurred to me that I may be wrong to assume that there
> are no good open source MUAs that run under windoze, and I thought
> that this might be a good place to ask the people most likely to have
> had to try them or deal with the problems that they and other MUAs
> cause, so here I am asking a little OT but hoping people will point me
> to things I can try.

As far as OSS, have you considered mozilla mail, although integrated with 
mozilla browser there's a move afoot to change that (see

Another client that I know of is Mulberry (not OSS), see ... both of these clients have the 
advantage of working on many operating systems.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: good open source (or other) MUAs that work under Windoze

2003-06-01 Thread Fraser Campbell
On June 1, 2003 07:49 am, Chris Evans wrote:

> It's suddenly occurred to me that I may be wrong to assume that there
> are no good open source MUAs that run under windoze, and I thought
> that this might be a good place to ask the people most likely to have
> had to try them or deal with the problems that they and other MUAs
> cause, so here I am asking a little OT but hoping people will point me
> to things I can try.

As far as OSS, have you considered mozilla mail, although integrated with 
mozilla browser there's a move afoot to change that (see

Another client that I know of is Mulberry (not OSS), see ... both of these clients have the 
advantage of working on many operating systems.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Selecting source ip

2003-05-31 Thread Fraser Campbell
On May 30, 2003 05:40 pm, Marc Haber wrote:

> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >As someone else already pointed not possible.  You can accomplish this on
> > an app-by-app basis, examples:
> >
> >- telnet and ssh option -b
> Which telnet package in Debian stable does have -b?

You might have problems finding one (I did), obviously I remeber the -b from 
darker days ;-)

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Selecting source ip

2003-05-30 Thread Fraser Campbell
On May 30, 2003 05:40 pm, Marc Haber wrote:

> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >As someone else already pointed not possible.  You can accomplish this on
> > an app-by-app basis, examples:
> >
> >- telnet and ssh option -b
> Which telnet package in Debian stable does have -b?

You might have problems finding one (I did), obviously I remeber the -b from 
darker days ;-)

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Selecting source ip

2003-05-29 Thread Fraser Campbell
On May 28, 2003 05:02 pm, Stefan Neufeind wrote:

> when I request a file from a linux box using lynx the source ip of my
> request is the ip of eth0. But how can I change the source ip to
> other ips which are also bound to eth0 (via eth0:0 etc.)? Do I need
> to change the default gate from eth0 to eth0:0 for example? Isn't
> there a way to just change the source ip for all programs I will
> execute in my current environment / bash without affecting other
> programs / tasks?

As someone else already pointed not possible.  You can accomplish this on an 
app-by-app basis, examples:

- telnet and ssh option -b
- ping option -I
- wget option --bind-address

I don't know what you need this for but if you can use wget instead of lynx 
you might be all set ... I don't see a similar option for wget.

Alternatively, you could run a proxy (squid for example) and bind the proxy to 
the specific IP of your choice.  If you request webpages through that proxy I 
would expect it to use the chosen source IP in it's requests.  Most command 
line web clients will honour the http_proxy environment variable.

If you're concerned about more than just web clients you might be able to 
acheive the desired effect with advanced routing (see iproute package).

Hope that helps, if not let us know more about what you're trying to achieve.
Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Selecting source ip

2003-05-28 Thread Fraser Campbell
On May 28, 2003 05:02 pm, Stefan Neufeind wrote:

> when I request a file from a linux box using lynx the source ip of my
> request is the ip of eth0. But how can I change the source ip to
> other ips which are also bound to eth0 (via eth0:0 etc.)? Do I need
> to change the default gate from eth0 to eth0:0 for example? Isn't
> there a way to just change the source ip for all programs I will
> execute in my current environment / bash without affecting other
> programs / tasks?

As someone else already pointed not possible.  You can accomplish this on an 
app-by-app basis, examples:

- telnet and ssh option -b
- ping option -I
- wget option --bind-address

I don't know what you need this for but if you can use wget instead of lynx 
you might be all set ... I don't see a similar option for wget.

Alternatively, you could run a proxy (squid for example) and bind the proxy to 
the specific IP of your choice.  If you request webpages through that proxy I 
would expect it to use the chosen source IP in it's requests.  Most command 
line web clients will honour the http_proxy environment variable.

If you're concerned about more than just web clients you might be able to 
acheive the desired effect with advanced routing (see iproute package).

Hope that helps, if not let us know more about what you're trying to achieve.
Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada Debian GNU/Linux

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