RE: Mail Delivery (failure

2004-10-24 Thread John Cooper
>...spammers drown you in water?

> want respect?   Earn it.

If earning respect in this crowd requires being disrespectful, then I'm not

The list admins will either remove my private address from this thread, or
they won't.
Either way, I'll take my leave now.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Mail Delivery (failure

2004-10-24 Thread John Cooper
> The smarter way to let people know that your email address has
> changed is by
> rejecting the message.  You can reject the message (in postfix)
> by using the
> relocated table, that will reject the message giving the error "User has
> moved to johnc at" (or whatever you'd like the
> message to say).
> In this way very few innocent third parties should be subjected
> to your spam.

I understand your guys' point, and I appreciate it.What you describe
here sounds nearly identicaly to my auto-responder.  But, that may be my
lack of knowledge of how the mail system works in general.  Something about
the way a mail system treats a rejection message, rather than a standard
mail message?In any case, thanks for the constructive advice, Fraser.
I'll look into it.

> IMO x at y is just as easy to find and parse as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> They will be finding you anyway.
I was worried about that as well.  The fact is, they haven't.  What you guys
are failing to acknowledge is that my silly little auto-responder has
completely worked.  In the year that I've used it, I have received about 3
spam messages, and those were from nigerian-type scammers who obviously
carefully read my reply and responded by hand.  At my previous address, I
was receiving literally hundreds of spam per day.  Clearly it has worked,
and very well.   This is far superior to my experience with other spam
filters, which either didn't filter enough, or had too many false positives
requiring me to read thru the "possible spam" messages, which is just as bad
as not filtering at all.

> > Coker, consider a private email, before publically hanging someone.
> When someone does something stupid there is value in making sure
> that everyone knows that it is stupid.
> Knowledge is only advanced when it is shared.

He could easily have shared his idea with the list, and mailed me separately
at my new address, without (in his words) publically archiving my private
address for spammers to harvest.   Do you not agree that this was simply
malicious, and needlessly hurtful?
Would he also teach someone to swim by throwing them in the water and
watching them drown, laughing as the dumbass goes down?

It's called respect.  While it may sometimes be incompatible with ego, it
really requires very little effort.  Consider it.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Mail Delivery (failure

2004-10-23 Thread John Cooper
> John C has requested that
> the following message be removed from the archives.
My apologies that my autoresponder spammed the list.  I've never posted to
the debian-isp list.  Apparently someone's machine is infected with an
email-worm, which has used my jcooper address (which I stopped using several
years ago) as the return address.

I started using an autoresponder after experimenting with spam-net,
spamassassin, and qurb for well over a year.  When you receive hundreds of
spam per day, 9x% isn't good enough.Since I started using a responder, I
have received virtually zero spam, aside from those individuals like
nigerian scammers, who make an effort to respond by hand.   Yes, there are
frustrating misfires, caused by worms, but in the last year, this is the
only major incident.  Ward, thanks for the link to, I'll see if
I can get my ISP to use it.

> Requests to have list archives altered to hide the evidence of
> your mis-deeds doesn't work either.

Clearly I've touched a nerve with Mr. Coker!  The virtiolic nature of his
response here, and the public posting of my private email address which I
was trying to protect, is simply inane and immature.Next time, Mr.
Coker, consider a private email, before publically hanging someone.

Yes, I have asked the list manager to at least remove my personal johnc
address from the archive, which was so needlessly cc'd there.   (Notice I'm
replying from my "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" address which I use for public postings).
Secondarily, if the list managers so desire, they can remove this whole
thread, which is totally off topic for this list in the first place.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]