Re: Evolution/Courier-IMAP acting strange

2002-12-29 Thread Justin Ryan
> I just tried it an got exactly the same behaviour.  I'm running Debian 
> unstable, I have courier-imap 1.6.1-2 and evolution 1.2.0-4.  Normally I use 
> kmail so I never noticed that evolution was having trouble.

Hrm.. makes me feel a bit more sane, but does confuse the matter a bit
more - it seems to be working now and I thought perhaps it was simply
b/c my account was holding funkiness of uw-imap behind..

> I tried removing and recreating the account with no success, I then tried 
> removing various evolution config files and directories.  That led to an 
> interesting observation ... even when removing ~/evolution, ~/.gnome/ and 
> ~/.gconf/ evolution still knew my email settings.  I hunted around for the 
> phantom config files that evolution was obviously reading but found none, 
> finally I did an strace.
> Evolution (at least in Debian unstable) reads the directory 
> /tmp/orbit-username/ ...
> After an "rm -rf /tmp/orbit-fraser/" I started Evolution and actually got a 
> clean slate.

Yes, All GNOME apps use ORBIT - this isn't really the issue though, as I
could remove the account and have it be gone.  I will try this, though.

> I suggest you try removing /tmp/orbit-whoever to see if it cleans up the 
> problem, evolution might be grabbing some outdated config information from 
> there.

I'll try this if the problem pops up again..



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Re: Evolution/Courier-IMAP acting strange

2002-12-29 Thread Justin Ryan
On Sun, 2002-12-29 at 15:16, Thomas Lamy wrote:
> Hi,
> just a quick guess, but maybe Evolution tries to open too many parallel imap
> connections. The courier default is max 4 connections per IP, you can change
> this is /etc/courier/imapd (parameter name is MAXPERIP)


This seems possible, but if I shut down and re-open Evolution, it
doesn't fix the problem - I have to unsubscribe from all folders, remove
the account, and re-add it.

Is there a way to monitor the currently active IMAP connections?  From
Evolution's behavior, it doesn't seem as if it has simultaneous IMAP
connections - it won't view a folder until it has 'stored' the
previously viewed folder..



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Re: Evolution/Courier-IMAP acting strange

2002-12-29 Thread Justin Ryan
On Sun, 2002-12-29 at 13:58, Pete Billson wrote:
> Justin,
>  1) The extraneous files should not affect things - I just tried adding
> them to my ~/Maildir to confirm this and still everything works OK.

good.. think I may move them to ~/.procmail soon just for tidyness..

>  2) There should be a ~/Maildir/courierimapuiddb file that lists the
> contents of your INBOX. Does this exist?

Yes - also, I was able to unsubscribe from all 50 or so of my folders,
including INBOX, close Evo, then start it back up and subscribe to them
all again (INBOX first).  seems to be ok now, but we'll see how long.

Also, my wife's account had this same problem this morning after the
switch-over.  I was able to fix hers by unsubscribing from all folders,
removing the account, and setting it up from scratch.

>  3) There should also be a ~/Maildir/courierimapsubscribed file which
> listed your subscribed folders.

yep.  It did not list INBOX earlier when I was subscribed - I tried
adding it manually to no avail.

>  4) All sub-mailboxes should also have the new,cur,tmp directories (i.e.
> ~/Maildir/.debianlists/new) and they should have there own
> courierimapuiddb file.

yep.. I converted all of my folders to maildir over the last couple of
weeks hoping to kill uw-imap and go to courier (uw slo).

>  5) Logs show anything?

I'm figuring it's an Evolution oddity.  We'll see if the problem pops up
again, perhaps I'll bring it up on an Evolution discussion list and see
if I can reproduce the problem.  I'm fairly sure it's nothing to do with
courier at this point -- as I said, Squirrelmail works just fine :)



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Evolution/Courier-IMAP acting strange

2002-12-29 Thread Justin Ryan
On Sun, 2002-12-29 at 13:09, Pete Billson wrote:
> Justin,
>   I am running the same setup here (Evolution 1.0.8) and Woody with
> courier-imap-ssl and just tried going in and out of my IMAP inbox
> without trouble. I am running maildir (not mbox) so that may be a
> difference and I also do not have 350 message in my inbox! :-)

I am using Maildir, and as I said it works _just_ fine if I delete and
re-add the account.  Also works fine via Squirrelmail (which is an imap
client).  I wasn't aware that courier supported mbox mailboxes at all
(it only sees the Maildirs in my ~/Maildir).

>   If you send step-by-step how to create your problem, I can see if I
> can reproduce it here.

I had an INBOX.default maildir in ~/mail, along with tons of other
folders.  I converted to courier this morning and moved ~/Mail to
~/Maildir, renamed all folders from foo to .foo, and moved tmp, cur, and
new from ~/Maildir/INBOX.default to ~/Maildir/ so that the hierarchy
that courier prefers would all be in place.  All seemed well until I
noticed after surfing through some of my mailing lists that I couldn't
open INBOX (~/Maildir) anymore.  I can send new messages and see the new
message count increment, but I can't access it.

>   Will unsubscribing and then resubscribing to the IMAP folders fix the
> problem also?


I was about to say that I thought you couldn't unsubscribe from INBOX,
but oddly enough I was never subscribed to INBOX (when I first added the
IMAP account, INBOX shows up as per default).  I did try subscribing to
it, which doesn't change the behavior.

>   Have you tried an inbox with fewer messages to see if that will solve
> your problem?

I s'pose I could try this, but I'm afraid I'll split off messages
between two inboxes and have trouble merging them.

>   I have run into problems using Outlook with Courier and very large
> mbox files.

Once again, using maildir this shouldn't be an issue.  My INBOX has the
least messages of all, compared to ~6 months of debian-* lists, lugs,

I'm wondering if extraneous files in ~/Maildir could be a problem. 
There are msgid.lock and msgid.cache files from procmail/formail keeping
track of duplicate messages - should these be moved to ~/.procmail ?



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Evolution/Courier-IMAP acting strange

2002-12-29 Thread Justin Ryan
Heya all..

I've got a server running Debian woody with courier-imap-ssl (just moved
over from uw-imap this morning).  Everything is working great (esp. in
comparison to uw), but for some reason after the first couple of times I
open INBOX, Evolution says 'This folder cannot contain messages',
although it recognizes that there are ~350 messages in INBOX.

If I delete and re-add my IMAP account to Evolution, it will work fine
again for a few minutes and then do the same thing.  Using Squirrelmail,
everything is fine..

Thanks in advance for any help!



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache / SUEXEC on woody...

2002-10-16 Thread Justin Ryan
Heya all..

I'm having trouble with Apache/SUEXEC on my woody system..  I have some
vhosts that need to run their own cgi scripts.  This all works fine,
until I add User/Group directives into the VirtualHost configuration.

I have a ScriptAlias directive and Options +ExecCGI on the directory's
options (have also tried with only one of each, instead of both).  The
files are owned by the user/group that I am trying to have them run as,
but I get the following error in suexec.log:

[2002-10-14 01:29:28]: info: (target/actual) uid: (justin/justin) gid:
(justin/justin) cmd:
[2002-10-14 01:29:28]: error: command not in docroot

The DocumentRoot in this case would be /, and the
ScriptAlias /

Any help would be much appreciated! :)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Apache / SUEXEC on woody...

2002-10-16 Thread Justin Ryan

Heya all..

I'm having trouble with Apache/SUEXEC on my woody system..  I have some
vhosts that need to run their own cgi scripts.  This all works fine,
until I add User/Group directives into the VirtualHost configuration.

I have a ScriptAlias directive and Options +ExecCGI on the directory's
options (have also tried with only one of each, instead of both).  The
files are owned by the user/group that I am trying to have them run as,
but I get the following error in suexec.log:

[2002-10-14 01:29:28]: info: (target/actual) uid: (justin/justin) gid:
(justin/justin) cmd:
[2002-10-14 01:29:28]: error: command not in docroot

The DocumentRoot in this case would be /, and the
ScriptAlias /

Any help would be much appreciated! :)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

cgi's don't work in vhost config with apache

2002-09-26 Thread Justin Ryan
Heya all..

Sorry for the cross-post but it seemed reasonably applicable to
debian-user and debian-isp..

I'm trying a simple "Hello Web" script in python and (to prove that it
isn't python related) as a simple shell script.  Both work on my
Debian/sid workstation, which has a default apache configuration. 
However, on my Debian/woody web server, which has several virtual hosts,
I get 500/Internal Server Error.  /var/log/apache/error.log says
"Premature end of script headers".

I first stuck the script(s) in /usr/lib/cg-bin without modifying apache
configuration.  I tried adding the ScriptAlias line and 
entry from apache's global config to the  - no cigar.

I can't test this server with a default apache config because the
virtual hosts are customers of mine, and wouldn't be happy with their
sites going down :)

For reference, here are the scripts:
print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"
print "Hello Web!"
echo "Content-Type: text/plain"
echo "Hello Web!"

Thanks in advance for any help!

cgi's don't work in vhost config with apache

2002-09-26 Thread Justin Ryan

Heya all..

Sorry for the cross-post but it seemed reasonably applicable to
debian-user and debian-isp..

I'm trying a simple "Hello Web" script in python and (to prove that it
isn't python related) as a simple shell script.  Both work on my
Debian/sid workstation, which has a default apache configuration. 
However, on my Debian/woody web server, which has several virtual hosts,
I get 500/Internal Server Error.  /var/log/apache/error.log says
"Premature end of script headers".

I first stuck the script(s) in /usr/lib/cg-bin without modifying apache
configuration.  I tried adding the ScriptAlias line and 
entry from apache's global config to the  - no cigar.

I can't test this server with a default apache config because the
virtual hosts are customers of mine, and wouldn't be happy with their
sites going down :)

For reference, here are the scripts:
print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"
print "Hello Web!"
echo "Content-Type: text/plain"
echo "Hello Web!"

Thanks in advance for any help!

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