Re: phpBB vulnerability exploited

2005-01-11 Thread Lucas Albers

Francesco P. Lovergine said:

 I run apache using dchroot to avoid the most common problems.
 Breaking a chroot is possible, but not so easy and it's more
 difficult within dchroot which _should_ drops privileges properly AFAIK

Re: Legal aspects of greylisting in Europe

2004-12-06 Thread Lucas Albers

Christian Storch said:
 So I would assume storing the greylist-triple it's neccessary (-1) for
 greylistd which is part of the mail server. You need to collect the
 greylist tripels only until the mail has been received for the second
 and final time.
 After the first message would be accepted within(!) the open window of
 suggested 1 - 4 hours after initial trial it should be

I've gotten great results by:
greylisting after it scores over a 6 spamassassin score, greylisting for
only 3 minutes, and whitelisting permanently after that.
This should block upwards of 90% of what you would block by greylisting
for 1-4 hours.
You will also delay a lot less legitimate email...
I measure an user complaint at around 60,000 -80,000 emails.
So one if I get more than 1 user complaint per 60,000 I lower my
thresholds so I block less spam, until my fp rate goes down.


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Re: patch request

2004-09-20 Thread Lucas Albers
Christian Hammers said:

 On 2004-09-17 Wieslaw wrote:
 I seek patch which makes possible making the virtual ervers.

Debian supports this nativelly.
Search the debian archives.
apt-cache search vserver.
then subscribe to the vserver mailing list.
I've been using the debian vserver product for increase reliability,
easier administration,etc,etc, on my production servers for 8 months or
make system cloning much easier, and system setup easier, tested upgrades,
If for example your running a software raid system, and a disk dies, just
rsync your vserver over, and stop the existing vserver instance, and start
up the new vserver instance.
Total downtime, with full remote recovery, perhaps 30 seconds.
This has saved my bacon twice in the last few months.

I've been using the vserver+grsecurity 2.4.25 patch to include grsecurity
with the vserver product for increase security.
Never had a system crash on the 5 servers I've been running for a couple
of months, ever synce 2.4.25 came out.
I say this is production quality stable, even under high loads,etc.
One of my vserver moves gigs of mail/ftp/proxy/apt traffic every day with
tons of users and it has trivial performance slowdown.
If you combine this with ha+drbd you can get active,active ha-cluster with
full failover, for automatic high availability clustering.
This is going to be my next alioth documentation project, assuming I work
on it for my job, which is the tentative plan.
(6 cluster HP drbd+ha+vserver+grsecurity active active debian cluster)
Ask on the mailing list and read the web page for more help.
Their is a lot of documentation on how to do this.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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Re: patch request

2004-09-20 Thread Lucas Albers

Donovan Baarda said:
 See the  util-vserver, kernel-patch-ctx, and vserver-debiantools packages
 for details. I'm not sure how up-to-date the debs are though...

About a 2% performance slowdown versus a non vserver.
Worth the performance slowdown, imo.
The debs are maintained pretty well, the bugs I file get fixed, and the
debian dev's are fast to put new versions up.(but not too fast...these are
for production systems.)

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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sendmail error message not collected

2004-09-10 Thread Lucas Albers
I am trying to resolve an error message I am seeing on some mail passing
through my external mail server, running mimedefang 2.39 and sendmail
8.12.3 to our internal mail server.

Users are seeing the following message in their mailbox:
 no Message Collected 

It appears via the changelog from sendmail 8.11.0/8.11.0
as of 2000/07/19
this particular problem was fixed:

If a message data file can't be opened at delivery time, panic and
abort the attempt instead of delivering a message that
states  No Message Collected .

My questions:
Any idea how this could be occuring on 8.12.3?
This is the first I have seen of it, but I've seen it on 3 or more messages
in the last day.
The logfiles don't show any strange delivery error messages, so I am not
sure how to resolve it.
If you have ANY ideas, contact me on or off the list...thanks.

This particular machine has processed upwards of 1.2M messages without
problems, so I am at a loss to determine why this error has started

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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Re: apt upgrade

2004-09-08 Thread Lucas Albers

Norbert Tretkowski said:
 * Ivan Adams wrote:
 My quiestion is how I can avoid that kind of problems when on some
 Debian I have that kind of apt scripts.

 Disable those kind of scripts, and use apt-cron to let you inform by
 mail when updates are available.
I'de also reccomend running apt-cacher as you get:
fast local updates,
your packages are as current as the remote servers, you don't have to wait
to sync.
uses less space then a full mirror.
saves lots of bandwidth for you and for the debian servers.

With 10 clients running off 1 apt-cacher server you should see 9/10
bandwidth savings.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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Re: Boot on 'RAID 1' with 'LILO' and 'mdadm'

2004-09-08 Thread Lucas Albers

Arnt Karlsen said: with this:
 /bin/cp -f /usr/share/grub/i386-pc/* /boot/grub
 /usr/sbin/grub --batch EOT  /dev/null 2 /dev/null
 # device (hd0) /dev/hda
 # device (hd1) /dev/hdc
 device (md0) /dev/md0
 root (md0,0)
 # setup (hd0) #installs onto /dev/hda
 # setup (hd2) #installs onto /dev/hdc
 setup (md0) #installs onto /dev/md0
These is the commands to install grub on the system?
I am not too familiar with grub, I've always used lilo on my systems.
So the generalized fix for this particular situation is to use grub?

(I wrote the, and want to update it if

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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Re: How to get hpasm module on HP Proliant?

2004-08-20 Thread Lucas Albers
Try this mailing list, it talks about HP+Linux stuff:

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the phrase
compaqandlinux in the message body
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
phrase help
compaqandlinux in the message body
For the archives : http://www.van-dijk.netNOSPAM

I've been looking at solving these same sort's of problems.

We need a page for debian+hp solutions. I'm sure the information is out
their, as many debian machines run on hp hardware, but damn if I can track
it down to one logical location...

Emmanuel Halbwachs said:
 Hello again,

 More on the HP Proliant ML350G3.

 It seems that to get a fully-fonctionnal woody on Proliant, we need
 the hpasm kernel module. E. g. some colleagues reported that without
 it fans will be stuck at high speed. I suppose that there is no
 RAID disk failure logging either.

 These hpasm and a collection of other tools are supplied by HP
 only for supported distros (RH, SuSE, UL) in RPM format, tailored
 for these distros.

 The only tip I found about that is
 As I understand, it is a script that does alien to have a .deb and
 then does some adaptations.

 Does anyone here running HP Proliant:

 - tested the above script?
 - succeeded in adaptating the HP RPM stuff to woody?

 Any remarks welcome.


 Emmanuel Halbwachs  Labo. de Photonique et Nanostructures
 tel  : (+33)1 69 63 61 34 CNRS UPR 20
 fax  : (+33)1 69 63 60 06   Route de Nozay F 91460 Marcoussis

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

run apt-get upgrade via ssh batch login doesn't work

2004-08-17 Thread Lucas Albers
I have a script that connects to all my machines and runs:
apt-get update.

If instead I run apt-get upgrade, it gives an error about:
Not being able to find the path, correctly.

dpkg: `ldconfig' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `start-stop-daemon' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `install-info' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH.
dpkg: 4 expected program(s) not found on PATH.
NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin.

How to set the path correctly for a batch run of an ssh login for an
apt-get upgrade?

If you connect to a machine with a command listed as part of hte ssh
command it will connect non-interactivelly and run the command and exit
when the command completes.
like such:

ssh apt-get upgrade -y

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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Re: LILO Software RAID1 boot= raid-boot-extra

2004-08-03 Thread Lucas Albers
I have directions on grub and lilo config for software raid systems.
Switching to software raid from non-raid and setting lilo.conf and
grub.conf correctly.
This might help:

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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recent php security update

2004-07-30 Thread Lucas Albers
Are most people running php stable?
Or are you upgrading php to 4.38 from unstable?

I'm stuck running 4.3.4 because I needed better pear support, and am leery
of upgrading to 4.3.8 because stupidly enough it requires apache 1.3.31 as
part of the upgrade.
I was considering using the dotdeb backports, but have not yet decided.
Still looking at what to do.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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Re: Cloning disks with dd and netcat

2004-07-29 Thread Lucas Albers

Giles Nunn said:
 Hi all,

 I tried the dd route to do exactly the same thing. I wanted to recreate
 a server or a variation of it quickly and easily. Eventually I gave up
 and used systemimager instead. It is quick and simple. It is based on
 rsync and it is in woody. I have it working using network boot and it
 takes ~3 minutes to boot, partition and install a complete base server -
 fully automatically. I am still playing with it as I want to script the
 autoconfig of multiple copies of a base server, but it works brilliantly
 for a simple clone as it is.

Why reinvent fire
Systemimager works beautifully. I use it to deply to a bunch of lab
computers, completelly hands off via a bootable cd.
And also use to backup/restore my servers when and if an upgrade or system
goes bad.
I use the deb files from
--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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acidlab configuration for portscan detection

2004-07-06 Thread Lucas Albers
I have been using snort-mysql with acidlab for intrusion monitoring of the
computers on my network.
It has been working great.

I've also been using for some updated rule sets for
virus threats and similar.

I have been unable to configure the portscan detection to work correctly.

My software versions are:

Could someone please send me the configuration they used to get the
portscanning to work correctly?

I've played around with the examples and similar and am not sure why it is
not working correctly.

The open source book:
bruce peren's open source series: Advanced IDS techniques using
snort,apache, mysql php, and acidlab
does not cover this.

my snort.conf file:

var RULE_PATH /etc/snort/rules
preprocessor flow: stats_interval 0 hash 2
preprocessor frag2
preprocessor stream4: disable_evasion_alerts detect_scans
preprocessor stream4_reassemble
preprocessor http_inspect: global iis_unicode_map 1252
preprocessor http_inspect_server: server default profile all ports { 80
8080 8180 } oversize_dir_length 500
preprocessor rpc_decode: 111 32771
preprocessor bo
preprocessor telnet_decode
preprocessor flow-portscan: talker-sliding-scale-factor 0.50
talker-fixed-threshold 30 talker-sliding-threshold 30
 talker-sliding-window 20 talker-fixed-window 30 scoreboard-rows-talker
3 server-watchnet $HOME_NET server-ign
ore-limit 200 server-rows 65535 server-learning-time 14400
server-scanner-limit 4 scanner-sliding-window 20 scanne
r-sliding-scale-factor 0.50 scanner-fixed-threshold 15
scanner-sliding-threshold 40 scanner-fixed-window 15 scoreb
oard-rows-scanner 3 src-ignore-net xx.xx.199.62 dst-ignore-net
[xx.0.0.0/30] alert-mode once output-mode msg tcp-penalties on
output log_tcpdump: snort.log
output database: log, mysql, user=xx password=xxx dbname=snort host=localhost
output database: alert, mysql, user=xx password=xxx dbname=snort
include classification.config
include reference.config
include $RULE_PATH/local.rules
include $RULE_PATH/bad-traffic.rules
include $RULE_PATH/exploit.rules
include $RULE_PATH/scan.rules
include $RULE_PATH/finger.rules
include $RULE_PATH/ftp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/telnet.rules
include $RULE_PATH/rpc.rules
include $RULE_PATH/rservices.rules
include $RULE_PATH/dos.rules
include $RULE_PATH/ddos.rules
include $RULE_PATH/dns.rules
include $RULE_PATH/tftp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-cgi.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-coldfusion.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-iis.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-frontpage.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-misc.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-client.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-php.rules
include $RULE_PATH/sql.rules
include $RULE_PATH/x11.rules
include $RULE_PATH/icmp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/netbios.rules
include $RULE_PATH/misc.rules
include $RULE_PATH/attack-responses.rules
include $RULE_PATH/oracle.rules
include $RULE_PATH/mysql.rules
include $RULE_PATH/snmp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/smtp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/imap.rules
include $RULE_PATH/pop2.rules
include $RULE_PATH/pop3.rules
include $RULE_PATH/nntp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/other-ids.rules
include $RULE_PATH/experimental.rules
include $RULE_PATH/bleeding.rules
include threshold.conf

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

configure squid to cache sites

2004-07-06 Thread Lucas Albers
Thought I would share my squid configuration to allow caching of
windowsupdate/mcafee and similar for clients.
Needs ims config to work correctly.
Sure saves bandwidth, and vastly speeds up updates, for windows clients.
Not a transparent configuration.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg107772.html

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

acidlab configuration for portscan detection

2004-07-06 Thread Lucas Albers
I have been using snort-mysql with acidlab for intrusion monitoring of the
computers on my network.
It has been working great.

I've also been using for some updated rule sets for
virus threats and similar.

I have been unable to configure the portscan detection to work correctly.

My software versions are:

Could someone please send me the configuration they used to get the
portscanning to work correctly?

I've played around with the examples and similar and am not sure why it is
not working correctly.

The open source book:
bruce peren's open source series: Advanced IDS techniques using
snort,apache, mysql php, and acidlab
does not cover this.

my snort.conf file:

var RULE_PATH /etc/snort/rules
preprocessor flow: stats_interval 0 hash 2
preprocessor frag2
preprocessor stream4: disable_evasion_alerts detect_scans
preprocessor stream4_reassemble
preprocessor http_inspect: global iis_unicode_map 1252
preprocessor http_inspect_server: server default profile all ports { 80
8080 8180 } oversize_dir_length 500
preprocessor rpc_decode: 111 32771
preprocessor bo
preprocessor telnet_decode
preprocessor flow-portscan: talker-sliding-scale-factor 0.50
talker-fixed-threshold 30 talker-sliding-threshold 30
 talker-sliding-window 20 talker-fixed-window 30 scoreboard-rows-talker
3 server-watchnet $HOME_NET server-ign
ore-limit 200 server-rows 65535 server-learning-time 14400
server-scanner-limit 4 scanner-sliding-window 20 scanne
r-sliding-scale-factor 0.50 scanner-fixed-threshold 15
scanner-sliding-threshold 40 scanner-fixed-window 15 scoreb
oard-rows-scanner 3 src-ignore-net xx.xx.199.62 dst-ignore-net
[xx.0.0.0/30] alert-mode once output-mode msg tcp-penalties on
output log_tcpdump: snort.log
output database: log, mysql, user=xx password=xxx dbname=snort host=localhost
output database: alert, mysql, user=xx password=xxx dbname=snort
include classification.config
include reference.config
include $RULE_PATH/local.rules
include $RULE_PATH/bad-traffic.rules
include $RULE_PATH/exploit.rules
include $RULE_PATH/scan.rules
include $RULE_PATH/finger.rules
include $RULE_PATH/ftp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/telnet.rules
include $RULE_PATH/rpc.rules
include $RULE_PATH/rservices.rules
include $RULE_PATH/dos.rules
include $RULE_PATH/ddos.rules
include $RULE_PATH/dns.rules
include $RULE_PATH/tftp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-cgi.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-coldfusion.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-iis.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-frontpage.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-misc.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-client.rules
include $RULE_PATH/web-php.rules
include $RULE_PATH/sql.rules
include $RULE_PATH/x11.rules
include $RULE_PATH/icmp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/netbios.rules
include $RULE_PATH/misc.rules
include $RULE_PATH/attack-responses.rules
include $RULE_PATH/oracle.rules
include $RULE_PATH/mysql.rules
include $RULE_PATH/snmp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/smtp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/imap.rules
include $RULE_PATH/pop2.rules
include $RULE_PATH/pop3.rules
include $RULE_PATH/nntp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/other-ids.rules
include $RULE_PATH/experimental.rules
include $RULE_PATH/bleeding.rules
include threshold.conf

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

configure squid to cache sites

2004-07-06 Thread Lucas Albers
Thought I would share my squid configuration to allow caching of
windowsupdate/mcafee and similar for clients.
Needs ims config to work correctly.
Sure saves bandwidth, and vastly speeds up updates, for windows clients.
Not a transparent configuration.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

monitor hardware for failure on hp proliant servers.

2004-06-09 Thread Lucas Albers
I currently have 2 compaq systems:
1 running rhel3
hp proliant ml350
and the other debian3.0r2.
proliant ml 330.
I have been unable to find a consistent listing of where I can get the
software to do, disk and various hardware monitoring on the system.

I am planning to purchase a rackmount,
DL360G3 6 cluster system, running debian 3.0r2.
What hardware monitoring tools are available:
I've only see this so far:

I need something to monitor both systems similar to smartmontools, and
tell me if a disk fails.
Smartmontools won't work on the megaide raid system on the ml330.
What do you use for hardware monitoring for your hp proliant systems?

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monitor hardware for failure on hp proliant servers.

2004-06-09 Thread Lucas Albers
I currently have 2 compaq systems:
1 running rhel3
hp proliant ml350
and the other debian3.0r2.
proliant ml 330.
I have been unable to find a consistent listing of where I can get the
software to do, disk and various hardware monitoring on the system.

I am planning to purchase a rackmount,
DL360G3 6 cluster system, running debian 3.0r2.
What hardware monitoring tools are available:
I've only see this so far:

I need something to monitor both systems similar to smartmontools, and
tell me if a disk fails.
Smartmontools won't work on the megaide raid system on the ml330.
What do you use for hardware monitoring for your hp proliant systems?

reject non-enlish email body messages

2004-05-26 Thread Lucas Albers
Would it break things to reject completelly non-english messages.
That is messages in which the body was completelly non english for the
debian-isp mailing list?


I realize we have posters posting from all over the world, but they are
all posting in english. And therefore it should not prevent any of them
from posting.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: You can start saving now

2004-05-24 Thread Lucas Albers

Dale E Martin said:
 Perhaps SA would be better implemented in something else, but like
 else says, memory is cheap.  Whatever makes the SA developers most
 effective is fine by me at this point.

As the other post mentioned, try SA+mimedefang if you need to run it on a
box with low amounts of memory. It should run faster and user less memory.
That is of course, only if it does not work well enough for you now...

In completelly unrelated news 3.0 should have native plugin support for
So you can run all the spam filters as splugins to SA.
That will definitally increase the load on SA.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: You can start saving now

2004-05-24 Thread Lucas Albers

Dale E Martin said:
 Perhaps SA would be better implemented in something else, but like
 else says, memory is cheap.  Whatever makes the SA developers most
 effective is fine by me at this point.

As the other post mentioned, try SA+mimedefang if you need to run it on a
box with low amounts of memory. It should run faster and user less memory

Re: You can start saving now

2004-05-23 Thread Lucas Albers

Michelle Konzack said:
 I do not know about 'surbl' but which files are the same ?

 Why not renaming the binaries ?

 On the other side I had a very little program which check
 IP's with rbl but unfortunately I have lost it...

 I had a procmail recipe like for SA and it has marked the
 RBLed Messages...

guten tag,
Surbl is a plugin for SA:
SURBL differs from most other RBLs in that it's used to block messages
based on the domain names in message body URIs (usually web sites), for
example those which have been previously reported to SpamCop. Some of the
recent domains are visible on SpamCop's Spamvertised sites page. So SURBL
is not used to block spam mail servers like most other RBLs; instead it
allows you to block messages based on spam domains that occur in the
message body.

It recompiled surbl with dh-make to generate a deb file from the perl
package. It replaces some SA files on the install.
So you need to use dpkg-divert if you wish to install surbl via deb.

I've very conservative about customizing rules on my external mx, but
surbl has had 0 false positives over the past 30,000 mails it has marked
as spam, based on the additional score surbl provides SA.
The default scoring is 3.0, but I've moved it up to 7.0 on my external
mail relays.

I run my mail rejection at 10.5 on my external mail relay to minimze false
positives. It has raised my detected spam volume by a factor of 1/3.
From approximatelly 2000 to 3000 spam per day.
I reccomend you try it out, using the default score of 3.0 and raise it
once you become comfortable with it's accuracy.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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Re: SOLVED Sendmail::Milter

2004-05-23 Thread Lucas Albers

Dirk Tamme said:
 The solution was to install mod_perl:

 cd /usr/local/src
 tar -xzf mod.perl-1.0-current.tar.gz
 cd /usr/local/src/mod_perl-1.29
 perl Makefile.PL NO_HTTPD=1
 make install

Just install it from apt, via:
apt-cache search packagename
to find the package name.


dh-make-perl --cpan --build CPAN_PACKAGENAME

Then do an install from apt based on the generated package name.
Or just install the generated deb file.

I install everything from deb now.
--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: You can start saving now

2004-05-18 Thread Lucas Albers
 Install spamassassin 2.63 which had filtered last
 night around 480 SPAMS from 78 Mailinglists...

and then enable surbl, and set it to score at 6.0.
Then submit 1-10 spam's that slip by per day to spamcop.
I just enabled surbl on my external debian mail relay, and it is grabbing
around 30% more spam with that surbl enabled.
I'll have to watch the logs to authoritavially state surbl is grabbing a
larger percentage of spam.

I just wish the 2.53 Debian SA had surbl as part of it.
I have to install sa, and then do a make install on surbl.
I tried to make the surbl package as a deb file but it conflicted with sa
Obviously, because they provide the same files.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: You can start saving now

2004-05-18 Thread Lucas Albers

Rod Rodolico said:
 2) spamassassin uses some processing power, so I am only running it
 against unknown senders

What is your mail volume?
You really need a serious amount of mail for SA to bog down.
As you all realized, mail volume is relative.
From what I've seen you can handle 100-200K messages per day on a single
2-3GHZ mimedefang+sa box with no problem.
Then throw in greylisting if sa is slowing you down.
That should work well at reducing the number of messags you need to run
content-analysis on with sa.

Greylisting has worked well at blocking drive by spammers from one shot ip
I've used it on my production servers with never a complaint.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

RE: LILO + boot raid1 (software)

2004-05-04 Thread Lucas Albers

Marek Bra¾ina said:

 I always do it acording to this howto and it works..


I wrote this raid howto it might help.
It has a section on lilo entries specific to raid.
I have not encountered your specific problem, before.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: debian on HP proliant

2004-04-22 Thread Lucas Albers

Nathan Eric Norman said:
  This is true, but d-i doesn't support booting off the SmartArray
  because the cciss driver is a module.  I already installed onto a
  DL360, but couldn't install a bootblock.

 Hu? I installed Woody (bf24) on a couple of DL380G3 without a hitch -
 the cciss works just fine and you can of course boot from it.
 The only special thing I do is to load the module for the installed
 NIC (Broadcom bcm57xx - tg3.o) so I can download a new kernel as soon as
 the base-system is installed...
We are planning to get some proliant DL380G2 systems.
With the HP Smart Array HP Smart Array 6402 controller.
You installed onto this system using sarge?
Or drivers disks with bf24?
I'm very interested in your setup steps.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sendmail::Milter

2004-04-22 Thread Lucas Albers
I've also had a lot of success using mimefang on our external mail server.
It's easy to configure for any of your mail filtering needs.

Bojens, Kai said:
 I don't have a solution for your particular problem but i am using
 the milter interface via MIMEdefang which provides a nice way to
 use it via perl.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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bonnie benchmarking

2004-04-22 Thread Lucas Albers
I've been unable to find some good numbers to use with the bonnie
benchmark program.
What is a good mix of values to benchmark against?
I'm trying to benchmark some software raid configurations on a production
Could someone please post a starting point for bonnie benchmark runs they
use to test their typical server?
I looked on google and could not find any information on what to select as
a good starting point for bonnie benchmarking.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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Re: Sendmail::Milter

2004-04-22 Thread Lucas Albers
I've also had a lot of success using mimefang on our external mail server

bonnie benchmarking

2004-04-22 Thread Lucas Albers
I've been unable to find some good numbers to use with the bonnie
benchmark program.
What is a good mix of values to benchmark against?
I'm trying to benchmark some software raid configurations on a production
Could someone please post a starting point for bonnie benchmark runs they
use to test their typical server?
I looked on google and could not find any information on what to select as
a good starting point for bonnie benchmarking.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: debian on HP proliant

2004-04-15 Thread Lucas Albers
I really wish HP would get off their chairs and provide support for debian
installer for all their HP proliants.

HP to expand Debian Linux support (December 04, 2003)

They haven't done anything to support debian.

They just need to make a driver disk for their systems.

They say they support debian, but they don't have __ANY__ debian install
disks for __ANY__ of their proliant systems on __ANY__ of their webpages.

It was a bitch to recompile support for raid on the ml-330 proliant system
I had.
Reach archives for my silly story.
Install Redhat, recompile kernel, install chroot debian...blah..blah...blah.

Christopher Sharp said:
 On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 16:11:26 +0100, Markus Oswald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Having said that, the ProLiant ML330 come with an ATA-RAID which is
based on an LSI chipset (MegaIDE) which is not supported by Debian - the
only driver available is a half GNU, half closed-source driver.
Furthermore the drives attached to those IDE-Ports are not accessible as
normal IDE devices (i.e. /dev/hda) so you basically get a machine
without any usable IDE interface except for one which is attached to the
If you buy one of these machines you'll either have to use a model with
SCSI controller or install an extra IDE-controller.

 I got this booting in a lab with the on-board ATA-RAID using a bf2.4
 kernel some
 weeks ago (February).  I was using an HP DL320 server.  The only issue
 with the
 bf2.4 kernel was requiring a net module for the NIC which I managed to
 succesfully extracate from the rpm and insmod.

 I'm now trying to do the same using the new debian-installer and testing
 distribution but notice that there's no megaide.o module/driver in the new
 three-floppy testing distribution.  I've got the shim source for the
 driver from
 LSI but having compiled it on another 2.4.25 testing box and copied it
 onto a
 floppy the module is refusing to insmod on my debian-installer box.

 Before I start building a custom debian-installer rescue floppy with a
 customised kernel including this module I wondered if anyone knew of a
 floppy that might have a working LSI ATA-RAID kernel module on it.

 I can't believe I'd really need to install Woody using bf2.4 and then
 just to get an ATA-RAID driver!



 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian on HP proliant

2004-04-15 Thread Lucas Albers
I really wish HP would get off their chairs and provide support for debian
installer for all their HP proliants.

HP to expand Debian Linux support (December 04, 2003)

They haven't done anything to support debian.

They just need to make a driver disk for their systems.

They say they support debian, but they don't have __ANY__ debian install
disks for __ANY__ of their proliant systems on __ANY__ of their webpages.

It was a bitch to recompile support for raid on the ml-330 proliant system
I had.
Reach archives for my silly story.
Install Redhat, recompile kernel, install chroot debian...blah..blah...blah.

Christopher Sharp said:
 On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 16:11:26 +0100, Markus Oswald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Having said that, the ProLiant ML330 come with an ATA-RAID which is
based on an LSI chipset (MegaIDE) which is not supported by Debian - the
only driver available is a half GNU, half closed-source driver.
Furthermore the drives attached to those IDE-Ports are not accessible as
normal IDE devices (i.e. /dev/hda) so you basically get a machine
without any usable IDE interface except for one which is attached to the
If you buy one of these machines you'll either have to use a model with
SCSI controller or install an extra IDE-controller.

 I got this booting in a lab with the on-board ATA-RAID using a bf2.4
 kernel some
 weeks ago (February).  I was using an HP DL320 server.  The only issue
 with the
 bf2.4 kernel was requiring a net module for the NIC which I managed to
 succesfully extracate from the rpm and insmod.

 I'm now trying to do the same using the new debian-installer and testing
 distribution but notice that there's no megaide.o module/driver in the new
 three-floppy testing distribution.  I've got the shim source for the
 driver from
 LSI but having compiled it on another 2.4.25 testing box and copied it
 onto a
 floppy the module is refusing to insmod on my debian-installer box.

 Before I start building a custom debian-installer rescue floppy with a
 customised kernel including this module I wondered if anyone knew of a
 floppy that might have a working LSI ATA-RAID kernel module on it.

 I can't believe I'd really need to install Woody using bf2.4 and then
 just to get an ATA-RAID driver!



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--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: using hp proliant ml 330

2004-04-08 Thread Lucas Albers
I got it work, but I was trying to make boot floppies so I could load the
drivers from the install cd, so I could install direct on it.
Could not find directions on this anywhere, or how to compile it
statically in the kernel.

Markus Oswald said:
 The Controller used in the ProLiant ML330 series is an IDE-RAID and most
 of the logic is not done by the controller but by the driver itself.
 So performance will probably suck...

My links refer to source to compile the drivers as a module.
It's gpl released.

 The controller will need proprietary drivers as AMI wants to protect
 their intellectual property - despite RAID0/1 being quite simple...

 As Lucas wrote, you CAN use it with Debian, but I would advise against
 it. Updating the kernel will be more work and you cannot even quickly
 recover your system with Knoppix (or something alike) because of the
 proprietary modules.

 We ditched our ML330 after a few days and replaced it with a DL380 - a
 little bit more expensive, but worth the money.

It seems to have good enough performance for us.
We are using for weather modeling website, which just requires mysql and php.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: Apache banner

2004-04-07 Thread Lucas Albers
you can turn if off with mod_rewrite so it does not show product type at all.
I couldn't get it to work, but you could do it

Fraser Campbell said:
 the ServerSignature directive to switch it off.
   ServerSignature On
   ServerTokens Prod

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using hp proliant ml 330

2004-04-07 Thread Lucas Albers
I recently received a hp proliant ml 330 which I installed redhat and then
debian linux on it.
I requires the megaide modules to see the raid disks correctly.
They can be compiled from source, from this location.(see below.)

I could not determine how to compile them statically into the kernel,
or create driver disks for a bf24 install.

So I had to intall redhat linux and then debootstrap into a debian
install, after I had recompiled the kernel and loaded the driver module
via initrd.


install redhat linux
boot machine
install debootstrap
install debian
download megaide kernel
download 2.4.25 kernel
copy extra megaide directory to
so it's a subdirectory of scsi.
edit makefile to include megaide section
config kernel,
make megaide include and cramfs,initrd ext3 scsis support.
compile megaide kernel
make dep bzImage megaide modules modules_install
install kernel
boot debian install.
configure debian

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache banner

2004-04-07 Thread Lucas Albers
you can turn if off with mod_rewrite so it does not show product type at all.
I couldn't get it to work, but you could do it

Fraser Campbell said:
 the ServerSignature directive to switch it off.
   ServerSignature On
   ServerTokens Prod

Re: backup software: Legato's Networker, Veritas' NetBackup, or IBM's Tivoli?

2004-04-05 Thread Lucas Albers
How else is it going to have permissions to backup everything on the system?
The port it locked to a particular backup server...
So only that ip address can connect to that port.

we use legato to backup:
suse 8x,redhat 6x,7x clients,windows nt2k,xpwin2k clients.

Works great!, we love it.
Have not used it for debian yet, but I think I just need to alienize the
package and play around with it.

Ed Thomson said:

 I didn't like Veritas' software at all -- it worked (moderately) under
 Linux by running as root and opening a port up.  There was little
 documentation at all, and absolutely nothing about its security.

 That scares me.


--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: backup software: Legato's Networker, Veritas' NetBackup, or IBM's Tivoli?

2004-04-05 Thread Lucas Albers
How else is it going to have permissions to backup everything on the system?
The port it locked to a particular backup server...
So only that ip address can connect to that port.

we use legato to backup:
suse 8x,redhat 6x,7x clients,windows nt2k,xpwin2k clients.

Works great!, we love it.
Have not used it for debian yet, but I think I just need to alienize the
package and play around with it.

Ed Thomson said:

 I didn't like Veritas' software at all -- it worked (moderately) under
 Linux by running as root and opening a port up.  There was little
 documentation at all, and absolutely nothing about its security.

 That scares me.


--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: Sendmail access restrictions

2004-03-24 Thread Lucas Albers

Stephen Gran said:
 relay).  What I want to do is not accept mail unless it comes from one
 of a few IP's, or is authenticated.  Say the domain is, and this
 servers hostname is  It is not listed as an MX record, so
 no legitimate emails should ever arrive there, only spams and viruses
 and whatnot.  However, any mail that arrives for [EMAIL PROTECTED] is
 accepted, since sendmail knows that it _is_  I want to
 reject these, and only accept mail that is authed, or coming in through
 one of the frontend machines.  I can't just do it with iptables, because
 of the roaming users.

This is trivial to do with mimedefang-sendmail.
I do it already.
You can also verify that all mail sent from your domain actually is from a
user that exists in your domain.
and mimedefang can use clam too!
--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sendmail access restrictions

2004-03-24 Thread Lucas Albers

Stephen Gran said:
 relay).  What I want to do is not accept mail unless it comes from one
 of a few IP's, or is authenticated.  Say the domain is, and this
 servers hostname is  It is not listed as an MX record, so
 no legitimate emails should ever arrive there, only spams and viruses
 and whatnot.  However, any mail that arrives for [EMAIL PROTECTED] is
 accepted, since sendmail knows that it _is_  I want to
 reject these, and only accept mail that is authed, or coming in through
 one of the frontend machines.  I can't just do it with iptables, because
 of the roaming users.

This is trivial to do with mimedefang-sendmail.
I do it already.
You can also verify that all mail sent from your domain actually is from a
user that exists in your domain.
and mimedefang can use clam too!
--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: Need help understand the development env (gcc, binutils etc)

2004-03-10 Thread Lucas Albers
Ole-Christian S. Hagenes said:
 So you see, it shows every package that is going to be installed and it
 shows that the mysql-doc package is sugested to. You might want that one
I usually do a debootstrap chroot build environment, so apache users don't
have access to any of the build tools.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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Re: Need help understand the development env (gcc, binutils etc)

2004-03-10 Thread Lucas Albers
Ole-Christian S. Hagenes said:
 So you see, it shows every package that is going to be installed and it
 shows that the mysql-doc package is sugested to. You might want that one
I usually do a debootstrap chroot build environment, so apache users don't
have access to any of the build tools.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

RE: How do you deploy a new system ?

2004-02-24 Thread Lucas Albers
I would deploy debian on more desktops, but the hardware detections is
just not up to par compared to fedora 1.
only 1 in 4 does it successfuly detects and configures x.
I would like to replace my 140 boxes of redhat with debian, but the
hardware detection configuration is just not as good.
Systemimager works great for loading master images, but it still requires
hardware detection on the bootup, as the machine differ.

Works great on my backend servers.
I am slowly migrating all of my redhat 7.x 9.x FC1 boxes to debian.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

protecting mail server from DOS

2004-02-17 Thread Lucas Albers
Just recently I had my mail server swamped by a single virus machine that
kept resending a virus message, ignoring my 5xx rejection code.

Is it possbile to block this via an iptables smtp max connection throttle

How do you handle this?
Via iptables?, or via qmail/postfix/exim/sendmail internal coding?

Does anyone else encounter this problem on a regular basis?
How do you solve this?

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

protecting mail server from DOS

2004-02-16 Thread Lucas Albers
Just recently I had my mail server swamped by a single virus machine that
kept resending a virus message, ignoring my 5xx rejection code.

Is it possbile to block this via an iptables smtp max connection throttle

How do you handle this?
Via iptables?, or via qmail/postfix/exim/sendmail internal coding?

Does anyone else encounter this problem on a regular basis?
How do you solve this?

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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Re: How do you manage Perl modules?

2004-02-06 Thread Lucas Albers

Angus D Madden said:

 Assuming you have a working cpan cofniguration, you can use dh-make-perl.

 dh-make-perl --cpan module

 I have used this before and it just worked.  ymmv.

I use mimedefang testing, spamaassassing unstable, and kernel 2.4.23, on
my production external mx server.
Everything else is stable.
The only externally exposed service, sendmail is stable.
I tried unstable sendmail, but TLS didn't work.
And I would not have timelly updates.
(I was trying to resolve milter sock issues.)
Works great, using perl 5.8 instaed of 5.6.1 is a much better choice for
Use clamdscan instead of clamscan, I got the clamd from the clam site, in
deb format.
Clamdscan is approximatelly 200 times faster then running clamscan.

You also need to hack the mimedefang restart script, so it puts a 3 second
delay in a restart, otherwise the multiplexor will generate a socket error
on the restart.
I've spent literally hundreds of hours messing around with mimedefang on
redhat/ and less amount of time with debian since then.

You also want to run a swatch script to watch for milter errors, so it can
restart the process when it pukes.
I saw this approximatelly every 60-70 days on some boxes.

If you use the embedded multiplexor for mimedefang you MUST use perl 5.8.

I backported mimedefang from testing to stable, and it did not require any
change in the debian file. I just had to recompile the src on a woody box.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How do you manage Perl modules?

2004-02-06 Thread Lucas Albers

Angus D Madden said:

 Assuming you have a working cpan cofniguration, you can use dh-make-perl.

 dh-make-perl --cpan module

 I have used this before and it just worked.  ymmv.

I use mimedefang testing, spamaassassing unstable, and kernel 2.4.23, on
my production external mx server.
Everything else is stable.
The only externally exposed service, sendmail is stable.
I tried unstable sendmail, but TLS didn't work.
And I would not have timelly updates.
(I was trying to resolve milter sock issues.)
Works great, using perl 5.8 instaed of 5.6.1 is a much better choice for
Use clamdscan instead of clamscan, I got the clamd from the clam site, in
deb format.
Clamdscan is approximatelly 200 times faster then running clamscan.

You also need to hack the mimedefang restart script, so it puts a 3 second
delay in a restart, otherwise the multiplexor will generate a socket error
on the restart.
I've spent literally hundreds of hours messing around with mimedefang on
redhat/ and less amount of time with debian since then.

You also want to run a swatch script to watch for milter errors, so it can
restart the process when it pukes.
I saw this approximatelly every 60-70 days on some boxes.

If you use the embedded multiplexor for mimedefang you MUST use perl 5.8.

I backported mimedefang from testing to stable, and it did not require any
change in the debian file. I just had to recompile the src on a woody box

Re: configure anomy sanitizer to drop not defang ?

2004-02-05 Thread Lucas Albers

Dan MacNeil said:

 anomy sanitizer works well with postfix, but as far as I can tell, it
 can't be configured to drop messages instead of defanging them.

 I plan to configure sanitizer to add a tag to bad messages and then use
 procmail to quarantine messages with that tag. Is there better way?

 Is there something that does what sanitizer, works with postfix and allows
 me to drop messages completely?

 Mimedefang seems ideal, but it only works with sendmail.

What's wrong with sendmail?
I use it with mimedefang, and it works awesome.
I can do spam filtering, greylisting, ptr-helo checking, virus scanning,
extension filtering, mimetype-filtering, zipfile extension blocking,etc.
The correct behavior with mimedefang is to generate a bounce for rejected
spam, and discard for detected virus's. This is all at the 5xx level.
You can also query internal mail servers/ldap servers to determine if an
account exists before accepting mail from that sender or recipient.
So you only accept mail from a sender, if that sender exists on one of
your internal systems.
My external mx is a debian sendmail 8.12.3, mimedefang 2.38 system and it
handles all department mail load fine.
--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: debian-specific machine cloning

2004-01-23 Thread Lucas Albers
I use systemimager for complete image backups of machines.
You can upgrade a system completelly remotely.
Has deb files.
And configure it so the network address is set for each machine.
I use it for 140 linux desktops.
I also use it for my servers, my primary webserver went I
grabbed a new machine off the storage bin, plopped in the cd and voila I
had a complete copy up and running in 15 minutes.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian-specific machine cloning

2004-01-23 Thread Lucas Albers
I use systemimager for complete image backups of machines.
You can upgrade a system completelly remotely.
Has deb files.
And configure it so the network address is set for each machine.
I use it for 140 linux desktops.
I also use it for my servers, my primary webserver went I
grabbed a new machine off the storage bin, plopped in the cd and voila I
had a complete copy up and running in 15 minutes.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

sendmail configure for backup mx record.

2004-01-22 Thread Lucas Albers
I am working on setting up a backup mx mailer for domain.
It will be our first debian system we will be using for a main production
I have read through the documentation, and it appears I have everything
configured correctly.
I am planning to set it up as a relay for an exchange server and a
sendmail server.  My original plan is to have it as a very high mx number
like 99 and just verify it appears to be working on the few MTA's that
attempt to relay through it.
Am I missing any additional items I need to configure to keep addresses
carrying over correctly to their destination machines?

I really appreciate any feedback you can give on items I might be
If you can think of ANYTHING I am overlooking, let me know.
As you well know when the mailserver for 800 people stop working, people get
I have read existing documentation on setting up a mail hub.
If you know of any documentation you think I might find useful, then let
me know.
Ignore additional security items such as:
dnsvalid/ipvalid,connection_throttle,bad_recip_throttle as I am aware of

mailterable and listed below:

/etc/mail/ generated using sendmailconfig in sendmail stable.
 #   Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Richard Nelson.  All Rights Reserved.
 #  This file is used to configure Sendmail for use with Debian systems.
 VERSIONID(`$Id:, v 8.12.3-6.6 2003-09-17 18:35:09 cowboy
 Exp $') OSTYPE(`debian')dnl DOMAIN(`debian-mta')dnl LOCAL_CONFIG
 FEATURE(`nocanonify')dnl LOCAL_CONFIG
 FEATURE(`use_cw_file')dnl FEATURE(`use_ct_file')dnl FEATURE(`nouucp',
 `reject')dnl FEATURE(`mailertable')dnl FEATURE(`smrsh')dnl
 FEATURE(`mailertable')dnl INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`mimedefang',
 `S=unix:/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock, F=T, T=S:1m;R:1m')
 include(`/etc/mail/dialup.m4')dnl include(`/etc/mail/provider.m4')dnl

 ## Custom configurations below (will be preserved)

I have configured mailertable entries:

/etc/mail/mailertable   esmtp:[]  esmtp:[]


--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

sendmail configure for backup mx record.

2004-01-22 Thread Lucas Albers
I am working on setting up a backup mx mailer for domain.
It will be our first debian system we will be using for a main production
I have read through the documentation, and it appears I have everything
configured correctly.
I am planning to set it up as a relay for an exchange server and a
sendmail server.  My original plan is to have it as a very high mx number
like 99 and just verify it appears to be working on the few MTA's that
attempt to relay through it.
Am I missing any additional items I need to configure to keep addresses
carrying over correctly to their destination machines?

I really appreciate any feedback you can give on items I might be
If you can think of ANYTHING I am overlooking, let me know.
As you well know when the mailserver for 800 people stop working, people get
I have read existing documentation on setting up a mail hub.
If you know of any documentation you think I might find useful, then let
me know.
Ignore additional security items such as:
dnsvalid/ipvalid,connection_throttle,bad_recip_throttle as I am aware of

mailterable and listed below:

/etc/mail/ generated using sendmailconfig in sendmail stable.
 #   Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Richard Nelson.  All Rights Reserved.
 #  This file is used to configure Sendmail for use with Debian systems.
 VERSIONID(`$Id:, v 8.12.3-6.6 2003-09-17 18:35:09 cowboy
 Exp $') OSTYPE(`debian')dnl DOMAIN(`debian-mta')dnl LOCAL_CONFIG
 FEATURE(`nocanonify')dnl LOCAL_CONFIG
 FEATURE(`use_cw_file')dnl FEATURE(`use_ct_file')dnl FEATURE(`nouucp',
 `reject')dnl FEATURE(`mailertable')dnl FEATURE(`smrsh')dnl
 FEATURE(`mailertable')dnl INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`mimedefang',
 `S=unix:/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock, F=T, T=S:1m;R:1m')
 include(`/etc/mail/dialup.m4')dnl include(`/etc/mail/provider.m4')dnl

 ## Custom configurations below (will be preserved)

I have configured mailertable entries:

/etc/mail/mailertable   esmtp:[]  esmtp:[]


--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: shell access exploits (was Re: upgrading to MySQL 4 on woody)

2004-01-20 Thread Lucas Albers
I'm no expert.
I run chkrootkit on a regular basis.
Run a virus scanner it will find some exploits.
Hacafee found a few rootkits and known kernel exploits.
I use mcafee for linux.
Analyze history files for certain keywords.
The best way would be to analyze command frequency in history files and
look for infrequently occuring commands that are good indications of hack
Look at anyone running command: uname -a

Install grsecurity, and laugh at the attempts to do buffer overruns.
Enable grsecurity acl subsystem and continue laughing.
Analyze login frequency, what country are they logging in from?
Have they logged in from this address before?
Analyze login time, 2-6am is when most exploits occur.
Look at tripwire or sash logs. (still use tripwire have not learned how to
use sash)
Look at when root logins.
Check for processes initiating outgoing connections, hackers love to wget
their files.
Check for process using a lot of memory or processor time.

Jason Lim said:

 One of my hats is a junior sys admin in an academic environment. I'm
 curious as to how you know when shell users are trying to exploit a


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: shell access exploits (was Re: upgrading to MySQL 4 on woody)

2004-01-20 Thread Lucas Albers
I'm no expert.
I run chkrootkit on a regular basis.
Run a virus scanner it will find some exploits.
Hacafee found a few rootkits and known kernel exploits.
I use mcafee for linux.
Analyze history files for certain keywords.
The best way would be to analyze command frequency in history files and
look for infrequently occuring commands that are good indications of hack
Look at anyone running command: uname -a

Install grsecurity, and laugh at the attempts to do buffer overruns.
Enable grsecurity acl subsystem and continue laughing.
Analyze login frequency, what country are they logging in from?
Have they logged in from this address before?
Analyze login time, 2-6am is when most exploits occur.
Look at tripwire or sash logs. (still use tripwire have not learned how to
use sash)
Look at when root logins.
Check for processes initiating outgoing connections, hackers love to wget
their files.
Check for process using a lot of memory or processor time.

Jason Lim said:

 One of my hats is a junior sys admin in an academic environment. I'm
 curious as to how you know when shell users are trying to exploit a


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: upgrading to MySQL 4 on woody

2004-01-19 Thread Lucas Albers

Rod Rodolico said:

 Becoming a firm believer that you CAN have it all, stability and the
 latest packages :)

 There are other places to get backports, BTW. This one works for me.

Yes I agree with your statements.
Thanks for the link I'll use it on one of my systems...

But you don't explicitly have security, you have the testing delay for
security updates, combined with the propagation time to backports from

I'm still leery of using testing for any publicly exposed service, or for
machines with shell access.
I have at most a week from a known kernel exploit to when one of my users
tries to exploit via shell access.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: upgrading to MySQL 4 on woody

2004-01-19 Thread Lucas Albers

Rod Rodolico said:

 Becoming a firm believer that you CAN have it all, stability and the
 latest packages :)

 There are other places to get backports, BTW. This one works for me.

Yes I agree with your statements.
Thanks for the link I'll use it on one of my systems...

But you don't explicitly have security, you have the testing delay for
security updates, combined with the propagation time to backports from

I'm still leery of using testing for any publicly exposed service, or for
machines with shell access.
I have at most a week from a known kernel exploit to when one of my users
tries to exploit via shell access.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: debian on HP proliant

2004-01-16 Thread Lucas Albers
I am exposing another machine as http mirror, and am trying to secure it.
Done with iptables.
configured portsentry to auto-block portscans.

How to block TRACE in apache?
I believe you do it with rewriting rule like such, but does not work.
IfModule mod_rewrite.c
#security changes
RewriteRule .* - [F]

How to restrict ALL product information?
I want to leak no webserver/os information, I've already configured:

ServerTokens ProductOnly

Anyone have a rule to restrict this via mod_rewrite or similar?

I have also been trying to prevent DOS attacks.
I used mod_throttle on the webserver but it had severe performance
problems. It just slowed the webserver down drastically.

What iptable rules or scripts, have you used to prevent DOS on the webserver?
I would be very interested in hearing how others do this.

For example last week I was being trawled by 20 bots from one of the
search engines. If I had an iptables throttle on simultaneous connections
or similar I would not have had problems.

6 weeks ago I had a user publish a movie file that maxed out my webserver
at 256 simultaneous connections and was using 40 megs of traffic a second.
This used up 2/3rds of our network bandwidth, and prevented anyone else
from viewing webpages on our webserver.
Our webserver kept joy.
Any ideas on how to prevent this particular DOS?
An scripts you use?
--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

secure apache webserver

2004-01-16 Thread Lucas Albers
I accidentally posted this with the last message i was replying to...
so reposting...,  I apologize for the mistake.
Lucas Albers said:
 I am exposing another machine as http mirror, and am trying to secure it.
 Done with iptables.
 configured portsentry to auto-block portscans.

 How to block TRACE in apache?
 I believe you do it with rewriting rule like such, but does not work.
 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
 #security changes
 RewriteRule .* - [F]

 How to restrict ALL product information?
 I want to leak no webserver/os information, I've already configured:

 ServerTokens ProductOnly

 Anyone have a rule to restrict this via mod_rewrite or similar?

 I have also been trying to prevent DOS attacks.
 I used mod_throttle on the webserver but it had severe performance
 problems. It just slowed the webserver down drastically.

 What iptable rules or scripts, have you used to prevent DOS on the
 I would be very interested in hearing how others do this.

 For example last week I was being trawled by 20 bots from one of the
 search engines. If I had an iptables throttle on simultaneous connections
 or similar I would not have had problems.

 6 weeks ago I had a user publish a movie file that maxed out my webserver
 at 256 simultaneous connections and was using 40 megs of traffic a second.
 This used up 2/3rds of our network bandwidth, and prevented anyone else
 from viewing webpages on our webserver.
 Our webserver kept joy.
 Any ideas on how to prevent this particular DOS?
 An scripts you use?
 --Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Considering Debian (currently using Red Hat)

2004-01-16 Thread Lucas Albers

Matt Wehland said:
 So you just install a stable system, keep up with the security updates,
 your own local repository (plenty of ways to do this) and build the few
 packages that you need newer versions of.
 This is what I am doing (just got apt-proxy working and it's great).
 This gives you a known secure system, and all you have to keep an eye on
 security advisories that affect the packages you have built yourself.
 I keep my servers on stable, and run my workstations on testing.
I have recently started the process of switching my computers from redhat
to debian.
I would very much appreciate step by step directions for creating a local
repository for redistribution of kernel packages and locally built

I ran across basic directions on setting up mirror, but nothing about
debianizing a package; if you just want it for a local package.
eg, you don't need the full steps, just enough to convert a tar.gz file to
a .deb file.

I run the 2.4.23+ kernels on my servers as it supports the newest
hardware. I don't run stable because they don't have drivers for my newer
network card. I also recompile my kernel with grsecurity security patches.
I am currently only running 4 debian boxes, but I have yet to encounter a
single kernel crash.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

implementing software raid on server

2004-01-16 Thread Lucas Albers
I created directions on converting a system to run its rood on software
raid. This doc will be included in the next mdadm software raid tools
This can be done completelly remotelly with no loss of data.
(assuming you have an extra disk just sitting in a remote computer.)
I thought I would mention this as software raid or any redundancy is
important for server's.
Please let me know if you find an errors and I will correct them.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Considering Debian (currently using Red Hat)

2004-01-16 Thread Lucas Albers

Robert Waldner said:
 Another advantage is that there's no integrated admin-tool which
  will destroy your precious hand-crafted config files, no yast or
  suseconfig or somesuch. The downside to that is that you have to
  know how to use an editor, of course, and there's mostly no setup
  wizards to guide you. Packages do, of course, come with mostly
  sensible (and secure) default configs, though. Should an upgrade have
  the necessity to change a config-file, it'll ask you if you want it to
  (it can also show you a diff first) or not.

I really like the config tools it has:
dpkg-reconfigure sendmail or sendmailconfig,
or dpkg-reconfigure snort.

I like the config tools better then rhat, very cool.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian on HP proliant

2004-01-16 Thread Lucas Albers
I am exposing another machine as http mirror, and am trying to secure it.
Done with iptables.
configured portsentry to auto-block portscans.

How to block TRACE in apache?
I believe you do it with rewriting rule like such, but does not work.
IfModule mod_rewrite.c
#security changes
RewriteRule .* - [F]

How to restrict ALL product information?
I want to leak no webserver/os information, I've already configured:

ServerTokens ProductOnly

Anyone have a rule to restrict this via mod_rewrite or similar?

I have also been trying to prevent DOS attacks.
I used mod_throttle on the webserver but it had severe performance
problems. It just slowed the webserver down drastically.

What iptable rules or scripts, have you used to prevent DOS on the webserver?
I would be very interested in hearing how others do this.

For example last week I was being trawled by 20 bots from one of the
search engines. If I had an iptables throttle on simultaneous connections
or similar I would not have had problems.

6 weeks ago I had a user publish a movie file that maxed out my webserver
at 256 simultaneous connections and was using 40 megs of traffic a second

secure apache webserver

2004-01-16 Thread Lucas Albers
I accidentally posted this with the last message i was replying to...
so reposting...,  I apologize for the mistake.
Lucas Albers said:
 I am exposing another machine as http mirror, and am trying to secure it.
 Done with iptables.
 configured portsentry to auto-block portscans.

 How to block TRACE in apache?
 I believe you do it with rewriting rule like such, but does not work.
 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
 #security changes
 RewriteRule .* - [F]

 How to restrict ALL product information?
 I want to leak no webserver/os information, I've already configured:

 ServerTokens ProductOnly

 Anyone have a rule to restrict this via mod_rewrite or similar?

 I have also been trying to prevent DOS attacks.
 I used mod_throttle on the webserver but it had severe performance
 problems. It just slowed the webserver down drastically.

 What iptable rules or scripts, have you used to prevent DOS on the
 I would be very interested in hearing how others do this.

 For example last week I was being trawled by 20 bots from one of the
 search engines. If I had an iptables throttle on simultaneous connections
 or similar I would not have had problems.

 6 weeks ago I had a user publish a movie file that maxed out my webserver
 at 256 simultaneous connections and was using 40 megs of traffic a second.
 This used up 2/3rds of our network bandwidth, and prevented anyone else
 from viewing webpages on our webserver.
 Our webserver kept joy.
 Any ideas on how to prevent this particular DOS?
 An scripts you use?
 --Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: Considering Debian (currently using Red Hat)

2004-01-16 Thread Lucas Albers

Matt Wehland said:
 So you just install a stable system, keep up with the security updates,
 your own local repository (plenty of ways to do this) and build the few
 packages that you need newer versions of.
 This is what I am doing (just got apt-proxy working and it's great).
 This gives you a known secure system, and all you have to keep an eye on
 security advisories that affect the packages you have built yourself.
 I keep my servers on stable, and run my workstations on testing.
I have recently started the process of switching my computers from redhat
to debian.
I would very much appreciate step by step directions for creating a local
repository for redistribution of kernel packages and locally built

I ran across basic directions on setting up mirror, but nothing about
debianizing a package; if you just want it for a local package.
eg, you don't need the full steps, just enough to convert a tar.gz file to
a .deb file.

I run the 2.4.23+ kernels on my servers as it supports the newest
hardware. I don't run stable because they don't have drivers for my newer
network card. I also recompile my kernel with grsecurity security patches

implementing software raid on server

2004-01-16 Thread Lucas Albers
I created directions on converting a system to run its rood on software
raid. This doc will be included in the next mdadm software raid tools
This can be done completelly remotelly with no loss of data.
(assuming you have an extra disk just sitting in a remote computer.)
I thought I would mention this as software raid or any redundancy is
important for server's.
Please let me know if you find an errors and I will correct them.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: Considering Debian (currently using Red Hat)

2004-01-16 Thread Lucas Albers

Robert Waldner said:
 Another advantage is that there's no integrated admin-tool which
  will destroy your precious hand-crafted config files, no yast or
  suseconfig or somesuch. The downside to that is that you have to
  know how to use an editor, of course, and there's mostly no setup
  wizards to guide you. Packages do, of course, come with mostly
  sensible (and secure) default configs, though. Should an upgrade have
  the necessity to change a config-file, it'll ask you if you want it to
  (it can also show you a diff first) or not.

I really like the config tools it has:
dpkg-reconfigure sendmail or sendmailconfig,
or dpkg-reconfigure snort.

I like the config tools better then rhat, very cool.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

Re: Attempts to poison bayesian systems

2003-12-23 Thread Lucas Albers

Russell Coker said:
 Also it makes it slightly more difficult for good filters to catch the
 but at the cost of making the spam less effective.

 Guys who will get their credit card out when reading a clear message
 to double their penis size probably won't do so if the penis message is
 in with Shakespeare...

I have played around a LOT with spamassassing filtering, and you can
signifigantly raise your SA score by adding in extra checks.
Custom CF rules, look at the evilrules (search google) for great rules on
catching garbage html obfuscation.
I have a 10,000 line custom local cf file.

Razor+Pyzor+Dcc Checks: Adding in network checks will raise your score.
Use the newest version of SA, it has signifigantly increased the bayes score.
Stateful analysis of normal message traffic.
I use mimedefang+sendmail+SA which allows me to do a more thorough
analysis of message traffic considering all the components of the traffic,
compared to just SA.

Look up greylisting for some more ideas on blocking email.
I also use greylisting, and it has cut my spam volume, and mail server
utilization as I can reject before content analysis.

To defeat bayes poisoning you need to determine if bayes poisoning has
occurred by analyzing letter frequency in the first 400bytes and last 400
bytes of the email. From sa developers comments.

You can determine the normal letter frequency, which letters come before
and after each other, and how often. Then you can detect when this is not
occuring which indicates bayes poisoning
I believe this is a future feature of SA.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Attempts to poison bayesian systems

2003-12-23 Thread Lucas Albers

Russell Coker said:
 Also it makes it slightly more difficult for good filters to catch the
 but at the cost of making the spam less effective.

 Guys who will get their credit card out when reading a clear message
 to double their penis size probably won't do so if the penis message is
 in with Shakespeare...

I have played around a LOT with spamassassing filtering, and you can
signifigantly raise your SA score by adding in extra checks.
Custom CF rules, look at the evilrules (search google) for great rules on
catching garbage html obfuscation.
I have a 10,000 line custom local cf file.

Razor+Pyzor+Dcc Checks: Adding in network checks will raise your score.
Use the newest version of SA, it has signifigantly increased the bayes score.
Stateful analysis of normal message traffic.
I use mimedefang+sendmail+SA which allows me to do a more thorough
analysis of message traffic considering all the components of the traffic,
compared to just SA.

Look up greylisting for some more ideas on blocking email.
I also use greylisting, and it has cut my spam volume, and mail server
utilization as I can reject before content analysis.

To defeat bayes poisoning you need to determine if bayes poisoning has
occurred by analyzing letter frequency in the first 400bytes and last 400
bytes of the email. From sa developers comments.

You can determine the normal letter frequency, which letters come before
and after each other, and how often. Then you can detect when this is not
occuring which indicates bayes poisoning
I believe this is a future feature of SA.

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman