You're leaking semaphores, APC doesn't seem to always clean up after
itself gracefully.

Do an "apachectl stop", then execute the following command:

ipcs -s -t | cut -f 1 -d " " | egrep "^[0-9]+$" | xargs ipcrm sem

WARNING: if you have anything else on your system that uses semaphores,
this could be trouble!  On my system it works fine, but on yours it
might not.

Never do an "apachectl restart" or "apachectl configtest", as these seem
to be guaranteed to leak semaphores.  I think if you do "apachectl stop"
and wait a few seconds, it actually cleans up properly.  You have to get
a clean slate first though, so stop apache and run the above command to
clean up the mess, and from now on always stick to start and stop, never

That's my experience, anyway... I haven't looked at the code for it, so
I don't know exactly what's going on in there.

On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 09:00, Andres Junge Mac-Evoy wrote:
> Hello:
> I have installed apc (php4-apc 1.1.0pl1-5), and it seems to work very well. 
> The scripts get loaded 200% times faster (very impressive).
> The only problem I have is when i try to use 'apachectl configtest' i get 
> the following error:
> apc_sem_create: semget(0,...) failed: No space left on device
> The disk empty as df -k says:
> df -k
> Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda5               482217     82434    374884  19% /
> /dev/hda2               124427       783    117220   1% /boot
> /dev/hda6             12294200    784904  10884772   7% /usr
> /dev/hda7             12294200    117224  11552452   2% /var
> /dev/hda8             12286552   1440144  10222288  13% /home
> So i really donīt know what is the problem.
> In php.ini i have the following configuration:
> zend_extension=/usr/lib/php4/extensions/zend/
> apc.mode=shm
> apc.check_mtime=1
> #apc.ttl=20
> apc.regex="apcinfo.php:apc"
> Any idea?
> Thanx in advance.
> Salu2
> Andres
> Other useful (maybe) data:
> php4-apc          1.1.0pl1-5
> php4              4.1.1-1
> apache            1.3.22-5
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