Re: Question about drac-add tool and courier

2004-07-27 Thread Tomàs Núñez
Hi again! :)
I wrote the attached email about a month ago. Since then, I've googled a lot, 
I've written to courier list, I've written to drac patch author, and some 
other lists, but I get no answer anywhere... And I don't know what to do :P

I have two separate mail servers (one for incoming and one for outgoing), and 
I'd like to use some "pop-before-smtp". 

I know that almost all email clients support smtp-auth, but users are, say, 
"uncomfortable with changes" (that is, lazy to death), and I need to find the 
easiest way for them.

Since IP-auth is not doing its job (people don't connect through our servers 
to internet, so we can't know what their IP is...), I need to make a change, 
and the best I've found is the "pop-before-smtp" way. Ok, it's not the best 
solution, but it will do exactly what I want to.

Can any of you give some hints on this?

I'm using "Debian Sid" postfix (2.1.4-1), courier-authdaemon, courier-pop, 
courier-imap, courier-ldap (all, drac and drac-dev 

I think I should only touch "courier-authdaemon" to make drac work, but now 
I'm lost, and don't know what more to do. You can read the email and that's 
what I did...

So please, any help will be very very appreciated

Thanks a lot

El Lunes, 21 de Junio de 2004 14:13, Tomàs Núñez Lirola escribió:
> Hi
> In the DRAC homepage( I've seen a
> tool to make DRAC work without modifying any courier-pop sources
> ( I've tried it, but I
> get no response and I don't know where to look at...
> I have separate pop and smtp servers, and I've done this:
> On the smtp server (Debian unstable):
> apt-get install drac
> host# ps uax|grep drac
> root  5568  0.0  0.0  2388  808 ?S15:36
> 0:00 /usr/sbin/rpc.dracd -i -e 30 /var/lib/drac/dracd.db
> On the courier-pop server:
> apt-get install drac-dev
> cc -o drac-add drac-add.c -ldrac
> cp drac-add /usr/lib/courier/authlib/drac-add
> And then I added "drac-add" to "/etc/courier/authdaemonrc"  on
> "authmodulelist" like this:
> authmodulelist="authldap authpam drac-add"
> I restarted courier-authdaemon and courier-pop, but I see no activity...
>  Where should I see some activity log? I've done "grep -ir drac-add
>  /var/log/*" and I get only these results:
> /var/log/messages:Jun 15 15:42:05 orc authdaemond.ldap: authdaemon:
> modules="authldap authpam drac-add", daemons=5
> /var/log/syslog:Jun 15 15:42:05 orc authdaemond.ldap: authdaemon:
> modules="authldap authpam drac-add", daemons=5
> /var/log/user.log:Jun 15 15:42:05 orc authdaemond.ldap: authdaemon:
> modules="authldap authpam drac-add", daemons=5
> So, do any of you think I am doing something wrong? Where can I see what's
> going on?
> How can I see if drac-add is sending rpc-requests correctly, or if drac is
> receiving rpc-requests correctly? Some log
> Thanks in advance
> Tomàs

Question about drac-add tool and courier

2004-06-21 Thread Tomàs Núñez Lirola
In the DRAC homepage( I've seen a 
tool to make DRAC work without modifying any courier-pop sources 
( I've tried it, but I get 
no response and I don't know where to look at...

I have separate pop and smtp servers, and I've done this:
On the smtp server (Debian unstable):

apt-get install drac
host# ps uax|grep drac
root  5568  0.0  0.0  2388  808 ?S15:36
0:00 /usr/sbin/rpc.dracd -i -e 30 /var/lib/drac/dracd.db

On the courier-pop server:
apt-get install drac-dev
cc -o drac-add drac-add.c -ldrac
cp drac-add /usr/lib/courier/authlib/drac-add

And then I added "drac-add" to "/etc/courier/authdaemonrc"  on
"authmodulelist" like this:
authmodulelist="authldap authpam drac-add"

I restarted courier-authdaemon and courier-pop, but I see no activity...
 Where should I see some activity log? I've done "grep -ir drac-add
 /var/log/*" and I get only these results:
/var/log/messages:Jun 15 15:42:05 orc authdaemond.ldap: authdaemon:
modules="authldap authpam drac-add", daemons=5
/var/log/syslog:Jun 15 15:42:05 orc authdaemond.ldap: authdaemon:
modules="authldap authpam drac-add", daemons=5
/var/log/user.log:Jun 15 15:42:05 orc authdaemond.ldap: authdaemon:
modules="authldap authpam drac-add", daemons=5

So, do any of you think I am doing something wrong? Where can I see what's 
going on?
How can I see if drac-add is sending rpc-requests correctly, or if drac is
receiving rpc-requests correctly? Some log

Thanks in advance

Question about drac-add tool and courier

2004-06-21 Thread Tomàs Núñez Lirola
In the DRAC homepage( I've seen a 
tool to make DRAC work without modifying any courier-pop sources 
( I've tried it, but I get 
no response and I don't know where to look at...

I have separate pop and smtp servers, and I've done this:
On the smtp server (Debian unstable):

apt-get install drac
host# ps uax|grep drac
root  5568  0.0  0.0  2388  808 ?S15:36
0:00 /usr/sbin/rpc.dracd -i -e 30 /var/lib/drac/dracd.db

On the courier-pop server:
apt-get install drac-dev
cc -o drac-add drac-add.c -ldrac
cp drac-add /usr/lib/courier/authlib/drac-add

And then I added "drac-add" to "/etc/courier/authdaemonrc"  on
"authmodulelist" like this:
authmodulelist="authldap authpam drac-add"

I restarted courier-authdaemon and courier-pop, but I see no activity...
 Where should I see some activity log? I've done "grep -ir drac-add
 /var/log/*" and I get only these results:
/var/log/messages:Jun 15 15:42:05 orc authdaemond.ldap: authdaemon:
modules="authldap authpam drac-add", daemons=5
/var/log/syslog:Jun 15 15:42:05 orc authdaemond.ldap: authdaemon:
modules="authldap authpam drac-add", daemons=5
/var/log/user.log:Jun 15 15:42:05 orc authdaemond.ldap: authdaemon:
modules="authldap authpam drac-add", daemons=5

So, do any of you think I am doing something wrong? Where can I see what's 
going on?
How can I see if drac-add is sending rpc-requests correctly, or if drac is
receiving rpc-requests correctly? Some log

Thanks in advance