> I have been allocated a x.x.x.144/28 (16 node) subnet
> .145 is the upstream gateway, .146/.147 is eth0/eth1 on box1
> there is a short xover cable between eth1 on box1 and box2
> .158 is eth0 on box2
> x.x.x.145 <-> eth0:x.x.x.146 eth1:x.x.x.147 <-xover-> eth0:x.x.x.158

On box1 (.146/.147) I have a static route...

 route add x.x.x.158 gw x.x.x.147

On box2 (.158) I did...

 echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/proxy_arp
 arp -s x.x.x.158 x:x:x:x:x:x pub

Thanks to all for your helpful suggestions, and this link...



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