Thanks! I would take a look.

A think that I found different when I made the effort to move from Ubuntu Server to Debian, was that on Debian not had removed the tomcat version. Ubuntu Server, had a "tomcatX" user/group that match the tomcat installed. Also, some old Ubuntu Server LTS had two versions of tomcat at same time on his repositories without issues (7 and 8.5).

El 3/5/24 a las 15:46, Thorsten Glaser escribió:
Hola Luis,

I know that the remove tomcat9 packages was done on December of 2023 and that
this was decided a long time ago. But I think that nobody has stopped to
consider that you *cannot simply migrate from Tomcat 9 to 10 *(inserte here
I have. I currently maintain the tomcat9 package externally,
and I have users who use it for their customers so it’s used
in production, with sysvinit instead of systemd, even.

The packages are here:

Don’t just install them from there, though, that would not
be secured. Ideally, you’d use the Debian package “extrepo”
to enable the “wtf-lts” repository, then pin it so that only
the packages tomcat9{,-admin,-common,-docs,-examples,-user}
and libtomcat9-{,embed-}java are considered from that repo.

contains links to manual installation instructions, but you
might still want to consider pinning as the repo contains
other packages as well.

Full disclosure, while I’m a Debian Developer and team member,
Emmanuel has veto’d the changes to the tomcat9 package in the
past (mostly on the grounds of using adduser… *sigh*). I also
haven’t tested installing it together with tomcat10, and I
personally don’t test on bookworm (but others do), only on
bullseye and sometimes buster.

because the javax.* to jakarta.* packages problem
Upstream Tomcat says they can convert that automatically,
but I wouldn’t rely on just that because from experience
I know that upgrading the Tomcat version is always a
breaking change that needs changes to all applications.


/Luis Panadero Guardeño/
Departamento de Informática


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