Re: X startup

2001-05-06 Thread Gordon Sadler
On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 08:42:26PM -0400, Darkhaven wrote:
> From: Darkhaven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Subject: X startup
> when i installed debian, i didn't install x on it and it booted just fine into
> the console. however, i installed x about a week later and it automatically
> starts up. obviously the X group, or the X mantainer (or it could be a part of
> kde, but i doubt it) wanted it to have more the look and feel of M$ windows 
> when
> X is installed (which isn't really bad by itself) however, i just don't like 
> it.
> sometimes i don't want to use X. however, it still starts up and does nothing
> more than take up memory.
> my causin's solution to this was to mess with some script and make it so that 
> X
> crashed when it was started on startup. then when he wanted to use it just 
> type
> startx. however, i was looking to do thist the "debian way". i was wondering 
> if
> there was an easy way to do this, or what is the proper way to make X not 
> start
> on bootup (without making it crash :-) ).
> i have X, kde, twm, and some gnome libraries installed.
> any help would be appreciated.
Somehow, probably via a task package, you installed one of these: xdm,
gdm, kdm, or another display manager. When installed they cause X to be
started on boot. The best/simplest answer is to find the one you
installed and remove it.

If you want it installed... but not started automatically, you may have
to adjust /etc/inittab or /etc/init.d/{g,k,x}dm to have it only start at
certain run-levels.

Gordon Sadler

X startup

2001-05-06 Thread Darkhaven
when i installed debian, i didn't install x on it and it booted just fine into
the console. however, i installed x about a week later and it automatically
starts up. obviously the X group, or the X mantainer (or it could be a part of
kde, but i doubt it) wanted it to have more the look and feel of M$ windows when
X is installed (which isn't really bad by itself) however, i just don't like it.
sometimes i don't want to use X. however, it still starts up and does nothing
more than take up memory.

my causin's solution to this was to mess with some script and make it so that X
crashed when it was started on startup. then when he wanted to use it just type
startx. however, i was looking to do thist the "debian way". i was wondering if
there was an easy way to do this, or what is the proper way to make X not start
on bootup (without making it crash :-) ).

i have X, kde, twm, and some gnome libraries installed.

any help would be appreciated.

darkhaven (aka - shawn wilson / kg4gxu)

Re: scroll wheel

2001-05-06 Thread Evan Malahy
For the mouse to work in KDE, remove imwheel.

Place these lines in your ~/.Xdefaults to get Netscape working:

Netscape*drawingArea.translations:  #replace\
:   ArmLink()   \n\
:   ArmLink()   \n\
~Shift:   ActivateLink()  \n\
~Shift:   ActivateLink(new-window)  \
Shift:ActivateLink(save-only)  \
Shift:ActivateLink(save-only)  \
: DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
: DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
: DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
: DescribeLink()  \n\
:   xfeDoPopup()\n\
: ActivatePopup() \n\
Ctrl: PageUp()\n\
Ctrl: PageDown()\n\
Shift: LineUp()\n\
Shift: LineDown()\n\
None: LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()\n\
Alt: xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
Alt: xfeDoCommand(back)\n

Netscape*globalNonTextTranslations: #override\n\
Shift: LineUp()\n\
Shift: LineDown()\n\
Alt: xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
Alt: xfeDoCommand(back)\n


On Sunday 06 May 2001 15:29, James Smith wrote:
> Does anyone know of a way to get a scroll wheel on a mouse working in KDE
> without using an external program like imwheel?
> JW,
> James Smith

Re: scroll wheel

2001-05-06 Thread Hendrik Sattler
Hash: SHA1

On Monday,  7. May 2001 00:29, James Smith wrote:
> Does anyone know of a way to get a scroll wheel on a mouse working in KDE
> without using an external program like imwheel?

Yes, follow the same instructions for imwheel but do not load it.
I don't know if you need X4 though.

Actually KDE2 mouse wheel support somehow conflicts with imwheel. They can 
run at the same time but then you can only scroll per full page in KDE2 apps.
Without imwheel apps like netscape and acroread4 have no wheel support in an 
easy way.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: scroll wheel

2001-05-06 Thread Gordon Sadler
On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 05:29:05PM -0500, James Smith wrote:
> From: James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Subject: scroll wheel
> X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.2]
> Does anyone know of a way to get a scroll wheel on a mouse working in KDE 
> without using an external program like imwheel?
With X4.x.x as long as you use the proper protocol for you mouse, and
number of buttons (wheel up/down count as one button each), it works out
of the box.

That said, some apps require special resources to work, notably
netscape. You can find the resources with; sth like 
'wheel mouse netscape'

If you still have X3.3.x, without imwheel I beleive you have to
explicitly set resources for all/most apps. I never got anything besides
netscape to scroll with X3.x.x and never ran KDE at all under X3.x.x.


Gordon Sadler

Re: scroll wheel

2001-05-06 Thread Trond BĂ„shus
On Monday  7. May 2001 00:29, James Smith wrote:
> Does anyone know of a way to get a scroll wheel on a mouse working in KDE
> without using an external program like imwheel?
> JW,
> James Smith

I have this in my XF86Config file which make the wheel work in most programs 
except netscape:

Section "Pointer"
Protocol "IMPS/2"
Device "/dev/psaux"
Buttons 5
ZAxisMapping 4 5


Lost kmail password?

2001-05-06 Thread John Gay
I was updating my daughters system to KDE 2.0.1 ( Damn Mandrake system) but 
their kdebase is corrupt and now kmail segfaults. I was going to set up 
netscape so she could get her mails until they get things sorted, but I don't 
remember her mail password.

Is there somewhere in a config file for kmail I can find it? Otherwise she 
has to wait until Mandrake get KDE sorted and then hope it preserves her 
password for her.


John Gay

scroll wheel

2001-05-06 Thread James Smith
Does anyone know of a way to get a scroll wheel on a mouse working in KDE 
without using an external program like imwheel?

James Smith

Ugly fonts in kmail

2001-05-06 Thread John Dalbec
I have tried setting the UTF-8 font in kmail but this does not work.  kmail 
translates "utf-8" to "iso10646-1" when I type it into the "encoding" box and 
it uses the "console" font with that encoding no matter what I select from 
the font list.  The drop-down list of encodings shows "default" and 
"iso-8859-1" only, so I have to type in other encodings by hand.  Do I have 
to add the encodings elsewhere?  Do I need one of the i18n packages?  I don't 
want KDE to start displaying menus and dialogs in a foreign language.  I'm 
using xfs and xfstt, is this part of the problem?  My truetype fonts are on 
my W*s hard disk, which I have mounted read-only.

Re: AA with potato (strictly)

2001-05-06 Thread Rob Weir
> You can only do antialiasing if you do NOT use the NVIDIA drivers (the
> commercial ones). They cannot do it yet.

I'm using the binary NVIDIA drivers from NVIDIA, with a TNT-1, under X4.0.2 
w/AA with no problems at all.  Is this what you mean?

Re: AA with potato (strictly)

2001-05-06 Thread Rob Weir
I don't know if this is any help, but this is what I did to get AA working 
under potato with my Riva TNT.  Also, this is just based on my incomplete 
memory if the long and painful process, so anyone has a clue feel free to 
correct me...

Firstly, I got the XFree86 4.0.2 potato debs from
The sources.list lines that I have are:
deb xf402_potato/i386/
deb xf402_potato/all/
While you're there, install a new version of freetype.  I'm not sure if this 
new version of freetype is strictly necessary, and I don't want to break my 
system finding out right now.
Also, read the READ.THIS files!
When installing, you might have to put a bunch of packages on hold, but in 
the end apt-get check should not give you any problems.

Then, you have to setup your XF86Config-4 settings, font paths and XftConfig 
You need to have at least the following modules listed in your XF86Config-4 

My font paths from XF86Config-4 are as follows:
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/"
FontPath   "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
(Basically, put any directory that has truetype or type1 fonts in it at the 
top of the section, so they are used in preference to your bitmap fonts)
Don't forget to run ttfmkdir or mktffdir in each directory containing 
truetype fonts and mkfontdir in all the others.
Finally, you need to setup your XftConfig file.  Mine is below, it consists 
of lines stolen from the following: a)the Xfree86 sample file, b) the example 
file from task-anti-aliasing, c) my own fiddling, and d) whoever else I've 
--Start XftConfig
# XftConfig from
# Use with Type1 and TrueType fonts

dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
dir "/usr/share/fonts/truetype"
dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType"

# alias 'fixed' for 'mono'
match any family == "fixed" edit family =+ "mono";

#Check users config file
includeif   "~/.xftconfig"

# Substitute TrueType fonts for Type1 versions
match any family == "Times" edit family += "Times New Roman";
match any family == "Helvetica" edit family += "Verdana";
match any family == "Courier"   edit family += "Courier New";

# Use TrueType fonts for defaults
match any family == "serif" edit family += "Times New Roman";
--End XftConfig
Also, this may not work, since I have a large collection of truetype fonts 
from:freefonts,sharefonts,cp /mnt/win/windows/fonts/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/, 
and from a bunch of other places.  On the other hand, they are all fairly 
free, so you might want to get them just to make your life easier.

Then, once this was working, I got the (binary-only) NVidia drivers from 
their site (can't find the link right now), and installed them.  Don't forget 
to change the 'nv' in XF86Config-4 to nvidia (it is in the instructions tho;).

Once you have have this all working properly, you can test to see if 
AA is going to happen at all.  Start up one xterm, and type xterm -fa 
courier.  This should take a while to start up, and when it does it will 
(hopefully!) be an xterm with anti-aliasing.  If you have crap eyes like me, 
run xmag and zoom in one some of the text within the xterm.  If there are 
gray pixels surrounding each letter, then you have AA working, otherwise, 
start again from the beginning...

If you've got this far, then you've found out two things: one, you're 
hardware supports AA, and two, you know how to make X believe your hardware 
supports AA.
I'm not sure if this is actually true or not but:
Or, I'm to stupid to figure out how to make them do it.  What I ended up 
doing was getting the source from sid and compiling it myself to make my own 
packages.  Unfortunately, I had never made a .deb before, so it took a long 
time just to figure out how to do that, but once I did, it all went fine.
The reason that the potato debs don't support AA is because potato only 
includes XFree86 3.3.6, which does not support the Xft extension that AA 
depends on.

Ok, now you'll have to install your freshly made little qt debs, replacing 
the ones you got from  Now, you'll want to restart KDE, by 
logging out or ctrl-alt-bkspc or whatever you normally do.  Start it up 
again, and go to the control center.  In the Look&Feel/Style section, choose 
'Use Anti-Aliasing for fonts and icons' and click apply.  Log out again, 
start it up again, and you should now have a beautifully AA'd desktop. 

Re: AA with potato (strictly)

2001-05-06 Thread Gordon Sadler
On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 04:15:24PM +0200, Jens Benecke wrote:
> To:,
> Subject: Re: AA with potato (strictly)
> Mail-Followup-To:,
> From: Jens Benecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 01:43:37PM +0100, Viktor Lakics wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I think I need the following steps:
> > 
> > I need to get XFree 4.02 or 4.03
> > I already have the right qt version 
> > My card is OK (NVIDIA TNT2 M64 - it does the antialiasing under
> > Mandrake)
> You can only do antialiasing if you do NOT use the NVIDIA drivers (the
> commercial ones). They cannot do it yet.
> XFree86 4.0x should be in woody, so either you point your sources.list to
> the unofficial sources, or try upgrading to woody (aka "testing").
Before you leap in ... X4.0.2 is ok IIRC, but X4.0.3-1 is not. You would
need X4.0.3-2 to be safe with X. Also if you are using libqt from for potato, IIRC that won't work as Ivan isn't backporting
X for potato -). You'll need libqt from woody/sid.

Gordon Sadler

Re: Building from source.

2001-05-06 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
> I have been pussy footing around for a while now thinking about the
> best way to do some development on the kmail source code.
> Unfortunately, it really needs access to a recent version of kdelibs.
> Since I use my current setup continously for reading mail and surfing
> the web I wanted to make sure that what I do does not break these
> abilities and so I have not got very far.
> I have downloaded KDE from CVS (using cvsup) and have managed at long
> last to get a complete distribution that compiles and installs into
> the default /usr/local/kde/{bin,include,lib,man,share} directories

Why don't you try your experimental stuff in a chroot environment? you can
use debootstrap for the task of creating chroot, or unpack the old
base2_2.tgz by hand!

| May Debian be with you ~~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

Description: PGP signature

Re: KDE application startup question

2001-05-06 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> How do I tell KDE to start an application in the same directory where the
> file it is supposed to open is saved?
this is only a dirty hack (i don't know of a native solution).
"simply" create a wrapper:

#! /bin/sh
test "$path" && cd "$path"
exec gvim "$1"

tell the file association to execute the wrapper instead of the
native program and you're done.



Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool.

Building from source.

2001-05-06 Thread Alan Chandler
I am running a debian woody system with the .debs for kde that are now
in the standard distribution (v 2.1.1).  With this, kde has been
configured to put the stuff according the the FHS.

I have been pussy footing around for a while now thinking about the
best way to do some development on the kmail source code.
Unfortunately, it really needs access to a recent version of kdelibs.
Since I use my current setup continously for reading mail and surfing
the web I wanted to make sure that what I do does not break these
abilities and so I have not got very far.

I have downloaded KDE from CVS (using cvsup) and have managed at long
last to get a complete distribution that compiles and installs into
the default /usr/local/kde/{bin,include,lib,man,share} directories

However, I am not sure how to get that running properly and to be
absolutely sure that I get the correct versions of the libraries
loaded etc.  

I did try to remove all the kde stuff from the formal installation but
this left me with kdm sending out error messages about missing files
when it started and leaving me in a single xterm.  This means (I
guess) that I would have to go and work out a load of startup scripts
to get me up an running.

SO - one possible approach that I think is worth me considering is to
leave all the kde .debs installed and then to build the kde from
source AND USE ./configure --prefix  to get it to install the stuff in
the correct directories.  It would (presumably) overwrite all the
older libraries and binaries with the new versions.  Scripts and
parameter files from the debian installation would remain and I could
therefore run without too much hassle the latest versions.

BEFORE I COMMIT TO DOING THIS.  I just want to ask.

1) Does this seem a viable approach?

2) What do I do about the qt-copy libraries.  Looking at my current
installation there is a AND a  library in the
/usr/lib directory of the debian system which seem to map
/usr/src/kde/qt-copy/lib , so could I just copy them over.  But do I
need to?

3) I was thinking of running ./configure --prefix=/usr in each of the
kde source directories to get the right directory for the 'make
install' part of the build process.  Is this correct?

4) Do I need to set KTDIR to anything?





AA with potato (strictly)

2001-05-06 Thread Viktor Lakics
Hi All,

I know this was discussed in this list already, I did my homework,
read the archives, but I am still confused. Here is my problem:

I have stock potato 2.2.r3 with XFree 3.3.6. and Ivan's KDE for
potato. I want to get antialised fonts work n KDE with as less unstable
packages as it is possible.

I think I need the following steps:

I need to get XFree 4.02 or 4.03
I already have the right qt version 
My card is OK (NVIDIA TNT2 M64 - it does the antialiasing under

And the questions: 

1. Do I need anything else to be installed?
2. How can I install and configure XFree4.03 with apt-get or
3. What do I have to put my sources.list?

Thanks in advance. -- Viktor 

Re: A mess with startx, xdm and gnome

2001-05-06 Thread Ivan E. Moore II
On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 10:54:49AM +, Victor wrote:
> I had installed gnome and xdm under potato 2.2r3 and XFree86 3.3.6 on my 
> workstation . Sometimes I used startx and some other time xdm to launch gnome 
> and all had been working great. 
> Yesterday, because I wanted to install the Gimp 1.2 resorting to the debian 
> unstable site  packages, I issued the  "apt-get gimp1.2" command which, as 
> well as downloading and installing the required program, has installed many 
> other libraries and, above all, the entire set of programs relating to 
> XFree86 4.0.3.
> It all worked fine, all the pieces of software were configured BUT now I 
> don't have any longer both startx and xdm.
> The only thing I can do is start "XF86_SVGA" which shows me a "useless" 
> graphic display (the same when you start for instance startx) .
> Please HELP!
> Is there anyone able to explain how can I have the all thing fixed in order 
> to have startx, xdm and finally gnome working.

ok..what in all of the above makes would cause you to send this message to
the debian-kde mailing list?



Ivan E. Moore II
GPG Fingerprint=F2FC 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD

A mess with startx, xdm and gnome

2001-05-06 Thread Victor
I had installed gnome and xdm under potato 2.2r3 and XFree86 3.3.6 on my 
workstation . Sometimes I used startx and some other time xdm to launch gnome 
and all had been working great. 
Yesterday, because I wanted to install the Gimp 1.2 resorting to the debian 
unstable site  packages, I issued the  "apt-get gimp1.2" command which, as 
well as downloading and installing the required program, has installed many 
other libraries and, above all, the entire set of programs relating to 
XFree86 4.0.3.
It all worked fine, all the pieces of software were configured BUT now I 
don't have any longer both startx and xdm.
The only thing I can do is start "XF86_SVGA" which shows me a "useless" 
graphic display (the same when you start for instance startx) .
Please HELP!
Is there anyone able to explain how can I have the all thing fixed in order 
to have startx, xdm and finally gnome working.
