new kde-i18n-es: strange mixture of english + spanish

2001-11-14 Thread Pablo de Vicente

 I have upgraded my system and I am using package: 

 Unfortunately I now get a strange mixture of english + spanish. For example 
the Khelpcenter is in english, but if you select any doc from within it you 
will get in spanish. The splash window of KHelpCenter also lacks its 

Another example is the konqueror splash screen which contains sentences in 
english and spanish, or what is worse now with anti-aliasing and konqueror I 
cannot see spanish pages with accents.

 Indeed I have noticed that some updates I made in the spanish translations 
for KDE 2.2.2 are already in this package (which is tagged as 2.2.1).

Pablo de Vicente
KDE spanish translation team

Re: new kde-i18n-es: strange mixture of english + spanish

2001-11-14 Thread Laurent Rathle
Le Mercredi 14 Novembre 2001 13:57, Pablo de Vicente a écrit :
  Unfortunately I now get a strange mixture of english + spanish. For
 example the Khelpcenter is in english, but if you select any doc from
 within it you will get in spanish. The splash window of KHelpCenter
 also lacks its images.

I've noticed the same thing for french langage which should be fully 
translated (at least for the .po)


KDM Upgrade oddness

2001-11-14 Thread Bob Underwood
With this morning's upgrade of the 2.2.1 packages, I have a strange situation 
with the kde log-in splash screen.  Instead of just the normal users (plus 
root) it lists every item in the /etc/groups file.  Is this something that 
will work itself out as the remainder of the packages come through?  Or is it 
an anamoly with my system?



Re: new kde-i18n-es: strange mixture of english + spanish

2001-11-14 Thread Pablo de Vicente
El Mié 14 Nov 2001 14:40, escribiste:
 Am Mittwoch, 14. November 2001 13:57 schrieb Pablo de Vicente:
   I have upgraded my system and I am using package:
   Unfortunately I now get a strange mixture of english + spanish. For

 I experienced the same with my German Woody-Box.
 All KDE-files I installed were 2.1.2 except the kde-i18n-de was 2.2.1.
 I found the correct kde-i18n-de 2.1.1 on an unofficial CD for Potato (the
 german one can also be found in the www) and replaced it. After that
 everything works fine in german.
 You should have a look for the spanish kde-i18n-es 2.1.2 and try to install
 it, I think it is worth to try. Note that you should set it to HOLD in
 dselect, otherwise it will automatically replaced with the newer 2.2.1 at
 the next update.


 No, but in my case I am using KDE 2.2.1 (woody/sid) and I think that 
kde-i18n-es altought it says it is from KDE 2.2.1, it really comes from the 
CVS and the KDE 2.2.2 branch. This small discrepancy might be the cause of 
the problem. 

 In fact I have looked at the file installed by the 
kde-i18n-es package, with khexedit and the strings are translated. Perhaps 
the application itself (khelpcenter?) and the translation do not match 

Pablo de Vicente

Re: new kde-i18n-es: strange mixture of english + spanish

2001-11-14 Thread Pablo de Vicente
El Mié 14 Nov 2001 13:57, Pablo de Vicente escribió:

 english and spanish, or what is worse now with anti-aliasing and konqueror
 I cannot see spanish pages with accents.

 Sorry this last sentence  is not correct. Only some pages in spanish are 
not properly seen and this is not due to kde-i18n-es but to the fonts I have 
and Anti-Aliasing. 

The rest of the message is correct.

Pablo de Vicente

Can't locate module net-pf-10

2001-11-14 Thread Jose Juan Iglesias
Hi all!

modprobe can't locate module net-pf-10 since, or so I think, I upgraded to 
kde 2.2.1.

What is this module?



Jose Juan Iglesias

Re: Cannot see fonts from non-KDE applications

2001-11-14 Thread P. de Vicente
El Mar 13 Nov 2001 18:29, escribiste:
 Am Dienstag, 13. November 2001 13:03 schrieb Pablo de Vicente:
  I am using KDE 2.2.1 with anti-aliasing and True-Type fonts and when I
  run non-KDE applications like Netscape, Acroread, or any other which uses
  lesstiff I cannot see the fonts. I only get squares in place of each
   Any ideas on how to solve this, keeping Anti-Aliasing?

 I had the same problem.
 Uncheck the option Use fonts and colors with non-KDE applications (or
 something like this) in your control center.

 Jan Remmer ter Haseborg

 Yes that fixed it. This option is in Kcontrol - Look and Feel - Style

Thank you

Pablo de Vicente

Re: Cannot see fonts from non-KDE applications

2001-11-14 Thread P. de Vicente
El Mar 13 Nov 2001 19:01, Achim Bohnet escribió:
 On Tuesday 13 November 2001 13:03, Pablo de Vicente wrote:
  I am using KDE 2.2.1 with anti-aliasing and True-Type fonts and when I
  run non-KDE applications like Netscape, Acroread, or any other which uses
  lesstiff I cannot see the fonts. I only get squares in place of each
   Any ideas on how to solve this, keeping Anti-Aliasing?

 Install xfs-xtt and configure it to serve the TT and freefonts
 Works for me with Xfree 3 and 4

 I've read that Xfree 4 can handle TT and freefont itself but
 I've not tried it yet and I'm not sure if this just refers to the RENDER
 extention or if the xtt part of xfs is now included in the Xfree 4

   I am using TrueType and freefont fonts and I think that I cannot use any
  of the latter (freefont). In the Kcontrol Center I only get the True Type
  fonts in the list.

 When you use Anti-Aliasing make sure that the path to the freefonts is
 listed in /etc/X11/XftConfig.

 It was. Well, never mind it has began to work suddenly. I changed nothing, 
just upgraded!.



status of 2.2.1

2001-11-14 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls


I have not seen any mail regarding the status of kde2.2.1 for woody.  Has it 
been fully updated on servers and ready for consumption?



Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls\/A GNU-Debian linux user\/
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. I SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Please Support freedom!

GNOME event sounds under KDE

2001-11-14 Thread kiss the sun and walk on air
I'm trying to figure out how to have GNOME sounds events work under
KDE. This is all for a single application, Gabber, which seems a bit
more advanced than Konverse is.

I have esd running via artsdsp, and I can successfully use esdplay to
play a wav. (Thanks to the post in the archives using dpkg-divert).

When I load up gnomecc and goto the sounds capplet, I can't sample any
of the sounds, so I assume that if I get that working, they'll work
everywhere else.

This is on a up-to-date unstable system. Thanks!

(peter.royal|osi) - - uin#153025
your brain on life - - incubating

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Ben Franklin, ~1784

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Re: status of 2.2.1

2001-11-14 Thread G. L. `Griz' Inabnit

On Wednesday 14 November 2001 05:09 pm, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:

 I have not seen any mail regarding the status of kde2.2.1 for woody.
Broke yer mailer, huh? Too bad. That sux. But no, not everything is 

 Has it been fully updated on servers and ready for consumption?
Nope. But he's got a number of packages done. Yer isolated. Sure enough.

Yes Jaye, there IS a Santa Clause! And not only that, yer box has 
been updated (ain't big bros handy?) and NO, yer NOT running a full 2.2.x
system. Ivan (bless that man) is still working with the upstream people, and
his own boxes to get the packages all updated. But you've got SOME of them.

 kdecarddecks   2.2.0-final-2
 kdelibs3   2.2.1-14
 kdelibs3-crypt 2.2.1-11
 kdelibs3-cups  2.2.1-14
 kdessh 2.2.1-1.2
 klines 2.2.0-final-2
 ktimer 2.2.1-1.4

So, that's where yer at now. Most everything should work well now. 
Enjoy it.


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advise, recommend, or support the use (save possibly for personal
amusement) of any product that is or depends on any Microsoft product.

Re: status of 2.2.1

2001-11-14 Thread Ben Burton

 I have not seen any mail regarding the status of kde2.2.1 for woody.  Has
 it been fully updated on servers and ready for consumption?

A number of my 2.2.1 KDE modules had porting issues; these have all been 
resolved except for kdeaddons and are just waiting for their 10 days in sid 
to expire.



Ben Burton
Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We teach people how to remember, we never teach them how to grow.
- Oscar Wilde

faux pas, Module config

2001-11-14 Thread Bill Leach
The file to edit to change the modules to be searched for by the 
kernel loaded is /etc/modutils/aliases and NOT the /etc/modules 
file (as that we be recreated during the next boot).

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