Re: CD burning without root priviligdes

2002-11-13 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Wednesday 13 November 2002 17:51, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
> Yes, an "addgroup  cdrom" is enough to make it work. But you do
> not really want that to users,you cannot trust ultimately, because
> suid-root in this case allows it to specify anything as dev= in
> cdrecord command line: overwriting any scsi device is nice for
> harmful things...

Oops! I didn't consider that. A solution (requiring changes to cdrecord) 
would be to make some settings in /etc/default/cdrecord mandatory 
without the ability to override them on the command line.


Michael Schuerig  If at first you don't succeed...
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   try, try again.   --Jerome Morrow, "Gattaca"

Qt, OpenGL and valgrind

2002-11-13 Thread Sylvain Joyeux
Since there is a problem with valgrind and NVIDIA's OpenGL drivers, I 
cannot use valgrind :(

Is there a plan of qt packages not linked to opengl ? Do you have 
another solution ?

Thanks for your work, KDE & Qt packages are very good
Sylvain Joyeux

kpilot and kalendar/kab conduits

2002-11-13 Thread Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper
I'm just curious, is anyone using kpilot and its conduits for
kalendar/kab with recent builds of kde?  I stopped looking at using this
as an option a LONG time ago, as it was always marked as alpha-quality,
and seems to still be so, and never actually worked for me.  

What I'm looking for is the same type of functionality that evolution
offers, in that I need some piece of software that will sync with my
palm pilot (IIIc), and sync in both directions with an address book and
a calendar manager.  I know that when last I looked at kpilot and its
conduits, there were some HUGE problems with syncing things both ways,
from what I read.  Granted, as I said, it never would sync in even one
direction for me, as the conduits crashed every time I tried to use
them.  But from what I remember, there was no back-end design to
kalendar/kab such that making changes/deletes in kalendar/kab were ever
successfully carried over to the palm pilot.

Is anyone using this combination successfully now?  Is there hope for
the near future that this will work as well as evolution does now?

Beuller?  Beuller?  =:)


| Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper ::  Numbers 6:22-26 
 | All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much MUCH thicker 
 | in the middle, and then thin again at the far end.  That is 
 | the theory that I have and which is mine, and what it is too.  
| bash$ :(){ :|:&};:

Re: KDE 3.0.4 ate my fonts

2002-11-13 Thread Børre Gaup
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 13 November 2002 11.13, R. Boyce wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a minor but very annoying problem: I'm running woody, and until
> recently I had KDE 3.0.0 running perfectly on it (mostly due to advice
> gleaned from this very list). Yesterday I upgraded to KDE 3.0.4 by putting
> deb ./ in my
> apt sources and installing all updated packages.
> Everything's working fine except my TrueType fonts - they are all
> installed fine according to Control Center -> System -> Font Installer,
> but are not found in Control Center -> Look & Feel -> Fonts. Mozilla can
> find the fonts and anti-aliases them as it should, but KDE it seems
> cannot. My 3.0.0 had lovely anti-aliased TrueType fonts and I want them
> back!
> Anyone else had this problem and can offer some advice?
> Thanks in advance,
> Richard Boyce
> Linux Post-Newbie
> IT Officer, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.

Is anti-aliasing turned off?
- -- 
Børre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Kde menus problem solved.. but, speed problem

2002-11-13 Thread Tanke
Hi, my problem with menus are solved, but now, i've got a speed problem
when i push a button (as FILE for example) this take a while to load...
but i've got a too fast PC and this menus should be more faster than

Linux User 290112 
PGP key at
Tanke at escomposlinux . org

Description: Esta parte del mensaje esta firmada digitalmente

Re: KDE 3.0.4 ate my balls

2002-11-13 Thread Anders E. Andersen
R. Boyce wrote:
Hi all,
Sorry.. :)) Could not resist..

Re: CD burning without root priviligdes

2002-11-13 Thread Hendrik Sattler
Hash: SHA1

Am Mittwoch, 13. November 2002 14:39 schrieb Michael Schuerig:
> You, as a user wanting to burn CDs, don't need any root privileges. The
> kernel is just fine. As is cdrecord. Your distribution (debian) or your
> administrator (that may be yourself) has to configure things properly
> and everything works just fine with ordinary user privileges. This may
> mean, that some programs have to run setuid root. That's not radically
> different from what's happening with other packages.

Yes, an "addgroup  cdrom" is enough to make it work. But you do not 
really want that to users,you cannot trust ultimately, because suid-root in 
this case allows it to specify anything as dev= in cdrecord command line: 
overwriting any scsi device is nice for harmful things...

The thing for cdrecord is, that it cannot use /dev/ but needs 
really raw access to the device (I hope this to come in kernel 2.6) because 
the sg* devices do not allow this. THATs the reason why it has to be 
setuid-root and it is really a kernel thing to change that. Using ATAPI-CDRWs 
is already possible (special kernel versions and a cdrecord patch is needed 

On-top-of-cdrecord programs like XCD-Roast then approach the whole thing 
wrong: there is no need for them to be setuid-root when the cdrecord binary 
already is. But as this is not always the case (see above why maybe not), 
again they have to have root rights to call cdrecord.

After all, the situation is there due to a lack of kernel abilities.


- -- 
Mein GPG-Key ist auf meiner Homepage verfügbar:
oder über

PingoS - Linux-User helfen Schulen:
Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Hanging kdeinit processes.

2002-11-13 Thread Doug Holland
Hash: SHA1

So any ideas what causes this?  It's annoying and I want to make it stop. ;)


On Monday 11 November 2002 09:51 pm, Michael wrote:
> :) That's why we had to go to RC2...
> - Original Message -
> From: "Doug Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 5:59 PM
> Subject: Hanging kdeinit processes.
> > I'm currently running Debian Unstable, with KDE 3.0.4, using the packages
> from
> >  For some reason, when I log out, I end up with a kdeinit
> > process still running, causing 100% CPU utilization.  It's easy enough to
> > kill -9 that process, but I'm wondering what's causing it to hang and eat
> > my CPU,
> and
> > how to fix it.
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: CD burning without root priviligdes

2002-11-13 Thread Achim Bohnet
On Wednesday 13 November 2002 12:28, Frank Van Damme wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 November 2002 03:48, Carlos Carvalho wrote:
> > I'm glad to finally see a discussion of this subject. I find the
> > structure of CD recording software in Linux quite outdated and
> > inadequate for a multi-user environment (note that this isn't a KDE
> > problem). The software was clearly conceived to be used by someone
> > with root access sitting on the console of the machine, which is
> > almost the opposite of what is necessary for a CD-recorder server.
> It's ugly allright... but why does writing cd's need root privilegies? Isn't 
> it an inadequacy in the kernel?
> > I'd like to have something similar to what we have for scanners: a
> > daemon (that may run as root if necessary) waiting for connections
> > through the net and operating the device, or interfacing with a
> > driver. The user interacts remotely with a client software (of course
> > the user may via localhost as well). This approach has many
> > advantages:
> Oh no... not another daemon... 

If you hate daemons: How about a program started via hotplug(?) when
a cd is inserted? >;-)

> > a) it removes permissions problems from the scene;
> > b) no need for authentication of users, because it's not the user that
> >has access, it's the daemon. Access to the daemon is controlled by
> >standard methods (firewall, tcp wrappers, etc.);
> Er, maybe. You mean because the daemon runs as root? Then it just places the 
> permission problem somewhere else: with the daemon. There should always be a 
> way to go without daemons in any case (if you're just using the writer
> locally).

Right but a daemon is much more flexible how do deal with authorization and 
rights.   Having to logout/in from/to X session to activate new group group 
member ship
is something like rebooting Windoof after every software installation.  Stupid 
but necessary
(and no:  su/ssh etc is no good solution of Mum and Dad).   I'm really curious
what solution the debian desktop project will develop.
> > c) it allows the use of the recorder by users in other machines. This
> >way we can have a diskless machine with just a recorder and users
> >connect from a login server via the client software. I have here a
> >scanner connected to such a machine that also controls the printers
> >and works as a X-term, while the login server remains locked in
> >another room and users reach it from X-terminals.

yes, yes please ;)
> Let me guess: ltsp addon? :-)
> The only thing I can think of that currently comes close is webcdrwriter. 
> It's 
> a java applet client-side and a daemon that operates cdrecord server-side.
> > I use this approach for CD readers, floppy drives, scanners,
> > printers, zip drives, but I cannot do it for CD recorders :-( :-(
> Floppy drives? without mounting them on the server you mean? how? 

with floppy:/a and mtools one can work with floppies without mounting them.
And for remote access:

ds10[1] ~ # apt-cache search floppyd
floppyd - Daemon for remote access to floppy drives
> (I burned a few floppy controllers a while ago)
> > I understand that cdrecord and family were written at a time when
> > recording a CD was a delicate operation. However with the fast
> > machines and network of today the picture has changed completely, and
> > it seems to me that a revamp is really necessary. In the process we
> > could perhaps get rid of scsi emulation...
> Uh-oh... and now comes the argumentation "today, we all have pretty big 
> machines so we can afford to make an overhead-producing  daemon :-/
> I like cdrecord for its power, flexibility, performance, stability and low 
> system requirements. Maybe it's better to remove the need for root 
> privilegies completely (what is a multiuser system worth if you have to do 
> anything that's useful with root privilegies?) Maybe cdrecord doesn't need to 
> get trashed, it may be just enough to make it run as a client of that fancy 
> daemon you're intending to code :-) in a way like now gui clients use 
> cdrecord.
> /\ /--\/\
> So: | $kde*cd*burner |=--->| cdrecord |=-->| kernel |
> \/ \--/\/
>  ||
>  \/
> /\ /\ /--\ /\
> | $kde_cd_burner |=--->| netCDaemon |=--->| cdrecord |=--->| kernel |   
> \/ \/ \--/ \/
> btw, I think freebsd already writes cds without scsi emulation isn't it?

linux > 2.5.44 can do it.[EMAIL 

Remove ide-cd reliance on "struct packet_struct", make it use
the native "struct request" fields instead.

Simplify and clean up sense data handling.

This makes IDE CD-RW burning possible without ide-scsi.c

> > The same strategy is us

Re: KDe31rc2, qt problem ?

2002-11-13 Thread David Bishop
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 13 November 2002 03:46 am, Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
> onsdagen den 13 november 2002 10.54 skrev Lucas Garcia:
> > Hi all! I have a problem with my debian and my kde31rc2..
> > i install this kde with sources, and now, when i load
> > any kde application, the kmail menus (for example) are fucked..
> > the text menus shows: "NO TEXT" "NO TEXT" .. when, should be "Options"
> > "File" ...
> > its a qt problem?? Please, help me :)
> That sounds like an old problem (why do they always come back?)

What happens is someone --purges a .deb that provides ui_standards.rc, thus 
deleting it.  At least, that what happened with me, I think.

- -- 
A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in. 
  --Kim Alm, a.s.r 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: CD burning without root priviligdes

2002-11-13 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Wednesday 13 November 2002 12:28, Frank Van Damme wrote:

> It's ugly allright... but why does writing cd's need root
> privilegies? Isn't it an inadequacy in the kernel?

> Maybe it's better to remove
> the need for root privilegies completely (what is a multiuser system
> worth if you have to do anything that's useful with root
> privilegies?) Maybe cdrecord doesn't need to get trashed, it may be
> just enough to make it run as a client of that fancy daemon you're
> intending to code :-) in a way like now gui clients use cdrecord.

You, as a user wanting to burn CDs, don't need any root privileges. The 
kernel is just fine. As is cdrecord. Your distribution (debian) or your 
administrator (that may be yourself) has to configure things properly 
and everything works just fine with ordinary user privileges. This may 
mean, that some programs have to run setuid root. That's not radically 
different from what's happening with other packages.

If you're compiling some program yourself, don't expect it to do 
everything correctly out of the box. K3b, for instance, comes with its 
own setup tool. That's well-intended, but doesn't work hand in hand 
with debian configuration tools.


Michael Schuerig  If at first you don't succeed...
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   try, try again.   --Jerome Morrow, "Gattaca"

Re: CD burning without root priviligdes

2002-11-13 Thread Rob Weir
On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 02:35:52PM +0300, Nikita V. Youshchenko wrote:
> > try adding the user(s) to the group (in /etc/group) that owns the device
> > (e.g. (/dev/hdc), and re-login the user(s) for changes to take effect.
> All user permissions on my system are set correctly.
> I am a seasoned sysadmin, after all.

There're (at least) two super user operations required for burning CDs:
access to the devices and access to real time priority scheduling.  You
can get by without real time scheduling, but your chance of burning a
coaster are increased.


Description: PGP signature

Re: CD burning without root priviligdes

2002-11-13 Thread Frank Van Damme
On Wednesday 13 November 2002 03:48, Carlos Carvalho wrote:
> I'm glad to finally see a discussion of this subject. I find the
> structure of CD recording software in Linux quite outdated and
> inadequate for a multi-user environment (note that this isn't a KDE
> problem). The software was clearly conceived to be used by someone
> with root access sitting on the console of the machine, which is
> almost the opposite of what is necessary for a CD-recorder server.

It's ugly allright... but why does writing cd's need root privilegies? Isn't 
it an inadequacy in the kernel?

> I'd like to have something similar to what we have for scanners: a
> daemon (that may run as root if necessary) waiting for connections
> through the net and operating the device, or interfacing with a
> driver. The user interacts remotely with a client software (of course
> the user may via localhost as well). This approach has many
> advantages:

Oh no... not another daemon... 

> a) it removes permissions problems from the scene;
> b) no need for authentication of users, because it's not the user that
>has access, it's the daemon. Access to the daemon is controlled by
>standard methods (firewall, tcp wrappers, etc.);

Er, maybe. You mean because the daemon runs as root? Then it just places the 
permission problem somewhere else: with the daemon. There should always be a 
way to go without daemons in any case (if you're just using the writer 

> c) it allows the use of the recorder by users in other machines. This
>way we can have a diskless machine with just a recorder and users
>connect from a login server via the client software. I have here a
>scanner connected to such a machine that also controls the printers
>and works as a X-term, while the login server remains locked in
>another room and users reach it from X-terminals.

Let me guess: ltsp addon? :-)

The only thing I can think of that currently comes close is webcdrwriter. It's 
a java applet client-side and a daemon that operates cdrecord server-side.

> I use this approach for CD readers, floppy drives, scanners,
> printers, zip drives, but I cannot do it for CD recorders :-( :-(

Floppy drives? without mounting them on the server you mean? how? 

(I burned a few floppy controllers a while ago)

> I understand that cdrecord and family were written at a time when
> recording a CD was a delicate operation. However with the fast
> machines and network of today the picture has changed completely, and
> it seems to me that a revamp is really necessary. In the process we
> could perhaps get rid of scsi emulation...

Uh-oh... and now comes the argumentation "today, we all have pretty big 
machines so we can afford to make an overhead-producing  daemon :-/
I like cdrecord for its power, flexibility, performance, stability and low 
system requirements. Maybe it's better to remove the need for root 
privilegies completely (what is a multiuser system worth if you have to do 
anything that's useful with root privilegies?) Maybe cdrecord doesn't need to 
get trashed, it may be just enough to make it run as a client of that fancy 
daemon you're intending to code :-) in a way like now gui clients use 

/\ /--\/\
So: | $kde*cd*burner |=--->| cdrecord |=-->| kernel |
\/ \--/\/

/\ /\ /--\ /\
| $kde_cd_burner |=--->| netCDaemon |=--->| cdrecord |=--->| kernel |   
\/ \/ \--/ \/

btw, I think freebsd already writes cds without scsi emulation isn't it? 

> The same strategy is used in the Network Audio System (NAS) developed
> by NCD and available in the libaudio-dev package. Next is the camera :-)

Artsd has network transpareency doesn't it?

> Any volunteers? :-)

Within a few months maybe ;-)


Re: KDe31rc2, qt problem ?

2002-11-13 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
onsdagen den 13 november 2002 10.54 skrev Lucas Garcia:
> Hi all! I have a problem with my debian and my kde31rc2..
> i install this kde with sources, and now, when i load
> any kde application, the kmail menus (for example) are fucked..
> the text menus shows: "NO TEXT" "NO TEXT" .. when, should be "Options"
> "File" ...
> its a qt problem?? Please, help me :)

That sounds like an old problem (why do they always come back?)

Check that you have the file: /etc/kde3/ui/ui_standards.rc
On my computer it has size 5607 and date Jul 22

Also check that you have the symbolic link:
/usr/share/config -> /etc/kde3/

If you have both, there is a new version of this error.

-- Karolina

KDE 3.0.4 ate my fonts

2002-11-13 Thread R. Boyce
Hi all,

I have a minor but very annoying problem: I'm running woody, and until
recently I had KDE 3.0.0 running perfectly on it (mostly due to advice
gleaned from this very list). Yesterday I upgraded to KDE 3.0.4 by putting
deb ./ in my
apt sources and installing all updated packages.

Everything's working fine except my TrueType fonts - they are all
installed fine according to Control Center -> System -> Font Installer,
but are not found in Control Center -> Look & Feel -> Fonts. Mozilla can
find the fonts and anti-aliases them as it should, but KDE it seems
cannot. My 3.0.0 had lovely anti-aliased TrueType fonts and I want them

Anyone else had this problem and can offer some advice?

Thanks in advance,

Richard Boyce
Linux Post-Newbie
IT Officer, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.

KDe31rc2, qt problem ?

2002-11-13 Thread Lucas Garcia
Hi all! I have a problem with my debian and my kde31rc2..
i install this kde with sources, and now, when i load
any kde application, the kmail menus (for example) are fucked..
the text menus shows: "NO TEXT" "NO TEXT" .. when, should be "Options"
"File" ...
its a qt problem?? Please, help me :)

Linux User 290112
PGP key at
Tanke at escomposlinux . org