Re: POP filters in KMail

2003-02-06 Thread Peter Clark
On Thursday 06 February 2003 06:59 pm, Michael Peddemors wrote:
> Subscribe to an ISP that protects you at the server :)
> But yes, filters work, you just have to assign the correct actions to the
> filter.

Well, then what am I doing wrong? I thought I _had_ assigned the 
values and actions. Once again, my setup:

o Match all of the following
 is greater than 1
o Download mail later
x Always show matched "Download Later" messages in confirmation dialog.

Now, unless I am greatly mistaken, this ought to stop every single 
instead, every single message floats blithely by. 

Re: POP filters in KMail

2003-02-06 Thread Michael Peddemors
Subscribe to an ISP that protects you at the server :)
But yes, filters work, you just have to assign the correct actions to the 

On Thursday 06 February 2003 14:15, Peter Clark wrote:
>   I like the idea, since I tend to get a lot of viruses and I'm on a 
> dial-up
> connection, so I would like to get it working.

"Catch the Magic of Linux..."

Michael Peddemors - Senior Consultant
LinuxAdministration - Internet Services
NetworkServices - Programming - Security
Wizard IT Services
Linux Support Specialist -
LinuxMagic is a Registered TradeMark of Wizard Tower TechnoServices Ltd.

(604)589-0037 Beautiful British Columbia, Canada

[FAQ] incorrect apt sources for Woody

2003-02-06 Thread Paul Cupis
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

The apt sources for KDE3.1 given in the FAQ are incorrect.

deb http://download.[country code] 

should be:

deb http://download.[country code] stable main

(perhaps leaving in 'latest' instread of '3.1'.

In a few days, the apt lines for sid can probably b replaced with a comment 
about them being in sid.

dpash, could you make the above changes at your convenience, please?


Paul Cupis
- -- 

Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Debian sid packages for kde3.1

2003-02-06 Thread Ben Burton

> Most probably they will get removed, since the new libraries compiled
> with GCC 3.2 have different package names (libfoo102c) and conflict
> with the previous versions.

Be aware however that there are some arch-independent KDE packages that
*don't* depend on libqt3-mt (e.g., kdesdk-scripts,
kdeartwork-theme-desktop, several others), and so which won't just be
automatically removed.


POP filters in KMail

2003-02-06 Thread Peter Clark
I just discovered the POP filters in KMail, except that they don't seem 
work. I set the filter to 'size is greater than 1' (thought I would give an 
absurdly low value to test it) and the filter action to 'Download mail later' 
and 'Always show matched in confirmation dialog'. I then sent an email to 
myself and then checked my mail, expecting to see a dialog box. Nothing. 
Instead, it just lands in my inbox. Is this feature working yet, or is there 
something else I need to do?
I like the idea, since I tend to get a lot of viruses and I'm on a 
connection, so I would like to get it working.
Oh what a tangled web they weave who try a new word to conceive!

ACK! Blew up my KDE and need help in San Francisco!

2003-02-06 Thread Pietro Calogero
To sum up:
Newbie with Woody 3.0 installed and running kernel 2.4.18 on IBM 
Thinkpad770 (256MB RAM, 20GB HD)
Downloaded KDE 3.1 .debs from, including packages.gz, created 
similar directory structure on local HD.
Ran deselect, changed to mounted filesystem, got it to identify 
directory for KDE 3.1.
Attempted to install all available packeages in directory; crashed KDE 
2.2 (yes, like an idiot I was trying to upgrade KDE while running KDE 
2.2). Crashed the window manager, relogged into GNOME, attempted to 
continue, but dselect returns an error message when trying to install 
brokenly-installed packages.
Cannot figure out how to update /etc/apt/sources.list to include the 
directory I created on the HD
Cannot get dselect to install single packages without it returning an error.
Cannot get online using Mozilla in GNOME; don't even know how to 
diagnose failure (ifconfig shows eth0 working correctly, pon 
dsl-provider seems to work)

I have tried every workaround I know, and I have run out of time to 
hunt-and-peck at manpages, HOWTOs, and more wepages in the hope of 
finding an answer at random.
Rather than risk more damage to my system (I have had to reinstall from 
scratch 9 times so far), I would like to find someone in the San 
Francisco bay area who knows Debian GNU/Linux and KDE well enough to 
give me an overview of what the hell I did wrong and how I can fix it.

If anyone is available in the SF Bay Area, I will bring my laptop to you 
at anytime, anyplace you choose.
Please respond directly to this email (I am unsubscribed from this list) 
or call (415) 994-1810

Thanks in advance,

SOLVED: strange k3b behaviour

2003-02-06 Thread Tobias Kraus
After removing 
k3b seems to work normally.
Thanks to the anonymous hint-giver!


> Hi ML,
> I'm using Ralf's KDE3.1 (thanks Ralf!) and k3b. I did k3bsetup and
> the user can burn CD images with cdrecord. As root, k3b behaves
> just normal, but in the user account, the IDE does not 'work'
> properly. The file selector (sub-)window is displayed in an extra
> window and the 'main' window with menu bar, toolbar, etc. is empty
> (except menu, toolbar, statusbar). After creating a new project, as
> I can add files to the session and burn the image under k3b, but
> there is no project window.

/"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign
\ / No proprietary formats in attachments without request
 X  i.e. *NO* WORD, POWERPOINT or EXCEL documents
/ \ Respect Open Standards

Registered Linux User #293344

Found KDE 3.1 Packages for Debian

2003-02-06 Thread Victor Torrico
They're in but hurry since they will probably move to SID
around 4:30 EST today.  Speculation.

These should be GCC 3.2 compliant I guess.


Re: konqueror crashes when quitting

2003-02-06 Thread Yven Johannes Leist
On Thursday 06 February 2003 01:43, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Am Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2003 00:42 schrieb bb:
> > the information has to be stored somewhere, so why not in the .kde/
> > -folder?
> Why would I store important user data like the default address book,
> bookmarks and all that in a hidden directory where the user has to search
> very hard if the structure philosophy is unknown?

I'd say because it simply shouldn't be necessary for the user to search things 
like his adressbook on the filesystem level, whereas...

> I wouldn't. You wouldn't come up with the idea of storing all your emails
> there, either, would you?
> But against everyhting, the _Desktop_ has to be toplevel and not hidden.
> Makes absolutely no sense.

...the Desktop is often used as a place to store files, which makes a clearly 
visible integration into the filesystem necessary. Just think of someone 
having important documents or folders containing documents or whatever 
logical category like "My Music Files" on his desktop. 
Don't get me wrong, it's not that I've ever worked that way (and that's why my 
desktop folder resides in ~/.kde/Desktop), but many people do, and that's why 
a plain mapping from the desktop to it's representation on the filesystem 
makes sense whereas having something as ~/Adressbook doesn't, simply because 
there's no really sensible action you can perform on adressbook entries on 
the filesystem level.



Yven Johannes Leist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian sid packages for kde3.1

2003-02-06 Thread Johannes Rohr
Karolina Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> You have to remove my packages, and install the SID ones. They are not 
> compatible, since they are compiled with different incompatible compilers.
> Actually, you should remove all KDE packages and applications, since the SID 
> packages are not compatible with anything previous. It might be that Ralfs 
> packages automatically gets removed, but I would not count on it.

Most probably they will get removed, since the new libraries compiled
with GCC 3.2 have different package names (libfoo102c) and conflict
with the previous versions.


~/.signature under construction

More kstart fun

2003-02-06 Thread Peter Clark
Well, after my last inquiry regarding borderless windows (it looks like 
kpager spawns a child process of itself, which is why it doesn't honor the 
--type Override request), I thought that kstart might still have the answer 
with the --window command. From the (sparse) documentation, it looks as 
though --window [regexp] will apply the specified settings to any window that 
matches the regexp. So I tried 'kstart --window pager.* --alldesktops --type 
Override kpager' (with variations on 'Pager' for the regexp string) but no 
Any suggestions? Am I correct about the --window option? I tried this 
on the 
Gimp but I wasn't able to make all the child windows borderless, either.
Oh what a tangled web they weave who try a new word to conceive!

Re: related to the kdm hangs ? system crashes !

2003-02-06 Thread Christian Welzel
Hash: SHA1

Am Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003 18:00 schrieb Mika Fischer:

> Do you know of any way you can force the problem to occur?
> I'll keep hunting this thing down but first I have to hit it again with
> 4191.

Got this hang error today. 
i used ctrl+alt+down (my keys to bring a window into the background)
and the session hanged. this time it was with 4191 nvida_drv.

- -- 
 MfG, Christian Welzel
  (Sektionsvorsitzender und Admin AG DSN Gerokstrasse)

  Fingerprint: 4F50 19BF 3346 36A6 CFA9 DBDC C268 6D24 70A1 AD15
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Where is 3.1?

2003-02-06 Thread Paul Cupis
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 06 Feb 2003 13:29, Corey Kovacs wrote:
> I've seen a lot of traffic in the last few days for 3.1 in sid etc. with a
> lot of talk about having to remove Kraolina's debs etc. but I've seemed to
> miss where to point apt at to get the "official" debs. I'd assumed (I
> know...) that my "standard" entries (ie sid/main
> etc.) would work but I don't see any references to kde 3.1, just 2.2. What
> did i miss?

I think your timing is just slightly out. Give it a couple of days (or try 
again now perhaps - some of kde has made it into sid already, other bits are 
on their way in. You 'standard' apt sources will be suffucient.

Paul Cupis
- -- 

Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)


Re: konqueror crashes when quitting

2003-02-06 Thread Felix Homann
Hi again,

after bb's and Achim Bohnet's reply I feel a need to add some comments:


> where would be your problem to copy the .kde/share/apps/ 
>-folder,  und put it back after removing the .kde/ -folder?

Well, the problem would be exactly where it has been before in this case, 
since it's been in .kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml ;-)

@Achim Bohnet:

How do you think have I figured out where the problem came from? Do you really 
think I had removed my .kde directory? Do you really think anyone would do 
that (more than once...)? What I tried to express with my statement "removing 
.kde fixes it" was that it was not related to a buggy installation whatsoever 
but must have been related to something in ~./kde.

Sometimes it is *not* possible to find the problematic file in a reasonable 
time. What then? Well, currently the only feasible way is to make a copy of 
your ~/.kde directory, start KDE anew, and copy back as many configuration 
files as necessary, until either your problem reoccurs or you have copied 
back everything you need. Everything? Can you tell? No, at least I cannot.

So, what's the outcome? I for one have at least 3 ~/.kde-BACKUPorWHATEVER on 
any machine I'm running KDE on, just in case that I've forgotten to copy 
something back from there. (Yes, sure: By now I really could remove my .kde1 

@both of you:

The real problem is that there are hundreds of files below ~/.kde that have 
never seen any kind of user interaction. They are auto-generated once and 
maybe never touched again. There are files that needed some work, like 
bookmarks that take a long time to build up, and then there are socket files. 
All of them turn out to be possible sources of trouble, but all of them are 
mixed (in some ordered fashion) in one directory. Is this necessary? Is this 
comfortable? I don't think so, at least as long as severe problems occur 
within KDE that are related to some files in there. 

It would be much easier to find the troublesome file(s) if autogenerated files 
were separated from ones which required user interaction. It would be much 
easier to recover your environment if *important* settings  were separated 
from say cosmetical, less important ones.


Re: can konq open text files in embed mode.

2003-02-06 Thread Achim Bohnet
On Thursday 06 February 2003 13:49, Caoilte O'Connor wrote:
> On Thursday 06 February 2003 12:45 pm, Achim Bohnet wrote:
> > On Thursday 06 February 2003 12:48, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen wrote:
> > > On Thursday 06 February 2003 11:54, Caoilte O'Connor wrote:
> > > > h. thanks. I didn't notice that. now if only there was an open in
> > > > new tab option
> > >
> > > Right click on the link, select open in new tab.
> >
> > or make it the default:   settings -> configure konqueror -> (Web-Icon)
> > Behaviour:
> >
> > Open links in new tab instead of in new window
> is that the cvs version, I can't see it here (there are four misc options, of 
> which that isn't one).

No.  Ralf Nolden 3.1 woody debs.   Please note that there are two 'Behavoiur'
item in the left list.  One for file browsing (you checked it) and down the list
another one with the world+gear icon that I called 'Web-icon' in my mail.

> c
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
  a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
  You discover truth everytime you use it.

Where is 3.1?

2003-02-06 Thread Corey Kovacs
Hash: SHA1

I've seen a lot of traffic in the last few days for 3.1 in sid etc. with a lot 
of talk about having to remove Kraolina's debs etc. but I've seemed to miss 
where to point apt at to get the "official" debs. I'd assumed (I know...) 
that my "standard" entries (ie sid/main etc.) would 
work but I don't see any references to kde 3.1, just 2.2. What did i miss?

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Debian sid packages for kde3.1

2003-02-06 Thread Ben Burton

> And the debian KDE team has clearly announced that 
> they won't provide upgradability from anything else than KDE 2.2, so there 
> you have it.

Well, one of debian's strengths is its upgrades - when you move from
woody to sarge with a glibc transition, a gcc and C++ abi transition,
a KDE 2->3 transition and god knows what else, you can just do an
ordinary package upgrade and the whole thing is more or less seamless.

One of the drawbacks of this is that transitions, as they happen in sid,
take time.  Certainly more time than they might for other distributions.

Yes, KDE has taken too long to enter sid.  In the meantime there have
been unofficial KDE3 packages floating about.  Unofficial because
they're *not* on the debian servers, because either the packaging was
unfinished, or because putting them on the debian servers at the time
would lead to upgrade problems (e.g., waiting for the gcc-3.2
transition), or even because some of the unofficial package sets were
forked from what the official maintainers were doing, thus even further
increasing the possibility of upgrade problems.

Which is why we've been saying from the beginning that if you're running
unofficial KDE3 packages, you can expect to have to uninstall all of KDE
before switching to whatever is finally going into sid.  No unpleasant

This is not meant to be an affront to any of the people who've provided
unofficial packages; a lot of people have appreciated your work.  Just
please don't complain when we don't provide a smooth upgrade path,
particularly from a non-trivially forked package set. :)

And yes, some effort *has* been done to reduce at least some of the
nastier problems that can surface when upgrading from some of the
unofficial packages, e.g., the thread earlier this week on epochs.

Ben. :)

Re: can konq open text files in embed mode.

2003-02-06 Thread Caoilte O'Connor
On Thursday 06 February 2003 12:45 pm, Achim Bohnet wrote:
> On Thursday 06 February 2003 12:48, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen wrote:
> > On Thursday 06 February 2003 11:54, Caoilte O'Connor wrote:
> > > h. thanks. I didn't notice that. now if only there was an open in
> > > new tab option
> >
> > Right click on the link, select open in new tab.
> or make it the default:   settings -> configure konqueror -> (Web-Icon)
> Behaviour:
>   Open links in new tab instead of in new window

is that the cvs version, I can't see it here (there are four misc options, of 
which that isn't one).


Re: can konq open text files in embed mode.

2003-02-06 Thread Achim Bohnet
On Thursday 06 February 2003 12:48, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen wrote:
> On Thursday 06 February 2003 11:54, Caoilte O'Connor wrote:
> > h. thanks. I didn't notice that. now if only there was an open in new
> > tab option
> Right click on the link, select open in new tab.

or make it the default:   settings -> configure konqueror -> (Web-Icon) 

Open links in new tab instead of in new window

> -- 
> This email was generated using KMail from KDE 3.1 (RC6) on Debian GNU/Linux
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
  a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
  You discover truth everytime you use it.

Re: can konq open text files in embed mode.

2003-02-06 Thread Caoilte O'Connor
On Thursday 06 February 2003 11:48 am, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen wrote:
> On Thursday 06 February 2003 11:54, Caoilte O'Connor wrote:
> > h. thanks. I didn't notice that. now if only there was an open in new
> > tab option
> Right click on the link, select open in new tab.

oh aye, but I used to be able to set galeon up to open all new windows in a 
new tab. ie i could have left the file associations to open in a new window, 
and defined that in konqueror to actually open in a new tab.

tabs are new. i'm sure they'll get there eventually.


> --
> This email was generated using KMail from KDE 3.1 (RC6) on Debian GNU/Linux

Re: can konq open text files in embed mode.

2003-02-06 Thread Kynes
On Thursday 06 February 2003 12:48, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen wrote:
> Right click on the link, select open in new tab.

  I've tried this with the embedded vim and when you quit with :q or :x the 
tab is kept open but all gray, should I fill a bug?

Nos leemos

Re: can konq open text files in embed mode.

2003-02-06 Thread Anders Ellenshøj Andersen
On Thursday 06 February 2003 11:54, Caoilte O'Connor wrote:

> h. thanks. I didn't notice that. now if only there was an open in new
> tab option

Right click on the link, select open in new tab.

This email was generated using KMail from KDE 3.1 (RC6) on Debian GNU/Linux

Re: limitations of smb (konqueror)?

2003-02-06 Thread Anders Ellenshøj Andersen
On Thursday 06 February 2003 01:43, Josep Febrer wrote:

> > files on smb: shares or even copying files to a smb-share
> > does not work.
> Try to patch your samba with this patch, worked to me with samba from
> stable:

As far as I know, the real problem is that kio-smb does not use libsmbclient, 
but smbclient. The implementation using libsmbclient is already done, it 
seems, however you need to have the libsmbclient-dev package installed while 
compiling kde for the libsmbclient support to be compiled in. This has not 
happened for one of two reasons.

1) Package maintainers forgot/didn't know.

2) They are waiting for Samba 3 to be released.


This email was generated using KMail from KDE 3.1 (RC6) on Debian GNU/Linux

Re: can konq open text files in embed mode.

2003-02-06 Thread Caoilte O'Connor
On Thursday 06 February 2003 10:24 am, Achim Bohnet wrote:
> On Thursday 06 February 2003 10:21, Caoilte O'Connor wrote:
> > Hey,
> > Whenever I open text files in konqueror, it launches kate and opens the
> > text file in a new window. This is really annoying. I quite like looking
> > at the files in kate, but not if that means cluttering up my screen with
> > new windows. Is there anyway to set konqueror up to embed the files in
> > the konqueror window?
> kontrol center -> KDE components -> File associations. -> Text
> There you can define viewer to use by default and if embbeding or
> extra window is prefered.
> Achim

h. thanks. I didn't notice that. now if only there was an open in new tab 


Re: konqueror crashes when quitting

2003-02-06 Thread Achim Bohnet
On Wednesday 05 February 2003 23:17, Felix Homann wrote:
> Hi,
> all of a sudden my konqueror went nuts: 
> -Whenever I quit it I get a signal 11 (SIGSEV) crash. That's annoying!
> -If I have a child konqueror, e.g. from middle-mouse-button-clicking a link, 
> and I quit any one instance of konqueror, *all* the konquerors die. That's 
> even more annoying!!
> This does only happen in my usual account. Removing ~/.kde fixes it but I 
> don't want to loose all of my settings. In other words I would like to know 
> which single file/directory causes this trouble so I can just get rid of.
> BTW: Why do they put bookmarks in .kde? Why do they put all important 
> settings, like accout informations of kmail in this directory? I've often got 
> in situations where the only way to get KDE working correctly again was to 
> remove the whole .kde directory, thus loosing lots of settings...

Well sometimes someithing in the system does not work:   rm -rf / and reinstall
fixes it.  Why does the system store everyting below /?  Well, sometimes a user
has a problem other users don't  have: rm -rf $HOME fix it.  Why does the user
store everything below $HOME. Your KDE has a problem:
removing ~/.kde fix it.  Why does KDE store everything below?

What do you expect is the result of a brute force method?

Here's a more sensible way of handling config problem

o use 'mv'  not 'rm'
o there is .kde/share/config/rc
o there is .kde/share/apps//...
o Start app, stop app:
find .kde -mmin -3 -ls
   check files listed

This solves ~ 95% of config problems my users or I had.

Hope this helps,
Achim  -- first and last mail in this thread.  Promised!
> Thanks,
> Felix 
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
  a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
  You discover truth everytime you use it.

Re: can konq open text files in embed mode.

2003-02-06 Thread Bruno Randolf
is there any possibility to edit the text file in embedded mode?
that would be really nice.


On Thursday 06 February 2003 11:24, Achim Bohnet wrote:
> On Thursday 06 February 2003 10:21, Caoilte O'Connor wrote:
> > Hey,
> > Whenever I open text files in konqueror, it launches kate and opens the
> > text file in a new window. This is really annoying. I quite like looking
> > at the files in kate, but not if that means cluttering up my screen with
> > new windows. Is there anyway to set konqueror up to embed the files in
> > the konqueror window?
> kontrol center -> KDE components -> File associations. -> Text
> There you can define viewer to use by default and if embbeding or
> extra window is prefered.
> Achim
> > I had ark installed for a while and it did that - though I had to remove
> > it because there was no way of saving zip files once they were embedded
> > in the window (and saveas doesn't work if you get the file through a
> > redirect and automatic d/l).
> >
> > am i gonna have to remove kate too?
> >
> >
> > c
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> --
>   To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
>   a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
>   You discover truth everytime you use it.

Re: can konq open text files in embed mode.

2003-02-06 Thread Achim Bohnet
On Thursday 06 February 2003 10:21, Caoilte O'Connor wrote:
> Hey,
> Whenever I open text files in konqueror, it launches kate and opens the text 
> file in a new window. This is really annoying. I quite like looking at the 
> files in kate, but not if that means cluttering up my screen with new 
> windows. Is there anyway to set konqueror up to embed the files in the 
> konqueror window?

kontrol center -> KDE components -> File associations. -> Text

There you can define viewer to use by default and if embbeding or
extra window is prefered.

> I had ark installed for a while and it did that - though I had to remove it 
> because there was no way of saving zip files once they were embedded in the 
> window (and saveas doesn't work if you get the file through a redirect and 
> automatic d/l).
> am i gonna have to remove kate too?
> c
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
  a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
  You discover truth everytime you use it.

Re: Kate code-folding query?

2003-02-06 Thread Achim Bohnet
On Thursday 06 February 2003 03:45, Trevor Phillips wrote:
> I've wanted to try code-folding for a while now, since it sounded like a 
> potentially good way to help navigate in large files, so I was quite excited 
> to hear that Kate now supported it.
> However, I can see no config options, menu items, or icons associated with 
> it. 
> I had pretty much given up, guessing it was still an "alpha" feature, and not 
> in 3.1, when a friend said it worked for him in PHP.

It's 'F9'  or select menu view -> show folding markers  but it's looks like not 
highlight modes support it yet.

> So, firstly, no, I'm not a PHP coder. What other languages are supported? 
> What 

Try!  Load a file and check in 'show folding markers' is still enabled (it's 
not for

> languages are planned to be supported? I spend most of my time coding in 
> Perl, and something to fold/collapse subroutines would be s useful.
> What future general support is planned? A "Collapse all top level" would be 
> useful...

How about searching the kwrite-devel, kde-cvs list archive at

> -- 
> . Trevor Phillips - . 
> : Web Technical Administrator -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] : 
> | IT Services-  Murdoch University | 
>  ><
> | On nights such as this, evil deeds are done. And good deeds, of /
> | course. But mostly evil, on the whole. /
>  \  -- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters)  /
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
  a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
  You discover truth everytime you use it.

Re: Debian sid packages for kde3.1

2003-02-06 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
torsdagen den 6 februari 2003 07.11 skrev Kevin J Poorman:

> As a current user of Karolinas 3.1 debs do you have any idea if the
> upgrade will be smooth? possible? etc? If you have the .deb's mirrored
> somewhere I'd be more than willing to test the migration procedure and
> report back.

You have to remove my packages, and install the SID ones. They are not 
compatible, since they are compiled with different incompatible compilers.
Actually, you should remove all KDE packages and applications, since the SID 
packages are not compatible with anything previous. It might be that Ralfs 
packages automatically gets removed, but I would not count on it.

The reason I can't be compatible or even upgradable is that I had no idea what 
the SID packages will be when I made mine. Even some package names have 
changed a few times now. And the debian KDE team has clearly announced that 
they won't provide upgradability from anything else than KDE 2.2, so there 
you have it.


can konq open text files in embed mode.

2003-02-06 Thread Caoilte O'Connor
Whenever I open text files in konqueror, it launches kate and opens the text 
file in a new window. This is really annoying. I quite like looking at the 
files in kate, but not if that means cluttering up my screen with new 
windows. Is there anyway to set konqueror up to embed the files in the 
konqueror window?

I had ark installed for a while and it did that - though I had to remove it 
because there was no way of saving zip files once they were embedded in the 
window (and saveas doesn't work if you get the file through a redirect and 
automatic d/l).

am i gonna have to remove kate too?


Indeed. Re: Strange but solved...

2003-02-06 Thread Soenke von Stamm
I can confirm this. I had no less than 7 duplicate bookmarks, deleted them, 
now the crashes have gone.

Thanks alot!


Am Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2003 23:54 schrieb Felix Homann:
> OK,
> I figured it out myself. I had added a bookmark to my bookmark toolbar that
> was already present in another bookmark folder. Removing either one of them
> solved the problem. Very strange, isn't it?
> I will file a bug report if I can reproduce it on a different machine
> running the latest KDE packages.
> --Felix
> On Wednesday 05 February 2003 23:17, I wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > all of a sudden my konqueror went nuts:
> > -Whenever I quit it I get a signal 11 (SIGSEV) crash. That's annoying!
> > -If I have a child konqueror, e.g. from middle-mouse-button-clicking a
> > link, and I quit any one instance of konqueror, *all* the konquerors die.
> > That's even more annoying!!
> >
> > This does only happen in my usual account. Removing ~/.kde fixes it but I
> > don't want to loose all of my settings. In other words I would like to
> > know which single file/directory causes this trouble so I can just get
> > rid of.
> >
> > BTW: Why do they put bookmarks in .kde? Why do they put all important
> > settings, like accout informations of kmail in this directory? I've often
> > got in situations where the only way to get KDE working correctly again
> > was to remove the whole .kde directory, thus loosing lots of settings...
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Felix

Re: konqueror crashes when quitting

2003-02-06 Thread Felix Homann
Right to the point, Hendrik!

Thank you,


On Thursday 06 February 2003 01:43, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
> Why would I store important user data like the default address book,
> bookmarks and all that in a hidden directory where the user has to search
> very hard if the structure philosophy is unknown?

Debian sid packages for kde3.1

2003-02-06 Thread Kevin J Poorman
Good morning/evening.

I saw on the debian-kde mailing list that as of 19:52ish arts and
kdelibs would be in the debian archives. 

As a current user of Karolinas 3.1 debs do you have any idea if the
upgrade will be smooth? possible? etc? If you have the .deb's mirrored
somewhere I'd be more than willing to test the migration procedure and
report back.

Kevin J Poorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>