Re: Squeeze Dolphin Crash - need debug symbols

2012-09-17 Thread Nick Boyce
On Wednesday 12 Sep 2012 13:32:48 Martin Steigerwald wrote:

> > Actually (answering my own question), looking at just the first 4 stack
> > frames ... I could use my superpowers to deduce perhaps the missing
> > debug symbols are the ones for D-Bus :-)
> > 
> > Would I be right ?
> Yes. You used the force and the force was with you ;)

Thanks for the confirmation :)
I've installed 'dbus-1-dbg', but experienced no more Dolphin crashes yet.

> Similar it goes for others like:
> #19 0x7f801b4d96f2 in g_main_context_dispatch () from
> /lib/ #20 0x7f801b4dd568 in ?? () from
> /lib/
> #21 0x7f801b4dd71c in g_main_context_iteration () from
> /lib/
> But then this one does already seem installed its just that particular
> address that gdb can´t resolve.
> You can do this with almost all references in there. 

Thanks for the explanation - I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it now, 
though would very much like to understand how some function names can remain 
unresolvable while others in the same package (libglib in this instance) are 
not. Maybe they're private functions of some sort, or maybe the compiler can 
be told that some names are of no interest.  I guess I'll understand better by 
writing a KDE program or two

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  ~~ Larry Wall in<> 

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Re: Digikam and phonon-backend-vlc (was: Re: Digikam 4:2.9.0-2 rebuild for Wheezy/Sid)

2012-09-17 Thread Josep Febrer
A Dilluns, 17 de setembre de 2012 16:01:13, Martin Steigerwald va escriure:
> If need be I will ask around at debian-kde for others to test the Digikam
> packages I uploaded with phonon-backend-vlc. Readers from debian-kde feel
> free to test my package builds and report your results. (No warranties
> whatsoever, these are just unclean non chroot builds which may carry more
> dependencies than necessary.)
> Thanks,

Thank you Martin for your packages, I tested here your digikam packages and 
they work perfectlly.

I'm using the phonon VLC backend with PulseAudio, also on another machine I 
tested your packages with the same setup plus packages from deb-multimedia and 
I also I haven't any issue.

Best regards,


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Re: Digikam and phonon-backend-vlc (was: Re: Digikam 4:2.9.0-2 rebuild for Wheezy/Sid)

2012-09-17 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Montag, 17. September 2012 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> I am using the following packages:
> martin@merkaba:~> apt-show-versions | egrep
> "(phonon|digikam|alsa-|vlc)" |  grep -v dbg
> alsa-base/sid uptodate 1.0.25+2+nmu2
> alsa-utils/sid uptodate 1.0.25-3
> digikam/experimental upgradeable from 4:2.9.0-3~test to 4:2.9.0-3
> digikam-data/experimental upgradeable from 4:2.9.0-3~test to 4:2.9.0-3
> digikam-doc/experimental upgradeable from 4:2.9.0-3~test to 4:2.9.0-3
> libphonon-dev/sid uptodate 4:
> libphonon4/sid uptodate 4:
> libvlc5/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
> libvlccore5/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
> phonon/sid uptodate 4:
> phonon-backend-gstreamer/sid uptodate 4:
> phonon-backend-vlc/sid uptodate 0.6.0-1
> vlc/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
> vlc-data/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
> vlc-nox/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
> vlc-plugin-notify/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
> vlc-plugin-pulse/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2

With VLC enabled at the top of the backend list:

martin@merkaba:~/.kde/share/config> cat ./servicetype_profilerc

(without Pulseaudio installed, that might be another data point…)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Digikam and phonon-backend-vlc (was: Re: Digikam 4:2.9.0-2 rebuild for Wheezy/Sid)

2012-09-17 Thread Martin Steigerwald
To readers on debian-kde: please drop CC to bug report if your answer does 
not add new test results or information.

Am Montag, 17. September 2012 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> Am Mittwoch, 12. September 2012 schrieb Detlev Brodowski:
> > Am Montag, 10. September 2012, 11:46:39 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> > > Hi Mark, hi Debian Qt/KDE developers,
> > > 
> > > any chance to upload Digikam 4:2.9.0-2 against libmarblewidet13?
> […]
> > Hi Mark, hi Debian Qt/KDE developers, hi Martin,
> > 
> > I'm using a pur sid installation as rolling release on my notebook.
> > So I have rebuilded the packages against an up to date sid repository
> > for my own. Furthermore I have removed, in my own build, the new
> > added conflict to the package phonon-backend-vlc because I could not
> > reproduce the bug #684130 neither with the 2.7.0 nor 2.9.0 debian
> > package from the experimental repository rebuilded for sid.
> > Tested with the vlc packages from main and from
> >
> Mark, thanks for uploading a new package which works with
> libmarblewidet13.
> I tried installing it but as Detlev points out it conflicts with
> phonon- backend-vlc due to bug 684130.
> Thus I will test the package the conflict removed here as well and
> report back. I hope that the conflict can be removed again.

I did so.

Digikam works nicely:

I can start digikam, browse pictures and view movie files. No crash.

I am using the following packages:

martin@merkaba:~> apt-show-versions | egrep "(phonon|digikam|alsa-|vlc)" | 
grep -v dbg
alsa-base/sid uptodate 1.0.25+2+nmu2
alsa-utils/sid uptodate 1.0.25-3
digikam/experimental upgradeable from 4:2.9.0-3~test to 4:2.9.0-3
digikam-data/experimental upgradeable from 4:2.9.0-3~test to 4:2.9.0-3
digikam-doc/experimental upgradeable from 4:2.9.0-3~test to 4:2.9.0-3
libphonon-dev/sid uptodate 4:
libphonon4/sid uptodate 4:
libvlc5/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
libvlccore5/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
phonon/sid uptodate 4:
phonon-backend-gstreamer/sid uptodate 4:
phonon-backend-vlc/sid uptodate 0.6.0-1
vlc/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
vlc-data/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
vlc-nox/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
vlc-plugin-notify/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2
vlc-plugin-pulse/sid uptodate 2.0.3-2

together with a self-compiled 3.6-rc6 kernel on Debian Sid as of today.

I am uploading my (non chroot) 64 bit Digikam builds to for others to 

Please consider removing the conflict to phonon-backend-vlc now that 
neither Detlev nor Daniel nor me can reproduce the crash on start.

Dear Grey, please double check whether you have any deb-multimedia VLC 
packages installed and check your VLC installation.

As to the references Andreas Tille posted:

- With the Amarok won´t start issue there were indeed 
packages involved:

- The second reference according to the reporter was with the original 

Still given the mixed picture and three reports of no issues whatsoever I 
kindly ask to remove the conflict so that the underlying bug can be fixed if 
any still exists.

If need be I will ask around at debian-kde for others to test the Digikam 
packages I uploaded with phonon-backend-vlc. Readers from debian-kde feel 
free to test my package builds and report your results. (No warranties 
whatsoever, these are just unclean non chroot builds which may carry more 
dependencies than necessary.)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: kaddressbook stopped working (Squeeze)

2012-09-17 Thread Rainer Dorsch

I have some more details on the problem. I think it is completely unrelated to 
mysql, therefore please do not keep the mysql maintainers on copy.

The problem seems to be that akonadi is not started at KDE session
startup, but it is started by kaddressbook and this causes a
malfunction of kaddressbook (?).

A circumvention is to start akonadiserver before kaddressbook:
$ akonadictl start

This may be automated through

~/.kde/Autostart# cat 

# kaddressbook starts before this script, so we need to kill it to avoid 
hanging kaddressbook processes, which do not allow a new kaddressbook process 
to start
kill `ps uaxwww|grep -v grep|grep kaddressbook|cut -c10-15`


Is it expected that akonadiserver is not running after login into KDE? Any 
other hint what could cause the issues are welcome.


Am Samstag 15 September 2012, 18:06:15 schrieb Rainer Dorsch:
> Hello,
> I have a kaddressbook issue on squeeze. When starting kaddressbook, my
> configured addressbook
> ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc/std.vcf
> is not found. There is also no error message displayed, except at startup
> kaddressbook says that akonadi is not working correctly, but the message
> disappears automatically.
> When exiting kaddressbook via the menu, it does not restart.
> ps shows that a kaddressbook process still runs. Killing that process
> manually makes kaddressbook starting again. The big surprise is that it
> makes kaddressbook displaying my addressbook again, until the next restart
> of my session.
> The akonadi self test shows an error in the mysql area (Test 4). I am
> wondering if that may be the root cause of the problem and if it is related
> to the mysql update sometime back in squeeze, which indicated that it was
> not compatible to previous versions...therefore I am copying the mysql
> maintainers.
> I am happy to file a bug report, if that is useful. If yes, please let me
> know which package I should file it against. If the problem is too painful
> to debug, I can also live with the workaround of killing kaddressbug
> manually after session startup...
> Thanks,
> Rainer
> Akonadi Server Self-Test Report
> ===
> Test 1:  SUCCESS
> Database driver found.
> Details: The QtSQL driver 'QMYSQL' is required by your current Akonadi
> server configuration and was found on your system.
> File content of '/home/dorsch/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc':
> [%General]
> Driver=QMYSQL
> SizeThreshold=4096
> ExternalPayload=false
> Name=akonadi
> Host=
> User=
> Password=
> Options="UNIX_SOCKET=/home/dorsch/.local/share/akonadi/socket-
> dell/mysql.socket"
> ServerPath=/usr/sbin/mysqld
> StartServer=true
> [Debug]
> Tracer=null
> Test 2:  SUCCESS
> MySQL server found.
> Details: You currently have configured Akonadi to use the MySQL server
> '/usr/sbin/mysqld'.
> Make sure you have the MySQL server installed, set the correct path and
> ensure you have the necessary read and execution rights on the server
> executable. The server executable is typically called 'mysqld', its
> locations varies depending on the distribution.
> Test 3:  SUCCESS
> MySQL server is executable.
> Details: MySQL server found: /usr/sbin/mysqld  Ver 5.1.63-0+squeeze1 for
> debian-linux-gnu on i486 ((Debian))
> Test 4:  ERROR
> MySQL server log contains errors.
> Details: The MySQL server error log file ' href='/home/dorsch/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/mysql.err'>/home/dorsch/.lo
> cal/share/akonadi/db_data/mysql.err' contains errors.
> File content of '/home/dorsch/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/mysql.err':
> 120915 17:29:44 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
> 120915 17:29:44  InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 80.0M
> 120915 17:29:44  InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
> 120915 17:29:45  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 3193613
> 120915 17:29:45 [Warning] Can't open and lock time zone table: Table
> 'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without them
> 120915 17:29:45 [ERROR] Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table
> 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist
> 120915 17:29:45 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
> Version: '5.1.63-0+squeeze1-log'  socket:
> '/home/dorsch/.local/share/akonadi/socket-dell/mysql.socket'  port: 0
> (Debian)
> Test 5:  SUCCESS
> MySQL server default configuration found.
> Details: The default configuration for the MySQL server was found and is
> readable at /etc/akonadi/mysql-
> global.conf.
> File content of '/etc/akonadi/mysql-global.conf':
> #
> # Global Akonadi MySQL server settings,
> # These settings can be adjusted using
> $HOME/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf #
> # Based on advice by Kris Köhntopp 
> #
> [mysqld]
> skip_grant_tables
> skip_networking
> # strict query parsing/interpretation
> # TODO: make Akonadi work with those settings enabl

Re: Digikam 4:2.9.0-2 rebuild for Wheezy/Sid

2012-09-17 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Dear Mark!

Am Mittwoch, 12. September 2012 schrieb Detlev Brodowski:
> Am Montag, 10. September 2012, 11:46:39 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> > Hi Mark, hi Debian Qt/KDE developers,
> > 
> > any chance to upload Digikam 4:2.9.0-2 against libmarblewidet13?
> Hi Mark, hi Debian Qt/KDE developers, hi Martin,
> I'm using a pur sid installation as rolling release on my notebook.
> So I have rebuilded the packages against an up to date sid repository
> for my own. Furthermore I have removed, in my own build, the new added
> conflict to the package phonon-backend-vlc because I could not
> reproduce the bug #684130 neither with the 2.7.0 nor 2.9.0 debian
> package from the experimental repository rebuilded for sid.
> Tested with the vlc packages from main and from

Mark, thanks for uploading a new package which works with 

I tried installing it but as Detlev points out it conflicts with phonon-
backend-vlc due to bug 684130.

Thus I will test the package the conflict removed here as well and report 
back. I hope that the conflict can be removed again.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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