
piorunz - 07.06.24, 14:22:36 CEST:
> When you press Print Screen key on your keyboard, you have an option to
> upload directly to Imgur (in KDE's Spectacle tool). In Export / Share /
> Imgur menu. Like this:

I know how to make screenshots and how to upload them somewhere.

But I am unwilling to. I am simply not your personally screenshot service 

If you like to know how it looks like why do you not invest some time 
instead of requesting that I do?

Especially as it does not look any different than what is shown in the mini 
picture at https://amarok.kde.org/ as well as the pictures on:


(At least I don't see any difference, maybe there are slight changes I did 
not recognize.)

So sure I *can* provide screenshots, but I am unwilling to take the time 
to do it. So I am not doing it, no matter how hard you try to persuade me.

Especially as I also would scrub them for privacy as its my business as to 
what music I listen to. And this takes time as well. Anyway I do not even 
need to justify it. I am unwilling to invest any time, so… that is about 

You kindly asked, and I kindly said "no". Can we leave it at that?


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