Re: Fw: Re: kdelibs compile crashes - dependency on Xinerama_pic

2003-12-10 Thread Brre Gaup
maebrga, juovlamnu 09. b. 2003 15:42, John Bro don llet:
  On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 02:23:21PM +0800, Cameron Patrick wrote:
   On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 11:10:54AM +0500, John Bro wrote:
   | It STILL fails due to a dependency on Xinerama_pic.
   Actually I think I know what's cuasing this.  You need to have
   xlibs-pic installed.  I'd've thought that kdelibs would build-depend on
   this, but it doesn't seem to.  (This is an FTBFS bug, right?)
  libqt3-mt-dev depends on xlibs-pic so kdelibs just pulls it in via that.

 This is weird... I don't seem to have it.

  $ apt-cache policy libqt3-mt-dev
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 3:3.2.1-6
Version Table:
  3:3.2.1-6 0
 500 testing/main Packages
 990 unstable/main Packages

 And I ran the build-dep thing first, too!
 Just exactly where is Xinerama_pic supposed to reside
 anyway?  (Google isn't finding me much relevant stuff..)

 Again, it's not that I really WANT to compile kdelibs,
 I'm just trying to get (many of) my KDE apps to stop crashing with the same
 complaints about libpthread and kdecore..


IMHO the best would be to place an unstable deb line into /etc/apt/
sources.list, do an apt-get update; apt-get remove --purge xlibs, and then 
install X, KDE the lots again. I think that would save a lot of time. (if 
you've got a fast connection that is)
Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden

Re: kdelibs compile crashes - dependency on Xinerama_pic

2003-12-10 Thread Brre Gaup
gaskavahkku, juovlamnu 10. b. 2003 14:51, John Bro don llet:

 So, I guess it wasn't libkdecore.
 Must be, right?
 How do I find out what package provides libpthread?

dpkg -S
Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden

Re: KDM + environment variables

2003-10-03 Thread Brre Gaup
duorastat, golggotmnu 2. b. 2003 17.41, Sebastian Seifert lii:

 I need to set a per-user environment variable that is set on login. How can
 I do that in a KDM/Debian-compatible way (i.e. without requiring root to do
 dirty things in /etc)?

 I'm using KDM for login. I want to be able to select different window
 managers from the login prompt, so I cannot just set up an ~/.xsession file
 that sets the variable and then starts kde.

 Is there anything that gets executed upon login (and before starting the
 window manager) on a per user basis? Or is there at least a chance to set
 the environment variable in a KDE config file (KDE is what is mostly used)?

Here's my .02$, and a method that works for me.
Use a file called ~/.xsession, and set your variables there. Here's a snippet 
from my file:

export LC_ALL=se_NO.UTF-8
exec startkde

Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden

Description: signature

Re: KDM/X authorization problems on a laptop

2003-09-09 Thread Brre Gaup
sotnabeaivi, akamnu 7. b. 2003 16.43, Kjetil Kjernsmo lii:
 Uhm, sorry to follow up on myself, but I got an idea from Wolfgang Mader
 off-list (thanks, Wolfgang), that helped me get a bit further, but we
 couldn't get all the way. So I'm hoping this rings some bells... :-)

 Basically, what he suggested was that I could set
 export DISPLAY=localhost:1
 and then start a new X server, X :1.

 That works.

 From there, I could start an xterm, then startkde. The splash screen
 displays the progress as usual, mostly like I've previously described:

Could it be that some of your partitions are full, and X fails because of 


Description: signature

Re: strange font problem

2003-08-27 Thread Brre Gaup
gaskavahkku, borgemnu 27. b. 2003 12.53, Christian Welzel lii:

 for some time now i have a strange problem:
 look at the picture
 as you can see the letters are only drawn partially
 (look at the left side of the logo). sometimes i cannot
 distinguish a m from an n, or an e from an a...

 this only seems to happen in parts of the page, that do not
 fit onto the screen and are scrolled in by the up/down keys.
 when i double click into the window and the window is redrawn,
 the font is drawn correctly (sometimes several double clicks
 are necessary).

 is this a problem of qt or kde or xserver?
 im using debian/unstable.
what kind of graphics card do you have, and what version is your xserver? That 
could cause the problem.


Description: signature

Re: Konqueror, UTF-8

2003-08-14 Thread Brre Gaup
Friday 25 July 2003 19.39, Craig Dickson don llet:
 I find that Konqueror (3.1.2-1.1, current Debian unstable) does not cope
 with UTF-8 web sites very well; it displays some characters well, and
 others not, even when Mozilla Firebird on the same machine (in the same
 KDE session, using the same fonts) can display them all correctly. An
 example of such a site can be found here:

 On my system, if I bring this page up in Konqueror and Firebird side by
 side, Firebird gets the Greek characters right, and Konqueror trashes
 some of them. I can also see the Greek correctly on Windows XP with
 either Mozilla 1.4 or IE 6.

 Changing locales seems to have no effect; I have tried both en_US and
 en_US.UTF-8 (the latter of which is my usual locale).

 I don't see any outstanding bugs related to this. If no one knows of a
 configuration change that would fix this, I can file a bug.

It displays just fine in my cvs konqueror (from orth's packages).
Do you use automatic encoding detection?


Re: kdm locale problem

2003-06-12 Thread Brre Gaup
duorastat, geassemnu 12. b. 2003 11.01, LeVA don llet:

 Berre Gaup wrote:
   I have a .xsession file that goes something like this:
   export LANG=se_NO.UTF-8
   exec /usr/bin/startkde

 Thanks!. Now the programs read the locales, and select the hungarian
 files, but in all over kde, I lost my hungarian letters.
 In konsole I can not writecharacters, and in my Desktop
 these letters are just a little block.
 I inserted this to my .Xsession file:

 export LANG=hu_HU.ISO-8859-2
Try without the ISO ending, like this
export LANG=hu_HU

Logout and login again.

If you want your kde programs to use the hungarian translations whatever your 
locale is, then you can open kcontrol, Regional and Accessibility, 
County/Region and Language.
Choose Hungarian, and all KDE programs will have Hungarian translations no 
matter what :-)

Good luck, and I hope everything works as you want it to:-)


Description: signature

Re: kdm locale problem

2003-06-11 Thread Brre Gaup
gaskavahkku, geassemnu 11. b. 2003 20.28, LeVA don llet:

 If I start kde from kdm, I lose my localisation settings in kde. I am
 using hu_HU in locales. If I start kde from a console with startx,
 everything is Ok. But when I am starting kde from kdm, the programs that
 uses the translated .m4 or .po files, or just have some translated
 files, does not seems to be in hungarian language (ex.: xchat, licq).
 They are in english. In the kde control center, I can set up kdm to
 display the kdm buttons and messages (login, shutdown etc...) in
 hungarian. So that is ok. The problem is when I start kde from the kdm
 login manager, it seems, that kdm resets the localisations, and sets
 the lang to en, or en_US (or something like that). If I start a konsole
 from kde, and run this:

 echo $LANG
 I get hu_HU.

 That is why I can not understand this problem. It seems, that I am using
 hu_HU locales, but the kde programs, and other (for
 example Xchat, or Licq) programs doesn't recognise the hu_HU locales,
 and falls back to english. And this is all because I started kde from
 the kdm login manager, and not from console with startx.

This is because, when starting from kdm, your ~/.profile (or where ever your 
environment variables are specified) aren't read.

I have a .xsession file that goes something like this:
export LANG=se_NO.UTF-8
exec /usr/bin/startkde

This way the LANG variable is inherited by all programs in the session.

Hope this helps.

Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden

Description: signature

Re: kmail cc and bcc not working

2003-04-09 Thread Brre Gaup
Gaskavahkku, cuoomnu 9. b. 2003 10.25, Marc Tinnemeyer don llet:
 On Wed, 9 Apr 2003 09:34:45 +0200

 Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Works fine here. I guess it's probably some bad interaction between
  kmail and the outgoing mail transport. What outgoing mail transport
  are you using? If you use the local sendmail, you should have the log
  in /var/log/mail.log.

 Hello Adrian,

 The mail gets delivered directly to the SMTP at his ISP, so there are
 no logs :-(
 But we'll test it using exim or sth. else to figure it out.

 Thank's for your reply,

Can it be some virus cleaning program at the ISP that's causing this 


Description: signature

Re: Problem compiling Application with SID KDE3.1.1

2003-03-19 Thread Brre Gaup
gaskavahkku, njukamnu 19. b. 2003 08.41, Timo Springmann don llet:
 On Mittwoch, 19. Mrz 2003 00:26, Paul Cupis wrote:
  This is just wrong:
./configure --with-qt-includes=/usr/include/qt3

 this does not work.

This one should work
./configure --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt3

Brre Gaup

Description: signature

Re: KDE 3.1 installation help || bare bones

2003-03-15 Thread Brre Gaup
lvvardat, njukamnu 15. b. 2003 08.14, Sean Fraley don llet:
 On Friday 14 March 2003 11:19 pm, Metnetsky wrote:
  I am running an absolutely base bare-bones install of Debian from the
  b42.4 binary.  What do I need to get KDE 3.1 up and running?  Probably a
  packed question, but it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in
  ~ Matthew

 put the following lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list file

 deb stable main

 then type the following:

 apt-get update
 apt-get install kdebase

 apt-get should handle all of the pacikage dependencies for you.
You'll also have to type this:
apt-get install x-window-system-core

to install the X server and fonts.
Also consider:

apt-get install kdegraphics kdemultimedia kdenetwork kdeutils kdeadmin kdeedu 
kdeartwork kdeaddons kdesdk

to experience the full kde desktop ...

Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden

Description: signature

Re: Sid KDE 3.1 upgrade report

2003-02-16 Thread Brre Gaup
sotnabeaivi, guovvamnu 16. b. 2003 07.04, Craig Dickson don llet:
 I finally removed all of Karolina's packages and replaced them with
 official Sid packages, plus those in that
 haven't made it into Sid yet. Mostly went well, but perhaps I did
 not get my sources.list quite right for ~ccheney? I have the following

 deb kde-3.1.0-1/
 deb kde-other/

 Most things installed, but kdenetwork packages from ~ccheney/kde-other
 got error 404, file not found. Are the above lines not right, or is
 there a problem in the repository?

 Also, a few packages from Karolina's repository are not yet available in
 sid or ~ccheney. The ones I particularly want are kgamma and noteedit. I
 gather noteedit has recently been adopted, so hopefully we'll see a new
 build of that soon in Sid. Will someone be making a kgamma package?

 A couple of things continue to annoy me about KDE which it seems (to me)
 that I can't be the only person bothered by them. So perhaps there are
 solutions I don't know about for these issues:

 1. Keyboard repeat rate. KDE Control Center lets you enable or disable
 keyboard repeat, but you cannot set the initial delay time or repeat

 2. Locale setting. KDE keeps leaving me with LANG=C. I have selected
 English, USA in KDE Control Center's locale panel, but this seems not to
 have any effect on the environment variables visible in Konsoles.

 3. Mouse buttons. I have a Microsoft Optical Intellimouse with both a
 wheel and extra side buttons. KDE seems to offer no convenient way to
 initialize this correctly so that the scroll wheel works right.

 4. There seems to be no KDE-specific per-user init script for
 customization of the environment.

 My current hacked-up fix for this is to give myself a fix for #4 by
 invoking $HOME/.kdestart from /etc/kde3/debian/startkde, just after the
 invocation of ksplash. In $HOME/.kdestart, I call xmodmap to set up the
 mouse buttons, kbdrate to set up the keyboard repeat rate, and invoke my
 $HOME/.bash_profile to initialize my environment. Are there better

You can make a file ~/.xsession . X uses this as a startup file.
Here is a snippet from mine:
export LANG=se_NO.UTF-8
keychain $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa
source ~/.keychain/`uname -n`-sh
eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)
xsetroot -solid black
setxkbmap sapmi+us_group3
setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps
setxkbmap -option grp:menu_toggle

Hope this helps. At least you won't have to edit files in /usr :-)

Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden

Description: signature

Re: kmix

2003-02-07 Thread Brre Gaup
bearjadat, guovvamnu 7. b. 2003 12.35, Wolfgang Mader don llet:

 i want to use the balance feature from kmix. i start kmix by typing kmix in
 the executionwindow. the the littel loudspeaker apears beside the clock...
 using the balance feature really works well but kmix always looses the
 information till the next reboot. is there a way to teach kmix permanently?
 thnx wolfgang
Right click on the loudspeaker. Choose 'Show Mixer Window'. In the mixer 
window that appears choose 'File-Save Current Volumes as Default'.

That ought to do the trick.

Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden

btw, why do you append the ridiculuosly long sig in in all your mails?

Re: New packages changes

2003-01-23 Thread Brre Gaup
Hash: SHA1

duorastat, oajagemnu 23. b. 2003 01.39, Marc Schiffbauer don llet:
 * Frank Mehnert schrieb am 22.01.03 um 17:46 Uhr:
 Content-Description: signed data

 But it does not work for me :-(
 It seems to me that the .xsession file is not being used here...

I have been bitten by this one, too. (My .xsession file wasn't used).
I seem to remember I had to choose default session in kdm, the other ones  
(kde3, blackbox, etc) uses the system Xsession.

Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Russian Phonetic Keyboard, pt 2

2002-12-18 Thread Brre Gaup
Hash: SHA1

gaskavahkku, juovlamnu 18. b. 2002 19.59, Curtis Vaughan don llet:
 According to some advice I got, there should be a file ru_yawerty in
 /etc/X11/xkb/symbols, which apparently is for a Russian phonetic
 keyboard.  However, in my installation of Debian 3.0, KDE 2, there is no
 such file.  So, I found the file on the internet, and copied it over to
 this directory.

 According to the advice, I then need to issue the command:
 setxkbmap ru_yawerty

 which I did.  After which I could no longer  even type anything. So,
 either I got the wrong ru_yawerty file or something else needs to be
 done.  Also, I need to somehow use the yawerty file for Russian and not
 for English.  When I issued the aforementioned command, I couldn't type
 regardless of whether I chose English or Russian.

There has to be something with your locale settings, LANG, LC_ALL, etc.

Take a look at russian howto's to solve this problem. Here are some links I 
found after having 'googled'.

Hope this can help solve your problem:-)

Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Phonetic Russian Keyboard

2002-12-16 Thread Brre Gaup
Hash: SHA1

maebrga, juovlamnu 17. b. 2002 02.38, Curtis Vaughan don llet:
 Does anyone know how to get a Russian phonetic keyboard under KDE for

 - ,   

Don't know if this is the right answer, but here goes.

Found a xkb symbols file in /etc/X11/xkb/symbols called ru_yawerty. This is 
what the header says:

//  From the comments of the xmodmap file:
//  Bulgarian Cyrillic Cyrillic mode is toggled by
//  Right_Ctrl key and shifted by AltGr key.  Eugene Crosser's `'
//  was used as a template.  Note that this is a phonetic keyboard,
//  not a `BDS' one! --L.Georgiev

To load this one you could write
setxkbmap ru_yawerty
followed by ENTER in a shell

Hope this helps,

Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Customization questions

2002-12-09 Thread Brre Gaup
Hash: SHA1

sotnabeaivi, juovlamnu 8. b. 2002 16.54, Craig Dickson don llet:
 Craig Dickson wrote:
(Speaking of which: Is there a KDE-specific per-user session startup

I use the .xsession script for that purpose. It contains this:

source ~/.zshenv
export KDEHOME=/home/boerre/.kde3
xsetroot -solid black
setxkbmap sapmi+us_group3
setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps
setxkbmap -option grp:menu_toggle
exec startkde

- --
Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Constant trouble with swf/flash

2002-12-04 Thread Brre Gaup
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 04 December 2002 18.06, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
 Am Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2002 12:41 schrieb Michael Schuerig:
  On my system, Flash (.swf) animations are constantly hanging Konqueror.
  I always have to kill nspluginviewer to at least see the non-flash
  parts of some sites. A case in point is
  The plugin does work in Netscape 4.77, but ironically renders Mozilla
  Any suggestions what the problem is and what to do about it?

 The Flash-Plugin only works (Konq and Mozilla) if it can write to the sound
 device, even when the flash animation contains no sound at all!
 This means to stop all apps to hold sound device or play music (e.g. xmms
 or artsd).

You will find a feature to 'pipe the plugin sound through aRts'.
Press Settings-Configure Konqueror-Plugins. Open the 'Plugins' tag, you'll 
find it there. (This is for konqi 3.1 (or 3.0.99 as it says in my version)).

- -- 
Børre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Konqueror and NY Times sluggish KDE 3.0 to 3.1 Beta 2

2002-10-30 Thread Brre Gaup
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 30 October 2002 17.50, Todd Charron wrote:

It could be the issue with ipv6. It's been mentioned a few weeks ago in this 
list. The answer is to compile kdelibs without support for ipv6.

This is lifted from a posting by Felix Homann [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 
2002-10-13 18.34

- --
Thank you, Gerrit. This was indeed the post i was looking for.

In the meantime it's author, Scott Zuk, sent me an email to inform me about 
the original post and give me some further information. I asked him for 
permission to put his email here on the list, but since I haven't got a reply 
by now (it's Sunday, I guess he's got better things to do than reading and 
replying to email all day!! ) here's an excerpt (I think that's legitimate) 
telling me how he handles the problem:

 I had to fix this myself by recompiling kdelibs.  You can download the 
kdelibs source tarball off the kde mirrors and check the debian/rules file.  
Look for the place where the option --with-ipv6-lookup=yes is set and change 
it to no.  Recompile kdelibs using dpkg-buildpackage, check the man page for 
any options you might need and any build depends.  You should end up with new 
debs of kdelibs that you can then install with dpkg.
Personally, I have to rebuild kdelibs for every release to get rid of this 
annoying problem. 

I will give this a try.
Hopefully this option finds its way into the (semi-)official debs soon.

Thank you, Scott. Great help!

- -- 
Brre Gaup, Kiruna, Sweden
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Upgrade to kde3.03 qt3.0x - newbie

2002-09-16 Thread Brre Gaup
On Monday 16 September 2002 16.56, Setyo Nugroho wrote:
 My computer runs KDE 2.2.2 and Qt 3.0.3 from standard woody

 Intend to upgrade, cleanly  safely, to KDE 3.0.3 AND its current stable
 Qt  (3.0.5?; incl. tools such as designer, assistant, uic).

 1. I am not sure whether the procedures I plan to follow are correct:
 a.apt-get remove --purge kde*  : to remove kde
 b.apt-get remove --purge qt*   : to remove qt

b1.apt-get remove --purge libarts
 c. apt-get update

 d. apt-get install kdebase arts kdelibs kdenetwork kdegraphics
 e. apt-get install qt

 2. The /etc/apt/sources.list file should contain for example :
 deb  : for kde stable
 What about source.list file for qt?

 Any help would highly be appreciated.

 Setyo Nugroho

Brre Gaup
Tlf: +46 980 109 19
Mob: +46 70 3000 665

Re: kspread bug

2002-08-29 Thread Brre Gaup
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 28 August 2002 20.10, Anders E. Andersen wrote:
 Julien Louis wrote:
 KSpread segfaults.
 Can somebody verify this?
  I have the same problem with KDE 3.0.3 and Kspread 1.2rc1

 This is my setup as well..

Same setup and problem here. Do you file a bug report?
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: KDE 3.0.3 problem with Kpackage

2002-08-21 Thread Brre Gaup
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 21 August 2002 05.59, Michael Sullivan wrote:
 When I try to launch Kpackage since upgrading to 3.0.3, I get the
 message KDEInit could not launch 'kpackage'

 Anyone else with a similar problem?  Any ideas?

 Michael Sullivan
Is it installed?

Try with:

dpkg -s kpackage

And if it's not installed, try with:
apt-get update
apt-get install kpackage

Hope it helps
- -- 
regards, Brre
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: KDE 3 not in SID

2002-08-17 Thread Brre Gaup
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 17 August 2002 20.11, Alan Chandler wrote:
 On Saturday 17 August 2002 5:09 pm, Dirk Schmidt wrote:
  what's the reason why the KDE 3.0.x packages discussed here are not part
  of SID/unstable?

 It was mentioned here a while back that it awaits the release of gcc 3.2.

 Why I don't know - I asked on this list but there was no reply.

Here is the reason why (got this from

- -
The purpose of this release is to provide a stable platform for
OS distributors to use building their next OS releases.  A
primary objective was to stabilize the C++ ABI; we believe that
the interface to the compiler and the C++ standard library are
now stable.

There are almost no other bug-fixes or improvements in this
compiler, relative to GCC 3.1.1.  Be aware that C++ code compiled
by GCC 3.2 will not interoperate with code compiled by GCC 3.1.1.

- --

regards Børre
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
