Re: KDE3.2.1 X resolution

2004-03-27 Thread Craig Dickson
Anders Ellenshøj Andersen wrote:

 After upgrading to kde 3.2.1 my x resolution has gone from 100x100 to 75x75 

I saw this happen yesterday, quite some time after I had upgraded KDE to
3.2.1, so I don't think that's what does it.

I looked in /var/log/XFree86.log and saw an error relating to reading
VESA information from the video card. This caused it to default to 75
dpi instead of 100, resulting in very small fonts. So I restarted the X
server and the error was not repeated. Everything seems happy now.

So my guess is that this is a small, intermittent glitch in XFree86 4.3.


Re: udev HOWTO?

2004-03-24 Thread Craig Dickson
Paul Johnson wrote:

 Is there some sort of HOWTO for udev anyplace?  Any good resources for
 people interested in udev that might have some Debian hints?  I'm
 curious about it, but I'm not sure if udev is right for me (and it's
 not something I can ask a doctor about).

In theory, I think the HOWTO for udev on Debian (unstable) is basically
just apt-get install udev. I have not dared to try it, however, as
there were, last time I looked (a week or two back), some outstanding
bug reports from people saying that udev made their system unusable due
to its failure to create some essential device (e.g. /dev/console).


Re: Konqueror, UTF-8

2003-08-14 Thread Craig Dickson
Børre Gaup wrote:

 It displays just fine in my cvs konqueror (from orth's packages).
 Do you use automatic encoding detection?

It turned out that Privoxy was messing up UTF-8 encoded pages. There is an
open bug against Privoxy about this. When I don't go through the proxy, the
problem mostly goes away. There are still a few less common characters, such
as the Greek heavy-breath mark, that render correctly in Mozilla Firebird
but not in Konqueror, but that's a relatively minor issue.



Re: Konqueror, UTF-8

2003-07-26 Thread Craig Dickson
Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:

 You may want to put a screenshot online somewhere - konqueror 3.1.1-1 with 
 lucida as default font seems to display the greek name just fine. Also, the 
 greek homepage seems to display fine.

The Debian Greek page looks fine to me too, but it's not encoded in UTF-8;
it's in ISO-8859-7. It seems like an encoding problem, not a font problem.

 Another thing that might serve as a hint to the enlightened: if you 
 from the konqueror window to some other unicode-enabled window (kwrite? 
 Mozilla mail composer?) do these chars appesr?

Cut-and-paste from Konqueror to KWrite gives the same messed-up Greek that
Konqueror itself shows. Cut-and-paste from Mozilla Firebird gives the
correct Greek. Saving the resulting file as UTF-8 and hexdumping shows
that the messed-up part is encoded as a UTF-8 invalid character code:

: 46 72 2E 20  EF BF BD CE  BB CE B7 CE  B8 CE AD EF  Fr. 
0010: BF BD 2E 2E  CF 89 0A 46  72 2E 20 CE  91 CE BB CE  ...Fr. .
0020: B7 CE B8 CE  AD CF 85 CF  89 0A ..

The first line (up to the newline at offset 0x16) is from Konqueror; the
rest is from Firebird. The UTF-8 sequence EF BF BD, if I recall
correctly, means invalid character (Unicode code point 0xFFFD).

So this suggests that either Konqueror is mangling the page's text, or
the server is sending it something different than it's sending to
Firebird. Which I suppose is possible, based on request headers or
something. I've tried using Konqueror's lie about browser identity
feature to pretend to be Mozilla or IE, but it makes no difference.



Description: PGP signature

Konqueror, UTF-8

2003-07-25 Thread Craig Dickson
I find that Konqueror (3.1.2-1.1, current Debian unstable) does not cope
with UTF-8 web sites very well; it displays some characters well, and
others not, even when Mozilla Firebird on the same machine (in the same
KDE session, using the same fonts) can display them all correctly. An
example of such a site can be found here:

On my system, if I bring this page up in Konqueror and Firebird side by
side, Firebird gets the Greek characters right, and Konqueror trashes
some of them. I can also see the Greek correctly on Windows XP with
either Mozilla 1.4 or IE 6.

Changing locales seems to have no effect; I have tried both en_US and
en_US.UTF-8 (the latter of which is my usual locale).

I don't see any outstanding bugs related to this. If no one knows of a
configuration change that would fix this, I can file a bug.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Odd pauses with KDE 3

2003-05-01 Thread Craig Dickson
James Michael Greenhalgh wrote:

 On April 30, 2003 01:29 pm, Craig Dickson wrote:
  Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this, or suggestions for
  things I should check? This problem does not occur under Gnome 2 or in
  other non-KDE environments, even on the same machine.
 Try running fc-cache as root. This has been known to cause slow downs
 if your fontconfig cache is out of date. Also check your version of
 libstdc++5 , if it's pre6, there are known recent errors and you may
 have to revert to pre5 or wait for your mirror to get pre7 (which
 should be within 24 hours)

Thanks, but these are not my problems. Running fc-cache can fix up a
long delay when kdm is starting up, but I'm talking about a delay that
occurs while KDE is up, both when new Konqueror processes (specifically
Konqueror, nothing else) are started, and when the KDE save file dialog
is being manipulated (and come to think of it, this was in Konqueror --
I was saving a web page -- so maybe this whole problem is only in

The libstdc++5 problem caused C++ programs to fail to start entirely,
not to pause strangely while they were running. In any case, I had
downgraded to -pre5 within minutes of -pre6 being installed, as -pre6
was obviously causing problems. I'm now on -pre7, which seems to work.

I have the feeling that this problem is ultimately some sort of odd
locking problem. It might be in Konqueror itself (though why, then, does
the whole system seem to freeze?), or in glibc, or the X server, or even
the kernel (though why, then, does only Konqueror cause it?). Funny.


Description: PGP signature

Odd pauses with KDE 3

2003-04-30 Thread Craig Dickson
On my only sid KDE 3 machine, I notice that the entire system seems to
pause for a few seconds at a time. Launching a new Konqueror process (I
have minimize memory usage set to local only, so I assume starting a
Konqueror web browser will start a new process) has this effect, and the
KDE save file dialog also does it sometimes, particularly if I am
editing the filename to save to. When these pauses occur, everything (or
at least everything KDE-related, which is usually everything visible) is
unresponsive; even XMMS (which is using xmms-arts for output) pauses
when its current sample buffer runs out.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this, or suggestions for
things I should check? This problem does not occur under Gnome 2 or in
other non-KDE environments, even on the same machine.

TIA for any help that anyone can offer.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Where is kdenetwork, where is Chris?

2003-03-05 Thread Craig Dickson
Karolina Lindqvist wrote:

 As it is now I have a stable KDE for debian, as well as over 60 

Are your packages still built with gcc 2.95, or have you moved to gcc

I switched to the official sid packages when they got in, as it was
becoming increasingly painful to keep up-to-date with other sid packages
without breaking KDE due to the gcc transition. But sid is still missing
some important (to me) packages such as gwenview, kgamma, and noteedit.
It would be nice, if it were possible, to be able to add a few of your
packages to a sid KDE3 installation. But if you're still using gcc 2.95,
it obviously can't be done.


Description: PGP signature

Re: kdm and use of /etc/profile

2003-02-27 Thread Craig Dickson
Henning Moll wrote:

 It has been discussed a few days before how to setup kdm to use a
 login shell:

 in /etc/kde3/kdm/Xsession change the first line from:
 #!/bin/bash --login


 i wonder if this should be the default (it seems to be default for
 xdm/gdm) as some packages need /etc/profile sourced.

Hmm. Isn't the real issue that the user expects that his login script
will be sourced at login time? /bin/bash --login is fine if your login
shell is in fact bash, but what if it's zsh, ksh, tcsh...? There really
ought to be a better solution for this.

Currently, /etc/kde3/kdm/Xsession (on my system) contains (ignoring a
few comment lines) only the following:

. /etc/X11/Xsession

How about the substituting the following:

myshell=`grep ^$USER: /etc/passwd | cut -d : -f 7`
exec $myshell -l -c /etc/X11/Xsession

Maybe there's a simpler way of determining the user's login shell? That
grep-and-cut is the way I generally do it.


Description: PGP signature

Sid KDE 3.1 upgrade report

2003-02-16 Thread Craig Dickson
I finally removed all of Karolina's packages and replaced them with
official Sid packages, plus those in that
haven't made it into Sid yet. Mostly went well, but perhaps I did
not get my sources.list quite right for ~ccheney? I have the following

deb kde-3.1.0-1/
deb kde-other/

Most things installed, but kdenetwork packages from ~ccheney/kde-other
got error 404, file not found. Are the above lines not right, or is
there a problem in the repository?

Also, a few packages from Karolina's repository are not yet available in
sid or ~ccheney. The ones I particularly want are kgamma and noteedit. I
gather noteedit has recently been adopted, so hopefully we'll see a new
build of that soon in Sid. Will someone be making a kgamma package?

A couple of things continue to annoy me about KDE which it seems (to me)
that I can't be the only person bothered by them. So perhaps there are
solutions I don't know about for these issues:

1. Keyboard repeat rate. KDE Control Center lets you enable or disable
keyboard repeat, but you cannot set the initial delay time or repeat

2. Locale setting. KDE keeps leaving me with LANG=C. I have selected
English, USA in KDE Control Center's locale panel, but this seems not to
have any effect on the environment variables visible in Konsoles.

3. Mouse buttons. I have a Microsoft Optical Intellimouse with both a
wheel and extra side buttons. KDE seems to offer no convenient way to
initialize this correctly so that the scroll wheel works right.

4. There seems to be no KDE-specific per-user init script for
customization of the environment.

My current hacked-up fix for this is to give myself a fix for #4 by
invoking $HOME/.kdestart from /etc/kde3/debian/startkde, just after the
invocation of ksplash. In $HOME/.kdestart, I call xmodmap to set up the
mouse buttons, kbdrate to set up the keyboard repeat rate, and invoke my
$HOME/.bash_profile to initialize my environment. Are there better


Description: PGP signature

Re: Sid KDE 3.1 upgrade report

2003-02-16 Thread Craig Dickson
Lucas Moulin wrote:

 Craig Dickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1. Keyboard repeat rate. KDE Control Center lets you enable or disable
  keyboard repeat, but you cannot set the initial delay time or repeat
 See the Option AutoRepeat in your XF86Config-4.

I will look that up and use it to set a reasonable system default, but
still, each user ideally ought to be able to customize it, so an X
server setting is not appropriate for my purpose.

  2. Locale setting. KDE keeps leaving me with LANG=C. I have selected
  English, USA in KDE Control Center's locale panel, but this seems not
  to have any effect on the environment variables visible in Konsoles.
 Environment variables are changed with dpkg-reconfigure locales.
 Kcontrol only changes KDE environment.

No, each user should be able to choose his own environment, which may be
different from the system default. Gnome's GDM allows the user to choose
his locale at login time, and remembers it for future logins, KDM
appears not to have this capability, nor have I been able to find it
elsewhere in KDE.

Or are you suggesting that the KDE developers fundamentally do not
understand that a multi-user OS may actually have multiple users?
Surely that's not possible.

  3. Mouse buttons. I have a Microsoft Optical Intellimouse with both a
  wheel and extra side buttons. KDE seems to offer no convenient way to
  initialize this correctly so that the scroll wheel works right.
 See your XF86Config-4, Option ZAxisMapping.

This is already set up, and works in every other environment that is
installed on the machine. Break everything else to make KDE work seems
like a poor solution.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Sid KDE 3.1 upgrade report

2003-02-16 Thread Craig Dickson
Børre Gaup wrote:

 You can make a file ~/.xsession . X uses this as a startup file.
 Here is a snippet from mine:
 export LANG=se_NO.UTF-8
 keychain $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa
 source ~/.keychain/`uname -n`-sh
 eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)
 xsetroot -solid black
 setxkbmap sapmi+us_group3
 setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps
 setxkbmap -option grp:menu_toggle
 Hope this helps. At least you won't have to edit files in /usr :-)

Yes, the goal is for individual user configuration, not system-wide

I was hoping for a KDE-specific startup script, so that the user could
do something different depending on the environment. Perhaps there is
some environment variable that is only set in KDE sessions? I will look
into this.

Also, perhaps I should have noted that I am using KDM to start up my
KDE session, if that makes any difference.


Description: PGP signature

Re: konqueror 3.1.0 does not launch from kicker

2003-02-03 Thread Craig Dickson
Joseph Reagle wrote:

 That's probably the konqueror.desktop missing file problem.
 I have fixed that problem.
 I just upgraded to from kde 3.1.0rc6 to kde 3.1.0 and have this problem 

I fixed it for myself by extracting the konqueror.desktop file from the rc6
package and copying it to /usr/share/services.

 Also, my fonts 
 have gone kind of screwy, Arial looks rather bad at size 9 and 11 (good at 
 10!) smile/. I've been careful not to dip from sid during the transition, 
 but maybe some package got updated and now my fonts are a little off.

That's probably libfreetype6. The new -8 package has some changes to the
font rendering which some people don't care for. Downgrade to -7 if you
prefer it as it was. With luck, things will get straightened out in
another update or two...


Description: PGP signature

Re: konqueror 3.1.0 does not launch from kicker

2003-02-03 Thread Craig Dickson
Michael Hoodes wrote:

 OK I'll bite.  What package has konqueror.desktop in it?
 My Woody 3.1 partition doesn't have it.  What's a good 
 way to check for inclusion of that file?  I've tried
 grep konqueror.desktop * in my 130MB Sid /var/cache/apt/archives
 directory but that didn't find it. 

It's in Karolina's konqueror rc6 package. I still have a copy of it.

Grepping your archive directory probably won't do. A .deb file is an
uncompressed ar(1) archive containing a gzipped tar file (data.tar.gz)
which in turn contains all the files to be installed. Since the tarball
is compressed, grepping it isn't useful. I don't suppose zgrepping the
.deb would be useful either, since the ar(1) archive isn't compressed.

To unpack a .deb:

ar -x file.deb
tar xzf data.tar.gz

then look under ./usr/share/services for the konqueror.desktop file.

The exact file you want is:


unless Karolina has posted a fixed version already.


Description: PGP signature

Re: libfam0

2003-01-29 Thread Craig Dickson
R. Rodriguez wrote:

 I've just installed a woody, and upgraded it to sid. When i apt-get install 
 kdexxx packages from official ftp (the stable packages... just like ralf 
 recommended) it dumps a libfam0 dependency. At home i got that package 
 installed, but right now i can't find it in my sources. 

You can install libfam0 from testing (sarge).


Re: NoteEdit for KDE 3.1?

2003-01-02 Thread Craig Dickson
Craig Dickson wrote:

 I haven't been able to find a NoteEdit package for KDE 3,

I see that a NoteEdit package has been added to Karolina's repository.
Thank you! It works very nicely, modulo some minor issues that are
probably either bugs in NoteEdit itself, or perhaps relate to the
outdated version of Lilypond in Debian unstable. (I have tried exporting
to PMX and MusiXTeX, but the page images generated by these tools left
something to be desired -- I am hoping Lilypond will do better, once I
can get it to accept NoteEdit's output.)

However, I would still like to understand and fix the build problem I
was experiencing. Can anyone offer any suggestions? I'm not even sure
which tool is at fault (make, autoconf, bison...?).

Here is the error again:

 % make
 cd .  make -f admin/Makefile.common ;
 make[1]: Entering directory /home/craig/src/noteedit-2.0.17'
 cd .  aclocal
 cd .  automake --gnu ./Makefile
 cd .  perl admin/am_edit
 cd .  autoconf warning: AC_PROG_LEX invoked multiple times error: m4_popdef: undefined macro: AC_Dest
 autoconf/status.m4:844: AC_CONFIG_FILES is expanded from... the top level
 autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1
 make: *** [configure] Error 1


Description: PGP signature

Re: new kde 3.1 packages from Ralph Nolden and Konsole

2002-12-28 Thread Craig Dickson
Russell Coker wrote:

 I am now running Ralph's packages on Debian/unstable.

Is there some reason to prefer these packages over Karolina's?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Karolina's KDE 3.1RC5 packages - K Menu Issues...

2002-12-28 Thread Craig Dickson
Doug Holland wrote:

 I just apt-get updated my system today, which fetched a bunch of fresh KDE 
 packages from, and now I noticed many 
 of the items in my K menu are now gone.  Specifically, the Debian menus are 
 now missing, which contained all sorts of stuff.
 Is there any easy way to get them back?

I've never seen the Debian menus under KDE using Karolina's packages. How
did you ever get them in the first place?


Description: PGP signature

NoteEdit for KDE 3.1?

2002-12-25 Thread Craig Dickson
I haven't been able to find a NoteEdit package for KDE 3, so I tried
building it from source. Unfortunately, it won't build. At first, it
wouldn't even configure, complaining that its test of bison/yacc failed;
I fixed that by correcting a syntax error in its yacctest.y file. Then
it configured, but building gave this error:

% make
cd .  make -f admin/Makefile.common ;
make[1]: Entering directory /home/craig/src/noteedit-2.0.17'
cd .  aclocal
cd .  automake --gnu ./Makefile
cd .  perl admin/am_edit
cd .  autoconf warning: AC_PROG_LEX invoked multiple times error: m4_popdef: undefined macro: AC_Dest
autoconf/status.m4:844: AC_CONFIG_FILES is expanded from... the top level
autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1
make: *** [configure] Error 1

At this point, I'm stuck; I don't know what this means or how to fix it.
Can anyone offer any suggestions? Has anyone else managed to build
NoteEdit for KDE3?


Today's libpng 1.2.5-8 good?

2002-12-13 Thread Craig Dickson
I see yet another new libpng today, 1.2.5-8. Like other people, I found
that Konqueror, Kicker, and other K programs crashed with yesterday's
1.2.5-7, so I am feeling a little wary of new libpngs right now. Would
someone more brave than me please try the new libpng and let the rest of
us know if it's safe?



Re: Beware official Qt packages

2002-12-11 Thread Craig Dickson
Hendrik Sattler wrote:

 Is QT3.1 incompatible with KDE3.0.5 in general? If yes, why was it uploaded?

Perhaps because KDE 3.0.x isn't in Debian and never will be?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Fwd: Konqueror Shortcuts ???

2002-12-10 Thread Craig Dickson
Greg James wrote:

 As you can now browse the web with all your windows tabulated under 1
 konqueror window i tried to configure the shortcut to open a link in a new
 tab to be like operas default shortcut (SHIFT+LeftMouseClick) which is very
 comfortable, or to even be the middle mouse button but there seems to be no
 way to be able to configure any mouse button to be a shortcut ?!!?
 Anyone know if this is possible or im i stuck with the old right click,
  select from menu style of opening links in new tabs ???

Hmm? Middle click opens a link in a new tab for me (using Konqueror 3.1
from Karolina's debs).


Re: Customization questions

2002-12-08 Thread Craig Dickson
Craig Dickson wrote:

   (Speaking of which: Is there a KDE-specific per-user session startup

I think I have answered this question for myself, and the answer is no.
It seems like a useful thing to have, though, so I created one. Here is
what I did, in case anyone else is interested in having such a thing, or
wants to tell me why it's a stupid idea or why my method is stupid:

In /etc/kde3/debian/startkde, just after the invocation of ksplash, I
added this:

if [ -e $HOME/.kdestart ]; then
. $HOME/.kdestart

I source the file, rather than launching a sub-shell, to allow .kdestart
to modify KDE's environment. In particular, I dislike the fact that
KDE's session never runs my .bash_profile (Konsole ignores it;
apparently Konsole has no run as login shell option, unlike most other
xterms), so my personal .kdestart sources .bash_profile.

 - With KDM, what is the best place to put system-wide X initialization
   such as xmodmap settings?

I haven't experimented with this yet, but I think KDM launches
/etc/X11/Xsession (with the name of the chosen session as an argument),
so presumably dropping a file into /etc/X11/Xsession.d would do the


Re: Customization questions

2002-12-08 Thread Craig Dickson
Karolina Lindqvist wrote:

 konsole has the --ls option; from man konsole:
  --ls   Start with a login shell  environment.  What  that  does  varies
   depending on your system, but generally it means that files such
   as ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile will be read. (If that  doesn't
   mean anything to you, don't worry about it, but keep in the back
   of your mind for when you realize you need it.)
 Maybe that options does what you want?

Okay, I guess I was just looking in the configuration GUI. I guess I
could add --ls to the command line for the Konsole button. Thanks for
the tip.

I still like the idea of a per-user KDE init script, though. Sourcing
.bash_profile at that point ensures (well, almost) that any shell
spawned by any app in the session will have my environment settings.
It's also a good time to do any per-user X configuration that might be
desired (e.g. xmodmap stuff).


Customization questions

2002-12-07 Thread Craig Dickson
I'm new to KDE, which I installed from Karolina Lindqvist's 3.1
packages. In general I really like KDE and find it much more complete
and better integrated than Gnome, but there are a few things I haven't
yet been able to get to behave the way I want, and I wonder if I've just
missed something, or if there's a back-door way to do what I want (such
as editing a KDE conf file by hand).

- KDE Control Center just has a check box to enable key repeat; there
  are no controls for setting the initial delay or rate of repeating.
  KDE's defaults are too slow for me; I want an initial delay of 250 ms,
  followed by about 30 repeats per second. Is there a way to do this
  within KDE, or do I have to run kbdrate from a session startup script?
  (Speaking of which: Is there a KDE-specific per-user session startup

- Can Konquerer be made to use the side buttons on a Microsoft
  Intellimouse to go back and forwards in the browser history? The
  Configure Shortcuts dialog box seems to be only for keyboard

- Can a different screen saver be chosen randomly each time? It seems
  that in the Control Center only one can be selected.

- With KDM, what is the best place to put system-wide X initialization
  such as xmodmap settings?

