Re: KDE3 packages

2003-07-13 Thread Donald Spoon
Michael D. Ivey wrote:
On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 01:40:21PM +0100, Nick wrote:
And going to gives me a page stating :
 Ivey  Brown, Inc. is a technology firm based in Atlanta, 
 Georgia that focuses on software process consulting, 
 system administration and software development using 
 open-source tools.

 We offer a free initial consultation on software 
 development issues, and would be honored to have the 
 opportunity to speak with your organization about 
 what we can offer.

Is this a bug, or a feature ?   :-)

Bug.  Thanks for noticing.
All the other virtual hosts are working, but not the wiki.  I'll figure
out why.
It is something that happened/changed AFTER you first posted the link on 
this thread.  I tried it out at the time of the first post and it worked 

-Don Spoon-

Re: KDE Installation with 2.4.18

2003-06-09 Thread Donald Spoon
Tom Kloppel wrote:
I upgraded my kernel to 2.4.18 and I added the KDE source to my
sources.list, did an update, and apt ignored it...  All that i can install
is kde 2.x.,  but i want 3.1.2.  Am I doing something wrong or am i going to
have to install by source since i upgraded the kernel? (please no.)

What KDE source did you add to your /etc/apt/sources.list file?  It 
makes a difference if your other sources are stable or testing and 
your KDE source is unstable.  You cannot normally mix Debian dists 
unless you do some additional config for apt.  This has nothing to do 
with your kernel upgrade, but everything to do with apt config.  What 
messages are you getting when you do an apt-get update regarding the 
new source?

If your system is currently stable or Woody, then installing KDE 3.1.2 
from Debian unstable could be quite a chore involving a LOT of new 
packages beyond the KDE stuff just to meet dependency requirements. 
Getting it for a current testing install is a bit easier, but still 
nothing to sneeze at.  If you are concerned about having a lot of 
testing and/or unstable packages on your system, I wouldn't do the 
KDE 3.1.2 upgrade from Debian unstable.  I believe there are other 
sources for Debian Woody and/or Sarge that would be better choices.

Let us know the current status of your install (stable or testing) and 
let us take a look at your /etc/apt/sources.list file.  Have you 
implemented pinning for apt yet?  This info would greatly help us 
present a more precise set of recommendations.

-Don Spoon-

Re: KDE Metapackage fails - imlib2 package missing

2003-05-30 Thread Donald Spoon
Donald Spoon wrote:
I tried upgrading to KDE 3.1.1 in SID today (28 May 2003) by using the 
metapackage kde,  and it failed. The kdegraphics dependency couldn't 
be met.  The kdegraphics fails because the kuickshow dependency couldn't 
be met, and the kuickshow fails to install because the imlib2 dependency 
couldn't be met.  Upon investigation, it seems that the imlib2 package 
is NOT available in Debian SID at this time.  It is listed but just 
isn't there!

Is this a transient thing?  If not is there a work-around ?
-Don Spoon-

The immediate problem is gone... I found the imlib2 deb on another 
machines apt archive, and installed it.  Installing KDE from SID then 
proceeded normally.

Warning:  The imlib2 package was still missing from SID as of this 
afternoon.  This will cause NEW installs of KDE 3.1.1 to fail until 

-Don Spoon-

KDE Metapackage fails - imlib2 package missing

2003-05-29 Thread Donald Spoon
I tried upgrading to KDE 3.1.1 in SID today (28 May 2003) by using the 
metapackage kde,  and it failed. The kdegraphics dependency couldn't 
be met.  The kdegraphics fails because the kuickshow dependency couldn't 
be met, and the kuickshow fails to install because the imlib2 dependency 
couldn't be met.  Upon investigation, it seems that the imlib2 package 
is NOT available in Debian SID at this time.  It is listed but just 
isn't there!

Is this a transient thing?  If not is there a work-around ?
-Don Spoon-

Re: KDE and CUPS

2003-05-18 Thread Donald Spoon
Antiphon wrote:
I have been tangling with CUPS in KDE over the weekend to no avail to get it 
to print to my HP printers using the hpijs driver. I'm running sid and for 
some reason, KDE crashes every time it trys to access info on a CUPS printer.

Has anyone else had these problems with the Sid KDE? Every other program works 

I ran across this about a week ago here on a mixed SID/SARGE system 
running KDE 3.1.1.  The KDE Crash Handler kept saying something was 
amiss in (or something like that).  I had the libc6 from SARGE 
installed... version 2.3.1-16 I think.  When I upgraded to version 
2.3.1-17 from SID, CUPS started working OK for me!

Dunno if this is your problem or not... just thought I would mention it.
-Don Spoon-

Re: KDE and CUPS upgrade problem

2003-05-12 Thread Donald Spoon
Paul Cupis wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Sunday 11 May 2003 22:29, Donald Spoon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I DO have the old cupsd.conf file around (I saved it), and also have
a moderately clean cupsd.conf file on other computers that could
act as a baseline for all my edits.  Guess I could do the scut-work
and make the comparisons.  Time to brew up some coffee and post-pone
a few combat naps and get to work grin.  I can forward the files
to anyone who might want to put a second set of eyes on it.  I am NOT
a programmer so maybe someone better qualified than I should look

Can you forward them to me, please?
This might have been a red-herring  see below.

BTW, I use the KDE config wizzard almost exclusively to set up
CUPS. I mention this because this introduces another possible
variable into the problem.  I started off with KDE from Debian
Stable and upgraded almost immediately to the version in testing.
I have been following that version until about 2 weeks ago, when I
upgraded to KDE 3.1.1 from ustable.  The CUPS config wizzard has
changed along the way, and I really don't know if those changes
contributed to what I saw.  All I can say for sure is that the
current KDE 3.1.1 from unstable works OK for me with CUPS from
unstabe starting from the packager's version of cupsd.conf.  The
version currently in testing seems to me to be broken with respect
to setting up a LAN server.  Config of a local printer is OK.

Personally, I suspect that cupsd.conf generated by the old kprinter 
configuration tool are the most suspect part of this equation so far. 
Perhaps with further analysis of the files generated by the various 
tools (and upstream/package maintainers version) we will be able to 
solve this. It is obviously biting a number of people, and will almost 
certainly be a Woody-Sarge upgrade issue.

Paul Cupis
When I went back to grab the various files and double-check that 
everything I had said was still correct, I discovered that CUPS wasn't 
working again!  I had NOT changed any config files from when it was 
working, but I had done a few apt-get dist-upgrades since then.  In 
addition, I started getting the KDE Crash Handler on both my computers 
that I had upgraded to KDE 3.1.1!  The ones that still had KDE 2.2.2 
on them worked fine but couldn't see the printer on the network via 
CUPS... my original problem here.

I poked around on my systems here and this I have discovered:
1.  The KDE + CUPS from testing works... at least as a client.  This 
includes KDE 2.2.2 + cupsys 1.1.15-4 (plus addons) + libc6 2.3.1-16. 
The latter (libc6 version is important later on)

2.  The KDE + CUPS from unstable works... both as a client and as a 
server.  This includes KDE 3.1.1 + cupsys 1.1.19Candidate4-1 + libc6 
2.3.1-17.  NOTE the libc6 -17 in unstable verses the -16 in testing. 
 This upgrade fixed the KDE Crash Handler problem.  The CUPS from 
unstable will absolutely NOT work with the -16 libc6 version from 
testing! (Chedked out on 2 different machines).

3.  My problem with the server not advertising itself to the network 
was fixed by changing my Servername from localhost to my computer's 
FQDN on my LAN (gandalf.loeffel.lan).  This can be changed in the KDE 
3.1.1 printer setup for CUPS and Configure Server-- Server -- 
Server Name.  I didn't have to do this before, so I overlooked it 
initially.  You can also manually edit /etc/cupsd.conf.  I don't have an 
explaination as to why it was working as localhost a few days ago then 

I guess the only remaining thing to do to complete this picture here is 
to hook a printer up to one of my testing installs and see if I can 
get it to serve the LAN.  I haven't checked out this combination yet, 
and all my testing installs are just CUPS clients using the single 
printer served on my LAN by my main machine. (I hope that is clear...).

Bottom lines:
If you are using an all testing system you should be fine.
If you have upgraded to KDE 3.1.1 from SID, then you probably need to 
make sure libc6 is upgraded to the SID version too.  If you are serving 
a LAN, make sure your comuter's LAN name is in the Server Name box.

Thats itfor today grin
-Don Spoon-

Re: Problem with printing in konqueror?

2003-05-11 Thread Donald Spoon
Achim Bohnet wrote:

Hi Don,
Did you check the difference between the old cups settings and the
new ones?  If we can't track down this problem every(?) upgrade may
break cups.  Not good for debians or cups' reputation ;)
Actually, I havn't in a detailed, lin-by-line manner.  I did a cursory 
scan and saw that there were some new commands in the new cupsd.conf 
that were not present in the old one from testing.  I really haven't 
had the time or energy to go deeper.

I DO have the old cupsd.conf file around (I saved it), and also have a 
moderately clean cupsd.conf file on other computers that could act as 
a baseline for all my edits.  Guess I could do the scut-work and make 
the comparisons.  Time to brew up some coffee and post-pone a few 
combat naps and get to work grin.  I can forward the files to anyone 
who might want to put a second set of eyes on it.  I am NOT a 
programmer so maybe someone better qualified than I should look also.

BTW, I use the KDE config wizzard almost exclusively to set up CUPS. 
I mention this because this introduces another possible variable into 
the problem.  I started off with KDE from Debian Stable and upgraded 
almost immediately to the version in testing.  I have been following 
that version until about 2 weeks ago, when I upgraded to KDE 3.1.1 from 
ustable.  The CUPS config wizzard has changed along the way, and I 
really don't know if those changes contributed to what I saw.  All I can 
say for sure is that the current KDE 3.1.1 from unstable works OK for 
me with CUPS from unstabe starting from the packager's version of 
cupsd.conf.  The version currently in testing seems to me to be broken 
with respect to setting up a LAN server.  Config of a local printer is OK.

-Don Spoon-

Re: Problem with printing in konqueror?

2003-05-10 Thread Donald Spoon
Paul Cupis wrote:
FWIW, I have CUPS and KDE running fine together on sid, and have done 
for a while. I vaguely recall that I may have had to blow away my 
configuration after a CUPS upgrade a while ago  - perhaps kprinter 
generates a cups.conf which the newer/current CUPS pacakges do not 

Can anyone having these problems try replcing their cups.conf with the 
package maintainers version, reconfiguring, and trying again? It would 
be useful to know if this is the cause of the problem, so that we may 
try and resolve it.

Paul Cupis
- -- 

Paul,  I had this happen to me about 2 weeks ago.  I had upgraded KDE to 
3.1.1, and subsequently upgraded from CUPS from Debian testing to the 
version in unstable.  I elected to keep my existing, moderately 
modified, conf files during the install.  They had been working OK, so I 
thought why not?

This turned out to be a BIG mistake... I never could make the new CUPS 
install work completely as it had before!  It would print locally, and 
even remotely via SAMBA, but I could never get it to advertise itself 
to my LAN via CUPS as an available printer.  I finally trashed my old 
conf file and replaced it with the packager's version and everything 
started working!

In my case, it was the old /etc/cupsd.conf file that wasn't nice.
Submitted FYI...
-Don Spoon-

Re: Outstanding KDE3.1 problems

2003-03-21 Thread Donald Spoon
Michael Peddemors wrote:
Not sure what your/the problem is but, I have no problem using smb://wizard
Using stable with Nolden sources.. 3.1.1

An error occured while loading smb://wido:
Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:
klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_smb'.
I get the same thing here.  Something is broken, methinks...  The smb
browsing was working in KDE 2.2.2, but has been broken for me since my
upgrade to KDE 3.1.  I am using the packages in SID and from Chris
Cheney's personal site.

I just upgraded everything to KDE 3.1.1 from unstable tonight plus 
added the libsmbclient package and everthing seems to be working OK now! 
  Whatever the problem was seems to have been fixed now.  Dunno 
exactly what fixed it...

-Don Spoon-

Re: Outstanding KDE3.1 problems

2003-03-17 Thread Donald Spoon
Vladimir Wiedermann wrote:
btw which package contains kio_smb ?

wido:~# apt-get install kdebase-kio-plugins
Sorry, kdebase-kio-plugins is already the newest version.
An error occured while loading smb://wido:
Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:
klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_smb'.
I get the same thing here.  Something is broken, methinks...  The smb 
browsing was working in KDE 2.2.2, but has been broken for me since my 
upgrade to KDE 3.1.  I am using the packages in SID and from Chris 
Cheney's personal site.

-Don Spoon-

Re: Yet another TT fonts problem on Debian sid

2003-03-11 Thread Donald Spoon
David Rosenstrauch wrote:
I saw a few msgs about problems with TT fonts go by recently, but none of them 
seemed to solve my problem.

All my True Type fonts seemed to get hosed after an apt-get upgrade a few 
days ago (not sure what was changed - looks like maybe the fontconfig pckg).

After tweaking with the /etc/fonts/fonts.conf and local.conf files, I was able 
to restore most of them (particularly Helvetica and Fixed[Sony], which I rely 
on heavily).

But all of my True Type fonts are still screwed up.  (See for an example of the 
broken Arial font; for 
an example of the working Helvetica font.)

My fonts.conf file includes: dir/usr/share/fonts/dir which looks correct 
to me, since my TT fonts are located in /usr/share/fonts/truetype.  But TT 
fonts like Arial are still displaying as jagged.  It was all working fine (I 
think) up until recently (although I haven't tried Arial or other TT's in a 
little while), but then got hosed with some update.

It seems like X and KDE both are aware of the Arial font, but somehow are not 
loading it.

BTW, my KDE is set to not display fonts as anti-aliased across the board (and 
I'd like to keep it that way).

Anyone have any ideas?

No answers... just some more observations based on your post.
I am running a testing/unstable setup here with KDE 2.2 from testing. 
 I had TT fonts working just fine and also anti-aliasing with a stock 
testing install.  Various things caused me to pull in the new fontconfig 
stuff from SID, and initially the fonts looked better, but recently 
(last week or so) fontconfig upgrades from SID have caused some serious 
havoc on my system.  Specifically, the mono-spaced fonts used in the 
Konsole app were double-spaced, and I couldn't get some of my fonts to 
display under the Control Center-- Look and Feel-- Fonts menu. 
The TT fonts would show up if I had anti-aliasing turned on, but other 
system fonts like Helvetica would not display unless I turned 
anti-aliasing off.

Based on another thread, I modified my /etc/fonts/local.conf file to read:
?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM fonts.dtd
!-- /etc/fonts/local.conf file for local customizations --
dir/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/dir  -- Added Line
This didn't solve anything, unfortunaltely :(
I like to use anti-aliasing, and since that was the only setting where 
my TT fonts were available to KDE, that is what I had my system set on 
during the above mod.  Based on your message, I turned anti-aliasing OFF 
and VOILAall my fonts are now visable... both TT and the normal 
System fonts!  The Konsole app is now working as it used to, and 
everything appears normal to my eye.

The relevant packages I currently have installed are:
fontconfig - 2.1.92-2
libfontconfig - 2.1.92-2
libc6 - 4.2.1-3
libfreetype6 - 2.1.3 + 2.1.4.rc2
zlib 1g - 1:1.1.4-11
I am running XFree86 version 4.2.1-3 from testing I believe.
Bottome Line (for me):  Turn off anti-aliasing and make the mods to 
/etc/fonts/local.conf file.  Be sure to run fc-cache -f -v after you 
make the mods to update the font cache info.

-Don Spoon-

Re: Yet another TT fonts problem on Debian sid

2003-03-11 Thread Donald Spoon
Michael Schuerig wrote:
On Tuesday 11 March 2003 20:48, Donald Spoon wrote:
The relevant packages I currently have installed are:
fontconfig - 2.1.92-2

Try going back to (lib)fontconfig 2.1.90-1. If you're lucky the old 
packages are still lying around in /var/cache/apt/archives.

It works for me on sid. The later versions I've tried all mess up my 

Advice: Don't throw away old packages until you're sure the new ones 
work as expected.

Thanks!  I have a workable system right now with anti-aliasing turned 
off.  I really don't notice any font quality differences with it 
turned off... maybe it wasn't working before??  Past experiences with 
down-grading packages have been frightening grin, so I will probably 
stay where I am and ride this through..

-Don Spoon-