Opening Xsession for User-Login failed!

2001-10-29 Thread Heidelinde Meier
Dear Debian Group!

Perhaps you have any good idea to find out what the problem of my
trouble is:

I bootet a diskless client via network and: from one machine, where the
root-fs lies everything works fine:
every user can log into the desired Xsession.
Now the problem: I copied the same root-fs on a server machine : it only
lies there!
Then booting works correctly until the point where authorization was
required, but when a user wants to login into his session no session
occurs !
Only root can login into his X-Session!
The  only error-file I get lies in the user's Home-directory, called
.xsession-errors. The system message is:

xrdb: can't open display
can't connect to the xserver

.xsession-errors while opening a KDE2-Session!

2001-10-23 Thread Heidelinde Meier
I got a big problem an I hope maybe you got an idea with my special

First want to provide clients with a full KDE2 environment while booting
diskless  with DHCP.
The root-filesystem is mounted (rw, no_root_squash), /usr and /root are
mounted read-only.

On my first system everything goes fine. The user session is opened and
everything works.

Now I put my Root-FS on a server who should provide the clients with
/home and all the other directories .

Now the problem is: No user can log into a session. KDM starts - the
Login-window appears, Login works and after afew second the screen falls
back to the Login-Window.
Now the .xsession-error file looks like this:

xrdb: Connection refused
xrdb: Can't open display ':0'
xrdb: Connection refused
xrdb: Can't open display ':0'
xmodmap:  unable to open display ':0'
xsetroot:  unable to open display ':0'
ksplash: cannot connect to X server :0
_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
DCOPServer up and running.
kdeinit: Can't connect to the X Server.
kdeinit: Might not terminate at end of session.
kcminit: cannot connect to X server :0
knotify: cannot connect to X server :0
ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Registering failed!
ERROR: KUniqueApplication: DCOP communication error!
ksmserver: cannot connect to X server :0
xmodmap:  unable to open display ':0'
kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit: Exit.

Maybe you have an idea with this. Obviously the initialization fails and
there is no way to open the display...
Now my /etc/X11/kdm/Xservers looks the following:

:0 local /usr/X11/bin/X  vt7  -dpi 100  -nolisten tcp:

Maybe you can help me with this trouble...thanks in advance!


Re: Remove System Tray Applet

2001-09-26 Thread Heidelinde Meier
Hello Debian-Group!

I got one solution for my problem but this ended in one problem that I
can't understand!

First: I edited the file in /etc/pam.d which is called kscreensaver and
deleted the first line in it, which
implies if a user locks a session then any user can log in again in the
kde-session only when pressing for example the return button or any other
button of the keyboard .
This is one idea to avoid the problem of locking the screen because any
other user can log in again easily and go out of the session, which locks
the screen.

The next problem is: When doing this - and I boot the client-station
remote(ly) again via DHCP - sometimes you can't write something in the
window for log into your kde-user session. Because no button reacts! So I
press "restart X-Server" and then everything works fine.
The next problem is when locking the client-kde-session (lock the screen)
there is no possibility to log in again because the keyboard-buttons
(return for example) give no signal!
The only possibility to go further is to press strg+alt+backspace, but this
can't be the solution I know.

What is the problem with this ? On other machines which I booted locally
there is no problem with this.
I edited also my XF86-Config-4 file but without success!

Do you have any idea?

Any idea will be appreciated! Really!



Remove System Tray Applet

2001-09-26 Thread Heidelinde Meier
Hello Debian Group!
I already asked you yesterday how to cancel locking out  from a
user-session, but nobody replied.
so I want to specify my question!
Because many of my clients should use KDE - there should be no ability
to lock the screen (I know that with: strg + alt + Backspace you can
loggin as a new user although somebody is locking the screen!), but this
seems to be not the best solution.

But now I tried to remove the "locking-out symbols" called "System Tray
I succed to remove it from the front panel, because I removed the
ksystemtrayapplet.desktop-file in /usr/share/apps/kicker/applets.

Now I want to remove it from the k-Menu. And here I didn't find any way
how to do this.
Also to eliminate this function in the mouse menu - when klicking the
right button of the mouse you can also activate the lock button - would
be a very great help for me!
Is there a way to do this - any ideas ? I already searched for the right
files but at the moment I have no idea any more.

Many thanks in advance


Lock a kde2-session

2001-09-25 Thread Heidelinde Meier
I got maybe a simple question:
does anybody know how to c a n c e l the locking out from a
I already locked for the binary-file that locks the user-session but
didn't succed.

Thanks in advance


2001-08-13 Thread Heidelinde Meier
Hello, alltogether;

I have a question concerning koffice and all the k-tools!

I installed koffice (version 1.1-beta2-3), and also other tools like
kspread, kpresenter on my workstation (same versions). But when I open
the tools most of the icons in the menu (for example the icon-button for

currency in kspread) are shown by "?". What maybe the problem? The
desired icon-picture does not appear!
Did I forget to install special packages or is it because of the
I installed the version: kdebase-libs and kdelibs3 2.1.2-3
on my system.
I'm also running a woody-system.
But I do not really know what kind of mode I'm running. I suppose I'm
running a hicolor mode -but I'm not sure. Thanks - Heide

Thanks in advance.



2001-08-13 Thread Heidelinde Meier
Hello, alltogether;

I have a question concerning koffice and all the k-tools!

I installed koffice (version 1.1-beta2-3), and also other tools like
kspread, kpresenter on my workstation (same versions). But when I open
the tools most of the icons in the menu (for example the icon-button for

currency in kspread) are shown by "?". What maybe the problem? The
desired icon-picture does not appear!
Did I forget to install special packages or is it because of the
I installed the version: kdebase-libs and kdelibs3 2.1.2-3
on my system.
I'm also running a woody-system.
But I do not really know what kind of mode I'm running. I suppose I'm
running a hicolor mode -but I'm not sure. Thanks - Heide

Thanks in advance.

tel;fax:02 02 / 439 - 29 10
tel;work:02 02 / 439 - 21 36
org:HRZ Rechenzentrum - BUGH Wuppertal;Administration
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Dipl. Math.
note:- Raum P.05.08 -
adr;quoted-printable:;;Gau=DFstr. 20=0D=0A=0D=0A;Wuppertal;D-42097;;Deutschland
fn:Heidelinde Meier


2001-08-07 Thread Heidelinde Meier
Hello, I have a question concerning koffice and all the k-tools!

I installed koffice (version 1.1-beta2-3), and also other tools like
kspread, kpresenter on my workstation (same versions). But when I open
the tools most of the icons in the menu (for example the icon-button for
currency in kspread) are shown by "?". What maybe the problem? The
desired icon-picture does not appear!
Did I forget to install special packages or is it because of the
Thanks in advance.
tel;fax:02 02 / 439 - 29 10
tel;work:02 02 / 439 - 21 36
org:HRZ Rechenzentrum - BUGH Wuppertal;Administration
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Dipl. Math.
note:- Raum P.05.08 -
adr;quoted-printable:;;Gau=DFstr. 20=0D=0A=0D=0A;Wuppertal;D-42097;;Deutschland
fn:Heidelinde Meier


2001-07-10 Thread Heidelinde Meier

While I edit the file in the KDE STARTUP SKRIPTcalled /usr/bin/kde2
I got troubles, because I want to create a special Desktop with special
icons, that each user gets, when the user logs in.
In one directory there are all of those files that I need: *.kdelnk,
directories, Floppy and so on.
But there are troubles when I try to copy *.kdelnk - files to the User's
The shell-script kde2 doesn't copy these files and I don't know why.
When I copy these files manual from root there seems to be no trouble.
I got also troubles when trying to copy the .directory - file, into the
Home/Desktop-directory .of the users. Although  I observed the rights I
didn't find the source of the problem. Do you have an idea?

Thanks in advance


tel;fax:02 02 / 
tel;work:02 02 / 439 - 21 36
org:Administration;HRZ Rechenzentrum
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Dipl. Math.
adr;quoted-printable:;;Bergische Universit=E4t=0D=0AGH Wuppertal=0D=0ARaum P.05.08=0D=0AGau=DFstra=DFe 20;42097 Wuppertal;;;Deutschland
fn:Heidelinde Meier


2001-07-10 Thread Heidelinde Meier

Excuse me of the ugly card that was added when I mailed to you some
seconds before.
There is no reason for that!


Screensaver under kde2

2001-07-06 Thread Heidelinde Meier

Do you have an idea how to create, establish and integrate self-made
screensavers under kde2 ?

And another question is still: Is there really no possibility to
eliminate the lock button from the front panel menu and so disable this
The only way to login, while another user locked the screen is to press
the buttons:
STRG + ALT + BACKSPACE. But to disable the lock screen - function would
be much better!

Thanks in advance


Logout and lock a KDE2-session

2001-07-03 Thread Heidelinde Meier
Maybe I got 2 stupid questions, but I think that the answer of this wil
be quite short.
So I searched on my system and in books for the command that logs out a
user's session. The command "logout" or something like that doesn't seem
to be right.
The second is: I want to remove the lock - item from the front panel
menu of KDE. User's shouldn't be permitted to lock out while having a
break, they only should logout from their session.

Thank you and greetings  (it's my first time working with that system)

Create new users in a special way

2001-06-29 Thread Heidelinde Meier

Perhaps my question is not too difficult for you to answer:
I want to create more than 5000 new users on my system.
Because there are 5000 users who already got their password, that means
for me: I already got the complete files
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow on my system.

Now I want to create /home/directories in the way the programm "adduser"
create /home/directories /copying files from /etc/skel and copy them in
user's home directory, and so on.

Now my question: I don't want to type in every information on each user
while executing "adduser", because "adduser" asks for the password, the
user's identity - these should be ignored.
For me it would be easy to type in one command (which can be filled by
the information that is given from the file /etc/passwd) , perhaps with
"adduser" and lots of options, but without typing the information by
hand. The rest should be automatically generated.

Perhaps you have some nice ideas on that.

Hope you understand my English - thanks.


Konfiguration des grafischen Einloggens unter selbstdef. Session!

2001-06-19 Thread Heidelinde Meier
Liebe Leute!

Hier an der Uni-Wuppertal werden demnächst Workstations für StudentInnen
eingerichtet (die unter dem Betriebssystem Debian Gnu Linux laufen).
Jeder Benutzer soll seine letzte aktuelle Desktop-Oberfläche unter KDE2
speichern können, damit sie bei seinem nächsten Login-Vorgang wieder

Nun zu meiner Frage: Beim grafischen Einloggen, wäre es sehr praktisch
eine Session z. B. "1. Anfangssession"  vom Benutzer aufrufen zu können,
die die Anfangseinstellungen (von mir für alle Benutzer gleichartig
entworfen und eingerichtet) enthält.
Das wäre sehr praktisch.
Ich habe jetzt schon herumgesucht nach den entsprechenden Skripten, in
denen man die .kde/config-files einlädt, sobald die Session "1.
Anfangssession" ausgewählt wird.
Vielleicht könnt ihr mir helfen, wo und wie ich diese Einstellungen
vornehmen kann!
Wäre sehr nett von euch!

Viele Grüße
