Re: disable Lock Session button

2005-01-06 Thread Joao Clemente
Jonathan Meller wrote:
How can I disable Lock Session from my KDE 3.3 ?

Hi! Dunno if with 3.3 also works, but in my 3.2 (I think) I located the 
binary that is runned when you click that and deleted/renamed it.
I am not sure what it is right now, but lock your session an then from 
your text console check a ps aux and see what's running...

For instance, if your find out that is something called 'klock' just do
# which klock
and it will say, for instance
Just rename/delete that file!
Good luck
Joao Clemente

Sarge KDE weird icon colors on selecting/highliting?

2004-12-08 Thread Joao Clemente
My KDE installation on two different (and updated) sarge machines 
shows weird KDE colors when selecting an icon (for instance, the 
folder icons gets greenish in one of the machines, one the user one it 
gets some purple zones in some areas of the icon)

It happens with all (well... I havent't checked every one of them) icons.
At first I tought it was some XFree driver problem, so I changed to 16 
and 8 colors, tried ati, radeon and vesa drivers (this was 
specifically on a laptop with a Radeon7500Mobile), and they all produced 
the same results.

Then I notisted that gnome does not show this behaviour. It's ok.
KDE bug?
Joao Clemente

kmail 1.3.2 (kde 2.2.2) imap reads every folder I've got?!?

2003-02-27 Thread Joao Clemente
I've just tryed kmail. 
I've tried to set an imap account to read my mail without removing it from 

Well, kmail does that and much more, as it displays EVERYTHING I've got in my 
university's server.
(I mean it displays the same thing a graphical ftp/scp client would have)

Is this something related to prefix to folders option?

Thank you
Joao Clemente
Programming today is a race between software engineers
striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs
and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots.
So far, the universe is winning.
- Richard Cook