(full-duplex) Re: KDE media players

2003-04-16 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> > For example, you can listen to music using Noatun but still hear
> > system sounds. If your sound card doesn't support multiple parallel
> > sound inputs (there's probably a more scientific term), you need arts
> > for this to work.
> Yes, it's called full duplex actually. All recent sound cards (or not
> too cheap ones) can do this.

Are you sure about this? I was pretty confident that "full duplex" meant
being able to send & receive simultaneously... Like speaking to mic and
listening to onother sound...

Re: kmail 1.3.2 (kde 2.2.2) imap reads every folder I've got?!?

2003-02-28 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> > Yes you need to set the "prefix to folders". Normally its the
> > directory where the mail is in your homedir and its proberly something
> > like "Mail" of "mail".
> This rather sounds like a bad imap server setup or is this uw-imapd?
> IMHO, uw-imapd should not be used but this decision is up to the server admin.
> Mail should be in its own subdir (e.g. Maildir) with no access to other user
> files.
> The "prefix to folders" is an imap-specific thing, e.g. for courier imap this
> is "INBOX", for uw-imapd this may be a real sub dir like "Mail" (although
> using that dir is a bad idea, too, because many programs directly access this
> dir by default, e.g. KMail).

I'll try to check what mailserver it is...
Anyway, I think my mail is stored under /var/mail/username, and not
somewhere under my /home/username directory

It shows up all right, toguether with all other folders I have in my
home.. It seems it reads "something" (that is my inbox) and then all

Re: how to change "normal" sized font in konsole

2003-02-28 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

I tried kde 3.1 and I also experienced that ... but only after I tryed to
use "anti-aliased fonts".
I reverted to kde 2.2.2, and, if you use anti-aliased fonts, you'll also
see that behaviour.

I personally unselected the antialised fonts, but I'm sure there musr be a
clever way to do it...
[just a workaround: "small" fonts seem nice, for what I've experienced]

    Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @ rnl.ist.utl.pt

tooltips not showing with kde 2.2.2

2003-02-27 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

Hi. I tryed unstable and kde 3.1 in my laptop but didn't liked it as the
icons seem harder to see in lcd's, and decided to revert to stable.

After downgrading to kde 2.2.2 I notisted that the icons from my taskbar
did not show up tooltips (I've only notisted this after using kde 3.1,
where they worked, but I had 2.2.2 before the upgrade and I think they
already didn't worked at the time)

Has anyone faced this before?

Btw, that's not my only problem with kde: I can't change themes, as the
theme manager always says there is no .themerc in any of the themes I

        Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @ rnl.ist.utl.pt
(when not working out)
(when not sleeping)
(when not surfing)
(when not ... ;)