Font problem: infamouse little squares

2003-03-30 Thread Marco Laverdière
 Hi to all,
 Here's the problem:  I'm using kde 3.1.1 on Debian sid with anti-alias fonts
 option enabled.  I have fontconfig, freetype2 and libxft2 packages
 installed.  The only (and small) problem I'm experiencing is that some
 caracters, especially some spaces before ":", are rendered as little
 squares.  The problem is not experienced if AA fonts option is turned off
 or within GTK apps.
 It seems to be a common problem, since it has been reported many times, in
 various forms.  Yet, I didn't find any solution.  I've check my config
 files and the appear to point to right directories and I've check my
 directories and they appear to be in the right place.
 Any help will be appreciated.

Marco Laverdière

Re: Compile problem with kde/qt apps

2003-02-28 Thread Marco Laverdière
Thanks for your help,

Moron as I am, I didn't installed libqt3-mt-dev and kdelibs-devel packages 
before trying to compile.  Now that they're installed, I'm able to compile.  

I still have a question:  with Redhat systems I've used before, I never had to 
add prefix to ./configure...  On Debian, what should I do to have the system 
knows where libraries and headers are located without adding prefix?  I've 
checked in /etc/ file and it points to appropriate locations...  Is 
there another file in wich I should put appropriate references in order to 
compile without prefix?

Thanks again.


Le 27 Février 2003 20:44, vous avez écrit :
> Hi Marco
> & Marco Laverdière <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-28 01:54]:
> > Here's my problem:
> [snipped]
> I had a similar problem, and i got no answer here, seems that those
> questions are asked too often.
> I have installed:
> home:/# dpkg -l "libqt*"|grep ii|grep 3.1.1
> ii  libqt3 3.1.1+cvs.2002 Qt GUI Library (runtime files)
> ii  libqt3-compat- 3.1.1-5Qt 1.x and 2.x compatibility includes
> ii  libqt3-headers 3.1.1-5Qt3 header files
> ii  libqt3-i18n3.1.1-5i18n files for Qt3 library
> ii  libqt3-mt-dev  3.1.1-5Qt development files (Threaded)
> ii  libqt3-plugins 3.1.1-5Qt3 plugin header files
> ii  libqt3c102-mt  3.1.1-5Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version)
> ii  libqte-mt3 3.1.1-15   Qt/Embedded GUI Library (runtime threaded
> ve ii  libqte-mt3-dev 3.1.1-15   Qt/Embedded GUI (Threaded Version)
> developme
> libqt3 is not from sid, i added to my sources.list
> deb woody main
> Further, i set QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3
> Some files from libqte-mt3-dev are not in /usr/include/qt3 but in
> /usr/include/qte3 so i set symlinks on required files to /usr/include
> qt3.
> chris
> BTW: The admin of your mail provider is a bit stupid; he uses
> blacklists to block dialup systems. You should consider to change your
> mail admin or - if it's not possible - your mail provieder. And NOT to
> aol.

Marco Laverdière

Compile problem with kde/qt apps

2003-02-27 Thread Marco Laverdière
Hi to all,

Here's my problem:

I can't compile kde/qt apps (like kbiff & k3b) on debian sid with kde 3.1 
,libqt3-headers and libqt3-compat-headers installed (all from official sid).  
I have a sid system freshly updated.

I have tried various commands to compile and have looked around for some 
clues, without success.  The last one I've tried, is the following:
"./configure --prefix=/usr --with-qt-includes=/usr/include/qt3 

The error message I get is:
"checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.2) (library qt-mt) not 
found. Please check your installation!
For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.
Make sure that you have compiled Qt with thread support!"

Someone can help me to compile, or, at least, indicate me where I can apt-get 
kbiff & k3b for sid?

Thanks in advance.

Marco Laverdière

Re: kdepim?

2003-02-21 Thread Marco Laverdière
Finally, here's a source that works for kdepim:
deb ./
Marco Laverdière


2003-02-21 Thread Marco Laverdière
Hi to all,

Someone knows an alternat source where I could apt-get kdepim for kde 3.1
for sid?  All KDE 3.1 packages are in sid except kdepim and kdepim packages
on are not compatible, because of a problem with libfam0 it

Thanks for your help.
Marco Laverdière

Re: KDE 3.1 from and dselect

2003-02-15 Thread Marco Laverdière
I've got the same problem here.

I think that's because Ralf's or Karolina's KDE 3.1 packages (packages on are from Ralf) are not upgradable with kde 3.1 packages recently 
introduced in sid/woody.  The problem is that sid/woody is not complete:  
kdepim, kdenetwork and others are still missing.

Anyone knows how to use apt-get or dselect without beeing obliged to remove 
installed kde 3.1 packages?  Or anyone knows how to install a complete kde 
3.1 system from sid/woody?

Marco Laverdière

KDE 3.1 upgrade & fonts?

2003-02-01 Thread Marco Laverdière
Hi to all,

Just did an upgrade du KDE 3.1 on my Debian mixed system.  Everything went
fine, except for fonts.  Some carachters (like: ") now appear as little
squares (like this:  ).  This happens wether the AA fonts option is checked
or not in the Configuration Center and wathever fonts type I choose.  I'm
using KDE in French but this doesn't seem to be the problem si French
caracters (é, è, â, ...) appears fine.

I know it may be a KDE specific problem, but other people who did the
upgrade do KDE 3.1 on other distros told me that they're not experiencing
this..  Could this be a problem with an encoding option or package

Any help would be appreciate.


Marco Laverdière
Debian newbie!


2003-01-20 Thread Marco Laverdière

TT fonts & Sarge + Ralfs KDE

2003-01-18 Thread Marco Laverdière
Hi to all,

I've upgraded to Sarge from Woody and to Ralfs KDE 3.1 packages from KDE 3.04.  
Before the upgrade, TT fonts were working fine in KDE.  Now, it doesn't...  
I've tried, without success, to revert back to Woody's libfreetype6 like 
suggested in this post:

Do I miss something?

Thanks for your help.


PS:  I'm a new Debian (Knoppix) convert user, coming from Redhat.  Debian and 
Ralf's KDE 3.1 packages are fantastic!