Re: Mosfet Liquid's KDE theme doesn't work on my SID since last upgrades.

2003-02-11 Thread Patrice W.
Sergio Rodriguez de Guzman Martinez wrote:
You could show the kde-theme-liquid version you are using.
Anyway, I have made an unofficial package for kde-theme-liquid for
the current Sid situation.
I'm not sure if there will be any problem with Karolina's set.
deb ./
deb-src ./
Current version 0.9.6-pre4
Well... Sorry, I wasn't precise enough, but I'm already using your 
unofficial package ;p

$ grep coyote /etc/apt/sources.list
deb ./
$ dpkg -l |grep kde-theme-liq
ii  kde-theme-liqu 0.9.6-pre4-2   A KDE theme featuring transparentm enues
$ dpkg -l |grep mosfet
ii  mosfet liquid0.9.6pre A KDE theme featuring transparent menues
$ dpkg -l |grep qt
ii  libqt2 2.3.2-9Qt GUI Library (runtime version)
ii  libqt2-mt  2.3.2-9Qt GUI Library (runtime threaded version)
ii  libqt3 3.1.1+cvs.2002 Qt GUI Library (runtime files)
ii  libqt3-helper  3.1.1+cvs.2002 Some helper libraries for qt-tools
ii  libqt3-mt  3.1.1+cvs.2002 Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version)
ii  licq-plugin-qt 1.2.0a.cvs.200 Graphical front-end plugin for LICQ 
using Qt
ii  qt3-tools  3.1.1+cvs.2002 Qt GUI Designer and other Qt3 based tools

$ dpkg -l |grep kdebase-bin
ii  kdebase-bin3.1.0+rel+kl-2 KDE Base (binaries)
Is there any more test I could do in order to solve the problem ?

Mosfet Liquid's KDE theme doesn't work on my SID since last upgrades.

2003-02-11 Thread Patrice W.
Hello everybody !
	As said in the subject, I am suddenly unable to get mosfet's liquid 
theme working.

	After an upgrade of some packages (I don't remember exactly wich ones, 
but it's maybe only due to a qt lib or simply to kde-theme-liquid and 
mosfet) KDE restarted with another theme than Liquid's one.

	Now, trying to change it in kcontrol, i've got the following error 
whene clicking on the "Mosfet's Liquid" tab :

  /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:
	For the moment, I'm running KDE 3.1 from Karolina's set, under un 
up-to-date Debian SID.

What could I do ?

Re: kde-theme-liquid or mosfet liquid theme

2003-02-04 Thread Patrice W.
Ok, it works now. But I have to do an apt-get dist-upgrade
Sergio Rodriguez de Guzman Martinez wrote:
I made a simple mistake,
apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
if you are using deb repository or:

Re: kde-theme-liquid or mosfet liquid theme

2003-02-04 Thread Patrice W.
I'm unable to choose the liquid theme in kcontrol with this package 
(kde-theme-liquid). But the "Mosfet's Liquid" section is present.

I don't have the problem with the mosfet package, so I removed the 
guilty one and reinstalled mosfet.

Is it a packaging problem or something I haven't done ?
Sergio Rodriguez de Guzman Martinez wrote:
As some people is using my deb repository for installing mosfet liquid
theme, I must announce that I have changed the name of the package to
kde-theme-liquid to be according to the traditional one.
I have done this with the last version of mosfet (0.9.6pre3) so you can
apt-get it from:
deb ./
deb-src ./
apt-get install kde-theme-liquid
and it will replace the old mosfet package.
or download directly from:
It is compiled for Sid, but I will provide sources in two or three days.

Re: kde hangs at startup (apparently due to dotNet style) !

2003-01-24 Thread Patrice W.
Hi Ralf,
Ralf Nolden wrote:
BUT I can't choose this Style for the moment. When I try to select it in
kcontrol, it freezes...
And I kdm is now _very_ slow... [...]
Yes, you're using unstable. X has been rebuild, Qt didn't yet and if it does 
things get even more complicated. It's surely due to the gcc-3.2 transition.


Do you mean that it's not a bug and it should be "self-repared" when 
everything will be rebuild with gcc-3.2 ?

In fact, I wasn't complaining or so... I just wanted to have some help 
in order to find wether it's a bug or not, and to send a bug report if 
it is :)

Is there any workaround for the moment, if I want to use the dotNET 
style ? I saw the same probleme for two other styles. What's the 
difference between them and those who works ? Are they using a different 
version of Qt ?

Same question about licq. There is only one qt plugin for licq 
(licq-plugin-qt) which is unable to start since my last upgrade of X 
packages. If there is a solution to use a gui of licq under kde, I'd be 
happy to try it !

Must I downgrade X packages for the moment ? Any other solutions ?
Thank you for your help,

kde hangs at startup (apparently due to dotNet style) !

2003-01-23 Thread Patrice W.
Hello everybody !
I just upgraded some packages (the daily upgrade of my debian unstable 
packages) and was unable to start kde.

After a few tests, I solved the problem by changing the "widgetStyle" 
option to Keramik instead of dotNET (in my .kde/share/config/kdeglobals)

BUT I can't choose this Style for the moment. When I try to select it in 
kcontrol, it freezes...

And I kdm is now _very_ slow...
-> Any idea ?
For information, I'm using the latests Karolina's packages on Debian 
unstable, everything up-to-date.

I don't know if there's a log of apt or dpkg installations, so I 
think/remember that these packages were upgraded :

Hope somebody can find where the problem is and send a full bug report :)

Re: Karolina KDE 3.1 - missing packages + wishes

2003-01-08 Thread Patrice W.
Hi Karolina,
Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
Both Ralf and I also package a set of KDE applications, but two different 
Could it be possible to add showimg to your set of packages ? I think 
it's a good program :)


KDE (splash screen / loading panel) don't close...

2003-01-07 Thread Patrice W.
Hi Folk's,
I suddenly have a problem with KDE 3.0 on debian unstable. I don't know 
why, but when I start my session, the KDE window (how do you name it ? 
splash screen ? loading panel ? ... ?) don't close until one or two 
mouse clicks on it... It stops it when the wheel icon (the last one of 
the panel) was highlighted.

Any idea about how to solve this problem ?