Re: Debian archive kde-3.1-beta2 paths broken

2002-10-04 Thread peter rockai
On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 06:27:42PM +0900, Julian Stoev wrote:
> Just to let you know, that the archive paths for kde-3.1-beta2 Debian
> packages are broken and the archive can not be used with apt in Debian.
> Or at least I can not figure how to use it... :(
> For examle currently the path (in one mirror) to the archive is
> But according to the paths found in
> the packages are expected to be in
> I suggest a symbolic link from Debian/woody/i386 to
> dists/woody/main/binary-i386/
> This will be fast solution, which will propagate in seconds if you
> mirror with rsync.
Ralf, could you do this please? Or
sed -e 's!dists/woody/main/binary-i386/!woody/i386/!' < Packages.old >
gzip Packages

and upload the file?
This should work imho, but the symlink approach seems better to me
anyway. Thanks.

> Good luck and thanks for the packages!
Sorry for the inconvenience. I have no write access to, so
everything takes bit more time. I will try to make things work out of
the box next time :).
> --JS

Re: KDE debs building

2002-09-16 Thread peter rockai
On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 01:33:27AM +0200, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sunday 15 September 2002 20:08, Yenar Calentaure wrote:
> Hi Yenar,
> thanks for your kind and quick answer - I've got CVS write access, so does 
> Chris. We'll be glad to take any patches and put them into CVS that would 
> help automate the build process. I myself have a DSL line so up/download is 
> not an issue for me; I could also use the 2mbit line in the company I work 
> for now. 
Ok. I have some time issues lately, but i'll try to contribute as much
as possible. KDE on Debian is best system i had so far :).

For now, i see one major problem with packaging of CVS. The list of
installed files is somewhat in flux. For now, i had this idea: write
perl script, that will parse control file containing regexp rules, run
make -n install on sources, extract list of source and destination files
and their attributes (executable, mode, etc.) and build file lists from
these. Rules like:

Package: kdelibs-bin
Match-mode: executable
Match-dest: /usr/bin/
Exclude-mode: others-write

Package: kdelibs4
Match-dest: /usr/lib/kde3/.*so[0-9.-]*|/usr/lib/.*so[0-9.-]*

Package: kdelibs-data
Match-src: pics/|
Match-dest: /usr/share

(this is just to illustrate what i try to propose, not anything that
matches reality)

You know what i mean. I can make something like this this week
(hopefully). I believe that most of package file-lists can be expressed
this way more flexibly than with hardcoded filenames.

And i believe that this can extend lifetime of packaging information,
too. Sure, before release it should be hand-checked and fine-tuned, but
i think it is good enough for cvs snapshots (if one or two files end up
in wrong package, it won't end the world).

> Also, like Charles de Miramon pointed out, we should take care of daily or at 
> least weekly builds from CVS that can be installed side by side of a stable 
> environment for the translators and doc writers who need a recent KDE from 
> CVS but can't/won't want to go through the development process. 

I'll try to convince my informatics teacher to let me upload my builds
weekly :). I'll see what i can do. Btw., i build on woody.

> Ralf
