Re: Distibutions (was KDE Debian distribution)

2002-02-21 Thread Nick Bailey
On Thursday 21 Feb 2002 9:34 am, Gregor Zeitlinger wrote:
 On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Jens Benecke wrote:
A) Preloading. Persuade Dell or Compaq to load Linux
on *ALL* machines (and sell Windows as an optional
   That helps for business machines.
  It helps for everyone. Not only Dell and Compaq, but also
  companies like Staples, Walmart, MediaMarkt and whatever
  should preload Linux on their computers, and offer
  Windows as an optional upgrade.

 Just a few days ago, I read that Dell stopped shipping
 preloaded Linux machines because of low demand.

I asked them to ship me a laptop without windows and they 
just plain refused. (Dell UK). Actually, I prefer to install 
myself (using a debian image from a lab-wide CD image); 
perhaps that's why nobody wanted it.

Actually, they have just lost the contract ot supply us big 
time.  Quote for a dual proceessor machine with 1GB RAM and 
about 40GB SCSI drive came in at c. £4700, eventually sourced 
same spec machine for £1800 (with Athlons in it -- even 
faster!)  Even if the service I get stinks (which it hasn't 
so far -- it has been great), at that price differential I 
can just buy two of everything.

That said, I have absolutely no complaints about the laptop, 
which runs sid/kde very well, except I've not sorted out the 
sleep mode properly (close the lid when it's on battery and 
it crashes; suspend behaves itself but you loose sound).


Re: Distibutions (was KDE Debian distribution)

2002-02-21 Thread G. L. `Griz' Inabnit

On Thursday 21 February 2002 07:20 am, Jens Benecke wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 10:18:00AM +, Nick Bailey wrote:


 What brand is it? I was considering a Dell. I would like a 15 screen
 (or 14 with 1400x1050), 128 or 256MB RAM, decent CPU (well, 700MHz+),
 and 10-20G hard disk.


Yup! Me too! Where'd you find them? and how much??

- --
   OutCast Computer Consultants of Central Oregon
 (541) 504-1388
Toll Free (866) 562-7160
 Via IRC at;
   Via ICQ: UIN 138930

Failure is not an's bundled with Microsoft

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

Software is like sex. They're both better when they're free!! - Linus

As a computing professional, I believe it would be unethical for me to
advise, recommend, or support the use (save possibly for personal
amusement) of any product that is or depends on any Microsoft product.

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 -- Just another *nix date --

Re: Distibutions (was KDE Debian distribution)

2002-02-20 Thread Bastiaan Naber
On Wednesday 20 February 2002 00:17, Gregor Zeitlinger wrote:

Well build your own kde based distribution! Shouldn't be to hard.
And if your right you will have a winning product, can become 
milionair, etc.

I agree people don't want to hear about al these versions of this
and versions of that, but it is what linux is about. You can
should which version you think is most stable and use it. 


Re: Distibutions (was KDE Debian distribution)

2002-02-20 Thread Michel Loos
 Two things need to be done:
   A) Preloading. Persuade Dell or Compaq to load Linux on *ALL*
  machines (and sell Windows as an optional upgrade).

That helps for business machines.

   B) Games. Kids had absolutely no problems spending WEEKS trying
  to customize CONFIG.SYS, installing new memory managers,
  hacking their system to get more free RAM, just for DOOM to
  be 0.2% faster.
  They will become the ultimate Linux cracks if the goal is
  there. You just can't impress a 13-old with an ultra-fast 
  and stable Apache.
  I couldn't care less about games, but I know a LOT of people
  who would switch to Linux today if they could play games

100% correct. Apple lost the Macintosh-PC war because most of the games
running on serious machines (that was the time where there were a lot
of 8bit home computers + the Amiga as pure diversion computers) came out
on PC before (if ever) on Mac.

When Games will be put on the market at the same timeon Linux and
Windows. Linux will win, because in addition it is more serious.


Re: Distibutions (was KDE Debian distribution)

2002-02-20 Thread Bastiaan Naber
On Wednesday 20 February 2002 14:33, Michel Loos wrote:
  B) Games. Kids had absolutely no problems spending WEEKS trying
 to customize CONFIG.SYS, installing new memory managers,
 hacking their system to get more free RAM, just for DOOM to
 be 0.2% faster.
 They will become the ultimate Linux cracks if the goal is
 there. You just can't impress a 13-old with an ultra-fast
 and stable Apache.
 I couldn't care less about games, but I know a LOT of people
 who would switch to Linux today if they could play games

 100% correct. Apple lost the Macintosh-PC war because most of the games
 running on serious machines (that was the time where there were a lot
 of 8bit home computers + the Amiga as pure diversion computers) came out
 on PC before (if ever) on Mac.

 When Games will be put on the market at the same timeon Linux and
 Windows. Linux will win, because in addition it is more serious.

Still I think also OLD games should be playable under linux, I'd still
like to play games from the 80's once in a while. I have an old pentium
for that at the moment. I have tried to run them under dosemu, but boy
is that slow. Simcity is not al all playable. Larry I won't even walk
two steps in a minute! 


Re: Distibutions (was KDE Debian distribution)

2002-02-20 Thread G. L. `Griz' Inabnit

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 01:31 pm, Jens Benecke wrote:

 Plus, Microsoft has started a really big FUD campaign about the GPL,
 which makes many vendors uneasy. At the same time they put stuff like
 we have a right to know what is on your harddisk in the EULA, and
 nobody seems to notice ...

At least I'm not the ONLY soul alive that noticed this and had alarm
flags/bells/whistles go off in his head!!

I'm just a lowly American pion, but isn't Illegal sill illegal??? Why is
this company still allowd to do business??? What do they (M$) {or we the
users} have to do to get this elivated to the Omsa Bin Laden level?? How much
longer are we going to allow this company who's illegal (AND immoral) actions
threaten the world???!!!???

Jens, next time yer in the U.S., beer/dinner/whatever is on me! Thanks for
saying what I've felt for too long. (and yes, i fight them {personally} in
every way I can [including no longer supporting any of their 'server

- --
   OutCast Computer Consultants of Central Oregon
 (541) 504-1388
Toll Free (866) 562-7160
 Via IRC at;
   Via ICQ: UIN 138930

Failure is not an's bundled with Microsoft

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

Software is like sex. They're both better when they're free!! - Linus

As a computing professional, I believe it would be unethical for me to
advise, recommend, or support the use (save possibly for personal
amusement) of any product that is or depends on any Microsoft product.

gawk; talk; nice; date; wine; grep; touch; unzip; touch; gasp; finger; gasp;
lyx; mount; fsck; more; yes; gasp; umount; make clean; make mrproper;
 -- Just another *nix date --

Distibutions (was KDE Debian distribution)

2002-02-19 Thread Gregor Zeitlinger
On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Ron Johnson wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 11:33:28 +0100 (CET) Gregor Zeitlinger [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you are asking about a Distribution, try
 Just started shipping v2.0.
I was reather looking for something KDE only to save disk space and to
increase ease of installing. Not for myself actually, as my skill was
sufficient to to install debian with dselect, but I'd like to recommend
people a linux system where you can upgrade with one command, but which
still is not too complicated to install, doen't take dozens of cds and has
a coherent look'n'feel.
Even though I hate Windows, I think this is one of their strong points and
I have hopes apt-get + KDE could get even there. Most people in the M$
world need exactely 2 cds. Win and Office. That's it. It doesn't aleways
work and crashes alot, but at least you don't need to know what a window
manager is to get it installed. That's why I would prefer it KDE only. 

Why KDE and not Gnome? It's the consitent look'n'feel which KDE can
certainly deliver. Gnome has a couple good apps like StarOffice (or are
they still using AbiWord?) and Evolution, but the integration is terrible.
Some are even using different widgets=different look'n'feel. Does it
bother? Yes, it bothers if open file dialogs are different everywhere.
Contrast to KDE: Everywhere you can open a file, it can be from an ftp
site of from a tar archive. Everywhere! That's even better than Windows,
although this is one of M$'s primary design decisions.

Well, I got a little of topic, but I hope you got the pivotal point. Every
widget from the first boot up should be KDE look'n'feel. That was
something that I know will bother people, even if they install a beginners
distro like Mandrake or SuSE. During install they have their own wigets
and later you'll get the Gnome or KDE widets, whatever you chose. That's
already a fault right there. You should have one thing people can relate
two. They don't wanna know they've got Linux as kernel, GNU for the tools,
debian distro, Qt toolkit, KDE desktop environment, KOffice office suite.
That's confusing for non-technical people. Let's just use one of those
labels but mean all of them and attach a version number, so people can
compare whether they're compatible or not. Like KDE2 and KDE3 Or like
(in the M$ world): Great game you've got, what does it need? 95, 98, Me
or XP Ok. That's already the limit of what most people can handle. I'd
already have trouble telling my mom that versions is a issue at all but
four labels... it might give it a try. Now compare two what to the linux
world. You either need Red Hat 6.0-7.2, Suse 7.0+, Mandrade 8+ ... or
Here's a document I've done in Suse 7.2 Hey, I can't open it (he was
using StarOffice rather than KOffice)

That's not going to win us the desktop battle any time soon. We need to
have one thing and versions of that one thing. That means one office suit,
one browser, one look'n'feel, one distro. Economically the reason is the
overwhelming network effect (which also it the reason M$ is so successful
regardless of what crap they produce): the more people use a solution, the
more attractive it is for you (you can share data with them (ideally that
can be overcome by open source data formats) and you can ask and learn
from them (this one can't be overcome by open data formats: a fact often
overlooked by hackers). Now by using a solution you also make it more
attractive for others to use it. Of course this is not the only reason we
chose a solution. Technological reasons or subjective reasons are also

Now there basically two scenarios. Busnesses and private users.
From what I've heard business managers for office apps mainly decide what
they choose out of compatability considerations. That is, they want to
have what everybody else has, so every time they they get documents from
business partners, they'll be able to handle them. Now let's suppose that
a managers perception at starting time is that MS Office is the product
used by most other possible business partners. (This can either be fact or
M$ propaganda). Likely, they'll choose MS Office. The next business
has even more incentive to do so, because the number of MS using
businesses has just increased. Wao: This even works, if nobody was using
MS at first and it was just a marketing gag! You've just discovered the
basics of marketing: Suggest something until it gets true
In other words the network effect is so dominant, that there's almost no
competition about the product itself. It doesn't really matter which has a
better fuctioality or anything. That's the most fundamental reason it's so
hard for linux in the desktop market. The network effect is lesser in the
server market, as independed data formats plus independent administrators
allow for product competition (which is the very thing M$ want's to
In the very rare occasion businesses managers acutally look at a
product itself they certainly